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[FE11] Drafting Tourney III


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8Turns :/

Total: 6+8=14

Stupid Castor and his 2Range. :| Earlygame does not amuse me. Cain got a +0 level up. Darros got recruited with no luck at gaining even EXP.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     08.86  24  08  00  05  09  11  09  00  C Swords
Cain    Cav      08.55  24  08  00  10  08  04  08  00  D Swords, D Lances
Jagen   Pally    02.62  23  78  01   11  08  01  09  06  D Swords,B Lances
Darros  Pirate   Base all


Turns 6

Total 14+6=22

Lena RAN. SPRINTED. DASHED. W/E. Ogma and Draug proved to be nice meatshields, especially with Ogma on a mountain. Lucky for Darros, he gained luck. He may need it to survive a Devil Axe, which he inherited for now.

Lena is useless atm, no Wrys for auxil. heal staff.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     09.26  26  08  00  05  10  13  09  00  C Swords
Cain    Cav      09.15  25  08  00  11  09  05  09  00  D Swords, D Lances
Jagen   Pally    02.84  23  78  01   11  08  01  09  06  D Swords,B Lances
Darros  Pirate   04.37  22  06  00  02  07  04  05  00  D Axes
LENA    Cleric   03.00   Base all

Edited by Spykor
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By request, I'm posting the rest of my run.

Chapter 19 (5/116):

Reclassed Hardin to Paladin and Draug and Castor to Mercenary. Gave a Seraph Robe to Marth, so he'd survive (now I have to reformat my beautiful table).

Rickard, Castor, and Tomas were on chest duty (grabbed everything except the chests closest to the starting position). Everyone else was on "murder stuff" duty. The paltry guardians were no match for Hardin's Happy Horses. Caeda promoted on this level, then dealt some funny justice to the second Master Seal (Roshea got that kill). Hardin killed off Tiki with his turban Silver Lance (could've used the Wyrmslayer, but that would've been overkill).

Didn't bother with the Starsphere. I had better things to do with my time.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      20.99   41*  17    0   14   20   20   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    11.28   24    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Mercenary 19.69   30   13    0   15   20    7    6    0
Caeda    Drakky     1.11   29   11    1   17   20   20   14    3
Castor   Mercenary 15.99   28   10    0   13   15    8    9    0
Roshea   Archer    17.81   32   13    0   13   10    5    8    0
Hardin   Drakky     8.06   40   23    0   23   19   11   12    4
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Cavalier  16.36   32   14    0    7   11    7   14    0
Tomas    Cavalier  15.05   30   10    0   10   11    5    8    1
Boah     Bishop     5.98   22    1    5    8   11    6    5   11

Chapter 20 (5/121):

Promoted Draug a little early, reclassed Hardin to Dracoknight, Castor to Pirate, three generics to General, and one to Dracoknight. Gave an Energy Drop to Caeda, because it's not like she's going to cap Strength.

This chapter worries me in ten different ways. The hardest part's gonna be keeping everyone else alive!

Ran across the river, introduced the Generals to Draug's Hammer and Caeda's Wing Spear, but screwed up Caeda's position a little (which wound up not being a big deal). The three sword Paladins died to Rapier, Wing Spear, and Ridersbane. Marth baited Camus, Castor baited Pachyderm, and Draug hit a critical on Camus to make this chapter run smoothly (I didn't anticipate it, but I'm not complaining!) Caeda recruited Lorenz (so I wouldn't waste a turn killing him), and Marth seized easily.

The three Skittles and two Bishops stayed with my repurposed generics to hold the Paladins at the bridge. Roshea went MVP and killed half of them (one with a Longbow critical, the other with the Killer Bow). Despite the sheer amount of carnage, I've still got two generics.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      21.86   42*  18    0   15   21   21   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    11.61   24    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       2.41   36   15    1   17   26    8    8    3
Caeda    Drakky     2.63   30   13*   1   18   21   20   15    3
Castor   Pirate    16.10   29   12    0    6   12    8    9    0
Roshea   Archer    18.86   33   14    0   13   10    5    8    0
Hardin   Drakky     8.83   40   23    0   23   19   11   12    4
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Cavalier  17.07   33   14    0    7   12    8   14    0
Tomas    Cavalier  15.91   30   10    0   10   11    5    8    1
Boah     Bishop     6.14   22    1    5    8   11    6    5   11
Lorenz   General    Base everything

Chapter 20x (17):

This map exists to help me promote units. I did just that.

Reclassed one poor schmuck to Sorcerer, so he'd squish.

Recruit my final character, then fed kills to those that still needed Master Seals. Marth went treasure hunting. Roshea and Radd promoted. Tomas and Castor were out of luck (but will have a much easier time in the next chapter. . .hopefully).

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.03   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    12.14   25    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       2.89   36   15    1   17   26    8    8    3
Caeda    Drakky     3.47   31   14*   1   18   22   21   15    3
Castor   Pirate    17.61   30   13    0    6   13    8    9    0
Roshea   Sniper     1.86   43   17    1   19   17    6   10    3
Hardin   Drakky     8.83   40   23    0   23   19   11   12    4
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Paladin    1.00   38   18    1   11   15    9   15    6
Tomas    Cavalier  18.35   31   10    0   11   11    5    8    1
Boah     Bishop     6.93   22    1    5    8   11    6    5   11
Lorenz   General    Base everything
Ymir     Warrior    Base everything

Chapter 21 (3/124):

ITT: Generic slaughter

Reclassed Hardin to Dracoknight, Radd to Swordmaster, and Tomas to Archer.

Draug missed a Hammer shot, which fouled everything up. I somehow salvaged most of it, and several people got levels. Even Ymir found a way to help (by burying his Hand Axe into some unsuspecting General). Caeda went shopping, kicked some butt, and managed to level. The boss ate a Ridersbane, courtesy of Hardin.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.13   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    12.30   25    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       3.95   37   15    1   17   26    8    8    3
Caeda    Drakky     4.46   31   15*   1   18   23   22   15    3
Castor   Pirate    18.43   31   14    0    7   13    8    9    0
Roshea   Sniper     2.36   44   18    1   19   17    6   10    3
Hardin   Drakky     9.66   38   24    0   24   20   12   15    4
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Swordity   1.87   38   16    1   17   21    9   13    3
Tomas    Archer    18.94   29   10    0   12    9    5    7    1
Boah     Bishop     7.04   23    1    5    8   11    6    5   12
Lorenz   General    5.12   Base everything
Ymir     Warrior   10.30   Base everything

Chapter 22 (7/131):

We need to fly!

Promoted Tomas and Castor early. Reclassed Radd and Tomas to Dracoknight, Castor to Warrior, a generic to Horseman, and another generic to Dracoknight.

