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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"I would probably rip off your arm, then use it to smash your legs before beating you in half." said the Headmaster, her blunt tone conveying the seriousness of her comments. "A wind spirit is vulnerable to Dark and Demonic magic and enters into a crazed rage to drive away the shadow. In that state, they can and will kill everything they can."

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Eric and Derek

"Just keeping my recent injuries in account," Eric said, to Charlotte. Turning to Rita, he asked, "What would you need my help for?"

Slowing Ann to a stop, Derek held a hand out to Viveka, and helped her down. Noting her red cheeks, he said, "You should probably lie down, Captain. it looks like we'll be here a while."

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"Then it looks like i chose the wrong passenger." He snarked. "Thank god wind magic is effective against dark magic. Oh look, now i have a reason to protect you. I'll be protecting myself while doing so."

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Jumping up, he quickly flew ten feet in the air. He flew around doing some summersaults and loop-de-loops, before landing on top of a rock. "Aw, Ruby darling. You hurt me. Don't remember my face? Mistress said you needed a little help. Said you were too stupid for that group to not realize your charade. So, here I am. Backup. What's the mission?"

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"There is no mission." She said re-summoning her blade. She rose it over her head and began to hack away at the new comer. Helenos would never send anyone else. I work alone, its on my contract.

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Viveka: A little rest ... would be nice ... ... and some soup ... and something cold for my head ... and the latest issue of Ilyphina weekly-though I'll take what I can get.

She quickly fell down to her knees! Her back was straight and her head tilted to the side. She let out a quick moan that turned into a pouty complaint.

Viveka: Ooooooooh-this is horriblllle. My head hurts, my skin aches, and I can't even get up the strength to yell about the fact that my leggings just got dirt on them. Ahhhhh ...

Her closing "ahhhh" was strained and almost whispered.

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Jumping again, this time landing several yards away from her. "Yes well, seeing as how your darling friend lost one of them, but you were able to get two, she thought it best I clean up your mess. Wouldn't want the group to get them back now would we?"

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"I told you already. There is no mission, none that concerns you." She said appearing behind him and driving her blade into him.


"Well thats a relief. Last thing we need is an angry headmaster hacking away at us."

OOC: Why does Angry!Headmaster remind me of Rage Fox of Fire?

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"Hmm. I thought you might be upset by recent...events, but it looks like you're staying strong." Morgan said to Isotov.

"Well, I can restore any of the injuries you may suffer Sir Eric." Charlotte said. At saying the word restore, a light went off in her head! She guided Francis over to Trevor, and took the Restore staff out of her pack.

"I'm sorry Tessa, I needed the Restore staff earlier for Sir Derek and forgot to return it. Here you go." she said, handing the staff over to the troubadour.

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Iso: ... don't think I won't find out what really happened to Katie. ... if she's alive, I will see her again ... but there's nothing I can do about it right now. I know that.

He kept his head down, but he clinched his fist in determination. He was somewhat powerless, but he wouldn't let history keep repeating itself. He felt that he could save anyone if he just gave it his all.

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"Yup. Helios, may I ask a question? Why did you take me away from TISME instead of leaving me there?"


Altion gave a cautious look up the sides of the canyon walls, his lance gripped firmly. This place was the place of ambushes, and he wasn't going to be caught off guard. Not like before, not now. He was strong damn it! He didn't need to run away!

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Quickly taking a step forwards, then backflipping, he thought it safer in the sky, flying around. "You pain me really darling. Your old friend? And since I had been watching the fight for you all, I saw where mister wolfie went. So I have a feeling I know where Proxima is. Now Mistress can wrangle you herself, or you can let me take charge and clear this mess up. Shouldn't we save your "boss" anyway?"

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"Why wont you die?" She hissed. This idiot is going to jeopardize my mission. Helenos cant be this naive. She warped behind him and impaled him.


"Must have been the earthquake. Those arent common around these parts are they?" He asked.

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"There hasn't been a major earthquake that I can recall since the Lord was sealed away. I don't think there was anyone expecting it at all, making it even worse for us. TISME is usually well built and it wasn't a major quake either, but still..."

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Diving along the ground before pulling back up, he took out the whip attached to his belt. The thorns along it and the frayed end helped in piercing the flesh. Swinging it in his arm, he wrapped it around her left ankle with the precision of a trained tamer. "Up bup bup. You really should listen Ruby darling. Mmkay?" He said before winking and sending a large pink heart of energy into her facing. The charm wouldn't last long, but it would be enough to calm her down for now.

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Reika had passed out on top of Trevor, which was a little worrisome. The medicine Tessa had given her certainly couldn't cause that effect, and it was altogether too soon even if it could. Something else with her system must be off-balance, it seemed. Frowning a bit, she puzzled over things, while mounting up. She made sure the trip was gentle enough on her passenger, going at much slower pace than she ordinarily took.

They'd reached the entrance to a canyon, and Kelas had called for a halt. Seizing the opportunity, Tessa was going to seek out Charlotte and ask after what exactly had happened to Reika, and whether there was anything else she ought to know. As chance would have it though, the cleric had instead sought her out! Having ridden Arrin's horse up to her (But without Arrin? where had the lad gotten off too... she wondered), the princess had presented her with her missing Restore staff.

"Oh! So that's where it'd gotten off too. And Charlotte, just the person I was actually hoping to see." Reaching out to accept the staff back, she continued on, "Could you tell me what exactly had happened to Reika inside the cave, or if you didn't see, describe the wound you healed? She still seems to be sick and suffering..."

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"Your guess is as good as mine." He said cutting her off. "We need to work a little faster. If earthquakes havent struck since the demon lord was sealed then that can only mean one thing." Then he remembered something. "Headmaster. Can i ask you something? You dont have to respond if you dont want to. What was the mageknight project?"


Ruby cut through the string and continued to hack away at the other demon. She was getting a little tired and it was showing on her face.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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OOC: It's bread, right?


Feeling the bread being moved into his palm, Iso accepted it with a blind smile and then just as he was about to begin eating it, he stopped cold. It only lasted for a second, but he did have a thought in the quick pause.

Iso: (... ... ... yeah ... ... I trust her ... blinded or not ...)

He bit down and started eating.

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"The mageknight project was a confidential project enacted as a response to the troubadours of the churches." started the Headmaster. "It's been declassified following it's resulting failure. The general scope was to create a mage who could excel at melee combat as well and potentially be mounted. Several children were selected for the project, including Esphyr here. At first, the project showed promise with all students showing promising magic skills and about a third showing adeptness with either the staff or sword. However, it was terminated following a string of injuries and deaths within the project itself. It was decommissioned and buried so the students could integrate, and made open several years after."

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Chase followed Morgan towards Isotov, and looked at him curiously. "You're acting almost like you can't see or something, the way you're relying on Kelas right now, Isotov. Maybe you can try to fool everyone else, but I noticed earlier that your eyes are... different. I just can't put my finger on it."


"Now that you mention it, I haven't eaten in a while either..." Conrad mumbled. "Could I have a piece of bread?"

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