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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Heinz grinned when he saw his knife had hit the demon neatly. A little lighter than I'm used to, but the accuracy seems alright so far. At least I managed to hit one of the demons.Quickly removing another knife from his belt, Heinz paused in midthrow, scowling in irritation when a cloud of smoke and sparks surrounded the demon. Can't risk hitting the healer, especially not now, he thought, impatiently waiting for the smoke to clear.

After a minute or two, Heinz was able to squint through the smoke. "Looks like she disappeared," he spoke glumly. So that demon can teleport, unlike the ice demon. Seeing that the healer seemed to be okay, Heinz turned around towards the others. That sword-wielding demon from before disappeared too, looking around the cave.

Watching the sworduser who had attacked Shanice earlier chopping at the frozen ice block frantically, he shrugged his shoulders and went over to Ralf, removing the short sword he had stolen earlier from the armory. No use dulling my knives on a piece of ice, smirking slightly.

"I'll help," Heinz commented, walking forward carefully across the floor to help the girl chip away at the ice. Not much else to do.

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Right as the fighting broke out, Derek took a swing at the demon himself, only for it to somehow dodge the blow. Caught off balance, the cavalier continued on into the wall, breaking both his hands due to the force of the impact. Nonetheless, he attempted to swing his blade at the demon again, before his footing was frozen solid, rendering him immobile.

Eric was about to draw his sword, when the floor, and his feet, were encased in ice. He struggled to free them, preventing him from acting against the enemy.

Soon, a smoke arose from the cavern, blocking obscurity. Catching a glimpse of the sword demon, Dani began to cast Thoron on it. A large wave of electricity projected from the mage, and suddenly, it rushed forward! Unfortunately, the sword demon dodged it, the wave sailing past it and into the fog, and vanished, before she could fire off another spell.

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Heinz raised his eyes slightly at her panicking, unsure of exactly what to say. Crying like that doesn't help your friend either, he pointed out silently. "The shaman was your friend?" he questioned, already guessing the answer. "If we get him out of the ice quickly, it should be alright," vaguely answering the question.

This would probably be a lot quicker if that fire mage woke up, Heinz thought irritably. "I'll try to get Isotov, he can probably fix this faster," trying to reassure the girl.

Walking over to where the fire mage was lying on the frozen ground, Heinz tapped the man on his forehead slightly. "Hey, you alright?" he asked, waiting for the mage to stir. Doesn't look like he was hurt too badly.

OOC: I'm assuming Isotov was knocked out cold after he got kicked, will edit if he's already woken up.

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This is Proxima the Crimson Fire tome. This tome wields the power of hellfire

and burns with a power greater than that of any earthly flame. It is able to

slay foe and foe only even under the harshest of conditions. Without a true

bond between wielder and tome, its true potential cannot be realized. Its

ultimate power will remain hidden within these pages, forever a mystery, and

forever a waste. You who have been bound to this tome, you are the one to

discover Proxima's true potential and unleash it.

Be forewarned that you are bound to this tome by your very soul. The fire in

your heart supplements the tome, and the hellfire it unleashes supplements

your own power. You and Proxima are one. This tome is part of your very soul.

Without this tome, you are nothing, for even as an earthly fire burns it is

blind, unable to distinguish friend from foe, and only Proxima can deviate from

such nature. Burning only its enemies is a gift of the gods, and something no

human can achieve on their own. Indeed, without Proxima you will no longer be

able to distinguish friend from foe, so hold fast the crimson tome, and slay

all who would dare tear Proxima away from its true owner. You.

The words appeared in front of Iso as he began to regain consciousness ... he could hear Heinz speaking to him, but it was a blur at best.

Iso: (What's ... going on ...? Those words I saw ... that's a passage from Proxima ... ... I remember it I think, but why am I seeing it now?)

When Isotov opened his eyes his irises were completely grayed out, and his pupils looked like that of a blind man. He turned his head to look around but saw nothing but black, and his hearing was fading in and out as well.

Iso: Urgh ... crap ... Heinz ... where are you? I can't see anything ...

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Cavalry of Directus

"These are no ordinary people."

Luc mulled over what he had just seen occur. One of those dueling at the front of the cave had vanished. Either by Rescue Staff, which was fine; or by a Warp Staff, which combined with what little he could discern about the duelists sword-skills due to the distance, was a big problem. Those skilled in both magic and might were rare, dangerous opponents. Which meant what was going on was no simple bandit spat or nobody brawl. There were dangerous and threatening forces at work here. The defense of Directus could be at stake.