The enemies felt suicidal, and most of them targeted Hardin (him with the LOLWTF stats). I fed kills to my junior members, and Castor's promotion came in very handy (Killer Bows work wonders on this map). Michalis felt the fury of Hardin's Javelin (that's how sad he was) and Radd's Iron Axe. Rickard took my Silver Card, and ran the other way to shop.

I couldn't get Starlight, but I won't need it. I want Excalibur!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.21   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    12.62   25    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       4.35   37   15    1   18   26    8    8    3
Caeda    Drakky     5.50   31   16*   1   19   23   22   15    3
Castor   Warrior    1.30   39   16    0    8   15    8   10    1
Roshea   Sniper     2.96   44   18    1   19   17    6   10    3
Hardin   Drakky    11.83   38   25    0   24   21   12   15    4
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Drakky     3.48   36   19    1   12   15   10   17    3
Tomas    Drakky     2.79   33   13    0   14   12    6   11    1
Boah     Bishop     7.28   23    1    5    8   11    6    5   12
Lorenz   General    5.12   Base everything
Ymir     Warrior   10.30   Base everything

Chapter 23 (7/138):

Reclassed Hardin's Happy Horses into Paladins, along with Caeda. Reclassed Castor to Horseman.

Four strong Paladins makes this map much easier. It was so much easier that I was able to pull this kind of turn count, despite the fact that the real Gharnef was between me and the throne. Rickard proved himself invaluable as bait (again). Caeda got a decent level up, Hardin maxed his Strength, and Castor protested when I gave him mop-up duty.

Jagen hit A in staves. Now to convince Boah to do the same!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.21   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    13.21   25    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       5.05   38   15    1   18   26    9    8    3
Caeda    Paladin    6.30   34   15*   1   19   24   23   14    3
Castor   Horseman   4.17   35   16    1   13   15    8   11    3
Roshea   Sniper     3.53   45   18    1   19   17    6   10    3
Hardin   Paladin   13.19   42   25    1   26   22   13   13    7
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Paladin    4.19   39   19    1   13   15   11   16    3
Tomas    Paladin    3.44   36   12    1   14   13    7    9    7
Boah     Bishop     7.36   23    1    5    8   11    6    5   12
Lorenz   General    5.12   Base everything
Ymir     Warrior   10.30   Base everything

Chapter 24 (4/142):

Hardin's Happy Horses went Dracoknight, and Jagen was an honorary member. Reclassed Castor to Berserker.

Gave Hardin Iote's Shield, and had him Javelin the Thief and the two offending Snipers. Meanwhile, Roshea sniped from behind a mountain, and my remaining Dracoknights did their best to gain experience. Jagen went shopping. The boss died to Tomas (he was so slow he was being doubled by Tomas. . .and that's sad). Marth didn't see combat. Couldn't kill Elice. Boah hit A in staves.

Dragonpikes are awesome.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.21   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Drakky    13.27   23    9    3   11   11    4   11    7
Draug    Hero       5.90   38   15    1   18   26    9    8    3
Caeda    Drakky     7.21   32   17*   0   20   23   24   16    3
Castor   Berserker  4.74   39   17    0    9   14    8   11    0
Roshea   Sniper     3.83   45   18    1   19   17    6   10    3
Hardin   Drakky    14.53   41   26    1   26   23   13   15    4
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Drakky     5.27   38   20    1   14   16   11   18    3
Tomas    Drakky     5.40   35   13    1   14   15    7   11    4
Boah     Bishop     7.52   23    1    5    8   11    6    5   12
Lorenz   General    5.12   Base everything
Ymir     Warrior   10.30   Base everything

Chapter 24x (18):

Skittles redux

Reclassed Hardin and Caeda to Paladin, Jagen to Bishop, and Castor to Warrior.

The Skittles got almost all the kills. It seems that Red is happier as a Dracoknight than a Paladin.

Got both tomes, and still finished in time!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.21   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    13.62   25    2    5    8    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       6.40   39   15    1   18   26    9    8    3
Caeda    Paladin    7.86   34   16*   0   20   24   24   14    6
Castor   Warrior    6.08   43   19    0   10   15    8   10    1
Roshea   Sniper     7.27   49   19    1   21   18    7   11    3
Hardin   Paladin   14.53   43   25    1   26   23   13   13    7
Rickard  Thief      1.23   Base everything
Radd     Drakky     6.87   39   20    1   14   17   12   19    3
Tomas    Drakky     8.03   38   15    1   15   16    7   12    4
Boah     Bishop     8.12   23    1    5    8   11    6    5   12
Lorenz   General    5.12   Base everything
Ymir     Warrior   10.30   Base everything


Stat booster party time!!

Seraph Robe: Jagen, Boah, Rickard x2

Energy Drop: Tomas, Caeda x3

Spirit Dust: Jagen x2, Boah x2

Secret Book: Tomas x2, Draug

Speedwing: Hardin, Tomas x2, Radd, Castor, Roshea (for giggles)

Goddess Icon: Roshea, Tomas, Castor, Rickard (it's a joke)

Dracoshield: Hardin x4

Talisman: Tomas x3, Radd x2

Arms Scroll: Draug x2 (axes), Tomas (lances)

Starting positions:

Northeast: Boah, Jagen, Tomas, generic

Northwest: Lorenz, Ymir, Roshea, Draug

With Marth: Nagi, Elice, Caeda, Rickard (Marth's quite the ladies man!)

Awkward Alcove (from left to right): Castor, Hardin, Radd

Turn 1: Lorenz and Ymir Geosphere, Boah and Jagen patch everyone up. Generic runs out as bait, Tomas takes out the Pachyderm, Roshea Longbows the Dracoknight, Draug gets rid of Swarm, Hardin kills the other Pachyderm, Radd kills the Bishop, Rickard opens the door, Caeda kills the Paladin, Marth and Nagi run out, Elice goes emo, and Castor wonders where everyone went.

Turn 1E: The Levin Sword dude suicides into Tomas, my generic is roasty-toastied, the General hits Roshea, another General attempts to hit Radd and dies for his failure, a Hero attacks Marth (who is wielding the Levin Sword for some strange reason).

Turn 2: If it's in reach, it's dead. Boah burned another Fortify.

Turn 2E: Most of the northern reinforcements suicide into Radd.

Turn 3: Radd, Caeda, and Hardin make a dash to Medeus' room. Tomas baits a Demon Dragon.

Turn 3E: Medeus' guard ends his life on Hardin's lance. The Demon Dragon runs headlong into a Dragonpike.

Turn 4: Hardin + Gravidus + Lightsphere weaken Medeus, then Caeda nabs the Lightsphere and Gravidus from Hardin to finish the job.

Tomas finally remembered what it was to be a Skittle, but alas, it was a little too late.

