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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Now that Cess had been saved, Rita calmed down. She remembered the book in her sash, and pulled it out. Flipping through it, it seemed to have weird crimson writing. She saw an archer and a shaman on a horse. She couldn't ever remember Cess using a tome like this, but it did look like one of his. She went over.

"Um, excuse me. That sword demon dropped this. It doesn't look like Cess's tomes, is it one of hers?"

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"That... Can wait, Your Highness," Derek said, in considerably less pain than before. "You must not strain yourself." Walking a bit faster, he saw the others at the entrance of the cavern, most of them suffering from several degrees of hypothermia. Immediately, the cavalier went over to a tree fallen by the earthquake, and began to use his sword to cut it down, in an effort to create firewood.

Dani, feeling guilty over Derek's injuries, went to help Pary make soup, in an attempt to ease her mind. Cutting up some of the food, she began to lose her thoughts, concentrating on recipes instead.

Eric finally freed himself from the ice, and left the cavern, sword at the ready for any sign of demons.

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Morgan stirred on top of a horse with a throbbing lump on her head. She saw some figure with blurred vision...female perhaps? with a sword in front of her. It was holding her tome!

Must be that wind demon, come to support Shanice. She thought. Morgan clumsily launched herself at Rita, causing both women to fall to the ground in a heap!

Edited by -Cynthia-
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OOC: Time to continue, or so it seems.

The Competent

Fargo rode back up to the rest of the group, a goofy smile on his face. "Ah, I'd forgotten what it's like to be with people who don't hate me for reason."

"What did you learn." Luc asked, ignoring Fargo's continued complaining and smiling.

"Always business," Fargo dropped his smile, "Well, she asked what we were doing. I told her the truth, but she didn't seem to know anything about Councilman Richtor's friend. Said the others hadn't told her about seeing anyone matching the description you gave us either." Fargo scratched the back of his head in annoyance. "Vague description though, I doubt anyone could identify him off of: he's old, and wears blue."

"I'll just have to ask the others then. Anything else, besides you volunteering us to their aid?"

"You figured that out haha," Fargo gave an awkward laugh, "Uh well, she asked about animal howls during that storm."

"Animal howls? That's peculiar. Perhaps, something to do with that wolf? But we heard no such howls, and neither did the horses. Unless the storm masked them from our hearing." Luc looked at the wrongness in the sky. "I would not doubt that some things have become different with this weather."

"Yeah, I sorta said the same thing. What kind of dangerous beast would attack a heavily armed patrol anyway? She's a sweet girl but that seemed a weird question."

Luc shook his head at Fargo's stupidity, "You said animal howls, not dangerous beasts. There's a difference there."

"Eh?" Fargo's face was one of puzzlement, "There's a difference?"

"Of course," Luc was ready to strike the worthless fool, "An odd howl near people can be acceptable. Dangerous beasts attacking an armed patrol? You yourself said that would be strange. I have to wonder if you act like this on purpose." Luc shook his head in frustration with Fargo.

"Well she didn't say attack, she said cross paths!" Fargo deflected his words away.

"Just tell me, exactly, what she said." The only thing keeping him from disciplining Fargo for his stupidity was to keep up appearances for the strangers.

"Right right!" Fargo eagerly said, glad to not be on the receiving end of another inane talking session. He related the words the girl had told him as best he could. Starting with 'Good sir knight' and ending with the 'dangerous beasts'.

Luc contemplated the accuracy of Fargo's retelling. He hated having sketchy intelligence -- that strategic army maneuvering sessions with that damn canyon still kept him awake at nights in frustration -- but it was far too often the best you had. Luc would comply and aid the strangers with their recovery. He wanted to probe them for information regardless, and this would make things easier. Luc tried to concentrate on how he should ask the questions, but the commet about dangerous beasts kept finding its way inside Luc's thoughts. Partially -- no, mostly -- because of Fargo's misinterpretation of the girl's words. But still, with that odd wolf, a pack of dangerous beasts sounded more plausible. And the sick sky wasn't helping with that line of thought.

"Helmets optional! Weapons down!" Luc commanded, keeping his own helm on as always, never even moving the faceguard, but putting away his halberd. All the others chose to remove their helmets; preferring the smell of fresh air to the stink of the helmets. Luc gave his orders, and the group rode to meet with the girl. The 12th Cavalry followed her back to the others, where the girl introduced them.

"Anna-Seline, coordinate with their own healers here. The rest of you, follow the instructions of whomever leads. I'll not intrude on their authority."

OOC: This post feels like such a mess, bleh, blargh, bah.

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"Morgan?" Chase muttered, noticing her wake up. "Are you okay?" he asked, and was answered by Morgan tackling Rita. "Morgan! Stop! Rita got your tome back! She didn't steal it!" he shouted.

