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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Watching the troubadour ride away, Heinz looked on warily. Hope she knows what she's doing. At least she's got a sword, I suppose- If she can use it, he thought wryly. Seeing the group remove their helmets except for one and ride over, Heinz waited by the entrance of the cave, raising his eyes slightly. A military commander who doesn't try to order everyone else around? That's new.

Hearing the archer shout something about Morgan's tome, Heinz turned away from the Septimian soldiers curiously. That swordswoman found the Crimson Weapon dark tome? Wonder how she got it back, looking at Rita.

Watching the shaman go over to where Derek and the helmeted man were talking, Heinz took off his cloak again. Wish it was warmer outside here, he grumbled to himself, spreading the cloak out on the ground. Snorting at the sight of the two pegasus riders holding onto the cavalier for warmth, Heinz headed back into the cave and smirked, trying not to laugh at the sight of the former bandit and ex-guide holding Reika up in the air.

Hearing the Headmaster call everyone to a move, Heinz raised his eyes and shrugged. "Seems like everyone's ready to go anyway," he muttered, stuffing his cloak inside the saddlebags and mounting the horse.


Hearing Kelas call for a break, Heinz leapt down from his horse stiffly. Giver's Canyon? "Wish we could've gone around it," he spoke to himself, quickly eating a few biscuits before walking over to the Septimian soldiers. So Esphyr was going to be a mageknight? Explains the staff, I suppose. The mercenary didn't appear too happy herself with her personal history being spread for all to hear. She's probably better off sticking to swords anyway, he figured, scowling at the thought of someone using both magic and weapons.

"My name is Heinz," he nodded towards the leader of the small group of soldiers. "Excuse me if you already mentioned this, but what reason do you have for traveling with our group?" he questioned, twitching slightly at the sound of a minor explosion behind him. That fool fire mage is still blowing things up? Damned blind idiot, he cursed silently.

OOC: Former bandit and ex-guide both refer to Alferis.

Edit: Added response to explosion.

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Chase leapt back as soon as he heard "count of three". "Yeah, that's a big if! Try hitting me now. I won't make any attempts to dodge it after you start casting, he told him, then took several steps to the left as quietly as he could.

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Iso: Chase, you're not an enemy. Even if you were, you wouldn't know anything about my aiming troubles. I could easily catch you with a spread even though you moved. Most enemie's I've fought are usually too stupid to duck like you will too. I'd say my odds are decent enough.

Irina and Kiev

The both of them looked over at the sound of the small blast, and saw nothing but a startled Chase and rising smoke from a scorched spot on the ground. The spot was only twelve inches in radius but it looked like a dangerous spot to be in at the time of the explosion. She stood up and led Kiev over by his reins.

Irina: What was that about?

EDIT: Forgot Iso is sitting back down. Thanks, Kiryn ^_^

EDIT2: Irina not reacting is so incredibly OOC I can't even get into how incredibly OOC it would be.

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"If he does, I'll pummel him."


"Well, for starters, try talking to her. Every person is different and it's important to know the differences. Also, be there for her, and... and don't push her around."

OOC: Raiding, so slow responses.

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"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware there was a super secret nomad cure for blindness." Morgan said sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Kelas.

"Anyway Isotov, in an actual battle, there is a cacophony of sounds. Unlike this situation, it is difficult to determine one person from another. You are a possible liability to us until I can ensure your accuracy. Understand?" she said, placing her hands on her hips.

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Siblings in a canyon

Iso: If you want to test me sometime ... be my guest, but I won't let this become a weakness.

He prayed that no one would discover the actualy reason for his blindness. No one but Kelas seemed to realize that Proxima had been severed from him. As far as they knew, he was merely injured and might recover with some aid from the healers.

Irina: What? You can't see?

Iso: Tch ... not yet. Don't worry about it for now.

Irina: What on earth could cause you to lose your sight?!

Iso: ... Shanice ....

EDIT: Added something I forgot.

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Fargo, and others.

"Oh hey!" Fargo said, "Sit down have a bite -- well, don't have a bite these things are deadly. But hey, we're traveling along because Captain said so. He said he was gonna ask about some guy we're supposed to be looking for. But seeing as how your lot was so bad off he chose to help, I guess. Kinda hard to know what he's thinking."

"Why are you acting like the leader? The rest of us outrank you," Jess said.

"Well, I'm the most leader-looking! And people like me!"

"Uh, sure," Jess replied obviously not believing him.

And then the explosion happened.

"Ah! What the hell was that!" Fargo yelled and threw his food in a random direction before drawing his sword. The others calmed their mounts before turning and looking around for the source.

Captain Luc

Luc returned to the others as soon as he heard the noise. He noticed a chunk of the ground near some of the strangers was missing.

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Tessa nodded back at Charlotte and continued explaining. "Yes. Alferis brought her over to me, saying she was feeling ill. She threw up all, and I barely got her onto Trevor before she passed out. I haven't been able to figure out what it might have been."

