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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 16: Fracture


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Fargo and other.

Fargo and Tom chased after the girl, but even with her impressive head start they caught up to her just in time to see her plummet off the cliff. The two cavaliers dove off to catch her. And it was Fargo of all people to do it.

"Whoa there missy! You aren't falling on my watch!" Fargo chocked out between the strain of holding her up. Tom braced Fargo and helped to steady the balance between the two.

"Alright missy, we're gonna need your help to pull you up y'here?"

Captain Luc

Luc was not the first -- or even the second, or third really -- to reach the green-lightning disturbance. The Wyren Lord accompanying the group and swooped down and swept her into a state of normality. "Now that was quite impressive," he complimented the Wyren Lord.

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Lev: Sometimes it pays to have a partner that knows what he's doing.

Catching the word "partner", Krinkov turned toward the two and tilted his head.

Lev: Yeah I'm talking about you.

The wyvern snorted and then went back to staring at Danielle, wondering where she was hiding her eggs. Protecting them from Alferis seemed to be an all day task.

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Captain Luc

"Well, I can relate to that," Luc said and Thunder neighed in response at Luc's acknowledgment. "Now," Luc continued," it looks like your grouping is the reason that other girl ran off ahead of my men. Can I please know why I'm sending a good man into possible danger?" Fargo of course, not qualifying as anything other than another body between the enemy and the people who mattered. Though even losing Fargo over something possibly petty would be a pointless lose.

EDIT: You're is not your.

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Lev: Don't know why Rita ran off. Might be best to ask Eric or Charlotte. It sort of looked like she was talking with them. Not sure since I wasn't paying much attention.

The Main Fortress

When Ixion and Stephanie returned to the fortress, they stopped by the chamber. WHatever Ixion took from the graveyard seemed to be small, for he wasn't carrying anything that his cloak didn't completely conceal. Stephanie still had the look of a sleepless woman, and she was still highly disturbed by what he'd done earlier.

Upon opening the chamber door, Shanice looked up to see Ixion walk in. He quickly changed his voice to that of a young woman and called out!

Shanice: Oh, honey! You're home! Sit down while I make you a cup of severe pain followed by an untimely death!!

Ixion: ... humorous.

The demon's voice quickly returned to normal as he started yelling again!

Shanice: Untie me and I'll show you humorous, you jackass!!

Ixion: Please be quiet for the time being. I have work to do.

Shanice: Yes, dying is hard work, but I can make that much easier on you. Just lift the seal on these chains and I'll happily run you through with a two by four.

Ixion: >_>

Their odd conversation continued while Stephanie listened from the outside.

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OOC: Will get new topic along with a fight up tomorrow. PEOPLE PLANNING A FIGHT! THIS IS A ULTIMATUM! EITHER DO IT NOW OR WAIT!

IC: Alf's words turned over in Esphyr's mind. Would Damian really abandon her to preserve his image? Even in a nation where multiple wives were allowed, it seemed unlikely that a highborn would marry a lowborn for her looks, and Esphyr didn't even have those! She was a scarred, wounded, mercenary girl with loads of emotional baggage. Even if Damian didn't mind her, he would be forced... Esphyr shook her head quickly as she made a silent resolve. She wouldn't even think of becoming his mistress for now. Not until she had done something to make them back off from her. Something for her to smash their heads with besides power.

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"Well she slapped Sir Eric in the face, and I told her that she shouldn't do that. I think I hurt her feelings though, she's so sensitive...I should really go after her." Charlotte ran off in front of the group to where Rita had gone.

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OOC: I think this is all of the loose ends.

Leaving the saddle to retrieve the staff she had thoughtlessly dropped, Tessa caught sight of Charlotte shrugging and apologizing. The other cleric had tried to help, but it hadn't worked and she was out of ideas as well. The troubadour couldn't blame the girl, after all, it really wasn't her problem to handle at this point.

As the princess was heading off to investigate a different matter that had caught her attention, Tessa was a little surprised when Heinz dropped by with a word or two of comfort for her. Despite being the quiet sort, he actually did care. Just like she'd figured he might; he really wasn't a bad sort at all.

