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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"We should probably talk somewhere else," he murmured quietly. Turning around, Heinz walked towards one of the many rooms in the inn, figuring the shaman would take the hint and follow. Heinz opened the door, looking around the room quickly before sitting down in a chair, waiting for Morgan to come in and close the door.

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Iso: Anything else? T'yeah ... a miracle.

He lowered his head with an odd smile on his face. A bit of depression mixed with acceptance.

Iso: (I can't let this become a weakness ... I just can't.)

EDIT: Changed mind. Adding Ixion episode in next post.

Edited by Phoenix
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A Pawn Shop Too Far

Sitting inside his nice, comfy, completely his-choice Pawn Shop was good old war veteran Cal. Cal had been a supply officer during the war, but that didn't mean you were safe as evidenced by his lost leg. But now, he could just sit back and pay off those who came to trade. Councilmen Richtor had made things good for a lot of people.

Another old man waltzed into the store and Cal had went into the usual routine and finished his business. Cal gave a deeper look at his new merchandise and saw something off. The staff was familiar. Yes, he still remembered the day when little Anna-Seline came bounding up to 'Uncle" Cal about being accepted into the academy.

"Get back here you bastard!" Cal grabbed his crutch and hobbled outside. He pointed at the fleeing form of Pary and shouted "Catch the thief!"

The cityfolk knew immediately what would happen and stayed out of the way as guards swooped by and grabbed the old man.

"What did he steal?" the guard asked Cal.

"My niece's staff! Or worse! Where is she you old bastard!" He yelled and swung at Pary with his crutch.

"Whoa Cal!" one of the guards caught the falling veteran. "Don't worry, he'll get his."

"Think he's with that new group Gran's messing with?" the other guard asked for reassurance.


The two guards and two old men walked, escorted, dragged and hopped over to the Visitor's Center.

"This one of yours?" one guard yelled.

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"I don't know what you're talking about, I those are old staves of mine. And that bracelet is from my sister. I needed money for herbs for my sick friend. How dare you touch a holy man like this!" Pary broke free from the guards clutches, before walking up the stairs to Viveka's room.

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"Sorry. Can't get one of those," Kelas sighed. "We'll get them back... I promise. Now what to do with ourselves for the next few hours..."

OOC: This would be decidedly less lamely written were I not so sleepy at the moment.

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"... Alright, I shall stop with the vagueness, in that case," Derek said, straightening up. "First off, I shall reintroduce myself. I am Derek, Duke of Munktan, Captain in the Jerdonian Knights, retired. Also known as the Storm Knight. I have been traveling abroad, for the past year, in search of my sister. However, that does not matter. What ended up happening is that a close friend of mine happened across the princess of Jerdon, the very same that is sought by Jace. Through a series of events, we ended up encountering Alex the Comet, who directed us to head towards the capital to meet with the king and the queen, to discuss liberating Jerdon. It was on our way when Colonel Daneka of the army, a traitor to the Jerdonians suspected to be on Jace's payroll, ambushed the 12th with that trap, unprovoked. They also kidnapped the princess, and I suspect they are bringing her to Jace, who may well be in the capital himself. The fault lies with the Colonel, and ultimately, Jace the Brute, on the assault that took your soldiers' lives, sir."

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An Old Man, Two Guards and a Visitor's Center

"You're no holy man robbing my niece! I know those notches on her staff! Every staff she got she put those exact same notches in them!" Cal chased after Pary.

"Dead." Gran said solemnly.


"She wasn't robbed, she's dead!" Gran yelled at the old man.

"What? My dear sweet Anna-Seline dead?" Cal collapsed. "But how? Why? She was just so full of energy the last time we met." How? How could this happen? "YOU!" Cal bounded to his foot, "You killed her! Murderer! Graverobber!" Cal assaulted Pary with his staff!

"Shouldn't we stop this?" a guard said.

"Yeah," the other responded.

Both guards stood still.

EDIT: Adding in Luc and co stuff.

EDIT2: Added in Luc and co stuff.

EDIT#: Edited out High Command Stuff.