More people, and even a horse, emerged from the cave, some looking in a better condition than others. One was leaned against the outside cave, possibly wounded or dead from whatever battle occurred within. As they came outside, some others attempted to do something to the wolf running away. Luc didn't know why the wolf was so important, but using a thunder mage to try and attack a wolf screamed of something bigger. And the other man chasing after the wolf only encouraged that theory.

A voice belonging to Jess brought Luc from within his own mind. "Your thoughts, sir?" she asked.

"This mess, is not something that would normally concern us. But we may need to approach these, people, to see if they have any information about Councilmen Richtor's guest."

"Bugger sir."

"Indeed." Luc turned to Canna, "Hoist the standard."

"Which sir?" she replied.

Luc pondered for a moment before answering. "White Fist. If they are enemies of the state I'd rather not hoist the Septimus standards too soon. If they don't recognize the fist, then they aren't from the area. Useful knowledge if they aren't forthcoming of their own accord."

"Sir," she replied before digging through one of her saddle bags and retrieving the correct standard. She fastened it atop a specialized poll and hoisted it high. The flag fluttered, the simple white fist with a back of dark green against the sickly green sky.

Now, Luc thought, how will they respond? Will they even respond?

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Kelas could only stare in horror for a moment as she realized that her friend had gone blind. "...He's right in front of you," she finally told him. "And I'm next to you. ...Do you need something, Heinz?" she asked, knowing that he wouldn't have come over without a reason.

Arrin looked around to see what his next move should be. The demons had fled; people were being helped out of the cave, and he knew he wasn't in a fit state to join in. With some alarm he saw an approaching military unit. "Does anyone recognize that standard?" he called nervously.

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"Ahh..." Once the healing was complete and the flames died out, Alferis woke up. He staggered to his feet.

"Ow! Agah! Agghh!" The burns on his body pained him greatly, but he had only one concern right now.

"R-Reika. Reika? Are you going to be...OK?" Alferis mumbled as he staggered over to her. He turned her over and felt her pulse. It was a lot weaker, but she would live if she got some treatment."

He hefted her and carried her over to Charlotte, hoping she would help her. As he walked over, she winced at him. Seeing the puddle at water, he looked down at his reflection and screamed.

"AGGHH! NO! I'M--! I-I need...more healing."

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Chase slid over to Morgan and panicked when he saw her slip, standing in front of here, desperately trying to make sure she wasn't injured in the battle.

Conrad himself had slipped, and his heavy armor had rendered him immobile temporarily. Dammit... not now! he thought, and he used all his strength to get back on his feet. However, he had acted too slowly: the smoke had cleared and the demons were gone.

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Iso: T-this ... can't be good ... (If Kelas can see, and Heinz sought me out in the first place ... that means I'm ... I'm ...)

Capture vs Murder

As the two stood alone in the nearby woods a quarter mile from the cave, they both readied themselves. It would be the forth time they'd fought, only now they were both much stronger than they used to be. Ixion began clinching his fists from his sides until his knuckles cracked. Quickly unsheathed both of his daggers and gave them a quick spinning flourish before freezing!

Ixion: (Two minutes remaining ...)

Shanice quickly launched a frontal assault using a flurry of knife swipes and kicks! Ixion weaved through most of the attacks, and blocked the ones he couldn't until Shanice had pushed him to the edge of the clearing! From there, he abandoned his assault and leaped to a tree before transforming into a wolf again and leaping for Ixion's throat! Ixion stepped back and out of the way as he flew by, and Shanice landed with his back facing him! He leaped for Ixion's throat again only to be caught in a vice grip by his own throat! He yelped and then yelped again after Ixion threw him to the ground!

As soon as his back hit the ground he started transforming again! When he bounced to his feet, he was a full grown tiger ready to pounce! Ixion didn't give him time to strike and instead began casting a spell! Shanice tried to stop him but was slammed in the gut and carried off by a rising pillar of dark energy! It sent him skyward and he came crashing down on his back in assassin form again!

Ixion: (One minute remaining ... no time for this ...)

Shanice had had it, and once he was on his feet, he spread his legs out to brace himself!

Shanice: You wanna be crushed underfoot?! Fine!!

