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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Captain Luc

It was almost insulting how easy it was to overhear some of the conversations between the various parties scattered around. Luc revised his opinion of the group being smart. That made things dangerous and it was all the worse in an area prime for an ambush or sneak attack. This damn Canyon would be in his nightmares again even if nothing happened.

Luc returned to his position ahead of most of the others. At the very least, him being separate would negate a few advantages of an ambush.

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"Gee i didnt know you were gonna be so straight forward about it." Helios remarked. "Eh, it is regretful i admit but the way Esphyr fights........ its like that of a magefighter. She can emit Mana and imbue it into her blade. Are you sure it ended in failure?"

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OOC: Going to pretend Conrad spoke first, for useful purposes.

"I am not the food supplier!" Kelas grumbled, tossing a piece of bread across to Conrad anyway. "You're military, you buy it next time!"

At Chase's inquiry, she glanced at Isotov, waiting to see what he would do.

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Iso: You know that saying "If it still hurts, it isn't healed.", Chase? Well I'd rather not abuse my body anymore than I have to. I'll have one of the healers take a look at it later.

He finished off the bread and kept his head down while still being seated.

Iso: (So what if I'm blind? The only people that really ought to care are going to find out. It's really none of HIS business.)

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OOC: Ok, now I'm with everyone else in terms of time.

Seeing Reika sleep peacefully on the horse and Tessa sitting right behind her, Alferis breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards Esphyr, wondering how she was doing. He liked Esphyr a lot and he hoped she was fine after the demon attack.

"Hey Esphyr. You holding up ok?"

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"No. As I said, all students showed promise. Had it continued, we most certainly would have had success with at least one. The deaths though were... No one was willing to risk children for the training after that. Not to mention the sheer negative stigma. I remember the night it was terminated well. The staff had heard a scream coming from the girls dorms and we rushed to investigate. I flung open the door to find Esphyr standing over the impaled body of her classmate, her sword in hand and a terrified look in her eye. I sent everyone else from the room, then bent down and offered her a hug and tried to say it wasn't her fault. In hindsight, it was a bad thing to say. She freaked out and ran away. I think she wanted to hear that it was her fault and not some sword that she had no control over. She could learn to control it if it was hers, but not if it wasn't I think."

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"It looks like something needs to be done now. You're a mage. If something's wrong with your sight, that could be a problem for us," he retorted.


"Hey, no need to be harsh about it..." Conrad replied. "You're right, though, I really shouldn't be asking people for food."

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"Yes. I'm fine... More or less." said Esphyr, sighing as the words of the Headmaster drifted over to the pair. "I just hate having my life story laid out like that. It's... well... I hate it. I'd rather have been a housewife than this."

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The Fargo

"Military food is terrible! I'd take good old bread anyday!" Fargo ylled towards Conrad and Kelas before choking down another bite of his meal. Only a few seconds of gagging followed.

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"Well, I need your help with this stroke.....>_>"



As the whip regrew to it's original length in his hand, he sent another charm at the woman. "Oh Ruby darling. You really should listen to mistress. Do I have to tell her you won't listen to orders and fled turncoat, or should I show you to where that wolfie demon took the fire tome?"

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Iso: ... ... ....

Isotov waited hoping Chase would listen to Kelas and let the matter be ...

EDIT: Fixed things. Iso's second Chase related response is in the new post.

Edited by Phoenix
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Designated Servant

"... I'll see what I can do," Derek promised, disappearing in the crowd of horses, for a few minutes. Reappearing, he carried a cup from the cookware, a cot, and a small bag, which was neatly tied up on both ends. "Alright, so, here's some soup Dani just made, as well as a cot," he said laying down said cot, and placing the cup right beside it. Finally, he passed the bag to Viveka, finishing by saying, "There's ice in there. That should help the fever. Tell me, though, how did you end up in the military? It just doesn't seem to... suit you."

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"Yes, I do." said Esphyr. "I've been in love before Damian, surprising as it sounds. Though it was more of a girlish crush. Why? Have you taken a liking to our resident homicidal mani- ummm. ONE of our resident homicidal maniacs?"

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She softly pressed the bag against her head for a minute and let the cold take over her skin while letting out a sigh of partial relief. She then decided to answer Derek's question, though she didn't want to be too direct about it.

Viveka: I had a ... very traumatic experience when I was younger. Some of you know that I lost my brother to a wyvern attack. Ivanko's wyvern looks pretty similar to that wyvern. They've got ... the same eyes. My brother meant the world to me, but he was someone that protected me. I was good at kicking people skyward but ... I couldn't kill something like a soldier or a wyvern ... and I especially couldn't take on a wyvern rider. I just ... I just couldn't stand my own weakness.

She flinched when she saw the face of the bull wyvern and her brother's broken body draped across its tongue, blood running down and staining the ground, and all the while, his eyes pierced into her like lances. The images were so vivid that she almost panicked.

Viveka: I couldn't protect Lars, and if not for Ivanko I'd be dead too!

Her eyes closed so tightly that the tears that had built up were forced out and ran down the center and sides of her face as she held herself.

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"Helenos would never let a man whore like you work under cover." She spat. "Your gonna get me caught. Leave before i kill you." She bluffed. Her breathing was getting heavier.


"She's been through a lot." Helios concluded. "With all due respect do you think she appreciates you spilling her life story out like this? She's suffered a lot, like it wasnt obvious enough but sometimes people need their privacy. Im sure she would appreciate it too." He smiled.


Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Blind?" Morgan looked at Isotov with narrowed eyes. "You aren't much use in a fight if you can't see Isotov, you should have that looked at right away. Why didn't you mention this earlier?" she asked him.

"Reika's injury?" Charlotte said, cocking her head at Tessa. "Just looked like she got stabbed in the chest to me...is something else wrong?"

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Iso: ... looks like the jig is up.

Isotov quickly stood up cringing one fist, and holding his fire tome in the other. He quickly opened it and did a quick chant before aiming his face at Chase, whom he had already located via his voice.

Iso: Not much use? Chase ... at the count of three, I want you to move. Don't mess around with me on this, just move. One ... ... ... two ... ... ... three!

He barely gave Chase time to move as he blasted the spot at Chase's feet with a very powerful fireball! The explosion was small and the blast radius was weak, but the blast was highly concentrated and would have blown someone's foot off!

Iso: I'll be fine as long as the enemy is dumb enough to make a sound ...

He turned back around, put his tome away, and then sat down, not really caring about the lecture he was likely to get from someone. The attack was rather dangerous.

OOC: That blast made the same amount of noise as a hand grenade so ... yeah, feel free to bitch and stuff.

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"Oh pish posh. She'd have to confront it anyways eventually. Eventually she's going to be thankful I'm saying it earlier than later."


"No. I don't think it stupid. She's an... Ummm... I'm not exactly the best person to ask, but she seems more cuddlable than at first and I suppose she's decently attractive."

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