Final stats and thoughts:

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.93   42*  18    0   16   22   22   11    0
Jagen    Bishop    14.61   32*   2    9*   9    8    4    4   12
Draug    Hero       7.46   40   15    1   20*  26   10    8    3
Caeda    Paladin    9.83   36   24*   0   22   25   25   15    6
Castor   Warrior    6.61   43   19    0   10   17*  10*  10    1
Roshea   Sniper     8.71   50   19    1   21   20*   9*  11    3
Hardin   Paladin   15.75   44   25    1   27   25*  13   21*   7
Rickard  Thief      1.23   30*   4    0    2    9    2*   3    0
Radd     Drakky    10.31   42   21    1   16   22*  14   21    7*
Tomas    Drakky    11.25   40   19*   1   20*  22*  11*  14*  11*
Boah     Bishop     8.80   30*   1    9*   8   11    6    5   12
Lorenz   General    5.12   Base everything
Ymir     Warrior   10.30   Base everything


Marth - Well, at least he didn't shoot himself in the foot in Defense!

Jagen - Old and crusty was a useful staff user.

Draug - Bad Strength, good Speed. Seriously, WTF?

Caeda - Strength-screwed. Bad.

Castor - Nowhere near as godly as last time.

Roshea - My theory was correct! That +5 promotion bonus is a real boon!

Hardin - MVP, by a lot. He broke his averages like no one's business!

Rickard - Thanks for the resets.

Radd - I'm glad I didn't get Speed-screwed, but I really would've appreciated a little more tankiness!

Tomas - If he'd gotten his Endgame level-ups earlier in the game, he would've been stiff competition for Hardin. Seriously.

Boah - Useful staff user is useful.

By another request. . .we'll see. . .

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Guiz, mah turncounts suck.

Chapter 3

Turns: asdf10

Total 10+22=32 

I love how the generic cav I get has higher everything than Matthis

Running and stuff...

Recruited Marric who quickly got raped by horsemen and archers. Kept Darros a pirate, and he did well.

Lena failed, as usual in a draft. Healers need boots.

Darros got 2 STR and another luck, but I can't fully trust him with the devil axe yet, especially as his STR goes up without heed to HP.

Jagen gained lolhp, which doesnt matter, HE's not getting any devil weapons with lol1luck and 30% chance of self infliction. That and E axes. lol.

Cain is turning out tanky. With doubling too 

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     10.09  27  08  00  05  10  14  09  00  C Swords
Cain    Cav      10.51  25  09  00  12  10  06  09  00  D Swords, D Lances
Jagen   Draco    03.43  22  08  01   11  08  01  11  03  E Axes,B Lances
Darros  Pirate   06.23  24  08  00  03  07  05  05  00  D Axes
LENA    Cleric   03.85   Base all

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You can thank JB25 for this idea.

For giggles, I will be doing Jean-Marc's run. I will NOT use my usual stupid Endgame strategy. I'm not recruiting those that would be a waste of turns. I will abuse reclassing like no tomorrow.

Once I get some stats, I'll edit this post.


Marth did almost all the work here. Killed everyone on Prologue II without having to use Frey's Vulnerary. I wish my Marth would do this during my runs!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       9.19   24    9    0    7   11   12   11    0
Jagen    Paladin    1.13   Base everything
Norne    Archer     Base everything

Chapter 1: 7/7

Screw it, Marth and Norne got good levels (and I got Wrys, which is what cost me). The boss couldn't do much about Marth, which was good. Chapter 3 will be fun!

Unarmed Frey baited three enemies, but unlike his canon stint, he died.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord       How did I screw this up?
Jagen    Paladin    1.52   Base everything
Norne    Archer     2.10   16    5    0    1    5    3    7    0
Wrys     Cleric     Base everything

Chapter 2: 6/13

Another good level by Marth that was too good not to keep. The hardest part was keeping Jagen out of combat. Norne got some experience by sniping at the northern guys.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      12.11   26   12    0    9   12   15   11    0
Jagen    Paladin    2.16   23    8    1   10    8    1    9    6
Norne    Archer     2.80   16    5    0    1    5    3    7    0
Wrys     Cleric     1.34   Base everything

Chapter 3: 7/20

See the comments about the previous chapters regarding turn counts? Same deal.

Navarre started killing stuff the moment he was recruited. He got a (crappy) level, but I've got other plans for him. Let's hope he cooperates!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      13.15   27   13    0   10   12   16   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    2.50   23    8    1   10    8    1    9    6
Norne    Archer     3.40   17    5    0    2    6    4    7    0
Wrys     Cleric     1.51   Base everything
Navarre  Myrmidon   4.84   20    5    0   10   11    8    6    0

Chapter 4: 7/27

Reclass giggles time! Reclassed Norne and Lena to Pegasus Knight, Caeda to Cleric, and Navarre to Cavalier. I need a lot of stuff dead on this chapter!

Draug + fort + four fighter dudes = no damage. Managed to kill off a couple units, but it's not enough. Norne's cooperating, Matthis is sorta cooperating, and Navarre flipped me off. The extra turns was firstly because no one could kill the boss except for Marth, and a detour to get Merric.

Forgot to record it.  Sorry.

Chapter 5: 5/32

Ridersbane went to Jagen. We all know what happens next.

Randomly recruited Wendell for early Thunder. Marth had to kill the boss; thus, the extra turn.

Sedgar hit 1 HP, due to ill luck. Norne is continuing her awesome streak. I skipped out on Javelins to have Merric level, and he thanked me! Matthis and Navarre cooperated, too! A few more strings of levels like this, and this tourney won't be too bad!

Forgot to record it.  Sorry.

Chapter 6: 8/40

Reclassed Sedgar to Berserker.

Jagen's Silver Lance came in handy, first with murdering some armored schmuck, then with killing that stupid mage. Matthis and Navarre were on Thief Clean-Up Duty. Norne bought the Javelins I kept forgetting, then swung back to deal with random enemies. I managed to kill all thieves except the one with the Killing Edge, but I don't need it. The two horses on the map found their way to Jagen, who greeted them warmly with Ridersbane. Used Wendell the Dracoknight and Hardin to bait the enemies near the throne. Marth stood next to the throne on turn 7. Merric Excaliblicked him on turn 8.

Operation Kill Your Excess Allies was a success! Off to 6x I go!!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      14.28   28   13    0   11   13   17   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    4.29   24    8    1   10    9    2    9    6
Norne    Peggy      5.35   18    6    2    4   10    5    7    6
Wrys     Cleric     2.70   17    0    2    6    6    2    3    6
Navarre  Cavalier   7.16   25    8    0    6    7    9    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   5.02   22    7    0    3    7    1    8    0
Merric   Mage       6.00   24    0    7    4   10    6    4    4
Sedgar   Berserker  1.77   24    7    0    2    6    2    6    0

Chapter 6x: 18

Reclassed Wrys to Mage.

