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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Charlotte opened her eyes groggily. "Are we under attack? What's with all the shouting?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

Morgan continued to sleep, taking deep, wheezy breaths.

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"C'mon! You don't just let some random person you never met before take somebody's stuff! I can't believe you didn't know that!" he exclaimed, incredulous at the man's seeming stupidity.

"Nnnnnn? Can't you bozos fight somewhere else?" said Reika, rubbing her eyes and yawning, annoyed at her sleep interrupted.

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"Thats different! Its a crimson tome and it drains me whenever i use it." Helios yelled back. Then he backed down losing the will to yell anymore. "I needed someone to yell at." He sneered. "Dont take it too personally." Maybe the headmaster had a spare tome he could use. Helios wasnt exactly accustomed to using Hellsety.

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"Where I come from, everyone knows each other! It's what happens when your village hides away for twenty four years as a means to evade taxes, people tend to start to get to know everyone. I just assumed she was some sort of friend Morgan didn't tell me about!"

"Nyyyugh. Just lay off hi- Wait. Helios. He said that Nalia took Damian's money, card, and checkbook and flashed some erotic image as proof. You don't attack with money or cards and a checkbook can't cast spells... What exactly was in your tome?!" asked Esphyr, turning to face the man.

OOC: Surprisingly, they DID have credit cards of a sort in medieval times.

Edited by Snowy_One
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"Erotic art is a foul and unclean thing. Thank the goddess that this uncloth scum have been freed of his collection." said Altion, pointing at Helios.

"You're not off the hook, Chivy-McDumb-Dumb." said Esphyr. "Damian was our main source of money, and now he's as broke at the rest of us! How will we finance anything unless we somehow get some other noble in out group to pay for it all? Not to mention that she may have taken all other forms of identification he had."

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Cess and Pary:

Walking back into the cave with armfulls of fruit, they heard Esphyr yelling.

"I still have some diamonds. Naelia probably didn't steal them I think. And Rita had a bag as well."

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Derek + His Sister

Derek awoke to the sound of Helios yelling about his Arcwind tome going missing. Focusing his eyes, he was distraught to find out that his gauntlets were missing, presumably stolen. The cav sighed,and got up to join the conversation, but was stopped by Dani stirring.

"Ugh...Big brother... Where are we...?" she asked, looking at him with dazed eyes.

"In a cavern, just outside Anglenar," Derek replied, concerned. "You were knocked out by the quake, yesterday. How are you feeling?"

"Alright.. But, I had the most wonderful dream, Dere. We were at home, with Father and Mother and Eric, back in the countryside. Everyone was so happy, and it was... It was so real... Feeling Father's warm embrace, and Mother, with her tales... I.. Never wanted to leave..." Finishing up, Dani began to tear up.

"Dani, don't cry. Father and Mother would be sad, if they were here," the cav began, bringing in his sister for a hug. "It's going to be alright. Everything's going to be alright. I'll get you through this. And maybe, Mother will come back, and we can live happily again. You should get some rest," he finished, letting the mage go, and got up to go check Ann.

"...Dere... You always looked after me, even when I was a little girl...," Dani said, mainly to herself. "...Please... Don't die on me any time soon..."

Edited by Snike
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"Dani?" Charlotte turned her head to where the mage was sitting and walked over and put her hand on the green-haired woman's shoulder. "Are you feeling all right? The roof came down on you, you should stay lying down. Can I get you anything?"

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Kelas looked around dully as the group began to wake up. After the first watch shift, she'd tried unsuccessfully to sleep, stretched out by the fire, but the relief of unconsciousness had evaded her for the most part. Seeking to at least make her restlessness useful, she'd gotten up to take the final watch shift as well.

Now, though, fatigue was beginning to win over insomnia, and she struggled to keep her head up. "Wake me when we're leaving," she told Isotov drowsily, disregarding the fact that he appeared to still be asleep, and curled up by the dying fire.

Arrin opened his eyes briefly as he heard shouting. Quickly deducing that it wasn't an attack, he shut them again, deciding to wait to get up for a bit. His head and stomach ached dully, and he still felt tired... this did not bode well for the rest of the journey.

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Other Roof Victim

"...Oh! Your Highness!," Dani said, still a bit dazed, but attempting to act her cheery self. "... No, I'm just fine! Just need a little time, so I can focus, and I'll be fine," As if to supplement this, she sat up and flashed a smile at the princess. "I'm fine. Really!"

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"Really? Well, it's good to see you in good spirits." Charlotte smiled back at Dani.

"Maybe we should eat something. dinner was...interrupted, and we rode for quite a while after that. What do we have?" she asked no one in particular.

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Chase was awakened by the ruckus, and sighed when he heard the predicament. "Look, If we really need money that badly, I could, well, steal from whoever we end up fighting next, because let's face it, we're going to get in more fights eventually."

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"That's not the point. The point is that that fool let Nahlia in. And he let her steal our gold. I'm surprised she didn't try to cut our throats in our sleep, the bitch is crazy enough to try anything," said Alferis, incredulous at Chase's seeming stupidity.

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"... You two, settle down. What's done is done. The capital is a few days away. Once Esphyr meets Jace, we'll be able to get our gold and objects back," Derek said, turning away from his mare. "Morale of the story is, Altion, don't trust people claiming to be friends of us without us here."

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