A light icy aura began to spread out and the grass at their feet began freezing over! His hands quickly became draconic paws and his skin sprouted a full coat of scales whilst the rest of his body bathed in the freezing energy he was giving off!

Ixion: (... can't touch him. I'll freeze. Luckily I clearly recall a rather useful ranged attack the headmaster of TISME performed that would seem fitting for this scenario ...)

The Dark Druid quickly removed his cloak and dropped it at his feet before entering a kempo stance, his fists ready to strike! Shanice continued to push his energy waves outward further freezing everything in the area! The energy was now only a few feet away from Ixion and was threatening to envelope him as well! With a quick build up of energy and a quick 1-2 punch, two dark fists slammed into the aura and broke through it! They sped toward Shanice only stopping and vanishing after colliding with his stomach and chest! His entire display was halted and he was thrown onto his back gagging! As he leaped to his feet, Ixion had already begun casting another spell!


Shanice: *gasp* Oh sh*- GYAAH!!!

Before he could react, all of the remaining energy in his form fled from him and came to Ixion's outstretched hand! A moment later, Shanice collapsed to his hands and knees, and Ixion rushed and stabbed him in the face with a knee strike sending him back down even harder!

Ixion: No time, we've got no time ...

With his cloak in one hand, and Shanice's hair in the other, Ixion awaited Stephanie's rescue warp! Shanice tried to struggle, but each time he did, Ixion would deliver a crushing blow to him. Finally, the two were seen standing over another circle symbol, and they both dematerialized on the spot, leaving behind a half frozen woodland area, and demonic blood ...

OOC: Can't write anymore right now.

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Heinz frowned when he saw the fire mage open his eyes, calling out blindly to the mercenary. He let the nomad answer the man's question, looking carefully at the mage. He's blind? Doesn't look like he was wounded too badly though.. "That girl was panicking over Cess, the shaman that was frozen by Shanice," gesturing towards the ice block. Although it was his fault for standing right in front of 'Katie'. "I figured it'd be quicker if he melted the ice," pointing back towards Isotov. "Don't think that's going to happen now though," he muttered under his breath.

Hearing someone scream in the background, Heinz looked up, puzzled. The former bandit had his back to Heinz, talking to the Jerdonian princess and holding the thief girl in his arms. What's he so worried about? He thought, rolling his eyes before turning back to the fire mage.

"Did Shanice do this to you?" he questioned. A fire mage who can't see... Great. Closer to the entrance of the cave Heinz heard the thunder mage call out something about a standard. Rising stiffly to his feet, he looked outside the cave warily. "Looks like a Septimian standard or some sort. Don't think it's local though," he remarked. A white fist? Seems like they've wandered pretty far.

OOC: Backstory seemed to imply Directus had been around for at least a couple years, so I had him recognize the standard.

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Helios revealed himself. He was watching the whole battle and decided not to do anything. Not after what she said. Watching Ixion's magic didnt surprise him a bit. Dark druids like him are powerful. The question was, who side was he on? He would examine the scene and help had it not been so foggy. After the fog cleared, Helios put on his best panic face and ran towards Alferis and Reika. "Oh my god Alferis what happened to your face?!? Damn we need a healer here..... NOW!" Fool. You decided to get in the way. Its your fault your got injured.

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"... I dunno what to do now. I need to make sure Morgan's okay, but if she was conscious then she'd probably dislike me just guarding her like this when I could be doing something else..." Chase muttered to himself.

Conrad approached Jasmine. "That man, the druid... I think he could be potentially dangerous. And Shanice is much more powerful than I'd imagined. I might just have to send you back for reinforcements..."

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As the white fist rose in the air, Dani turned to look at it.

"I don't know," she said. "But, Derek might! I'll go get him."

The mage slid into the cavern, almost falling over. Luckily, she kept her balance, and went past the thin veil of smoke. There was a sharp intake of breath as she saw the scene. Alferis had severe burn injuries, Cess was in a block of ice, and Isotov's eyes were quite odd, but that wasn't the reason she gasped. Right in a corner, head tilted downward, lied Derek, motionless. Most of his skin was hidden by his armor, but the parts that were shown, were red, as if scorched. As Dani approached her brother, she noticed that his gloves were gone, revealing horribly scarred hands, as if they were mangled by a millstone. Gently, she shook the cavalier, saying, "C'mon, Dere, wake up." No response. The girl shook him a bit harder. "Wake up!" The tears began, as she desperately tried to get Derek up, but still, he would not move.