Edited by Script
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"I have done nothing of the sort. As I said, these are my old staves. Maybe you should get your head examined you old coot!" Pary dodged the staff swing. It wasn't very hard to do coming from a old geezer. He didn't feel like talking to Viveka right now. Who was the bandit talking to? Esphyr? Where was she? Pary headed out the back entrance to search town.

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"...Graverobber!", an older voice said, snapping Dani out of her thoughts. Then, she heard that rotten priest's voice, and saw him step out the back entrance. Being semi-intelligent, the mage put two and two together

"Oh, no you don't," Dani shouted, firing a wave of lightning at the priest. The spell slammed directly into his chest, knocking the man against a wall.


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Hearing that crazy mage's voice, he ran faster. Noticing the bandit near the gate, and Esphyr walking towards the in, he ran up to her. "Tell me what he just said to you. I'll give you all the money in my pocket. All.....95 gold pieces!"

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"I was a number of paces away from them, so I couldn't hear everything they said," Heinz said in a low voice, apologizing briefly. Probably best to be honest here. "But I picked up some of what they were mouthing and when they weren't careful to keep their voices down," smirking slightly. "Alferis said something to Esphyr first about severing, and she started smiling at that, something along the lines of being free to live her life and away from 'Morgan's fat ass,'" coughing a bit at the last part.

"Given that I'm not sure why he'd be worried over Isotov, I figured he might be talking about either Arrin or Reika," Heinz shrugged. "Don't know if either of them are actually severed, but both of them seemed kinda sick earlier. The thunder mage was complaining about a headache to Tessa, and I saw her worrying over Reika before."

"She said Alferis was worried that Reika was sick but Tessa couldn't find anything wrong when she looked the thief over with a Restore staff. Charlotte was there as well," Heinz put in, figuring it couldn't do any harm if he added another witness, although he was fairly sure the shaman trusted the troubadour.

"After that, Esphyr got excited and threw Alferis against the wall, so her back was to me. But she mentioned the word demon repeatedly, like she was happy. I'm not sure why she wouldn't want her Crimson Weapon, but it almost seemed like she wanted to be severed," trying to shrug a little without reopening his wound. "They were still talking after I left, but I didn't want to stay around too long, in case they noticed me," finishing up his report.

"I went into an armor shop a couple blocks down the road and stayed there a bit before I headed back here, so I don't think either of them followed me here," leaning his back against the chair as he waited for Morgan's reaction.

Edit: Changed a word.

Edited by the_whistler
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High Command

The room went silent at Derek's story. Each man piecing together their own segmented thoughts.

"Daneka? That girl with the black pegasus?" General Mendozza stated.

Luc recalled seeing a black pegasus, well out of his reach. So the wyvern woman wasn't the leader? But she had taken the apparent Princess.

"That is a troubling tale Sir Derek." Councilmen Richtor was striking his chin. "For one of the heroes to fall so far as to order such vile acts! Why, he is no hero at all!" Councilmen Richtor shouted what was practically a death sentence. "So, Sir Derek. Since you have been honest with me, I shall do the same. Your cause seems just, and I have no reason to not believe you since the good Captain Luc has brought you here. I will say, I cannot give you a great amount of aid. Even though Directus is home to a great many war veterans, Jace would not think twice before concocting some crazy scheme to destroy us."

Councilmen Richtor turned away. "But, that is to say, I may offer small amounts of aid. At the very least, a place to stay, new food, equipment, money. Maybe even a soldier -- off the records of course." Councilmen Richtor looked at Luc, who nodded. "I have a feeling Captain Luc here would be quite happy to help you accomplish your own goals."

Councilman Richtor faced Derek again. "And before you go asking why I would be so generous if my whole city rides on the line, I will tell you. If Jace were to be... made elss of a threat, than Directus would prosper even more. I am in this for my own interests as well."

Councilmen Richtor stepped up to the Cavalier and stretched his hand. "Well, do you wish to be allies?"

Old Man Cal

"I'll chase you forever!" Cal chased after Pary.

OOC: He's not attacking, just searching yes.

