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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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"... I don't think that'll be necessary. I can get her faster, from where I stand. Just give me a signal," Derek said, before returning back to his spot. "It isn't a matter of being a martyr, it's a matter of giving everyone a decent look. Some people have tunnel-vision, it seems," he said to Tessa, grasping the hilt of his sword casually. The stage is set.

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"So what is our decision?"



Pary walked over to Viveka. "Do you believe most of this hogwash? I doubt Derek has done anything, and Katie is a mute. This is rediculous."

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High Tension

Lev: Fine ... ... but don't miss. If that thing transforms in here we might all be crushed in a heartbeat.

Iso: (Oh no ... what the hell is going on? Levski ... Morgan ... Derek ... Tessa ... ... something really bad is about to happen ...)

Kiev and Kirnkov eventually made it back to the cave and waited patiently by the entrance. Viveka leaned up against Susann and sighed.

Viveka: I don't know who it is honestly, but it seems to me that some of them seem certain of who the mole is. You might want to stand back though. Could get violent really quick.

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Alferis moved towards Reika and whispered into her ear,

"Stick by me right now. I'm going to protect you if something breaks out."

"No need. I doubt anyone's going to attack me right now. For now slave, just stay out of this right now," said Reika, glaring at him. How dare he thought she needed protection.

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Why the hell was everyone backing away from Katie? Even if she was a mole, we are stronger. "Why are you all backing away?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Chase suddenly became nervous at all the muttering and whispering. Have they determined who it is? Or is something wrong? I have a really bad feeling about this, he thought, summoning the Zephyrtwine into his right hand, and moving his left hand toward his quiver.

Seeing the outlaw's motion, Conrad summoned the Earthshaker, being extremely careful not to hit any part of the natural environment. Hate to admit it, but Chase does tend to be right about this stuff...

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"Helios, if there was ever a time for you to shut the hell up, it's NOW!" Chase whispered. "Don't make me be shooting this at you first!"

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Not bad for a fortune teller, Heinz mulled, looking curiously at the cards. Good thing my job's already finished, I guess that passes for telling the truth. "I guess I haven't been spoken much in the past, but that has to do with my own personal goals. I'll talk with Morgan privately if she wishes to know, but it has nothing to do with the rest of the group," shooting a glance towards his accusers.

Seeing Lev move towards Morgan and whisper something into her ear, Heinz blinked, puzzled for a second. A moment later the Ivanko mercenary spoke to Derek as well, and Heinz narrowed his eyes slightly. Seems like they've found another mole... if that wind mage's chattering is right.

Scanning his eyes casually over the group, the mercenary noted the mage's appearance. Looks the same as usual... blue hair, blue eyes. Wouldn't be difficult for Shanice to pretend to be her, I guess.

Leaning back slightly, Heinz relaxed his hands at his side, within easy reach of his knives.

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Tessa didn't have to be told to leave a cave twice. While her desire to help and to protect Morgan had been doing a fair bit to help combat the general unease and anxiety, things had so far managed to remain quite civil, and the atmosphere was now markedly different than when the shaman had first suggested torture, and it had seemed that nearly everyone in the group had turned against her.

With the wyvern lord clearly on the move, and openly acting supportive, rather than his previous demeanor of attempting to remain uninvolved, even if she retreated a bit, her sister wouldn't be on her own against the world. Not to mention the cave entrance wasn't really that far away, and the troubadour was fairly confident on her speed, and ability to sprint to aid if worst did come to worst.

She nodded back. While ordinarily she would be more reluctant to follow an order such as that, the circumstances of this case had aligned in just the right way. Grabbing Arrin's hand Tessa told him, "I think I really ought to head back to where I can see the sky for a bit," and moved away, back towards the entrance. Once decently positioned, she turned back and continued to watch the proceedings.

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"I have no idea, but it's weird, and everyone's acting funny, which is usually a sign that something's not right!" the hunter replied almost silently.

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"I've got a really bad feeling about this Reika. All the tension in the air, there's clearly going to be a fight here,"

"So what are you suggesting? Try to break it up? Don't make me laugh. I doubt they'll listen to either of us. Anyway, as long as you keep out of this, we're safe," she hissed, irritated at the axeman's nervousness.

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" :mellow: Why is everyone whispering? Is there something wrong with Katie?" He walked up to her, and looked her straight in the eye.