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Seeing the bandit's charred skin, Pary walked over to Derek and Dani. Serves him right. He took his Barrier staff, and helped the cavalier's resistance in the event of any after shocks, and began healing his wounds.



Rita wiped her eyes, and stood up. She couldn't stop now! She kept hacking away at the ice, before a large crack started down the top of it. She hit it one last time, and Cess's head was freed. He seemed to be unconscious, but she kept going.

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"Oh, of course." Charlotte said, raising her staff to heal Reika. the flesh mended somewhat and at least stopped any more blood loss. "You need more too..." she said to Alferis, feeling slightly winded. She touched her staff to him. Hopefully this works on burn wounds...

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Chase picked up Morgan's limp body, and put her on Ava in front of him, then asking "So... what now?"

Conrad exited the cave with difficulty, eventually mounting Thunderbolt, then addressing the outlaw. "Well, we should probably not stay near this cave because it's pretty much useless to us now. At least the rain stopped, but I'm a bit worried about Shanice. Anything that can cause a whole cave to freeze over is something to be wary of, no matter how strong you are yourself. Oh, and we should probably move the guy in the ice block..."

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"Dear goddess, why me?" Chase muttered under his breath. "I saw what happened! She slipped and fell. There's absolutely nothing we can do about it. What the hell did you want me to do, let her get frostbite?"

OOC: Kai, I had permission from Cynthia to move Morgan out of the cave. gj

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"Eh. Just making sure." He said turning around to look for anymore people that needed help. Helios, too busy looking around walked right into the slab of ice that Cess was inside. "Hey what the hell was that- HOLY FUCK!" The ice demon must have froze him. Figures, that idiot got in the way.

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OOC: It's still less than twenty degrees F. in that cave(gradually equalizing with outside environment). Being in there for too long isn't a good idea ...

Inside the Cave

All she could really make out were the sounds of shouting and screaming from the depths of the cave. Jasmine was still out cold, but Conrad was close by. Try as she might, she couldn't call out to him. She couldn't move even an inch, and Susann wasn't able to help either. She panicked and nudged Viveka repeatedly but she didn't understand that her rider was already freezing to death and couldn't move. Illiam was beginning to pester Conrad to help Jasmine get out of the cave as well ignoring the fact that he too was suffering from the extreme temperatures.

Outside the Cave

Iso decided to lie back and rest. He couldn't see anything, and therefore couldn't do anything useful at this point. Instead he started thinking back to try and remember exactly when Katie was kidnapped to try to find some sort of clue as to her whereabouts. Irina wanted to check on him, but Levski kept her right where she was and looked over her wound which had nearly become frostbiten in the cold.


Iso: Blind

Irina: Chilled

Viveka: Hypothermia (unresponsive)

Jasmine: Hypothermia (unconscious)

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"...Are you otherwise injured or can you just not..." Kelas couldn't finish the sentence. Going blind was one of her own fears; to see it suddenly happen to a friend was terrifying.

"Septimian army... this couldn't be about the incident at the border, could it?" Arrin asked worriedly.

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"Hmmm?" Conrad muttered, then notice Illiam trying to get his attention. "Ah! Jasmine and Viveka... I'll go get them." He walked into the cave, slung the two over his shoulders, then walked outside, placing them slowly on the ground. "You two okay?"

Chase trotted around rather aimlessly, keeping Morgan on with one arm, and noticed Susann and Illiam in the cave. "Hey, you shouldn't be in the save... you'll get cold. You should be with Viveka and Jasmine, right?" he asked them, not sure if the understood, then pointed in Conrad's direction.

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After tending to Alferis and Reika. Charlotte went to the front of the cave.

"Maybe...or does this have to do with me? But the King and Queen already sent General Alex...are these people working for Jace? We can't really afford another fight right now." Charlotte wrung her hands nervously.

OOC: Has not noticed Derek's injuries and such

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Iso remained lying on his back with an exhausted tone in his voice.

Iso: Did you say ... Septimians ...? What's going on?

Once Levski cleaned Irilna's wound, Kiev licked it. He then cleaned the wound a second time and bandaged it before smacking Kiev on the head. Meanwhile Viveka was trying to speak up but couldn't, and even though she was conscious, all she could do was shiver. The pegasi had followed Conrad out of the cave as he carried the two riders and knelt down to warm them as best they could.

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