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Morgan listened to Heinz's story. Reika's been severed...would explain her recent "illness". Esphyr wants to be severed? That is...distressing. I am going to have to speak to her about that. And perhaps about this "fat ass" business, I think my hindquarters are acceptably proportional...no that bit is irrelevant.

"Good work Heinz." she said curtly to the theif, unlocking the door, opening it, and going out. She managed to find Alferis quickly.

"So, keeping Reika's severing a secret? You know, everyone seems to think that is a good idea, perhaps it is to keep the others from worrying, but they also cannot help reocver them. I would ordinarily advise keeping it to a select group of people, but I doubt anyone will be overly worried trying to kill Reika anyway. Still, I must say your lack of insight in this matter is rather appaling." Morgan said coolly.

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"Can you blame me? Everybody was quite ready to kill Reika and even said so. Like Chase and Pary. And...I don't know what to do. I was scared you might want her dead," he said, turning away from Morgan. How did she find out? he thought frantically.

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"Don't be an idiot Alferis. If we find the Crimson Knives, Reika is the only erson I know I can attach them to. I do not know how to attach a Crimson Weapon to a new wielder without assistance, and their body might reject it anyway. So keep her alive until we find the Knives." Now for Esphyr... Morgan thought, but this was interrupted by a flash of lightning.

"What is going on here?" she asked, tracing the lightning to Pary. There seemed to be an ornery old man, and some guards, and a great commotion was stirring.

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"Thanks Morgan. I'll care for her now. Hope Chase doesn't see it as an excuse to kill her," he said, running off to Tessa's horse. He picked Reika up and carried her to where the rooms were and laid her on a bed.

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The Fortress

While Shanice sulked in his restraints, Miranda and Ixion continued their chat, Ixion still trying to get an advantage over her. He was starting to wonder if he'd misjudged her motives in life and had given her too much information. Originally he felt that his overwhelming power would keep her in check, but he could feel that he had no real say in what she did, and it was beginning to agitate him.

Ixion: If you won't serve under me, then I need to stop wasting my time and move on to someone more suitable.

Miranda: I guess so. But you're afraid that with me, you've run out of suitables, aren't you?

Ixion: A fool is born every minute. I hold onto the hope that a prodigy is as well. Will you serve under me or not? I'm not interested in wasting any more time on this. I have work to do.

Miranda: What work?

Ixion: Only my apprentice has the right to that knowledge.

Miranda: Oh you. It's not like I said "no".

Ixion: You haven't said "yes" either. That's a problem.

Miranda: Haven't you been wondering why I haven't said yes? Aren't you just a bit curious?

Ixion: Not really. You can keep your reasons for now. I only want your answer.

Miranda: *sigh* you're such a lifeless person.

She came a little closer and placed her hands over the locks holding his cloak closed.

Miranda: Where I come from, apprentices are just excuses to work other angles in relationships. We pretend to be their superiors, but the truth is, they have just as much sway over us as we do over them. You want me to serve you but ... ... that won't make me inferior to you. It only makes me more important to you.

She quickly pushed him back and he felt his back hit the wall with a loud thud muffled by cloth!

Miranda: I say cut out the middle man and take what you really want from this relationship. You want an apprentice and you don't even realize that it's not a teacher student relationship when people like us are involved. No when you try to start something like that with people like us you end up with a partnership. Will you admit that that's what you want from me?

Ixion: Partnership? What are you getting at?

Miranda: Like it or not, you can't help but do what humans do. If you take me as your so called apprentice, you're going to fall in love with me.

Ixion: Oh really?

She gave him a serious look and nodded her head.

Miranda: You're only human. You can't help such a thing. So I say we skip that part.

Ixion: You ... want to be in a relationship with me now?

Miranda: Oh come now, you're not bad looking. You just need a woman to wipe the smug off your face and you'll be fine.

Ixion: You honestly expect me to play along with this? I already told you that I have no interest in being with a woman.

Miranda: And I basically told you that you're a liar who will instantly forget about his anti relationship rants the second a woman gives him an opening. Care to prove me wrong, Ixion?