Waving her hands she clarified, "I'm not trying to imply you did anything wrong or anything, don't get me wrong. Just, thought maybe there would be a clue, I don't know... a poisoned blade or something maybe? All she said was that it was something caused by the demons, and I'm not sure I can expect to actually get much more out of her than that when she wakes up." Tessa had a doleful expression on her face as she stared at Reika's sleeping form.

"...I, I suppose I could just try the Restore staff, but I thought it would be better to go in prepared, rather than just trying something blindly and praying it might work, you know?"

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"I don't know, keeping the fact from people who would trumpet it all around seemed like it might help in various ways," Kelas replied to Morgan irritably. "As it is, that questionable lot of soldiers have probably worked it out by now, and if they're out to get us they've just heard about something to exploit."

edit: added "to Morgan" as clarification

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Alferis nodded and smiled.

"Thanks Esphyr. I try to do all those things, but it's great hearing it anyway.

I'm worried about her. If Heinz is the mole, Reika might be in danger, considering how she's employed by somebody else, and he might try to murder her while she's weak."

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"Alright, I'll listen." she said. The demon lowered his weapon. "Well for starters Hel-" in a flash Ruby lashed out at his throat and decapitated him. Blood gushed out of his neck as his head fell. His face was frozen in terror as it hit the ground with a thud. Ruby turned around and put on her hood. She started to walk in the opposite direction, her destination, unknown. "The hell am i supposed to find those fools now?"

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Charlotte shrugged. "I just treated the wound I saw, if there is poison or something else going on here my Mend staff would not have fixed it. You could try the Restore staff but..." she hesitated. "it will take a lot out of you."

"If they're out to get us, we have more problems than them knowing about Isotov's condition.' Morgan replied to Kelas, equally irritably. "You don't seem to recognize the danger in a blind man throwing fireballs in our direction."

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"That does not really solve the problem." Morgan replied to Kelas. 'Considering he can summon Proxima whenever he wants, he can continue to lob fireballs blindly. Isotov, I want you to promise me you won't attack anything unless you are very sure it an enemy." Morgan said, putting her hands on his shoulders and shaking him.

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???: ((Ohhhhhh, bad move Kai))

As he was slashed down, and the woman turned to leave, something was not right. The body had stood, before grabbing the head and placing it onto the severed shoulders. Loud cracking noises could be heard as the bones rejoined. Spitting out some blood, he talked. "Oh Ruby, you hurt me. Surely finding that tome and saving your boyfriend would earn you some brownie points? And you think I'm useless. Tch, tch, tch."

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"No thanks, I already ate," shaking his head politely. Doesn't look very edible either, eyeing the blocks of food. He chose to help this group even though he's searching for someone? Figures Tessa would trust him, snorting slightly when the soldiers began bickering among each other.

Heinz kept his mouth shut while the soldiers milled among themselves, silently cursing at the fire mage as he walked towards where the shaman, nomad, and fire mage were, the Septimian captain approaching them.

Edit: Word choice.

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"Ah, yes, it certainly does do that doesn't it." Tessa confirmed Charlotte's statement, "The last time I used it−well it also the first time, so maybe that had something to do with it−I was really going in bli..."

The natural choice of metaphor hit Tessa like a sack of bricks, as the connection between healing and blindness was most unwelcome. Blanching and frowning, she rephrased, "I wasn't really sure how to go about it, so I had to visualize it internally. It seemed to have worked, Damian got better, but I pretty much completely flopped for a few minutes. I'm not even sure what would have happened if it hadn't have worked though. That's sort of why I was hoping to have a better clue before going in for round two, but I guess if it can't be helped..."

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Captain Luc

Luc had grown tired of overhearing the constant shouts about the vague intentions of his own Cavalry. It was aggravating to listen to people talk about them with such correct suspicion. Fighting between the two groups right now was stupid and whichever side won couldn't afford it. Luc's Cavalry were outnumbered, and the strangers had too many injured to risk anything. It was an idiot's battle. Leading them to Directus was the only way in which he'd turn against them -- IF he turned against them. They were not hostile, not yet, and he had no intention of making them.

Luc rode up to Morgan, and others he had never introduced himself too, "My my, are we really so untrustworthy? I'd actually say yes and agree with you. But for now I've no intent to be hostile with your group. Neither side would come out unscathed."

Fargo and others.

"Bah, what the hell? Does anyone in your group know how to-" Fargo looked around and saw the guy from before was gone, "Hey where'd he go?"

"Over there," Tom pointed at where all the commotion was coming from.

"Oh jeez."

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"Well, I could use the Restore staff instead." Charlotte offered. "I mean I already used it once today, so another go wouldn't be too bad, right?"

"If I believed you were hostile, I would have taken offensive measures sooner." Morgan said to Luc. "It is only natural for us to be suspicious, we recently had an issue with a mole in our group." Speaking of that I should thank Lev sometime, but he seems rather...occupied at the moment. she thought to herself.

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