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Turning around at the sound of approaching horses, Derek waited a few moments to ascertain that they were not attacking, then resumed chopping up the fallen tree. Once members of the cavalry approached him, he had cut enough wood.

"Help me make a fire," he said, bringing a few logs over near where the rest of the party was, and making space for it. The Septimian soldiers took over from there, and the cavalier, despite his injuries, got up on Ann and rode out to what appeared to be the leader of the soldiers.

"Much obliged for the aid... Wait. White fist... The twelfth, of Directus? What brings you out here?" he asked the helmed man.

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"You've a keen eye to recognize us," Luc smiled a bit underneath his helmet. He always enjoyed when he wasn't dealing with fools. "Councilmen Richtor has sent us to locate a missing person. We chanced upon your party while in search of the man. Since it would be improper to ask anything regarding him while so many of you aren't in good health, I've given orders to aid your lot."

Luc looked the opposing Cavalier over. The man looked to be moving more through force of will than good physical condition. It was a common, and admirable trait in soldiers. If foolish and reckless just as much. Now, whatever had driven the man so close to death's edge, was the important thing. Simply by looking at him and his few actions so far, Luc reasoned whatever did this was no ordinary foe.

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"Directus?" Conrad interrupted, riding over to the man. "Your badge says you're a captain, but I don't recognize you. You are?"

Edited by Lightning
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That hurt. Dammit i shouldnt have reported. "I will do everything in my power to stop Shanice from gaining anymore Crimson weapons. I will take my leave now, milady." Ruby replied snapping her jaw back into place I should have never taken work from her. No wonder all the other demons turned her down. I HATE PLAYING INNOCENT! A warp circle appeared at the tip of her foot and she transported away.


It was cold, colder then it was in Tora. Lucky for them there was a general that came to their need. Directus he overheard. Then something else tweaked his attention. "Chase help Morgan up." He said taking the book out of Rita's hand. "This is definitely moonlight. Why do you have it?" He asked Rita.

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"H-Hello?" the faint and bonechilled voice of Esphyr weeded it's way through the air like a dehydrated snake. Whatever pain the mercenary had suffered had become worse with her exposer to the outside, or it only seemed that way at least. Her body was almost hypothermic from the chill, and her mind had not been spared the lethal cold. Already, she could feel bits and parts slowing down and being more sluggish than normal, if nor flat out demented.


Katie had to escape. She knew it. Her time was short... and she had a plan to do so! Despite the constant vigil of her guardians, there was one small flaw; they had kept her in the same room for an extended period of time, often without their eyes expressly on her. This had granted her the chance to spend some time working with her limited knowledge of hexes and curses, but it had been enough. Using what little liquid material she could get, mostly the blood from her own wounds, she had slowly painted a small symbol upon the ground, it's effects carefully calculated for effect.

Many first years at TISME were often surprised to find out that magic often revolved around the manipulations of air to allow for the effect. Motion, combustion, and polarizing to be exact. Many first-years tried unsuccessfully to condense the air into small spheres to slam into opponents, only to find that it held a unexpected side effect when the air became too heavily condensed. Water would form as the sphere cooled. This often resulted in the crazed abandoning of the spell as the denser material sent it out of control.'

Katie, now, wanted just that. Demonic beings, made of earth. Earth turns to mud in the presence of water, and she was ready to enact her plan.

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Helios pitied Esphyr. She looked like she was gonna pass out of . These Mercenary arent accustomed to the cold arent they. Where is that Man whore when you need him? He could at least give her something to wear over. Why do i even care? Damn i am really acting out of character arent i? Helios took off his jacket and draped it over Esphyr's shoulders. "Just give it back later.... it new and i really like it....." He scowled. "You look pitiful." He headed back to the more pressing issue.


OOOC: By pressing issue he means Morgan's tome.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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IC: "H-helios?" asked Esphyr, her tone weak and lacked with frostbite. "Thank you." She was delusional and she knew it, but at least she had a new coat!

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Captain Luc

Luc eyed the newcomer. Knowledgeable enough to see his captain position, and he knew of Directus. "With my helmet on, even my allies would be hard-pressed to identify me. So I don't blame you for not recognizing me. Captain Luc, 12th Patrol Cavalry out of Directus." Luc hid his last name. There was no need for it, and more importantly he didn't wish for someone to randomly blurt out 'Count Altair!?'. Though the cavalier might, regardless of Luc giving his last name or not.

"Since I have answered some of your questions, allow me to indulge in some of my own. How many of your group is there? Seems a, motley crew just from those I can see." They already outnumbered his patrol. Luc just wanted to know by how much they did.