"I suppose you're right about that," she answered his proposal that there wasn't anything to be done, aside have Reika rest, hope that she gets better, and take further action if something gets worse. With a sigh, she rubbed her temples. The exertion from using Restore had amplified her exhaustion from the very poor night's rest she had gotten.

Putting back on a smile though, she pointed out the silver lining, "Though, there should be some comfort drawn from the fact that I didn't find anything actually wrong. It could just be amplified levels of stress, or other things that he was overly concerned about, and maybe Alferis was making a mountain out of a molehill. After all, the girl herself didn't really think she needed anything."

It was an interesting idea, and she found herself hoping that it were true, but part of her was still unsure. She couldn't really read the expression on the man's face as she told him her random thoughts, it sort of looked slightly bemused though.

A soft voice calling '...Tessa,' from behind caused her attention to shift away.

"Yes?" she'd replied, and then the voice, which she found belonged to Arrin, continued and asked if she had a remedy for headaches.

Tessa did in fact, and had been about to avail herself of it, but with new circumstances come new responses. "It's... it's not much, but I do have a mint leaf that you could try to chew on. It'll be quite bitter, and it probably would be more agreeable if it were in tea, like the sort Pary seems to brew, but perhaps it will help? You sound... pained. It's quite a powerful one?"

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"Thanks," Arrin said, reaching out to take the leaf. He barely noticed the taste, and it helped... slightly. Realizing Tessa had asked how bad the headache was after a moment, he replied belatedly, "...Yes. It should be better in a bit..."

"You lot sure we couldn't have gone another way? I got a bad feeling about this," Kelas called back to the group.

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Arrin was acting a bit off. There was quite a delay in his responses, and he just seemed out of sorts. But then again, a real bugger of a headache can do that to a person, Tessa mused. Still if he was anything like his sister, she couldn't trust him to come to her unless the problem was really bad, so she would have to make the first move. Have to make the first move...? That sounds familiar, like something someone else told me, but I can't remember who or what the context was...

Moving in a little closer, she hugged the boy as he was chewing the leaf, closed her eyes, and whispered. "You can always tell me anything, you know? You don't have to wait till it gets bad. You kept my problem secret, I can keep anything of yours the same. That would have been true regardless, but now, doubly so."

Backing away, she looked back at him, and said aloud, smiling, "Maybe the hug will help it a little too."

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Daneka's stomping grounds

The entire regimen was dressed like mercenaries, and even Daneka had on a different outfit. She appeared to be a desert dweller with so much clothe flowing around.

Alphonse: Aren't those human bones going to be a bit of a give away, Madame Colonel? I do not believe that picking the same ambush point so many times is such a good idea ... not unless we start cleaning up the previous messes that is.

Daneka quietly sipped tea while Alphonse voiced his concerns.

Daneka: Zat's ze funny part. Zey never even notice ze bones until zey're too deep into ze canyon to escape, and while zey are looking at ze bones on ze ground, we are looking down at zem wiz our weapons ready. It's all quite ironic really.

Alphonse: If you are certain, Madame Colonel ... >_>'

Meanwhile the archers fought over who got to use the ballista while one of the myrmidons watched in amusement. One of the archers was already on the ballista, and trying to figure out how to prepare it for use. It hadn't been unpacked long. With a quick mistake, the archer accidentally unlocked the bow and the superstructure fanned out nearly knocking the other men down!

Archer: Whoops! Sorry!

Myrm: Hurry up. They'll be here soon ... I think.

Suddenly one of the scouts came running over!

Scout: Hurry up, man! We've got wyvern riders! It's them!

Myrm: Oh good. Finally. Alright, you know the drill. Archers, aim for the fliers. Everyone else, pick off the weak ones and anyone else protecting them. You, on the ballista!

Archer: Me?

Myrm: You aim for the big wyvern. Take it out so we don't have to deal with it up close.

Archer: I'll try, sir.

The men quickly moved to their positions! Not far away, another group of soldiers was preparing to use a rock slide to damage the group ahead of time! All they saw were cavaliers, but they were ordered to attack the first people they saw! With that, they began pushing the giant boulders over the edge of the cliff down onto the cavalier unit! The ballista archer quickly spotted the group and was beginning to get impatient.

