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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"Excellent. Some of us are ready to crash," he said, nodding at Reika, leaning against the horse.

"I wish Charlotte were here," he said quietly to himself. "Tessa seems to need help and that asshat Pary's not going to."

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As the group was busy listening to the guards, Rita wandered around the settlement, till she found a hole in the fence. Climbing in, she walked in a shop, determined to find the perfect item!



"As long as we get some food. And I have a few things I need to pawn. They proved quite inconvenient on the trip through the canyon."



Noticing Rita slipping away, he thought to himself. She seems to be acting different. I'd have thought working as a mercenary or practicing her swordwork would change her. She seems to just be fooling around since she joined. Must be all the sword users or something. Her attitude is completely different. I should sit down and talk to her later.

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"Not quite the ladies man you thought you were you pig. At least the scalies can see through you! If only every other woman here could!"


"Uggg...." sighed Esphyr, practically slouched over and resting her head on Aiya's shoulder. The mercenary was outright exhausted. "Does the inn have a bath? Or a hotspring? Please, hot spring!"


At the far end of the town, two figures slowly entered in through the main gate. One, a small child about nine years old, and the other... a mature woman in her late thirties with a horrid bite wound upon her shoulder! Though the wound had been healed, the blood still stained her otherwise clean dress and she walked with a noticeably weak step, stumbling and tripping and needing her child for support as she entered in.

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OOC: Psych, it's a big'ol wall surronding the town, not a dinky little fence. The only openings are the gates and what used to be the west wall, and every opening has people near it. Along with the constant patrols around the walls and the archers looking down.

Guard at the Gate

"Some of the Inns do, some don't. The Visitor's Center doesn't, just a simple wash basin." Gran informed Esphyr. "There are no hot springs in Directus. Though you may pay a fire mage to heat a bath up if you're desperate."

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"Miracle cures?" Heinz jeered. I've heard better schemes to peddle money out of fools. Don't think they're that stupid, glancing at the wagon and the rest of the group briefly before turning back to the road.

"Free demonstration? Yeah, right," he laughed, scowling in part irritation and amusement. He'll probably start begging that pegasus rider for money once she feels better, if he's anything like the others, Heinz thought wryly. Just then a strangely colored wyvern crashed into the wagon, shattering several bottles. A pink wyvern? "That's new," he mumbled, blinking his eyes a few times as he pulled the horse to a stop. "Don't know what Rudoberry is either," shrugging his shoulders before blinking again. Wish my shoulder wasn't hurt, he thought ruefully. I keep forgetting not to move it.

Hearing Morgan call everyone to a move again, Heinz urged Ralf forwards, hesitating for a second when the merchant announced they could take anything they wanted. Might as well, grabbing up a bottle of the strange liquid Viveka had drank earlier before hurrying off farther along the road, avoiding the stir the rampaging wyverns were causing.

Nearby, he could see Rita accosting Kelas and Heinz chuckled in amusement, hearing slight irritation in the fire mage's voice. Looks like she gets upset over everything, smirking when the girl ran off. "Even stupider than I thought she was," he mummured. Like a man would have a figure like that.

Edit: Added note at the top.

Edited by the_whistler
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"Sure," Kelas said simply as Altion turned away.

"She thought I was a man, despite multiple protests to the contrary, and was offended when I rejected her advances," Kelas told Eric with a sigh. "Some people..."


"Right, we're here," Kelas said quietly, reaching back to tap Isotov on the shoulder. "Wake up..."

Arrin handed Francis off to a stable boy, tipping generously in order to ensure good care, and staggered into the first available room he could find. He was asleep within a few minutes.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"Ah..." he said scowling. "I guess I'll ask you to spar with me later. In the meantime, I have to make sure Reika gets tended to. She's really feeling ill. So ill, she's not even insulting me."

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Exiting the shop, Rita was a bit disappointed she found nothing. "Might as well find the group." Turning, she saw a woman in a silver dress, with a bloodstain running down it, and a young boy, hardly 9 or 10. "Um, excuse me miss. You appear to be hurt. Should I get a healer or something? That looks painful."

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OOC: Will only post for Iso for now while I get some events and such straightened out. Some things are being rushed and I have to compensate.


Iso could tell that he was being nudged and it brought him to consciousness. Surprisingly he felt well rested. He had no idea what time it was so that was the first thing he inquired.

Iso: Ughhh. Say, what time is? How long was I out? (You can get a lot of sleep when your eyes don't work ...)

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"Not exactly the sharpest sword in the armory," Eric said, shaking his head. "Just wish she would listen some times."



"... Alright, I guess Morgan or Lev goes," Derek said. "Unless anyone else has better candidates."

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"Huh. That's odd... I can try to preform some basic first aid on he-." Esphyr caught herself as she started to slip into the habits of her childhood. "Maybe Tessa or Pary could heal her with a staff?"

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"Tessa tried, but she hasn't really gotten any better," said Alf, remembering how Tessa tried to heal her. "And Pary wouldn't help me or her if either of our lives depended on it. He would've let me die from burning to death in the cave if it were him," he said scowling.

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OOC: @ Psych, please reread what I posted earlier. """"OOC: Psych, it's a big'ol wall surrounding the town, not a dinky little fence. The only openings are the gates and what used to be the west wall, and every opening has people near it. Along with the constant patrols around the walls and the archers looking down.""""" Unless Rita has wandered off into a different town, there is no way she could have slipped inside.

Guard at the Gate

"This is a real indecisive lot you've brought Luc," Gran commented. "Well, fine by me. Been a while since we've had squatters staying outside."

Luc kept silent. His earlier reasoning that the group had a competent leader had been completely crushed. Tough he realized, he should have began doubting once half the group tried killing each other.

OOC: My apologies if this sounds impatient or rude. I do not mean it like that.

Edited by Script
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"I sometimes consider myself the leader." Morgan spoke up "but not on...political matters such as these. This does not really have anything to do with the Lord of Azure Flame I imagine, moreso other matters I have little experience in. I will delegate this task to you Derek, see what these people are all about." Morgan said, waving her hand dismissively.

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"Then maybe it's a demons baby?" offered Esphyr. "I don't know. It almost sounds like motion sickness, but the swelling... I don't know what happens during pregnancy, but I know the body changes. Maybe that changes as well? Is she running a fever? Or unusually cold? I know almost nothing about medicine and first aid, but I can think of something that might fit if those are true."

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