This chapter was the bald guy's self-improvement chapter, with Navarre and Norne gunning for lance levels. Everything went according to plan, and Wrys should be a little more effective at healing my units!

Navarre and Sedgar held back the initial rush, which helped the latter's stats immensely.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      14.28   28   13    0   11   13   17   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    4.29   24    8    1   10    9    2    9    6
Norne    Peggy      6.44   18    6    2    5   11    6    7    6
Wrys     Mage       6.27   18    0    6    8    6    3    2    5
Navarre  Cavalier   7.86   25    8    0    6    7    9    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   5.82   22    7    0    3    7    1    8    0
Merric   Mage       6.00   24    0    7    4   10    6    4    4
Sedgar   Berserker  2.78   26    8    0    3    7    3    7    0

Chapter 7: 7/47

Wrys went back to Curate. Sedgar went Hero.

Matthis and Navarre ran over everything that was white. Merric introduced a Dracoknight to Excalibur. Used some careful positioning to block forts, and Jagen's Ridersbane to unblock the Javelin fort, so someone could sit on it. Marth had to kill the boss because Navarre isn't too accurate with Armorslayer, and Merric wasn't quite fast enough to double.

Forgot to record stats.  Sorry!

Chapter 8: 6/53

The extra turn is because Merric missed an 80-something% Excalibur hit. Immediately sent Caesar to the arena, for money, fame, and a level. Everyone else interfered north, with Matthis taking a surprising amount of hits from the enemies. Navarre went through generic armor units like butter. Roger died to Jagen. Sedgar's Hand Axe saw lots of use. The boss died after Marth successfully broke a Smash Ball.

. . .which reminds me, I need to buy another one.

Total play time: 2:12:30.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      15.45   29   14    0   11   14   18   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    4.78   24    8    1   10    9    2    9    6
Norne    Peggy      7.84   19    6    2    6   12    6    7    6
Wrys     Curate     7.23   18    0    5    9    8    4    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier   8.68   26    9    0    7    7   10    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   7.23   24    7    0    3    8    1    8    0
Merric   Mage       7.44   25    0    7    5   11    6    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       3.78   26    7    1   12   13    3    9    2
Caesar   Mercenary  4.50   21    6    0    8   12    6    7    0

Chapter 9: 5/58

Reclassed Caesar temporarily to Pirate. I'm not going to change his class in the stat write-up, because he didn't level.

Matthis and Norne went right, everyone else went down. Caesar was able to do some damage while on water. Navarre wreaked havoc with a Javelin, of all things. Marth took out an offending arrow dude, then switched to Silver Sword to deal holy justice to the boss. Despite my best efforts, I could only kill one generic.

Marth got his first truly abysmal level. . .but with his stats, does it really matter?

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      16.06   30   14    0   11   14   18   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    5.02   24    8    1   10    9    2    9    6
Norne    Peggy      8.47   20    6    2    7   13    6    7    7
Wrys     Curate     7.71   18    0    5    9    8    4    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier   9.21   27    9    0    7    7   10    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   7.93   24    7    0    3    8    1    8    0
Merric   Mage       8.13   26    0    7    6   11    6    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       4.28   27    7    1   13   13    3   10    2
Caesar   Mercenary  4.93   21    6    0    8   12    6    7    0

Chapter 10: 8/66

Caeser regained his senses and became a Mercenary.

Half the initial cavaliers died to Ridersbane. The other half ate Excalibur and a tag team of Norne and Caesar. Navarre chased down the thief, then completely forgot about Physic (crap!). Caesar also got to kill a random Dracoknight. Merric was supposed to hit the boss, but never reached him. Marth was able to attack the boss on turn 7, while Sedgar took out the healer. Jagen baited the dude with the Master Seal, then chucked a Javelin and let Caesar finish the deal. All but one generic died. Thank goodness.

Next chapter: Ballista bait. I can't wait!! *shot*

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      16.88   30   14    0   11   14   18   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    5.42   24    8    1   10    9    2   10    6
Norne    Peggy      8.57   20    6    2    7   13    6    7    7
Wrys     Curate     8.19   19    0    5    9    8    5    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier  10.31   28   10    0    8    7   10    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   8.36   24    8    0    3    8    1    8    0
Merric   Mage       8.70   26    0    7    6   11    6    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       4.48   27    7    1   13   13    3   10    2
Caesar   Mercenary  6.70   23    7    0    8   14    6    7    0

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Play log's getting too long, so I'll continue it here.

Chapter 11: 10/76

I was just short for a turn 9 seize. While Marth ran, and Sedgar followed, everyone else mopped up the guys in the village proper, because I wanted to abuse the arena. Caesar did a good job in there, and Norne showed off a little. Wrys got a chance to do more staff work.

On the other side, sacrificed all generics (somehow), while Merric set the Thunderbolt on fire. Jagen blicked the Killer Bow dude, then hit the Horseman. My final generic was boss bait. . .Merric doubled to weaken, and Sedgar killed. Marth got a Rapier shot against the dude on the throne. Somehow, the Stonehoist and Jake survived.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      17.16   31   15    0   11   15   19   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    6.08   24    8    1   11    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     10.04   21    7    2    8   13    7    7    7
Wrys     Curate     9.19   20    0    5    9    8    5    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier  11.03   29   11    0    9    7   11    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   9.33   25    8    0    4    8    1    8    0
Merric   Mage       9.51   26    0    7    7   11    6    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       4.99   27    7    1   13   13    3   10    2
Caesar   Mercenary  9.03   26    8    0    9   16    7    7    0

Chapter 12: 8/84

Reclassed Caesar to Pirate, so his Strength goes up.

"You're totally forgetting about me!"

"HEY! Just because you've been in nearly every log I've written for this board--"

"I'm recruiting myself!"

"My goodness you're stubborn."

Tomas refused to die. Again. I won't use him in combat, but I can think of other things to do with him. . .

Used my excess Door Keys to open the treasure room. Marth somehow landed neatly on a chest, so I got it. Three Master Keys netted me everything worth getting on this map (Master Seal, Arms Scroll, Bullion). Heimler's Horses died to the pointy end of Marth's Rapier. The boss ate a Silver Sword from Marth (not ORKO. . .OHKO). Through some trading shenanigans, I managed to get the Boots on turn 8. Otherwise, I would've seized on turn 7.

Norne went thief hunting with Matthis. Sedgar got two perfect levels in a row. :wub:

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      18.34   32   16    0   12   15   20   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    6.46   24    8    1   11    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     11.01   21    7    2    8   13    7    7    7
Wrys     Curate     9.79   20    0    5    9    8    5    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier  11.35   29   11    0    9    7   11    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier   9.72   25    8    0    4    8    1    8    0
Merric   Mage      10.88   27    0    8    7   12    6    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       6.00   31    9    1   15   15    5   12    2
Caesar   Pirate     9.33   28    9    0    2   12    7    6    0

Chapter 12x: 17

Wrys tried his luck as a Mage.