Miranda: Shanice, be quiet! I'm propositioning the warden!

Ixion: I offer you a position under me, and you try to become some type of shallow love interest under the guise of partnership?

Miranda: I just don't like all the pretending that goes on in relationships. You brought me back hoping to get one thing, but what you don't understand is that it will inevitably become something else. I don't want to be bothered with the long sexually tense transitions. Do you?

Ixion: I don't want to be bothered with any of this. What you people call love is a distraction. Human life is too short for such a thing given my goals.

Miranda: You coward. You say it's a distraction but you've got no proof. The people who fall in love don't have the same goals as you. What did love distract them from? Something that you felt was beneath someone like you? Oh yes. Have you considered that maybe love was the goal all along? Hmph.

Ixion: If love is the goal for those people then so be it. Let them have their pursuits no matter how meaningless I judge them to be.

Miranda: I don't knoooow. Most humans are the same. I think your goals ... might be just a little similar.

Ixion: Enough!!

Miranda: Touchy subject?

Ixion: Why are you doing this? Just answer my question! Will you or will you not become my apprentice?

She smiled and took a few steps back opening her cloak a little bit as she put her arms down to her sides.

Miranda: ... not your apprentice. That is an illusion that you can't see passed. If you want me tagging along with you, it has to be as your lover. You and I aren't capable of anything else with your little ... social issues.

Ixion was stunned. He'd never encountered anyone like this before and wasn't sure what to do. He was starting to question himself as well. After watching her stand there in front of him somewhat teasing with her innocent twists and stance changes, he leaned off of the wall.

Ixion: Just ... just tell me why you're doing this ...

Miranda: Because I refuse to beat around the bush. I live my life the way I choose, making decisions based on how I feel. You can call me impulsive if you want, but I'm the one that's calm. You're the one sweating in the corner like some first timer.

Ixion: This isn't right.

Miranda: Now it's my turn to ask you. will you accept my offer, or not?

Ixion: What's the point of that?! Really?

Miranda: Ixion, stop panicking. You act as if us being closer than a master and apprentice would somehow get in the way of your goals. Will it? I'm offering you the potential to get the best of both worlds.

Ixion: What?

Miranda: My goodness! You get to be a magical dork and you get the hot immortal chick, but you don't want it because you think I'll divorce you or something and make off with half your spells! Get a clue little boy! Are you going to be a man and do what men do or are you going to hide behind those little flux spells of yours and ask me to be your little errand girl again?

Ixion: ... ... ....

She tilted her head waiting for his answer. He nervously clinched his fists. He'd spent his whole life swearing off of and avoiding what he was now highly tempted to reach out and grasp. He had only one last barrier of defense. One last bit of protection from her advances ...

Ixion: ... I formed you with my own hands.

Miranda: I wonder why I'm so pretty. Not really, I already know why.

Ixion: You aren't human, Miranda.

Miranda: You won't be either ... once you get that ultimate power of yours. You know that. Stop running away, Ixion. Make up your mind.

He clinched his fists even tighter. He was broken down completely. He had nothing, no reason to refuse her. He kept asking himself what he was doing, and nothing inside him disagreed anymore. He wanted so badly to get away from her, this woman who was far more powerful than him, but logically he couldn't. She'd convinced him against his own will and unlocked a deep hidden longing inside of him.

Miranda: ... well?

Ixion: ... ... ... fine ...

Shanice: (No! No no no! This is so wrong! this is horrible!! This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life!! Stop!! I can't take this garbage anymore!! Ixion put her down, don't sleep with her!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!)

Ixion: ... I'll ... ... do this ... with you.


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"... I believe we have a deal, sir," Derek said, taking the older man's hand and shaking it. "An extra soldier is always welcome, especially coming from a city of heroes. I shall remember this support Directus has shown. Perhaps, if my country is restored, we can discuss trade opportunities and such. Also, I apologize again for having accidentally brought your soldiers into this conflict."