Archer: If I can see'em ... I can hit'em.

Myrm: ... wait for the blasted signal.

Archer: Please?

Myrm: ... grrrrrrr-

Archer: Pretty please?

Myrm: ... fine >_>'

Archer: YAY!!!

The archer quickly launched the bolt at the two cavaliers who were helping Rita! Fargo was struck through the chest with the bolt!

Archer: BOOYAH!!! I hit'em!!

Myrm: ... nice shot. Ready up!! Kill the rest of them!!


OBJECTIVE: Route the enemy

Victory: Daneka and Alphonse are defeated or they retreat. Alphonse will retreat if Daneka is defeated or retreats. Daneka will retreat if Alphonse is defeated, or only five generic enemies remain.

Notes: The Enemy phase is being enforced for this battle. Every eight battle posts will trigger an enemy phase. Enemy controllers are Phoenix and Cynthia(I need help). Ninth battle posts must be retconned to the next player phase and are therefore overwritten by enemy phases. Daneka and Alphonse cannot be targeted until the second player phase due to their distance from the group.

Enemy Forces

Myrms x4

HP:9 Str:2 Spd:6 Skl:5 Def:1 Res:0 Evd:6

Archers x4

HP:9 Str:3 Spd:3 Skl:6 Def:2 Res:1 Evd:4

Merc x4

HP:9 Str:3 Spd:4 Skl:4 Def:2 Res:1 Evd:4

Fighter x4

HP:12 Str:5 Spd:3 Skl:2 Def:2 Res:1 Evd:3

Lance Cav x4

HP:9 Str:3 Spd:4 Skl:4 Def:4 Res:1 Evd:4

Axe Cav x2

HP:9 Str:4 Spd:4 Skl:3 Def:4 Res:1 Evd:4


Ballista Operator x1

HP:9 Str: 6 Spd: 3 Skl: 6+1 Def:2 Res: 1 Evd:4+1

Note: The ballista may only be targeted by fliers, and ranged units.

The Ballista does not launch counters, and cannot be countered.



Class: Falcon Knight

HP: 6 STR: 3 MAG: 0 SKL: 3 SPD: 7 LUK: 6 DEF: 2 RES: 6 ((3+1)+(3+1)=8)

Simplified stats: HP: 18 Damage: 3 Hit: 3 Evade: 10 Defense: 2 Resistance: 8

(Attacking stats: HP: 18 Damage: 3 Hit: 5 Evade: 8 Defense: 4 Resistance: 8)

Name: Stance Change

Activation: Passive

Effect: During the enemy phase, increase skl by 2, and def by 2, and decrease luck by 4.

Stance Change users may be countered during the enemy phase.

Note: You must perform your own counters during the following player phase. Any counters not made by the next enemy phase are ignored.

Name: Charisma

Activation: At the start of your turn

Effect: Each round,you may choose 2 nearby allied targets. These targets gain +1 Hit and +1 Avo.

Note: Default Charisma targets are Alphonse and the Ballista

Class: Falcon Knight

Name: Reroll

Effect: Twice per battle, you may discard a roll you made and reroll your dice.



Class: Sword Master

HP: 5 STR: 5 MAG: 0 SKL: 6 SPD: 7 LUK: 4 DEF: 3 RES: 3

Simplified stats: HP: 15 Damage: 5 Hit: 6+1 Evade: 9+1 Defense: 3 Resistance: 3


Activation: Passive

Effect: This character may only be targeted once during player phase.

Name: Keen edge

Activation: Passive.

Effect: + or - 1 to skill die rolls

OOC: Whew.

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"She's probably stressed or something," Heinz said, shrugging slightly. I'd bet that fighter's just worrying over nothing, he added silently, somewhat amused as the healer continued to fret. Hearing the thunder mage call for Tessa, Heinz stepped to the side.

A headache? Probably tired after the battle, he guessed. Watching the thunder mage and fighter argue angrily, Heinz retreated to a safe distance away. Green lightning? She looks pretty mad, leaning against his horse lazily.

