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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Captain Luc

"I know that feeling," Luc slightly tilted his head to indicate Fargo. "The Comet? Perhaps it was he, but we were given nothing more than a very broad and base description. A punctual older man wearing a fine blue cloak and traveling to Directus. Councilmen Richtor is worried because the man is late despite not even being a full day since his estimated arrival time. A testament to his punctuality I reason." The Comet was that General he had heard mention of in the Capital. Luc didn't know whether asking about him was more or less suspicions.

Luc craned his neck to the sky, "And this ill overhang only increased Councilmen Richtor's worries. We're further from Directus than we would normally patrol, along with a dozen other groups scattered about looking for the man." Luc dropped his head back down, waiting for the man's reaction.

EDIT: Added some lines about the Comet in the first paragraph.

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OOC: Trouble.


Warping back to the base, Ruby was disappointed to see that the rest werent here. Did they find out her true identity? Ruby swiftly brandished her blade and got ready to counter any attack flung at her. What she found was nothing. "Gah! Where did they go?" That is when she noticed the supposed corpse on the floor. "They killed it didnt they. Bugger. I wanted to finish it." Ruby said delivering a hard kick to the side of Katie's stomach the warping away.


"Welcome back Morgan." He remarked sarcastically. "Your not coughing anymore. Guess that means you fine. You havent fought in a while so i was thinking..... why dont you use test midnight on something to see if you still have your power or not?"

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Iso was still fatigued from the ice, the fighting, and the loss of his tome, and his lack of energy showed in his voice.

Iso: ... I'll ... be fine. Knowing my sister ... she'll be the first to volunteer heh.

Dark Abyss

Pitch blackness and nothing else for a time. The dark chamber was seemingly empty, but after a very short time a slight sound of movement could be heard. Then, two azure eyes pierced through the darkness opened wide and portraying the only visible areas of a scared face. Shanice didn't know where he was or what was holding him down. He felt as if he had been chained to something flat and sturdy. His body lied flat at a forty degree angle, his arms and legs wrapped in chains that smelled of elder magic.

Six hours passed and nothing happened. Only the trace amounts of light given off by his glowing eyes gave any clue as to what was going on, and even then, all he could see was his body, the chains binding him, and just a part of the surface he was bound to. Another moment passed and then the door to the chamber opened allowing light to come rushing in! Still the room wasn't illuminated. The light only lit the path that Ixion stepped through, and he shut the door right behind him before approaching the chained demon.

As he approached, he disappeared in the darkness caused cutting off the only source of light, and his face came into view again only when illuminated by Shanice's eyes. The demon gave him an annoyed stare, wanting to know what was going on, but being too proud to ask. Ixion was silent for a moment, but then he spoke with a deceptively concerned tone in his voice.

Ixion: So ... are you feeling alright ...?

Shanice: ... I'm chained ... to the f*cking wall!! How do ya think I feel, jackass?!!

Ixion: I just need to make sure that you survive what I'm about to do to you. At first I'd planned on disposing of you once I completed my work but ... I had a word with Ivanko ...

Shanice: ... and?

Ixion: He told me that ... though you're a pest, even you have some value. I feel that deep down Ivanko still ... dare I say it ... ... "believes" in Isotov to a degree.

Shanice: Are you kidding me? You're not going to kill me because Ivanko wants Iso to take care of it himself? I've killed people in that group! They'll never stand for this! Do you have any idea how pissed they'll be if they find out that you had the chance to put me down but didn't?

Ixion: I couldn't care less about those people or their feelings. At this point they'll either become neutrals or obstacles, and with that irresponsible half spirit traveling with them, they're almost certainly the latter. I won't be bothered with them and their problems at this point if I can help it.

Shanice: Gah! Never did get you ... ... hey! What did you do with Proxima?

Ixion: I left it in the library. It's just another book until it's bound to someone.

Shanice: ... huh. (Library ... I know where the library is. Now to tear him apart and go get the tome.) ... that's all I really wanted to know. Thanks.

Shanice quickly tried to increase his size and transform but nothing happened!