Things are so much easier when I don't have to protect Marth! Marth had time to walk to both villages, skewer the boss, and look cool. Caesar parked himself in the sea, and nothing could hit him. Wrys and Merric sniped, with Navarre being bait. Overall, a fun little outing.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      19.49   33   16    0   13   15   20   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    7.00   25    9    1   11    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     11.33   21    7    2    8   13    7    7    7
Wrys     Mage      10.63   20    0    7    9    7    5    2    6
Navarre  Cavalier  11.53   29   11    0    9    7   11    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier  11.50   27    9    0    5    8    1    9    0
Merric   Mage      11.38   28    0    8    7   12    7    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       6.85   31    9    1   15   15    5   12    2
Caesar   Pirate    10.67   29   10    0    2   13    7    6    0

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Hmm... why didn't you dump Sedgar on the fort in C10 as a General? He'd be able to get loads of experience off the horsemen and high a high enough level, and so he'd have enough Str and Def as a Hero to do shit.

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Chapter 5

Turns: Yay, 6.

Total: 32+6=38 derp

Derp. Darros got stuck at the bridge between two cavs and a Peg Knight. Cain did his thing, so did Jagen. Darros Devil Axed the boss. Oh hai wolfguard.

Ill ignore your existance completely. Jagen=Useful. lololol

Lena=Mainly worthless. Having to constantly be sheilded is a bitch.

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     10.39  27  08  00  05  10  14  09  00  C Swords
Cain    Cav      11.22  26  09  00  13  10  07  10  00  C Swords, D Lances
Jagen   Draco    03.86  22  08  01   11  08  01  11  03  E Axes,B Lances
Darros  Pirate   07.40  25  09  00  03  07  05  06  00  D Axes
LENA    Cleric   04.53   16  02  07  08  08  03  07  C Staves

Chapter 6

Turns 9

Total 38+9= 47 derp.

Cavs and AKs make good meatsheilds, but from after this chapter I might not need to deploy them. I dont have any more gaiden chars after Athena.

Well I got the Seraph Robe and the AKslayer, missing out on the gold I havent spent and the physic staff (sadface)

Draug still hasnt died. LOL.

Darros gained Skill and Speed at the same time in a level. Lots of Weapon levelups. :>

Name    Class    Lvl    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res  Weapon Levels
Marth   Lord     11.62  27  08  00  05  101 15  09  00  B Swords
Cain    Cav      12.35  27  09  00  13  101 07  10  00  C Swords, C Lances
Jagen   Draco    04.35  23  08  01   11  08  01  11  03  E Axes,B Lances
Darros  Pirate   08.35  26  09  00  04  08  05  07  00  C Axes (Hammer Time)
LENA    Cleric   06.04   16  03  08  08  09  03  08  C Staves

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Hmm... why didn't you dump Sedgar on the fort in C10 as a General? He'd be able to get loads of experience off the horsemen and high a high enough level, and so he'd have enough Str and Def as a Hero to do shit.

I needed those reinforcements to butcher my generics (six that needed to die). I'm going so fast that I have to force kills like that.

Chapter 13: 4/88

Remembered to give the Boots to Marth. Put Wrys back as a Curate. Reclassed my secret shopper to Cavalier.

Marth needs 16 STR and A Swords to ORKO Grigas with the Silver Sword. Hmmm, that looks familiar!

Wrys used himself to bait one of the northern Arrowspates, then Merric and Caesar took both of them apart. I used a sacrificial pegasus to get Norne close enough to the southern group of shooters. Sedgar baited Astram, then the tag team of Matthis and Jagen took him off the map. Navarre and a Levin Sword on this map is extremely funny.

Skipped Beck, because I can't see him shaving enough turns to be worth it. If Marth was a little weaker, I would've recruited him.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      19.77   33   16    0   13   15   20   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    7.41   25    9    1   11    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     11.67   21    7    2    8   13    7    7    7
Wrys     Curate    10.63   20    0    5    9    8    5    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier  11.93   29   11    0    9    7   11    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier  12.14   28   10    0    6    8    2    9    0
Merric   Mage      11.58   28    0    8    7   12    7    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       7.21   33   10    1   16   15    6   13    2
Caesar   Pirate    10.99   29   10    0    2   13    7    6    0

Chapter 14: 7/95

Many resets, because of random factors (Sedgar eating a 4% critical, Door/Master key shenanigans, misplacing units so I screw myself out of the Silver Card, etc.) Eventually, everything went as planned, and I got my Silver Card, Killer Bow, a decent level on Matthis and Navarre, and two dead thieves. Caesar hit D in axes, and Wrys got a chance to do more than watch the action.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      20.51   34   16    0   13   15   21   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    7.41   25    9    1   11    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     12.96   22    8    2    8   13    7    7    7
Wrys     Curate    11.23   20    0    5   10    8    6    3    9
Navarre  Cavalier  12.51   30   11    0    9    8   11    9    0
Matthis  Cavalier  13.24   29   11    0    6    9    2    9    0
Merric   Mage      12.46   29    0    9    8   12    8    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       7.93   33   10    1   16   15    6   13    2
Caesar   Pirate    11.79   30   11    0    2   13    7    7    0

Chapter 15: 5/100

Reclassed Navarre to Myrmidon.

Murdered the mages in front of me using Navarre and Caesar, then marched Marth over the bride and towards the throne. Norne went nuts with the Javelin, then killed the Swarm dude with the Killer Lance I'd picked up earlier. Matthis dodged criticals from Blizzard, and Merric had too much fun with Excalibur.

Mostly everyone got amazing levels. Whee!!!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      20.61   34   16    0   13   15   21   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    7.41   25    9    1   11    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     14.64   23    9    2    8   14    8    8    7
Wrys     Curate    12.05   20    0    6   10    9    6    3   10
Navarre  Myrmidon  13.11   29    9    0   16   14   11    6    0
Matthis  Cavalier  13.64   29   11    0    6    9    2    9    0
Merric   Mage      13.46   30    0    9    9   12    9    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       8.18   35   10    1   17   16    6   14    2
Caesar   Pirate    12.29   31   12    0    3   14    7    7    0

Chapter 16: 8/108

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight and Sedgar to Berserker.

With four units rushing the island (two with Ridersbane, one who didn't take damage and one who basically doubled the island), it didn't take long before it fell. Sedgar landed two very low chances with the Hammer to get rid of the boss on turn 6. Norne nearly died, but hung on, and went shopping for projectile weapons. Caesar hit the arena once, and won a 1040 Gold wager (!). Marth weakened both Heroes, and Merric leveled off of them. The initial fliers died to. . .Navarre and Matthis.

Again, awesome levels all around!