Seeing a number of soldiers charging towards him, Heinz grinned slightly. "Time to see how well these new knives work," he muttered under his breath. Aiming at one of the mercenaries, Heinz threw a knife towards his chest. (-4 damage Link)

Dodging the mercenary's sword with ease (Link), Heinz pulled another knife from his belt, this time throwing with his right hand. "Not bad," he grinned. Looks like my aim got better. (-4 damage Link)

Heinz 12/12 HP (Two hits, 10 exp)

Mercenary 1/9 HP

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"Oh shit. Get behind me Esphyr," said Alferis, throwing his tomahawk at the lance cavalier coming towards him and drawing the iron axe shortly after.

Alferis (1,3,5) Miss!

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/2652251/ (ignore second roll. I wasn't thinking at the time.)

5 exp for existing.

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There was no second of hesitation from Esphyr the moment the assault was launched. Her blade was out and in her hand, humming with the power of her magic, as she leapt off to assault the nearest enemy.

Esphyr rolls. Attacking Fighter 1. Arcanium active. 5, 3, 4. HIT for (3 roll + 4 STR +1 Arcanium +1 WTA +1 supports - 1 RES) 9 damage!

Fighter attack: 1, 2, 1... Miss. Fail.

Esphyr: 3, 2, 6. Hit for kill.

Esphyr gains 10 EXP!

Meanwhile, Altion lowered his lance before glancing at Kelas. He was intent to keep his word this time, and not run away whist a woman fought on the front lines!

Altion roll: 1, 1, 1...

And promptly fell off his high horse as he charged a sword wielder.

Myrm 4 attack, 2, 1, 4. Hit and tink!

OOC: Damn. Bad rolls.

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OOC: First..... if no one ninja's me..... -_-

"I had a feeling." Helios muttered dismounting. "Impulsive wannabes are always the first to die." He dismounted off Kira and spoke. "Kira, take the headmaster back, we cant afford to lose her." Ballista eh? I cant reach them from here, I'll let the flyers take em. Helios readied a spell and targeted one of the archers that was in the way of the headmasters escape.

Helios vs Archer

Helios attacks first.


3 + 2 - 1 x 2(Crit) + 1(Hellsety) = 9

Firing a spell at the archer, Helios cleared the way. "Go now!" He commanded Kira.

Helios: 8/9

+ 10 exp

OOOC: You get another 5 for existence?

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"We've got an ambush!" Aiya called out, as the ballista bolt hit Fargo, killing the cavalier.

Rushing the Ballistician, Aiya swung her Zweihander at the operator! With a scream, the man was cleaved in two, falling to an even further death.

On the ground, Damian rushed a Myrmidon, and swung his lance at the sword wielder! With a single blow, the Silver Lance wore the sorry man's heart as an ornament, and his lifeless body fell to the ground.

Combat Phase start!

Aiya(6,6,6 WOOT!) 10 hit - 5 Evd,hit! 12 Mt - 2 def, 10 damage! Critical, 20 damage!Roll

Aiya 15/15

Ballistician 0/9 Dead

Damian(3,1,1) 7 hit - 6 evd, hit! 8 mt - 1 def, 7 Damage! Critical, 14 Damage!Roll

Damian 12/12

Myrm1 0/9 Dead

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Chase looked around the valley, trotting through it, when he noticed something wrong. There's something eerie about this place... maybe I should look around, he thought, but found nothing to be of immediate concern. Something's not right... like that shadow. That couldn't be caused by the landscape... wait... that means... Chase looked up towards the canyon's highest point, and sure enough, there was a ballista perched on the top of the cliff. "That's definitely not a good sign!" he shouted, pointing at the ballista. "I'll take out the ballista! Go, Ava!" he shouted, having the horse gallop towards a swordfighter. He fired an arrow at the myrmidon from the Zephyrtwine, taking him down in a single shot!

Adding rolls. If anyone need to why I auto-assume he hits, Chase's skill=5 and the myrm's eva is 6 that's an auto hit because the lowest he can get is a 1.