Shanice: Urg! ... huh? Urrrrrrg ... Hreuuuuuurg!! ... ... uh oh. Hey, what the f*ck did you do ta me?!!

Ixion: You've been magically restrained for my convenience. Now that I've answered all of your questions ... you can begin answering mine. This will be the worst pain you experience in this existence. Pray it doesn't take too long to get what I need from you ...

Shanice's face blanked out in terror and he trembled as Ixion's hand approached ready to begin what was likely to be a torturous exercise for an as yet unseen purpose ...

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"That is a bad idea." said the headmaster, standing upright at last. "If she doesn't have the tome, then she might be attacking with her very soul; and not in the good way. It would be like ripping her own heart out to try and suffocate something."


"H-Helios?" Came Esphyr's voice as she approached the man from behind. Gone was her blue lips and the color had started to return to her flesh due to the warmth of his jacket. "Thank you."


As Tanair ran along, she did not run alone. Behind her, following in the wake of the rain, was a single monstrous beast of the same cut as the ones that had hounded the group.

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The battlefield

"All right. Well, if there's anything I can do..." Kelas replied. She still couldn't understand how anyone could take sudden total darkness without fear, but then, she wasn't one to show her reactions to things either...

Near the miserable, now-vacant hole, a few hours later

The traveler continued on her way. She did not think about much; the thoughts she could lose herself in were mostly painful or tiring, and all repetitive. Instead she simply watched the road.

She was falling into something of a daze when her horse turned off the road, heading off through the grasslands. She didn't try to steer back; she knew the old mare, and that she'd have some reason for it. Sure enough, the mare soon stopped near some rocks, and the traveler spotted something lying in the grass near a crevasse in the ground. Quickly recognizing it as a person's prone form, she dismounted and got out her staff, approaching carefully.

The woman was battered and unconscious, her neck at an impossible angle. Despite this she was still alive-- barely.

"<Gods and lady, help this one,>" the traveler began, kneeling down and beginning the work of healing, starting with the woman's neck. With her current condition, even the initial healing would take a few hours...

Far away

Something small but wrong invaded Tanair's sense of the land, of Helenos' presence. Such things would come, she knew, to whatever they thought they could feed on.

She halted for a moment, turning back towards where she thought the thing was. Perhaps a fight could be avoided, if the thing were not senseless? Well, there was one way to find out. She took draconic form, massive reptilian head rearing above the trees, and waited for whatever tailed her to show itself or flee.

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Shadow. Forces of demonic prowess and power seemed to course from the position behind her. A hellish beast, akin to those whom had been tracking the party beforehand, had been following the dragon. Adorning its body was no impressive trophy, only the skins of deer and squirrels, showing that it was not the most powerful of beings. Yet, never the less, it was not deterred. Carefully it approached Tanair, keeping itself visible, its motions cautious and defensive. It could be easily overpowered by the dragon woman, and it knew it. It still had to try though.

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As Tanair's tail swept about, however, the beastie proved to be more agile than a simple monster. As Tanair's tail connected, the seven legs of the monster grasped her tail as a vile and demonic chittering erupted from a hidden maw within the monsters mass of tendrils. Refusing to be shaken off, it started to try and climb up Tanair's tail, seeking to devour the dragon girl!

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Far Away

Oh, so it knew a few tricks... Ah well. This was always so messy, but Tanair supposed it was necessary... she whipped her tail around with the thing hanging on and seized it round the middle in her jaws. She gave a quick shake of the head, like a terrier with a rat, and let go, flipping the thing away from her, spitting its foul taste from her mouth.

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Unable to resist the power of the draconic maw, the beast was ripped from Tanair's tail, taking scales and hunks of her flesh with it. Being worried back and forth in her maw like a dogs chewtoy didn't help out either in terms of being able to resist her power. A fact made blatant as she flung the beast aside! "Cheam Chocket chs Chlasting chff chgain!" chittered the beast as it shot off into the distance, leaving Tanair to be. With the beasts absence, the way was now clear for the dragon to progress.