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      20.94   34   16    0   13   15   21   12    0
Jagen    Drakky     8.08   23   10    1   12    9    2   13    3
Norne    Peggy     16.32   25   10    2    9   15    9   10    7
Wrys     Curate    12.33   20    0    6   10    9    6    3   10
Navarre  Myrmidon  13.50   29    9    0   16   14   11    6    0
Matthis  Cavalier  15.08   31   12    0    6    9    3   10    0
Merric   Mage      14.97   31    0   10   10   12   10    4    5
Sedgar   Berserker  9.24   39   12    1   10   12    6   13    0
Caesar   Pirate    13.94   32   13    0    3   15    7    8    0

Chapter 17: 3/111

Reclassed Jagen to Paladin, Navarre to Cavalier, and Sedgar to Hero.

This map was a little tricky, because I had to rely on Sedgar to get my Fortify and VIP Card. Norne, Merric, Caesar, and Ricky Redshirt killed the nearby dragon. Matthis and Navarre were a distraction for the armored dudes. Marth opened the door, ran to the throne, delivered Wyrmslayer vengeance, and seized.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      21.88   34   17    0   14   15   22   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    8.21   25    9    1   12    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     16.47   25   10    2    9   15    9   10    7
Wrys     Curate    12.77   20    0    6   10    9    6    3   10
Navarre  Cavalier  14.28   32   11    0    9   10   11   10    0
Matthis  Cavalier  15.43   31   12    0    6    9    3   10    0
Merric   Mage      15.92   31    0   10   11   13   10    4    5
Sedgar   Hero       9.69   37   11    1   18   17    6   14    2
Caesar   Pirate    14.14   33   14    0    3   15    7    8    0

Chapter 17x: 20

This chapter was a self-improvement chapter for quite a few units. Most of them took well to it. I managed to kill all waves of reinforcements, which is why so many of my characters jumped levels. Wrys is as high as he is because I had Merric beat up Etzel.

Couldn't get any treasure, because I'm out of Door Keys, and I need my Master Keys for something else.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      22.39   35   18    0   14   16   23   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    8.47   25    9    1   12    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     18.29   25   10    2   10   16    9   11    7
Wrys     Curate    14.47   21    0    7   11   10    7    3   11
Navarre  Cavalier  15.74   33   12    0    9   10   12   11    0
Matthis  Cavalier  17.07   33   12    0    7    9    3   12    0
Merric   Mage      18.49   33    0   11   13   16   11    4    6
Sedgar   Hero      11.22   41   13    1   20   19    8   15    2
Caesar   Pirate    16.81   35   14    0    3   16    8    8    0

Chapter 18: 6/117

Woo, flying generics!

Marth stormed down to the boss, with everyone else doing their best to keep the reinforcements at bay. Norne's sole mission was to retrieve Mercurius from Est's unworthy corpse. Everyone else was ordered to stay alive. Marth wasn't quite fast enough to double the boss, so I satisfied myself with doing insane damage to him via Rapier, then having Jagen Javelin him to death.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      23.77   36   18    0   15   16   23   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    8.94   25    9    1   12    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     18.82   25   10    2   10   16    9   11    7
Wrys     Curate    15.21   21    0    7   11   10    8    3   11
Navarre  Cavalier  16.06   34   12    0    9   11   13   12    0
Matthis  Cavalier  17.80   33   12    0    7    9    3   12    0
Merric   Mage      19.25   34    0   12   13   16   11    4    6
Sedgar   Hero      11.69   41   13    1   20   19    8   15    2
Caesar   Pirate    17.34   36   14    0    4   16    8    8    0

Chapter 19: 5/122

Blew one of my Master Key sets to get Bolganone and the XL Bullion. I shouldn't need everything else.

Marth managed to run his full movement every turn, which landed him right next to Tiki. I was able to OHKO with Mercurius (that's why I picked it up last chapter. . .because Marth is good enough to warrant it). Due to my strategies, Merric promoted.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      24.31   37   19    0   15   16   24   12    0
Jagen    Paladin    9.16   25    9    1   12    9    2   11    6
Norne    Peggy     19.30   25   10    2   11   16   10   11    7
Wrys     Curate    15.21   21    0    7   11   10    8    3   11
Navarre  Cavalier  16.55   34   12    0    9   11   13   12    0
Matthis  Cavalier  18.30   34   12    0    7    9    4   12    0
Merric   Sage       1.00   40    3   13   14   17   11    5    8
Sedgar   Hero      12.02   43   14    1   21   20    8   16    2
Caesar   Pirate    17.67   36   14    0    4   16    8    8    0

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Ehh... what worked for me was sending everyone that wanted to die up towards the Dracoknights so that Minerva and crew could murder them.

Oh, right, Minerva. I keep forgetting about her!

The last of my generics died on the enemy phase before I seized. That's how sad the enemies are.

Chapter 20: 6/128

Reclassed Jagen to Dracoknight when I realized I was out of keys. Gave Marth a Speedwings so he'd double the Silver Sword enemies.

Marth, Sedgar, Caesar, Norne (I almost called her Flonne <_< ), and Jagen flew over the river to murder two guys in armor, three guys on horses, and some dude named Camus. My generic shopper went shopping, then refused to die. Caesar got a round in the arena, for more money. I used Sedgar to bait Camus, then had my dear Hero run up and Silver Axe his enemy in the face (now we know why FE12 happened the way it did :P ). After that. . .Jagen finished him with Ridersbane. The Great Camus died in the most embarrassing way I could think of.

Norne promoted mid-chapter. Finally got around to killing Horace. . .but Lorenz went and replaced him (no wait, that's because I really need Silver Lances).

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      24.96   37   19    0   15   18*  24   12    0
Jagen    Drakky    10.45   23   10    1   13   10    2   14    3
Norne    Drakky     1.43   30   15    1   11   17   10   16    4
Wrys     Curate    16.19   21    0    7   11   10    8    3   12
Navarre  Cavalier  17.59   35   12    0    9   12   13   12    0
Matthis  Cavalier  19.28   35   13    0    7    9    4   12    0
Merric   Sage       1.71   40    3   13   14   17   11    5    8
Sedgar   Hero      12.53   43   14    1   21   20    8   16    2
Caesar   Pirate    18.61   37   15    0    4   16    8    9    0

Chapter 20x: 18

Reclassed Jagen and Norne to Paladin.

This is the chapter where the majority of my army promotes. I managed to get everyone except Wrys promoted (his Seal comes next chapter). There was a scary moment where Matthis needed Ymir to hit himself over the head with his Devil Axe. . .but instead of doing it once, he did it twice, and killed himself. I also found out that Starsphere doesn't to squat to staves, so Caesar has it (I don't have many Hammers left). Which reminds me. . .

Larissa: We'll never surrender to you Archanean rabble! Long live Grust!