Chase= 8/9

Myrmidon= dead

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Captain Luc

While Luc had been busy investigating the most recent cause of alarm from the group, disaster reared its unavoidable head. He watched practiaclly helplessly as most of his unit was awash in a rain of boulders. Before he could even get over to help his own soldiers a group with no markings approached. It was clear they were behind it, and Luc would make sure they paid for it all.

Luc ordered Thunder into a charge at the closest Lance Cavalier, taking the notorious advantage axes had over lances into effect. The man wasn't prepared for the giant spinning Halberd and took the ax to his upper chest, but through some skill managed to stay on. That same skill reared its head and the Cavalier countered with his own lance, inflicting a decent blow to Luc's shield shoulder.

Fargo (the dead!?) and Tom.

Fargo had a giant ballista bolt sticking out of him and before he knew it Tom was grabbing the poor girl who had fallen over. He had no idea what to do other than to hang on to her.


Luc attacks Lance Cavalier D!

(Luc rolls 6, 6, 2)

Luc strikes and deals 7 damage. (6Roll+4Str+1WTA-4Def=7Damage)

Lance Cav D counters!

(Lance Cav D rolls 4, 4, 6)

(Lance Cav D deals 3 damage. (4Roll+3Str-4Def=3Damage)

Lance Cav D has 2 HP left.

Luc has 9 HP left.

(Luc earns 10 EXP, 5 for hit +5 for Existing.)

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The Battle

Irina and Isotov were in the air when the fighting started and were shocked to see the Directus Cavalry unit assaulted by hidden forces and nearly wiped out!

Irina: Holy wyvern, what the heck is going on over there?!!

Iso: I don't like the sound of that.

Irina: Oh crap, and you're blind too!

Iso: Yeah ... but you're not. I think I might know what Kelas was planning. Irina, I'll attack your targets with you alright? Just let me know when we get close. Have Kiev fly a little quieter too, alright? No roaring.

Irina: ... you're serious ... ... alright. Let's help out while we still can! Come on!

The two swooped down into the battlements to assist. Meanwhile Viveka was struggling to get on her feet! She hopped down from Ann and quickly mounted Susann.

Viveka: Don't worry, Derek! I won't get carried away, I promise. *cough**cough* (This is a really bad idea ...)

Irina rolls 2,4,4


HIT 5 vs Evade 6 = MISS

Myrm rolls 1,2,3


HIT 6 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 4 vs DEF 6 = Tink

Exp: +5

Irina HP 15/15

Myrm HP 9/9

Isotov rolls 6,3,6


HIT 10 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 8 vs RES 0 = -8 hp

Myrm rolls 1,4,6


HIT 5 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 6 vs DEF 1 = -5 hp

Exp: +5

Iso HP 7/12

Myrm HP 1/9


Daneka: Alright, it's time to move. Get anozer archer on zat ballista and fight back!

Alphonse: I'm ready, Madame Colonel.

Daneka: Good. Let's hope zat Madame Xenia gets her prize, and we get ours.

With that, Daneka and Nyx took off to head to the front lines! Alphonse hopped from ledge to ledge to reach the bottom of the cliff, and he too moved closer. Meanwhile, the ballista was remounted by one of the remaining archers.

OOC: This archer is subtracted from the generic ones.

Enemies attack!

Myrm attacks Alferis!

Myrm rolls 5,6,3


HIT 12 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 2 = -6 hp

Myrm doubles and rolls 5,1,6


HIT 11 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 3 vs DEF 1 = - 2 hp

Axe Cav attacks Damian!

Axe Cav rolls 2,4,5


HIT 5 vs Evade 5+ = MISS

Ballista attacks Aiya

Ballista rolls 2,2,5


HIT 7 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 8 vs DEF 6 = -2 hp


OOC: Heinz was not attacked because I can't find his stats.

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Hiding behind a cliff, Xenia had a clear view of the canyon below. She saw a brown-haired girl in blue robes in front, apparently runnign around looking for someone. Easy prety she thought. Svetlana swooped down and Xenia struck the girl with the butt of her lance, knocking her out! Svetlana's tail scooped up the girl and placed her on the wyvern's back.