Seeing Arrin and Tessa walk outside, she walked over to them. "Is this investigation over? What happened?"

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"What are you talking about?" Derek asked everyone, eyeing Dani in a way as to tell her to get out of the way. "I think the torture's about to start. Lev, if you will?" He accidentally bumped into Heinz, and, as he drew back, he whispered, quiet enough so that only the merc would hear it, "Get out of the way."

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At least you lie better than Morgan, I suppose, he thought wryly, listening to the man's claims. The cavalier stepped back, bumping into Heinz as he whispered into his ear. The mercenary moved willingly to the side, waiting to see what the two would do.

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10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6 ...

Upon hearing Chase mutter, Iso tensed up again!

Iso: (No way, are they actually going to try to launch a sneak attack?!)

Derek attempted to cover the situation up, but Levski was a bit more concerned with everyone else. Katie's eyes were going from one person to the next, the situation surrounding her was just too obvious now. With so many weapons drawn, and thoughtlessly blurted out messages, Katie's face was growing tense.

Lev: (OH F*CK!!! The idiots just blew our cover, now she's expecting it which means we won't be able to score a critical hit!)

Iso: What the hell ... are you guys trying to pull here?

EDIT: Added an extra and by accident.

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While waiting at the mouth of the cave, an unexpected voice from behind made Tessa drop her hand to her hip, resting it on her sword. As the voice played out though, it turned out not to be an enemy, and so she relaxed. Ever so briefly turning to face Rita, she waved her over.

"Nothing's finished yet. I... I just decided to take a breath of fresh air. There are three suspects, and the investigation is ongoing... though there may be progress very soon, it's hard to say." The troubadour didn't really give the swordswoman her full attention, intent on watching Morgan, and being able to intervene if things became necessary. With either the sword, or the staff.

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"Oh for the goddess's sake..." Chase muttered. "If you don't want to die a painful death... possibly by me... move it, Cess."

Edited by Lightning
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The Main Fortress

Ixion sat at the center of the chamber meditating as was his custom, but then his eyes opened wide in utter shock! A single drop of sweat ran the length of his face, and then his dark expression returned along with his resolve.

Ixion: Levski found what I was looking for ...

He quickly stood up and exited the large room before making his way across the training areas where Ivanko's mercenaries brutally trained. He soon came upon a small chapel and waltzed on in to find Stephanie orchestrating a choir. The choir was mostly little boys and girls, adherers to the old Zaftron religion. She turned around and her hands froze when she saw him.

Stephanie: What is it, Ixion? We're a little busy at the moment.

Ixion: Not busy enough. Come.

Stephanie: Excuse me? Ixion, I have the patience of a saint, and yet you still manage to frustrate me at times. This is an important practice and we're falling behind schedule as it is-

Ixion: So am I! I won't let those mindless crimson weapon hosts rob me of my prize, now come! We're running out of time!

Stephanie: ... *huff* ... well! I shall return shortly ...

Ixion: Yes ... you will ...

The two left and he led her back to the chamber. There he grabbed two staves and handed one to Stephanie. She looked it over and gawked in amazement.

Stephanie: This is a warp staff! Why on earth are you keeping one in such a dreadful place?

Ixion: I need to get to Septimus ... now.

Stephanie: You high strung, fool! The distance a warp staff propels you is determined by your own level of magical power! Even a sage could only teleport someone a dozen miles at best. I can't get you to Septimus!

Ixion: Your weakness is no concern of mine. If you need more power ... I'll give it to you, but right now, I must leave ...

He quickly handed her the other staff.

Stephanie: ... and this ... is a rescue staff?

Ixion: I'd prefer not to have to walk back if you can manage.

Stephanie: But I can't manage! Do you know how much power it would take to send you that far AND pull you back?!

Ixion: Rough estimate is-

He quickly thrust his hand into her chest and a torrent of dark energy engulfed the both of them! The room seemed to disappear in a sea of flowing energy! Once the area cleared, Stephanie was sitting up against the wall clinging to both staves, her eyes were widened and stunned! She twitched with each spike of energy, and her body gave off a feint negative glow ...

Ixion: That should suffice.

Stephanie: (S-such ... powerrr ... I can't ... believe it ...)

Ixion: I need you to hurry.

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