Caesar: Pfft, whatever. *first hit is a critical*

Larissa: YOU GOT LUCKY! *dies*

Caesar: You keep telling yourself that. *dusts off hands and strikes a cool pose*

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      25.23   37   19    0   16   18*  24   12    0
Jagen    Paladin   11.46   25    9    1   13   11    3   12    6
Norne    Paladin    3.07   34   15    1   13   17   11   15    7
Wrys     Curate    18.62   21    0    8   12   10    9    3   13
Navarre  Paladin    1.07   41   15    0   14   14   15   15    6
Matthis  Paladin    1.34   40   15    0   10   11    4   14    6
Merric   Sage       1.79   40    3   13   14   17   11    5    8
Sedgar   Hero      12.68   43   14    1   21   20    8   16    2
Caesar   Berserker  1.80   45   17    0    6   17    8   11    0

Chapter 21: 3/131

When in Macedon. . .reclass Jagen, Norne, Navaree, and Matthis to Dracoknight. Also reclassed Caesar to Hero. Burned a Seraph Robe on Marth.

I had to have Caesar land 6 87% hits in a row, which isn't quite as easy as it looks. Then, I need to kill everything between Marth and the throne. I expected Sedgar to hit the boss. Norne was a little trickier (58%). Navarre went shopping, and Wrys is almost ready to promote. . .screw it, I promote him next chapter.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      25.33   44*  19    0   16   18*  24   12    0
Jagen    Drakky    11.55   23   10    1   13   11    3   14    3
Norne    Drakky     3.80   32   16    1   13   17   11   17    4
Wrys     Curate    19.26   21    0    8   12   10    9    3   14
Navarre  Drakky     1.66   39   16    0   14   14   15   17    3
Matthis  Drakky     2.28   39   16    0   11   12    4   16    3
Merric   Sage       2.75   41    3   14   15   17   11    5    9
Sedgar   Hero      12.78   43   14    1   21   20    8   16    2
Caesar   Hero       4.34   46   17    0   16   23   10   12    3

Chapter 22: 6/137

Promoted Wrys.

I was quite pleased that my Dracoknight squad took very little damage from the enemies. I had to be a little more cautious, due to the two Horsemen (but they went down fast enough). I used Lorenz the Horseman to block the village, then had Norne storm the castle, with everyone else behind her. Michalis didn't do enough damage to her, which allowed Navarre and Matthis to catch up. For great justice, I had Matthis land the finishing blow on Michalis. Tomas went shopping.

Merric. . .the only way I can describe his levels is with a great big heart. Sedgar also pulled a perfect level.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      25.33   44   19    0   16   18*  24   12    0
Jagen    Drakky    12.19   24   11    1   13   11    3   14    3
Norne    Drakky     6.64   34   16    1   13   19   11   18    4
Wrys     Bishop     1.63   27    0   10   13   10    9    3   16
Navarre  Drakky     2.99   40   16    0   15   14   15   17    3
Matthis  Drakky     4.10   41   16    0   11   12    5   16    3
Merric   Sage       4.40   43    3   15   16   18   13    7    9
Sedgar   Hero      13.06   45   15    1   22   21    9   17    2
Caesar   Hero       5.17   47   18    0   16   23   10   12    3

Chapter 23: 7/144

Reclassed the Draco Squad to Paladins.

Norne got the Starsphere, Gradivus, Barrier, and a burning desire to storm staircases. Everyone else. . .well, all they could do was follow, and hope she didn't go too kill-crazy. The real Gharnef was by the throne, which worked out perfectly. Navarre stayed away from Norne, and gained his levels that way. I couldn't quite finish before the reinforcements, but they wound up being free experience for my guys.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      25.33   44*  19    0   16   18*  24   12    0
Jagen    Paladin   12.32   26   10    1   13   11    3   12    6
Norne    Paladin    9.13   37   16    1   14   20   11   17    7
Wrys     Bishop     2.25   28    0   10   13   10    9    3   16
Navarre  Paladin    5.46   45   16    0   17   14   16   16    6
Matthis  Paladin    5.20   44   16    0   11   12    5   15    6
Merric   Sage       4.56   43    3   15   16   18   13    7    9
Sedgar   Hero      13.18   45   15    1   22   21    9   17    2
Caesar   Hero       5.89   47   18    0   16   23   10   12    3

Chapter 24: 5/147

Reclassed the Paladins back to the Draco Squad.

A random flying generic went shopping on one end of the map while Tomas went shopping on the other end. Meanwhile Norne first flew and Gradivus/Starsphere/Iote's Shield-ed the hapless snipers, then flew over to hit the boss. Matthis finished the boss (WTF), while Navarre and Jagen sniped. Sedgar was my lead guard, followed by Marth, followed by Caesar. Things got really hairy at one point during turn 4 (as in, Devil Sword tomfoolery and pass-the-Gradivus was necessary). Once the massive manakete rush was over, Marth calmly seized.

The conclusion comes tomorrow. I'm tired.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      26.01   45*  19    0   16   19*  24   13    0
Jagen    Drakky    12.93   24   11    1   13   11    3   14    3
Norne    Drakky    10.60   36   17    1   15   20   12   19    4
Wrys     Bishop     3.06   28    0   10   13   11   10    3   16
Navarre  Drakky     8.09   45   19    0   18   16   18   18    3
Matthis  Drakky     7.19   44   17    0   12   12    6   18    3
Merric   Sage       5.33   43    3   15   16   18   14    7    9
Sedgar   Hero      13.97   45   15    1   22   21    9   17    2
Caesar   Hero       6.27   47   19    1   16   24   10   13    3

Edited by eclipse
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I'm gonna finish as fast as I can!

Chapter 24x: 15 or something like that. . .I stopped caring

Reclassed Elice to Mage. Forgot Elice's stats last time, but it's Elice for crying out loud. . .

I thought this would be Elice's improvement chapter, but then I remembered that I sold my Master Seals, so instead, it became the Sedgar, Wrys, and Norne show.

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      26.67   45*  19    0   16   19*  24   13    0
Jagen    Drakky    13.08   24   11    1   13   12    3   14    3
Norne    Drakky    11.50   36   17    1   15   21   12   19    4
Wrys     Bishop     5.39   28    0   10   13   12   10    3   17
Navarre  Drakky     8.49   45   19    0   18   16   18   18    3
Matthis  Drakky     7.87   44   17    0   12   12    6   18    3
Merric   Sage       6.95   44    3   16   16   18   15    7    9
Sedgar   Hero      15.30   48   17    1   24   23   10   18    2
Caesar   Hero       6.95   47   19    1   16   24   10   13    3
Elice    Mage      12.47   20    0    5    6    7    5    4    3

Endgame: 5/152

Reclassed Jagen to Sniper, Norne to Paladin, Navarre to his rightful class, and Elice to Curate.

Stat booster party time!