OOC: You can attack Xenia, but she'll counter and will fly away after a few posts. Any attempts to rescue Charlotte without knocking out Xenia first are...questionable.

Xenia(Silver Lance) Tough Skin

HP:21 Str:7 Spd:4 Skl:4 Def:5 Res:5 Evd:4

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"Thought so!" Kelas shouted, loosing an arrow at the nearest mymidon.

(4,3,4) Hit! Kelas does 5 damage!

Arrin began to thank Tessa again, indeed feeling a bit better, but was interrupted: they were under attack. "Well, I can still help," he said, getting out his Elthunder and aiming for a fighter.

(2,3,6) Hit! Arrin does 8 damage!

"Blast, this isn't as powerful as Daranau," Arrin muttered, though he didn't miss the accompanying energy loss. The fighter swung his axe back towards Arrin.

(1,1,1) Miss!

Kelas 12/12 Myrm 4/9 Arrin 9/9 Fighter 4/12

Kelas 5 EXP Arrin 5 EXP

edit: added in support bonus for Arrin, HP records

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Quickly changing to battle mode, Tessa leapt onto Trevor, pushed forward, and healed a wounded Alferis, before retreating back out of range and wheeling about nervously, wondering whether more bolts or boulders would soon be raining down from the cliff-tops.

(Alf +6 HP)

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As another archer mounted the Ballista, Aiya cursed, and swung at him as the bolt grazed her, however, the operator managed to evade the blow!

The axe Cavalier missed Damian, and Damian felt Gae-Borg well up in his hand as he swung at a nearby fighter! The attack dealt some damage, and Damian managed to evade the counter!

Aiya(1,3,4) 5 hit - 5 evd, Miss! FFFFFFFF-Roll

Aiya 13/15

Ballista2 9/9

Ballista coming back is BS...

Damian(1,3,1) 5 hit - 3 Evd, hit! 10 Mt - 2 def = 8 Damage!roll

Fighter(4,6,5) 6 hit - 6 evd, miss!

Damian 11/12

Fighter 4/12

OOC: Damian has 6 Evd. Stats in sig says 7, but support bonuses are wrong. Also, +1 Str on Sig.

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"Ow!" Alferis exclaimed, as he felt the bite of a myrmidon's blade hit him square in the shoulder. As soon as that happened, he felt the healing staff of Tessa knit his wound.

"Much obliged," he said, aiming a blow towards the lance knight he missed. Unfortunately, he missed the lance knight again, and the polearm embedded itself in his shoulder.

Alferis (1,6,1) Miss!

Lance Knight #1 (2,1,2) 1+3-2= 2 damage. Alferis 10/12 HP.


5 exp gained. (For an attempted hit).

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Captain Luc

Luc saw a wyvern sweep down into the middle of the carnage. That must be the leader! Luc didn't care that it was a completely ill-conceived judgment, he wanted blood and charged right at her. He had landed a good solid hit and she had barely grazed him and yet he still felt a hit harder than that Lance Cavalier could only dream of.

Luc attacks Xenia.

(Luc rolls 6,3,3)

Luc critically attacks and deals 6 damage. (3Roll+4Str+1WTA-5Def) x 2=6 Damage.)

Xenia counters!

(Xenia rolls 3,1,2)

Xenia deals 6 damage.

Luc has 5 HP.

Xenia has 15 HP.

Luc earns 10 Experience.

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OOC: If someone could help keep track of enemy deaths that would be great. I'm fighting on both sides so I'm really stretched thin right now.

The Battle

Irina rolls 5,3,4


HIT 8 vs Evade 6 = HIT

DMG 10 vs DEF 1 = -9 hp (Dead for all intensive purposes)

Irina HP 15/15

Myrm HP 0/9

Exp: +10

Iso rolls 1,1,5


HIT 5 vs Evade 4 = HIT

DMG 7 vs RES 1 = -6 hp

Merc rolls 6,6,4


HIT 10 vs Evade 5 = HIT

DMG 7 vs DEF 1 = -6 hp

Exp: +5

Iso HP 1/12

Merc HP 3/9

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