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The emissary had return to his regiment, and Tessa watched as there was a slightly animated discussion at the relaying of their conversation. Soon enough though, the rest of the troops also advance. Reaching her position, their commander had introduced himself briefly, as well as their own resident troubadour. With a nod, she had returned the favor, providing her own name as well, "Tessa... of Fairbrooke."

Leading the soldiers back towards the cave were the others were recuperating, she had briefly explained the situation to the group, that the men were on a unrelated search mission, but upon seeing their plight had offered to provide aid. Seeing that at last, some of the more military minded (and perhaps more competent to address the situation) were headed over and striking up conversation with 12th's leader, one Sir Luc, and also that others were coordinating an effort to collect some wood and start up a blazing fire−the embers of last night's having been forcibly extinguished in the confrontation−Tessa took the time to brief Anna-Seline and help to finish the healing effort, which she had been neglecting.

"There are actually several of us with some skill with a staff. In addition to myself, there's a priest and a cleric. It's distressing how despite that, sometimes things are stretched thin..."

Arrin was coming up the them, and so before the pair had had a chance to rendezvous with either Pary or Charlotte to take stock of what still needed doing, Tessa had to field a couple more questions and some concerns. However she wasn't particularly bothered by the interruption.

"No, no, Arrin. Not hostile. They're on entirely unrelated business, searching for a gentleman clad in blue who'd failed to arrive, but they happened to witness at least some of that recent confrontation and offered assistance. Perhaps our luck finally took a turn for the better!" she exclaimed, at this point still unaware of the full entirety of what had transpired.

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"Yes, it did." Morgan replied to Chase. "Thank you for your concern and assistance. Now, we should get moving quickly, unless there is some reason to linger here. I wonder if this regiment will be traveling with us, or if they are going a different direction?" she asked to no one in particular.

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"Perhaps I will." said Morgan, walking towards the man she thought to be their leader. "So, which way are you all traveling? We have important business in the capital, so if you are heading the opposite direction I believe we will be parting ways. If you are traveling the same direction perhaps we can travel together? More bodies to throw at our enemies I suppose...

Charlotte caught a glimpse of herself in one of the pools of water in the cave. Oh that hair dye is all gone...must have washed off in the rain. I like my hair better brown anyway.

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"Ah, I know that feeling. Though Captain has us all carry vulneraries, I am still the only healer for six other people." Anna-Seline said with a smile. "Captain has made requests to get me a Physic Staff, but our unit is far down the new equipment list." Anna-Seline looked at the green sky overhead, "But with this weather we may be moved up." She sighed. "Ah, who do you need me to treat next?"

Captain Luc

They're going to the capital eh? Perhaps that's why I was asked about the Comet. "Directus is on route to the Capital, so if you wish it, we can accompany you partway. We're at the end of our search route anyway. Unless you've seen an older man in a blue cloak?" Luc wasn't thrilled about having to go through that damn canyon to get anywhere, but that was where they had been assigned to march back through. The horses would need to rest soon after though, only Thunder would have the endurance to last until Directus.

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"No, I don't believe we have." Morgan replied to Luc. "A canyon, hmm? This would be Giver's Canyon, yes? A somewhat treacherous path if what I've read is correct, but that is where our road leads." she said, shrugging.

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Inside the mind of a shapeshifter

Nearby the dark chamber entrance, Stephanie was snooping around. She was still shaken up from all the power Ixion had forced into her body, and she looked as if she hadn't slept in a few days though it had only happened seven hours ago. She stood close to the door with both of the staves in her hands wondering what Ixion was doing. Just then she heard tormented screams coming from within! She put her ear to the door as they increased! There was little sound to give a clue as to what was causing the sickening cries, only the cries themselves!

Stephanie: (By the Goddess, what is Ixion doing to that creature in there?!)

Just then she felt the presence of another person! She stood up straight only for her back to bump into Ivanko's chest! She span around and looked up at the curious wyvern master.

Ivanko: ... ... ... Stephanie ...

