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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Meanwhile, at the cave entrance, Chase's horse nickered. Her master hadn't told her to do anything, and didn't tie her down, so she trotted around the nearby area without going outside, then went towards the inside, whinnying. "Stop it, Ava," Chase muttered from his sleeping bag. "Go to sleep."

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"Hmm...? Nothing, really. I guess I'm just not feeling gloomy like most of us after that jolt earlier." Aiya replied to Kelas, resting her back against the cave wall and sighing.

"By the way, how has your parrying practice been going?"

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"If she didn't notice when your shirt is sticking to your skin and practically see through, Kelas, she's not going to notice unless you start stripping or something." Aiya replied, yawning afterword.

"I guess I should get some sleep... goodnight Kelas, good luck with *yawn* Rita..."

Aiya then placed her bedroll on the ground nearby, and curled up into it, falling asleep rather quickly.

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"Huh... I see..." Tessa was a bit downcast at the revelation that someone may have, or may still be betraying the group. "I must be failing you as your 'eyes and ears' then, I haven't noticed anything!" she whined a bit plantively, before instantly regretting it. She was letting the environment get to her, and it really wasn't like herself at all.

Morgan doubled over for a second in another of her recent coughing fits, which helped to shake the troubadour out of her own concerns a bit, emphasizing the fact the shaman was suffering in her own ways. This change of the train of thought didn't last long though, as she was reminded of her inability to help her through the situation. Or maybe the Restore staff? Morgan had said that it wasn't something that could be treated, if she remembered right, and as focused as she was on achieving goals, she didn't seem the sort to shoulder a disadvantage when she didn't need to. She raised a hand out hesitantly, not sure what to do, and ended up just waiting impotently until Morgan was fit to continue the line of inquiry.

Wait... maybe the cause I can't affect, but I'm certainly not helping the situation. She's pushing herself to interview me out here, away from the warmth and shelter, because I'm too afraid of what might happen to me again. I can't let myself be the cause of this...

Before she had a chance to act on it, though, the questions continued. "Hmmm, organizations that want the Crimson Weapon wielders alive? Wasn't Kamilla a part of one of them? The Septimian Reform, I think she called it? I don't remember exactly their policies, other than that since the weapons were forged of hellfire and of The Lord, they were not to be trusted. However they certainly weren't out for blood. Maybe capture, I don't know, I don't remember what she mentioned the doctrine was, actually. I think she also said something about Lunaism, but... I'm ashamed I don't recall the details..."

Swallowing down her fear and steeling herself, she acted on her earlier worry. "You're not sounding so good, and standing out here by the edge can't be making things any better. W-w-why don't we g-go further into the cave, where it's warmer and m-more sheltered for you? I-I don't m-mind if anyone else hears what we have to say if you're w-w-worried about that." The troubadour reached up and put a hand on the shaman's shoulder.

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"The mole is not making themselves explictly clear, though I have a few suspects. Just one more interview..." Morgan paused to cough some more.

"Septimian Reformists hmm? That would make some sense, considering we were attacked in Septimus." Kamilla hmm? I had forgotten about her, perhaps she regained her memories. Septimian reformists having a monastery near Elysimia would be odd though.

"Our interview is concluded. I will be getting some rest, as we will be off to an early start tomorrow most likely. You should go to sleep soon as well." Morgan said, patting Tessa's shoulder and heading back to her bedroll near the fire, where she resumed having a coughing fit.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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After slipping into more comfortable clothing, Helios went to check on his horse. It was shivering. Helios dried the horse off with his old robes and then threw them out. The horse seemed appeased. A good portion of the group was asleep. Helios however couldnt bring himself to fall asleep. That image was hammered into his brain. Who was that man? Who was the girl? Then he remembered, he wore a white robe when he was found. If the girl refereed to him as Lord brother then that means that there was someone that was related to Helios that lived. Rummaging through his pockets, he pulled out an apple and fed it to his horse. "I think i got a name for you........ Kira. Yeah..... i like that name." Kira didnt care what his master called him, as long as he was fed, he was okay.

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"Ah, whatever. I'm going to go to bed. Night all," said Alferis, but before he did so he whispered into Aiya's ear.

"Hey. I'm really sorry about before. I, uh, promise it'll never happen again."