Seraph Robe: Norne x2, Jagen

Energy Drop: Norne x4

Spirit Dust: Wrys x4

Secret Book: Norne x2, Matthis

Speedwings: Norne x2, Matthis, Jagen

Goddess Icon: Norne, Jagen x2

Dracoshield: Norne x4

Arms Scroll: Jagen x2 (hello Parthia), Sedgar (Wyrmslayer), Matthis (Hand Axe)

This was "Walk Norne with both Spheres and Gradivus to Medeus, then have her lance his stupid face in". Everyone else provided backup.

Final stats:

Name     Class     Level   HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Luk  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      26.78   45*  19    0   16   19*  24   13    0
Jagen    Sniper    14.38   35*  10    1   16   17*   7*  11    3
Norne    Paladin   17.29   55*  25*   1   21*  25*  16*  26*   7
Wrys     Bishop     6.65   28    1   18*  13   12   11    3   18
Navarre  Swordity   9.10   48   16    0   25   23   19   14    3
Matthis  Drakky     9.28   44   17    0   15*  16*   7   18    3
Merric   Sage       7.07   45    3   16   17   18   15    7   10
Sedgar   Hero      16.54   50   18    1   25   24   11   19    2
Caesar   Hero       7.99   48   19    1   16   25   10   13    3
Elice    Curate    13.14   21    0    3    7    7    6    3    9
Nagi     Like I had her do anything

Tomas    Cavalier   Base archer-turned-cavalier
Sawyer   Horseman   4.00   28    9    1    8   15    0    7    3
Unil     Drakky     4.00   23    8    3    9   15    0   10   11
Quatro   Sniper     5.00   32    8    1   13   17    0   11    3

Final thoughts:

Marth: Who would've thought he'd be the MVP of his own run? His beginning gains were so ridiculously high that I was able to be extremely reckless with him - moreso than any other draft tournament I've been in.

Jagen: Old and crusty did decently as a backup physical unit and early bait.

Norne: She wanted to be fast, and got decent Strength. . .so I granted her wish, and let her pwn Endgame more or less on her own.

Wrys: Not as bad as I thought he'd be. Kept everyone patched up, but I had to Recover spam to get him to promote.

Navarre: Was weird in the beginning, but got his act together once he promoted. For that, this run is grateful.

Merric: Another hot shot that remained hot throughout the run. Not quite as crazy as Marth, but pretty close (he hit 12 Speed six levels early, for example).

Sedgar: Never mind what I said about my Lemmings run, this one has better Luck, and good Speed to boot. HEART!

Caesar: That wasn't 25% Skill growth. . .but he made up for it by being fast.

Elice: Oops.

Nagi: It's Nagi. . .

Tomas: Your will to live is impressive.

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  • 1 year later...

Chapter P-1

Played with options, killed stuff, Marth gained res.

Chapter P-2

Abel & Frey die. Cool.

Chapter P-3

Cain and Jagen appear. Cain almost dies. He also gained speed twice. Go him.

Chapter P-4

Gordin get's lanced in the face. Cain D Lances. Marth D swords.

Chapter 1


Yay Javelins! Norne died. I'm keeping Caeda alive for now.

Chapter 2


Darros get! Cain has 11 speed.

Chapter 3


Lena get. Jagen's level 3 now.

Chapter 4


A massacre took place to faceless units. Darros killed Matthis right in front of Lena. No more healing for him, I guess.

Chapter 5


Cain is level 13, and has double digit everything but def, mag, and res. Lena FINALLY got a level. <_<

Chapter 6


You got a robe!

Chapter 6x

Hi Athena. How're you?

Chapter 7


Lena eats a robe and goes mage. Palla "dies". It's ok, she'll be awesome later (I hope).

Chapter 8


I'm very happy I put the robe on Lena, as with it she managed to survive 3 horsemen hits. I almost Game Over'd this chapter. :/

Chapter 9


I would just like to make a shoutout and say how amazing Cain is.

Chapter 10


Maria is annoying to recruit. She should be worth it, since my units don't dodge as well anymore.

Chapter 11


Jake is also annoying to recruit, but ballistae are fun. Bought another rapier, along with a bunch of ranged weapons and a few silvers.

Chapter 12


Boots! Also Cain reaches level 20. The others aren't too far behind (all over 10) spare Maria.

Chapter 12x

Hello Horace. I recruited him because he's cool.

Chapter 13


Soent a turn on the Thunderbolt. I also got the Hoistflamme.

Chapter 14


Palla's here! :D

Chapter 15



Chapter 16


Macellan with his 14 def is manly.

Chapter 17


Marth got some Wrymslayer action, and Darros promoted. Yay.

Chapter 18


Est exists. :D

Chapter 19


Got both spheres.

Chapter 20





In 5 chapters Eclipse will have no reason to kill me



Chapter 21


Cain is the type of unit I can throw into a billion enemies and have him survive against.

Chapter 22


Palla promotes.



Est decides to be useful and buy me things.

Chapter 23


12 is a LOT better than last time. Also A staves Maria! :D

Also Falchion!

Chapter 24


Dolph promotes, and Lena goes crazy with Hammerne.

Edited by Komatsu
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Cain critted Medeus on Enemy Phase. I love that guy.


First the living...


Level 28.09

Marth was decent. He had only an OK damage output, and 14 def at most didn't help.


Level 18.06 promoted

Holy Shit Cain was the best. With Gradivus repaired every chapter he was a beast, and even before that he was outstanding.


Level 6.36 promoted

I cannot say I regret picking him third. Darros preformed. Despite having a whopping 9 skill, he hit all the enemies, seeing on how hit is a joke in FEDS, and his 42 ATK/13 DEF was great. Water walking was also immensely helpful in a few situations.


Level 7.15 promoted

Did a whole lot of nothing, then reclassed to mage. Promoted and killed Gharnef. Thanks for Falchion! Also HAMMERNE IS AMAZING.


Level 18.83

Never underestimate seige weaponry. Jake was awesome, and OHKOing the healers with fortify and physic was so helpful.


Level 1.0 promoted

Did some cool things near when he joined but ran out of steam fast. Still, 16 speed is nice.


Level 10.79

Didn't evrn promote, he reached level 10 in endgame by killing the Levin Hero.


Level 5.37

This chick isn't very fantastic, but I still love her so. She reached double digit everything but luck and magics.


Level 7.99 promoted

Javelin spamming is fun! So is base silver lance! And flying!


Level 19.28

Didn't use Thoron this time, he stuck strictly to healing.


Level 1.00

Thanks for recruiting Jake. I kept you alive because of it. Have fun getting married and stuff.


Level 10.00

Poor woman didn't even get her staff



Level 20

I wonder why I never promoted you.. Still, all you did was spam staves. Your death isn't canon anyway, you're in the sequel.


He spluttered out fast.

Eclipse are you happy now?

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