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Pokemon Tactical Sign-ups

General Spoon

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1. Only sign up if you know you're going to be at least fairly active. If I notice that you seem to be idle, I reserve the right to have you forcefully subbed out if necessary. I'll most likely nudge first, though.

2. Being able to use IRC is not compulsory, but will be extremely helpful.

3. Be careful who you trust. I'm not going to give a real reason as to why, but everyone would do well to be more cautious than normal.

4. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game, unless you are mafia and on the same team, in which case you may talk with members of your team only, and only for strategy purposes. Knowledge acquired after death cannot be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

5. Every user has a role PM. Role PMs may not be shown to other users on Night 0 (except to a team mate if you're mafia), but starting from Day 1 onwards they may be freely distributed. However, role PMs can also be faked, and are actually quite easy to fake. While I will not fake the role PM for you, I will proofread it and give pointers, as roles PMs should be short enough to fake without much difficulty. Note that while most role PMs follow a general template, some differences exist on purpose, so don't be too hasty to dismiss one as fake if it lacks a capital letter. I am human, and can make mistakes like typos, etc.

6. Screenshotting of all forms is banned. If anyone finds a person encouraging others to take screenshots or taking screenshots and showing other people, please be sure to report it.

7. You can paste things told to you by the host. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM me for assistance. Impersonation of the host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way.

8. This game features items. Items can be used at the same time as regular night actions, unless stated otherwise. You can give an item away during either the day or night, by replying to your role PM with "Night/Day x - Give ITEM to USER." You cannot use an item during the same night you give it away, however you can use an unrelated ability whilst giving away an item. Giving away an item has the absolute lowest priority, and if you are killed/lynched the same night/day you attempt to give away an item, it won't be moved. If a player holding an item dies, the item will remain on their person, and certain roles may have the ability to move it. If a player starts the game holding an item, that item is part of their role PM, and does not mean they have the item when they die. If you receive an item, you will not be told who gave it to you.

9. You may vote to lynch users during each day by posting "Hang/Lynch/etc user" in bold, or "No lynch" if you don't want to lynch anyone. If you want to change your vote unbold your previous vote and make a new post with your new vote.

10. Days will last 48 hours or until majority is reached. I will indicate when majority is reached. When majority there will be a grace period of 8 hours, and if the majority is still in place after said grace period, the day will end. If there is a tie at the end of the day, there will be no lynch. The deadlines are meant to be a general indication of when the day will end, not an exact limit.

11. Nights will last 48 hours. This gives you 48 hours to submit your night action by either sending a PM to the host or telling me on IRC. If you send a PM, please state what you are doing in the PM using this format: "Night x - [Night action here]". If you don't want to use any action, let the host know that you're idling, as it makes it easier for me and confirms that you're active. If you have multiple Night actions, send them all in one PM. Also, every player is required to contact the host via PM or IRC during N0, be it night action, questions about role PM or just indicating you are here. If this doesn't happen, you will face subbing, no questions asked.

12. No kills will take place during Night 0.

13. Priorities (which actions occur first at night) have been decided beforehand and will not be revealed.

14. There will be a total of 30 players.

15. If a role PM contradicts the rules, the role PM takes priority. So if the rules tell you you are not allowed to claim Batman, but your role PM says you are allowed to claim Batman, you should follow your role PM.

16. If you create a spreadsheet/PM conversation/IRC logs, etc, please do tell me/give me access. You are also encouraged to talk to me during the game and tell me how's it going; it will be helpful for the postgame.

17. I reserve the right to take certain information out of role PMs upon the death of a player.

If I am withholding information, you will know because I will put “<snip>” in place of the


18. There are no bullshit restrictions in this game. Everybody has something special, whether it is an ability, an item, some information, or a combination of the three. So don't claim to have a restriction!

19. You are to invite the host to all Private Conversations you have, and giving me logs of conversations you have IRC as well. This will make for a more interesting postgame. If you don't do this you had better be prepared for me to write shit about you in the postgame,

20. There is no bullshit fool or similar crap in this game.

21. Death may not be the end of this game. Be careful.

22. If something is not covered in the rules, that means that you can do it. This rule is a handy catchall to keep me from having to field stupid questions/players handicapping themselves.

23. If you invite a player into your role PM conversation, you will be godkilled.

24. You can target dead players with your abilities, but that doesn't mean that anything will happen.

25. Inspection results are guaranteed to be accurate.

Edited by General Spoon
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Little Rant so this game isn't ruined

This game not balanced around scum-hunting and random voting. I balanced this game with the idea that somebody with a worthless/disposable role will ask to be inspected on night 0, that the inspector will clean them and, on day 1, tell him that he has been cleaned, and that the person who was cleaned will become the village leader. As the village leader he will collect claims (WITH ROLE PMS TO BACK THEM UP AND WHAT THEY DID LAST NIGHT) from all the players in the game (reaching out to non-claimers if required), coordinate their night actions, and be told their night results. The village leader will likely keep the information in a spreadsheet because there is so much of it, and will give access to this spreadsheet only to trusted individuals in the village's inner circle.

A claim (like the role) should be backed up by a role PM. If the game has items, and you have an item, you may or may not want to give it to the item to the village leader to back it up.

The mafia(s) will have fake claims ready to go when they are needed. They will not wait until they are asked to claim, as this can easily lead to a rushed job. Working on your fake claim so that it is ready by day 1 is a good idea, in my opinion. If I provide you with safe claims, they are recommended, as they are, well, safe.

Using the spreadsheet it will be easy to see who has and hasn't claimed, and what they have claimed. This will easily allow for inspections, lynches, etc to be directed at the now much smaller list of suspects.

An easily provable role like announcer would use its ability to prove itself on night 0, perhaps even telling the person who has stepped up to lead the village what will be seen in the update. Etc.

Since we're here, I'll just say this now. I may use different words than usual in describing things in the future. “Cop” will be referred to as “inspector”, and “doctor” will be referred to as “bodyguard.” “Doublevoter” will be referred to as “mayor.” “Modkill” will be referred to as “godkill.” These things are only important for what I will be referring to in role PMs, feel free to call them whatever you like.

Edited by General Spoon
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Game will probably start in 2-3 weeks or so-ish.

Even if there are 30 people signed up, you can sign up anyways. Those who don't get in will get put onto the substitute list to sub in for inactive players.

Signed Up





I Eat Tables

Life Admiral








Generic Officer


Lux Aeterna















Silent Mercenary

Edited by General Spoon
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I'm in.

Little Rant so this game isn't ruined

This game not balanced around scum-hunting and random voting. I balanced this game with the idea that somebody with a worthless/disposable role will ask to be inspected on night 0, that the inspector will clean them and, on day 1, tell him that he has been cleaned, and that the person who was cleaned will become the village leader. As the village leader he will collect claims (WITH ROLE PMS TO BACK THEM UP AND WHAT THEY DID LAST NIGHT) from all the players in the game (reaching out to non-claimers if required), coordinate their night actions, and be told their night results. The village leader will likely keep the information in a spreadsheet because there is so much of it, and will give access to this spreadsheet only to trusted individuals in the village's inner circle.


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also i can't stand the village leader strategy but go ahead <_______<


Yay, a game made for Life.

(Watch no one still do that)

I think he was being sarcastic... :unsure:

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