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Tessa followed Morgan into the cave a bit, still concerned, and when she broke out into one last coughing fit while standing over her bedroll, she couldn't take it any longer and hugged her quickly and lightly before backing off. "I know now isn't a good time for it, but... when you're feeling a little better... I have some questions I'd like to ask you too. Though, it's really probably quite trivial business, and I shouldn't be bothering you with it. Especially when you need to be worrying about your health and more important things. But... if you're feeling better, and have the time..." she trailed off and left the invitation open and unsaid.

So as not to make herself any more of a disturbance than she already had, she was heading back towards where she could still see the sky above, well, as much as she could given the incredible cloud cover, and the darkening caused by the sun having set. Still, it was some comfort that she would be withing a stone's throw of open air, if something terrible or unexpected were to happen. Another after-quake for instance. Grimacing and shuddering, she tried to clear the image of what might befall in that case from her mind, as her throat constricted and her pulse raced.

Think of something else... Anything else! she pleaded with herself, and somehow Damian came up. It was probably still in relation to the matters she wished for Morgan's opinion on, but she remembered she had wanted to check up on the man when they'd reached a stopping point, though that fact had somehow been lost in the mix of various events. Venturing back once again to the heart of the hollow, fighting her instincts, she checked up on the fallen soldier. She confirmed the state of the wounds, checked that the travel hadn't ruined the attempt to set the broken bones, and expended a few prayers and a little healing magic over the man. It was kind of a shock, to see one of the pillars of strength in the group brought so very low. It wasn't the first time, sure, but somehow that didn't lessen the impact much.

Luckily the focus on healing matters and communing with The Lady seemed to have banished the previous bad spectres from her mind, leaving her with only a vague unease, and the constant sense of overhanging oppression, but no longer anything catastrophic. Retreating again to the mouth of the cave, she clutched her knees to her chest, and stared out at the storm for a while longer.

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"Looks like everyone's off to sleep, then," Kelas said quietly, settling in to keep watch. Amari dozed, standing with the other horses, though she did not lie down-- none of the horses had, still on edge from the events of hours before. Arrin slept fitfully, though he did not dream.

As the others slept, Kelas stared out into the rain. She'd failed again, let Arrin get himself hurt. The next time they encountered the demons, she could not afford to let them get away...

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The fire blazed throughout the night and various people took the watch while the others slept. Gradually the storm slackened off during the night, leaving only a constant drizzle behind, though the sun was still hidden behind the many grey clouds.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"Ah...." Alferis woke up and began stretching his arms. He walked out of the cave, not caring about the rain. He forgot how much he loved the mountains and caves and sat down, a smile on his face. It's almost a shame we have to leave so soon. He was glad the storm finally let up somewhat and he peeked back into the caves to see how the others were. Most were snoozing while a few others were just starting to wake up. He stayed outside, feeling much more free and at home where he was.

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"Morning." the call of greeting that Alf received came not from the still dozing Esphyr, but instead from the mounted figure of Altion gazing out at the edge of the cave. Outside, the sky was still sickly green, though the rain had indeed stopped. "It didn't let up at all last night." explained Altion. "Even after the rain stopped. I doubt it's natural, seeing as it came at the same time as the quake. She's still asleep, in case you were wondering. Mumbled several things during the night, including your name, Aiya's, Damian's, Morgan's, and Tessa's."

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Rita lounged on top of Iso's chest, having appearently fallen onto the ground last night. Her arms were still around his neck, and yesterday had taken a lot out of her, so she remain still with her eyes closed, hoping she could et some more sleep in.


Cess and Pary:

Cess slowly stood up, his back sore from sleeping on the ground. He looked over at Rita. " :mellow: <_< :facepalm: " He tried talking quietly. "I'll go get some food."

"I'll go with you." The voice came from the priest, his jacket still hanging to dry. They walked to the mouth of the cave.

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"I know, and I still call her a man, though she acts like a woman. And did you honestly think she stayed up the whole night? Oh, and this Nalia girl came by around midnight saying she was the maid. What's a maid?"

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"Did you say Nalia?" said Alferis jumping up and ran into the cave. He shook Esphyr a little.

"Sorry for waking you like this Esphyr. Something important just happened. Altion says he met Nalia."

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"A maid? Who could be dumb enough to fall for that disguise?'

"I can hear you you know... And those remarks you made about me last night were NOT very kind either." replied Altion. "But what is a maid?"

"What did she do?"

"Ummm... She came in and... I think she walked out with a load of cash marked 'Damian's money' on it as well as his 'Templar Master Card' and 'checkbook' saying they were foul and unclean pornographic materials... and she even showed me some of the content of one of them. Who on earth would paint a woman nude? Tis a death sentence!"

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