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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"My tome, Damian's master card and a couple of other stuff which i still need someone to explain to me....." Helios replied to Conrad.

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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"Damian's bank card?" Conrad remarked, incredulous. "I'd say to be more careful with your belongings, but I've had my most valuable possession stolen as well. I have a bank crad if it's needed, though, so I don't suppose it's that big of a deal..."

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Iso: New girl toy? Oh Rita and I aren't ...

He grunted a little bit frustrated.

Iso: Look, I'm not from Halton. I refuse to be involved with two women at the same time PERIOD. You have my word on that ... >_>'

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"It's only a temporary thing, though, I heard. We will get our stuff back once Miss Merc here meets with Jace," Derek said to Conrad, now putting on his armor with his left hand. "If we delay any longer, we'll be helpless, at this rate."

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Your mouth says no, but I can see the lump that says yes. scribbled Katie before smiling again and touching him on the cheek. Besides, shouldn't we be more worried about the beasties outside?

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OOC: Lump? ... naughty Katie >_>'


Iso: Uhh .... (Oh ... ... stupid morning erection. I should have worked out first thing, then it wouldn't still be here!)

Once the topic of the creatures from before was brought up, Iso took it as a welcome subject change.

Iso: Yeah, I guess that's a much bigger issue right now. I wonder how many there are ...

Edited by Phoenix
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Charlotte turned around when Derek was speaking and noticed his gloves were bloody. "Sir Derek, you're bleeding from your hands again...what's wrong?" She went over and started examining them.

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Serial Killer

"Oh? It is simply my condition," Derek said, finally noticing the blood. After trying to flex his right hand, the cav realized it was broken. "Er... My right hand broke. Otherwise, I am alright," he said, seemingly not pained by the injury.

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Iso: If we do happen to run into those things, I've got a little something for them ...

He held out his crimson tome in a manner similar to a magi about to hunt someone or something to the ends of the earth with the intent of destroying them.

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Iso: That's the plan. (Now if I could just find a way to prevent earthquakes >_>')

Viveka and Jasimine

The two women finally woke up and immediately called over Levski and the pegasi so they could use them for cover while they did ... ... morning stuff.

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I like that plan


Taking note of Viv's plan, Esphyr too decided it was time for her to freshen up; namely take a bath. "I'm going to take a bath down at the river before we set out. Been something like one to two weeks for me, and more for the rest of you. I will give one warning to any man, including Damian. Visit the river at the risk of sword impalement. Okay?" she asked before setting off down to the riverbank.

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The Cave

Iso: So Esphyr is the only one that gets to bath now?

Meanwhile behind safe cover, both girls were once again scrubbing themselves down. Arms, legs, everything. The container holding the water they used was half empty now, and they'd have to refill it soon, but they were satisfied with how clean they were. Viveka wasted no time putting on her riding outfit.

Jasmine: Aww, yours looks so much cooler than mine.

Once both girls were dressed, the pegasi were finally able to move, and they both wandered off in separate directions. Levski went back to reading, and Krinkov ventured to the entrance and started sniffing around.

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The ruckus had finally managed to wake Morgan up. Her head was throbbing and her limbs ached, but she had a task to perform. Seeing Katie conscious, she walked up to her.

"Time for your interview." Morgan said brusquely. "Away from prying eyes and ears as well." she said, casting a glance at Isotov.

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Lost Cursed Season 1

Iso: And how many miles of river are there? Tch.

Kiev finally decided to get up, and then nudged Irina to do the same.

Irina: Nyuuuuug ...

After a moment, the wyvern nudged her again.

Irina: Mmm, stooop.

Deciding to take desperate measures, he licked her face! She popped up instantly!

Irina: Bleh!! Who's dog just-... Kiev?

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Damian finally began to stir after a long bout of unconsciousness, and instinctively stretched.

Suddenly remembering the collapse of the veranda, he braced himself for the pain... which never appeared.

It seems that the broken limbs had been fixed to the point that he could move them without searing pain, but before standing, he figured it would be best to make sure.

"Hey... Charlotte! Before I stand and kill myself, have my bones been fully mended?"


Aiya gently waded through the water in a nearby river. Having woken up early, she had left to bathe, before the others woke up and interrupted her... causing a repeat of the situation from last night.

"Hmmn... the water's nice..." Aiya sighed. A decently sized rock stood between her and the campsite, so that she would have some cover, were anyone to try and come to the river. In her hand was a folding dagger, as her other weaponry was at the nearby shore.

Hearing someone approach, Aiya turned to hide herself, before noticing it was Esphyr.

"Oh, Esphyr. Did you come to bathe too?"

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'So Katie, originally you joined this group to avenge your apprentices, and very *conveniently* ran into people who just encountered the mesh. Yet now we move further and further away from your original goal. Why are you still with us?" Morgan asked.

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I still hope to have some success at my goal. With every day, I believe more that it was demons who killed them with ease. I want revenge on those demons, and we aren't exactly avoiding them it seems.


"Aiya? Yes, it's me." said Esphyr, wading down to where the other woman was. Already, Esphyr was nude as she started to gently swim in the waist-high water over to where Aiya was.

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