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Moving on...


Chase tried to drag Morgan off of Rita. "Morgan, it's okay! She got you your tome back, you'll be fine!" he panicked, somewhat unsure of what to do.


"Ah, so you're- ooh. Might not be a good idea to say that here. My name's Conrad," he replied. "As for the group, we have... about two dozen people, more or less," he continued.

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"Chase let her go!" Helios exclaimed with Moonlight still in his hands. "She's delusional, she will see you as an attacker and attack. Headmaster, a little help here!" He exclaimed waving the tome around.


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"Morgan, are you okay?" he asked her, then turned to the wind mage. "If you don't have... oh, thanks," he muttered, taking the book and handing it to Morgan. "Here, it's your tome! Now you won't be sick!" he told her.

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Helios groaned. "Morgan wont be able to use the tome without being branded. She was severed and if memory serves me right, the headmaster can brand weapons." Helios addressed Chase. "The best you can do now is wait."

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Captain Luc

"Oh?" Luc was amused and wary of the man named Conrad stopping himself. "Perhaps another time for that then, for the both of us." Possibly knowing anything about Luc was a dangerous sign. And some of the rumors filtered down by Councilmen Richtor's spies indicated there was an Eliyisma General named Conrad. This made the group all the more suspicious in Luc's eyes. That General Conrad was supposed to wield one of the Crimson Weapons. If the two men were the same, then Luc was playing in a league far out of his abilities.

"Though two dozen or so?" Luc was actually impressed by that. Even he had rarely commanded above a dozen despite being a Captain. "My compliments to whomever leads you. I have my hands full with this lot alone, and they're all military. I expect a composition as diverse as yours is much harder to control."

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"Thank you Chase." Morgan said quietly. "I think I can do this myself." She focused her energies upon making Midnight hers again, reuniting herself with her other half. The spell was getting to be too much to handle, Morgan was feeling her life force ebb away...

She felt the tome reappear her arms and began to feel much better. She was still somewhat dizzy, but some color has returned to her face and she no longer felt the need to cough.

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"I can't do that." said the Headmaster. "Rather, it's not something easy to do in the first place; like opening a lock. I can bludgeon it and maybe get it to open, but there will be sever damage on all ends and I can only partially bind at best anyways. Even then, the weapon would need to bind to me, if only for a moment, and that in of itself is... It will result in something aweful."

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The Battlefield

"Right, looks like they're coming over," Kelas narrated under her breath. "...They're not attacking. Looks like they've lent us a healer? Anyway, not hostile, and I reckon they've no idea who we are." She let out a sigh of relief. "Still, we're probably going to need to move soon... you going to be all right to go with someone?" she asked Isotov. Warily she glanced towards the cavalry units, now making their way through the group. What could they be after?

Arrin got to his feet again. The dizziness and headache had receded somewhat, and he felt that he could walk without causing problems. He headed for Tessa. "What's going on?" he asked. "I guess they're not hostile?"

Miserable Hole

"Ick... I think you broke it for real," Megae commented as Katie twitched a bit. "We need to track down Boss... I guess we should leave it behind? Drop it outside, and let's go."

Far away

Tanair could feel her sister's presence far more strongly now. She must be very close...

Not so very far

A weary traveler turned her mount out of a backwater town. The staff strapped across her back had seen much use of late, helping the victims of the recent quakes.

She turned her eyes to the sky for a moment. It was still greenish behind the dismal clouds, and the drizzle wet her face, slightly lined before its time. Where were the gods, or the citydwellers' Goddess, when they were needed?

Well, she'd lived through enough human-caused suffering, a few fell omens here and there couldn't do much more, could they?

edit: where did that punctuation come from

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"All right." Petros said, dropping Katie's unconscious body outside. "I suppose we should return to the scene of the battle then, to look for clues. Ruby probably warped away, though I am not sure why she didn't come here. Anyway, we should be off." Petros created a large hole in the ground and jumped in. He then began to tunnel towards where the other demons had encountered the Crimson Weapon wielder.


Charlotte took a quick look at the men outside the cave. "Sir Derek's talking to them...I hope if they're working for Jace, they won't realize he's from Jerdon, that would be unfortunate." she said to Eric and anyone else who happened to be around.

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Nearly dead guy

"It takes an effort, all right," Derek said, shaking his head. "What is annoying, is that we have several other 'trained' soldiers, and they're harder to handle than the civilians, most of the time. But, enough about that. Does the man your councilman is looking for happen to be the Comet?"


"I would not worry, milady. We are not that persecuted. Otherwise, the other nations would have intervened," Eric said. "Also, Derek has probably the most experience of us all dealing with military. He can handle it."

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