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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"Oh you mean that pink one from earlier? :huh: Why would you want to capture it? That man said it was causing a lot of trouble. Seems to me like it's do more harm then good, especially after how all the other wyverns acted around her."



"Regardless, some symptom could come back or get worse or who knows. I'm going to the apothecary." Giving her another blanket, he walked out of the inn, heading down the road. He noticed Morgan looking around for something. "Is something missing? Or do you need my help with anything?"

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Bowing, the cavalier said, "I apologize about the abrupt visit, Councilman. I am Derek, a member of a travelling group headed for Burgosas. We were simply in the area, when the 12th found us, after a scuffle. Perhaps I should let Captain Luc explain more about what happened from there."

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"Bout half would, and the other half would either refuse, or step out of the way. Face it. She's kind of stabbed her own hand here with the party. Only reason we keep her around is Morgan's quest. I don't care so much for or against her so long as the pay doesn't point either way."

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Irina and Levski

Lev: That female was fertile, or the wyverns wouldn't have freaked the hell out. Do you have any idea how valuable a young healthy female wyvern is? I'm capturing that girl for the mercs.

Irina: And I'mmmmm helpiiiing >_>'

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"Good thing I already found the kitchen, then," Kelas replied, steering Isotov in and finding some benches. "Bench in front of you-- yeah, you just ran into it-- wait just a moment and I'll go grab some food." She quickly returned. "Bread, cheese, fruit, they didn't have much but it should do," she explained, putting the plates on the table. "You're not gonna start coughing blood again, are you?"

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OOC: I'm so glad Psych made Rita ask that question! Thanks Psych! More wyvern education in the rp! :3


Iso: ... the blood ...? I don't know ... I thought being blinded was bad enough, but then I get reminded of what happened to Morgan. (She looked like she was dying ... ... ... wait, I'm blind and possibly dying too? What gives? Why am I getting the worst of this?)

He was about to slam his fist on his lap but stopped himself.

Iso: I don't know ... I just don't know. I'm not going to let that stop me from eating though.

He started reaching out for the food but was a little ... off.

Irina and Levski

Lev: Let me put it these way. If we sold that wyvern for top gold, our expenses would be covered from here on out.

Irina: We usually breed them ourselves though. Most wyvern breeders are actually pretty ignorant. The best wyvern breeders are wyvern riders themselves ... at least the ones with help or the ones that are in organizations like Ivanko's mercenaries.

Lev: As for that wyvern in the canyon. That was Xenia's wyvern, Svetlana. Probably couldn't tell from a distance, but that was a sea wyvern. Different breed of wyvern, and hard to get along with. You'd have to have a very horny wyvern on your hands before they would try to mate with a different breed.

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"She had a Sea Wyvern like my brother? Hmmmm. He never told me anything like that. Well I guess I can help you guys. I have nothing to do, and I'm not tired yet."

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Staying in the armor shop for a few minutes, Heinz looked around aimlessly, examining their selection of cloaks and boots before the shopkeeper grew impatient, walking up to him. "Excuse me, but are you looking for anything in particular?" he inquired. "We have boots and cloaks of all styles to fit your every need, just ask," he said, smiling widely.

Seems like he's missing a few teeth, Heinz eyed. "No thanks, I think I'll be alright for now," nodding at the man politely before heading out the door. Inside the store, the man scowled, narrowing his eyes at the mercenary. "Damn merc," he growled. "He doesn't have the discipline to grind it out in the military," he mocked, turning his back and heading back into the inner storeroom, where he had working earlier before Heinz came in.

Looking behind himself casually, Heinz walked out the door and looped around the city of Directus, arriving at the Vistor's Center around ten minutes later. Finding the shaman waiting around inside, Heinz walked towards Morgan, inclining his head.

OOC: In a town filled with old war veterans, I figured at least one or two had to be egotistical :lol:

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Irina and Levski

Lev: Well sure ... I guess. The first thing we need to do is find a weapon smith or an armor smith. Or both, doesn't matter as long as they can weld. *sigh* ... then I have to start throwing money at them until they cooperate.

Lev hung his head and Irina patted him on the back.

Irina: If we were closer to one of the fortresses we'd just borrow one of the cages from the wyvern breeders there. But there are only three forts and the one in Septimus is nowhere near here. We really shouldn't be paying for these but then again ... we weren't expecting to run into a catch like this.