Stephanie: Ivanko! G-good day to you ... um ... I ...

Ivanko: You don't approve of Ixion's methods, do you?

She lowered her head and partially flinched as another scream cut through the walls of the chambers and rang in her ears.

Stephanie: ... I can only wonder why he's doing this. Isn't that the demon you both spoke of in the past? Isn't that the same demon that bound Proxima to Isotov?

Ivanko: Indeed it is.

Stephanie: Why on earth are we keeping it here, yet alone torturing it?

Ivanko: It's not torture. Ixion can't be educated by a shapeshifter in one day, nor ten years. We need to know everything that creature knows, and we need to know soon. We're running out of time, so Ixion is tearing the information straight from the demon's mind. It's far more painful than it sounds.

Stephanie: My ... goodness! What could you possibly need to learn from that creature?!

Ivanko: ... ... everything ....

Stephanie: (He's not ... being straight forward with me ... ... more secrets ...)

Inside the chamber, the screams stopped! Shanice's face was completely motionless, his eyes frozen open, his jaw hung, and his head facing the side wall ... he looked dead as dead could be, but he was clearly alive, evidenced by his constant twitching and failed attempts at speaking. Ixion stood over the injured demon with both of his hands tangled in invisible mana streams that lead back into the demon's mind.

Shanice: ... ack! ... a-! ...

Ixion: ... and with all of this, I see the truth. Even more interesting than what I've learned about your abilities is what I've learned about your failures and defeats.

Shanice: G-g ... get ... o-o-outta-of ... my miiind!! G-get out of my miiiind!! GET OUT!!!

Ixion: Tell me ... who is this woman I see who laid waste to your attempts to retake the tome at every turn? Who is she that just a few occasional parlor tricks and clever traps decimated your former colleagues?

Shanice: Get out ... get outta my ... mind ... get out ...

The demon continued to mumble incoherently while Ixion waded through the information he was seeing. Eventually her name came up, and for the first time in years, a slight grin appeared on the Dark Druid's face.

Ixion: ... Miranda ... is this the woman Isotov loved? ... it's all starting to make sense ...

Shanice quickly snapped out of his stupor and quickly protested!

Shanice: No way! No f*cking way! Not that psycho bitch! No way can you seriously be thinking what I think you're thinking, no!!

Ixion: (He understands my intentions? Right, we're currently linked mind to mind so I suppose some of my thoughts will slip through.) Indeed I am. I seem to have found far more than what I was initially seeking. Someone like her ... could aid me in ways yet unknown.

Shanice: Oh my Lord, anyone but her! I went through so much trouble to kill that bitch the first time! Why would you want to-wait! You're no necromancer! You don't have the resources to revive a dead woman! How could you possibly bring her back to life?!

Ixion: Luckily I have a reasonably healthy demon who's body is designed to transform. A few spare parts from you will do nicely.

Shanice: Spare parts? What do ya mean by "spare par-*ROFLSTAB*-ACK!!!

Shanice looked down at his chest to see Ixion's hand! It had impaled him and he could feel the Druid's fingers taking hold of his still beating heart! With a quick motion, Ixion tore out half of Shanice's heart ... his very core, and the center of his demonic powers and held it out over the now severely injured demon!


Ixion: Well now ... this should do nicely ... (Now all I need is her mind ... ... the rest is simple ...)

Outside the chamber, Ivanko kept his hand on Stephanie's shoulder trying to distract and comfort her. Even though it was a demon being harmed, she still didn't like the awful sound.

Stephanie: (Oh why won't they just get it over with? Put the creature out of its misery ... ... what is Ixion doing in there?)

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Far Away

Wincing a bit at her slightly mauled tail, Tanair resumed humanoid form, the torn hide translating to several gashes across her back. She continued on her way, ever closer to Helenos.

The Battlefield

"I don't know... we got hit pretty badly," Arrin replied, looking over the group. "It is good that they're not after us, though... that's a change, certainly."

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Captain Luc

"I see," another person down, "I can only desire the other groups have had better searching than us."

"That is the one," Luc answered, "Were there a quicker path I would most certainly take it, but sadly we must rely on the canyon." Luc shook his head at the very thought of the place. He had wondered the whole time away why General Mendozza would have his patrol come back through the canyon, and still hadn't figured it out. The closest thing to an explanation he could figure was trying to temper Luc's loathing of the canyon. But the General was a straightforward man, and would have told Luc if that were the case. So Luc had spent just as much time wondering about their assigned path as he did cursing the green sky and thinking about how important the missing man was.

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Reika awoke suddenly, her eyes flashing. Her head hurt and her chest throbbed, where she was cut. She found herself in the bandit's arms and got up and fell onto her knees, wretching.

"You ok Reika?" said Alferis, most of his skin restored, though most of his hair was still burned and the upper part of his head was still a little charred.

"Leave me alone slave," she snarled, trying to focus. Something's off. And I wonder what it is.

"Calamity," she whispered but the daggers did not come and her head throbbed even harder.

"Calamity," she said in a louder voice. Still the daggers did not come. Alferis saw everything and sat next to her, patting her back.

"You've been severed," he said, anger visible in his voice. "I don't know what's going to happen to you now, but take it easy ok?"

"You fool. Now that I'm severed, the others have no reason to let me live. You will not speak of this to anyone got it?"

"But what if they won't? They might be able to help--"

"Shut up!" she said loudly. "You know what they're going to do to me if they find out slave. And I hate to admit it, but I'm not in the best shape right now. So if they come after me, you're going to guard me slave?"

"...Yeah. Sorry Reika," he said, picking her up and walking her near the others.

"Let me go!" she said, struggling against him. He nodded and she stumbled around, the room spinning. She was about to fall over when she felt Alf's arms around her.

"You need rest," he said. "And I'm going to find a way to get you some."

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OOC: We've got all you can die on! Ice cycles, spikes, wind chill, sub zero temperatures, and lots and lots of cold! That'll be approximately one Proxima, a Calamity, and keep the Midnight.

That place where we got our asses handed to us once

Once Irina's cheek was bandaged up, she finally got to go over to her brother whom Kelas was tending to. Levski walked over to his now bored wyvern and leaned up against him. For now he felt that he should just stand by until he was needed. He had been listening though and apparently one of the demons had brought Morgan's tome with them and subsequently lost it during the battle. He also saw Morgan rebind it to herself which likely meant she was going to be alright. He didn't feel like getting excited over it though. He was happy for her, but he was still just hired muscle for the time being and didn't stray from it for the time being. If he was needed, he was there, and that's all that mattered to him at the moment, though there were other things on his mind.

Meanwhile Irina stopped near Iso and noticed that he had his eyes closed, which was odd because he was talking to Kelas.

Irina: Is he alright?

Iso: I'm fine ...

Irina: You don't sound or look fine. Kelas, is he lying?

Iso: (Ah crap ...)

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"Hey...Guys...We all need to rest now," said Alferis holding a frowning Reika as he walked towards Iso and the others. "Especially her," he said as Reika raised her arm to slap him for humiliating her like this.

"So are we resting for the night again or what?"

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Tovmeister and Little Ms. Zaftra

Irina: I think the others want to get moving. Are you sure you're okay to move?

Iso: ... y-yeah but ... I'm still a little confused. What happened altogether? Who else got hurt?

Irina: Not sure. Umm, Morgan got her tome back. That's good news, right?

Iso: ... now she'll go back to lording over us at full health. Fantastic. (Not that it concerns me anymore. Without Proxima they really don't need me here ... ... I could cut loose and get out of here. If I knew for certain that Katie was alive and where to find her ... I would do just that but ... I don't know ...)

Irina: Well at least we agree on that ...

Just then Alferis appeared ... holding Reika. Irina nudged Iso to take a look but Goddess knew he was just going to have to miss out on this once in a lifetime sighting.

Irina: I uh ... I don't think we should hang around in the place where we all nearly just died ... you know?

EDIT: Added Irina talking to Alf bit

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