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"Right here," Kelas said, scooting the plate so that Isotov could find the food. "If it acts like any sort of normal illness, the food shouldn't trigger anything anyway..." She sighed. "I don't even know... the symptoms all seem different. Regardless, we'll get the tomes back, and then we won't have to worry about it." She realized that Arrin needed to eat again... but he'd probably gone to sleep. She'd make sure he ate when he woke up... "Anyway, until then, I'll do anything I can to help."

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High Command

"Ah! The capital! It has been far too long since I visited it myself. Work here keeps me plenty busy." Richtor nodded to his own words. "Ah, Captain Luc, elaborate on the situation if you while. I've been informed most of your unit isn't with you."

Luc knew Councilmen Richtor would already possess that information. The spy work near Directus was fantastic. "The scuffle, Cavalier Derek refers to cost me the lives of my men. Only Fargo and myself survived."

"What? What happened?" General Mendozza interrupted before Luc could explain.

"An ambush in Giver's Canyon. Some group used falling rocks as a trap. They stood exactly where the rocks fell, it... was a gruesome sight." Luc closed his eyes after he finished speaking.

"Dammit. Do you have any idea who did it?"

"No," Luc said, "I can only reason they were after Derek's group or a particular person. One of their number was kidnapped in the battle and I could nothing to stop it."

"Oh my! My condolences Captain!" Councilmen Richtor placed a hand over his heart. "Sir Derek, do you have any information on this group? I -- no, we -- would like to know who would so cowardly attack us."

Guard at the Gate Visitor's Center

"So Fargo," Gran said as he hefted the man and slammed him against the wall. "Where the hell are Jess and the others?"

"I really think Captain sho-"

Gran hefted him further up the wall.

"Alright alright! Just let me down!"

Gran dropped the scared Cavalier.

"We, we were going through the valley when we were attacked. Jess and the others got killed by some rocks, and Tom was trampled."



Gran slammed his fist into the wall above Fargo's head. "Luc you bastard!"

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With her quick aid he was able to find the plate and carefully grabbed a piece of fruit from it.

Iso: Thanks. Probably a bad time to mention that I feel guilty having to rely on you so much right now. Arrin was severed too, but you're almost forced to take care of me instead. I'll gladly blame Shanice for all of this but I can't help but feel a little bad about it.

With that he took a bite of the fruit and gave his stomach something to do besides growl at him.

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"I was actually referring to the attack before that," Derek said, an odd look on his face. "But I do, however, know who was responsible for the attack. I just have to ask a simple question first, before I say anything else, Councilman. With who do your allegiances lie? The crown, or Jace the Brute?"

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Iso: Alright. I'll try not to. ... it'll probably be easier once I've got my tome back though.

He took another bite taking the rest of the fruit into his mouth and chewing it up. After he swallowed, he reached down to the plate. This time he managed to find something sooner and lifted it up. Feeling it with his hands it was obvious he'd grabbed another piece of fruit.

Iso: Huh. Makes sense. I'm usually eating meat. Probably good to add some variety. How much is left? Are you going to eat too?

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Seeing as the shaman was tied up, Pary went ahead to the herb store. Buying a few medicinal treatments, he walked further into the pawn shop. A gruff looking man sat behind the counter. "Oy, what do you want?"

"You take dead goods?"

"Depends what you be selling."

Pary unwrapped the two staves, and the bracelet. The condition was relatively good, and would probably fetch a hefty price.

"Hmm. 20 gold for the staves, 35 for the trinket."

"Make it 65 total and you have a deal."

"Grr, fine."

((I'm tired of saying apothecary :sob:))

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High Command

"I did not grant heavy aid there, so I did not think of it." Luc had nearly forgotten about how they had all met and frowned at his own poor recall.

"Ah, my loyalties. I like to think I am loyal to the men and woman who populate my town. And If I must say on their behalf, I would serve the crown. The people do not like what Jace has become. He is a disgrace in their eyes. Ah, not that most would ever admit that." Councilmen Richtor shook his head in sympathy. "Even here few things are free."

"Our lives are our own because of you and General Mendozza, Councilmen. Those few freedoms are enough." Luc complimented Richtor.

Richtor smiled at the man's words. "Thank you, Captain. Now, I take it what you will speak of is important?"

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