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High Command

"We shall see then, when the throne is rightfully restored then," Councilman Richtor said in as friendly as possible. "Now as for what assistance I can grant you and your comrades right away. Well, as you know, that ball in the capital is coming up. It is not uncommon for me to send a substitute in my place -- with all my work and all. And I happen to know a fine man who would have no qualms with helping you get in. I know you have plans of your own for that, but a second, or third, or even fourth might not hurt. I shall send word to our stores to provide a severe discount as well. My apologies, but giving away supplies would be too, uncomfortable to do." Councilman Richtor shook his head a bit. "As for the matter of lodgings, it would be downright rude to have all of you stay in a Visitor's Center, or even an Inn. I can set things so your comrades can stay with good Count Altair, the man whom I alluded to earlier."

Luc didn't make a single movement at the mention of his name and title.

"Ah, that is, if you accept. I wouldn't want to seem imposing." Councilman Richtor chuckled a bit.

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"... I believe we may well decide to head there, if it is alright with you, Captain Altair," Derek said, still addressing him by his rank. "Much obliged, for your assistance. I must ask, however, that you keep my rank and peerage secret. It would be... unfortunate if mercenaries caught word of it."


Coming out from where she was standing, Dani said, to Morgan, "He was running away from this gentleman here, who says he's a grave robber. Considering what happened at the mansion, I thought he needed to be stopped... So I zapped him."

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"Oh, did he rob one of the corpses back at the canyon? I thought I saw him bending over one of the bodies..." Morgan shrugged. "The dead have no need need of material items. No need for all this fuss. Back to the center Pary, and try not to kill each other in the future?" Morgan rolled her eyes.

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High Command

"Impressive," Luc noted in respect.

"Of course, don't worry, as you've seen by Captain Altair here we do tend to keep our secrets. Though the intelligent can find out about them." Councilman Richtor chuckled. "Well, now that our deal is sealed I won't keep you from returning to your comrads. Captain, please esccort Sir Derek back, and then to your manor. I must hurry and finish my own work."

"Sir!" Luc saluted. "Let's go."

Luc and Derek left the room.

"General, fetch me trade permits and some messengers."

"Yes, Councilman." The General followed the two younger men out.

Councilman Richtor let out a relieving breath of air. "Paul." He said to the empty room.

"Yo." a voice replied.

"Follow Captain Luc's new assignment, report to me on anything you can fine."

"Will do boss," the voice of a spy said.

"And Paul?"


"Fetch Jasper first. I need to get in contact with the double agents in my spies working for Jace."

"Sure thing."


"I'm going to the barracks for a brief time," Luc said.

Luc walked over to the large barracks and made his way to the 12th's bunk room. He quickly switched out his battle armor for his count armor -- taking a brief moment to clean himself a bit first. Head, free of his helm, Luc pulled his hair back into a ponytail and went back outside. "Not long at all."

Luc led Derek back to the Visitor's Center. Where he was promptly knocked nearly half the length of the building.

Guard at the Gate Visitor's Center

As soon as he saw Luc's face coming in through the door to the Center, Gran punched the man halfway across the room.

"Well," Luc had himself appear unsteady as he stood. "I can say I deserve that one."

"She died you bastard! Is that all you can say!" Gran lumbered over to Luc, ready to belt him another one.

"Keep your lips tighter next time Fargo." Luc said, ignoring the man who was a head taller than him.

"Haha, yes sir..." Fargo unenthusiastically replied.

"What the hell happened you bastard!" Gran took another swing at Luc but missed.

"Rocks fell, she died." Luc looked over at the guards. "Pretty weak hit there Gran. I remember that punch on the field a few weeks ago knocked me a good few feet more back."

"SHUT UP!" Gran brought his fist back for another swing, but the guards restrained him.

"Easy Gran!" the first said.

"Take him away." Luc ordered the two. They nodded in compliance.

"This isn't over Luc!" Gran yelled as he was led outside.

Luc felt his jaw. Despite his truthful taunt, the fist had hurt like little else. His jaw was about ready to fall off from the hit. Luc wiped away some blood from where his teeth cut his lip. "What a waste of a glove."

Luc looked around. "Everyone! Gather up!" Luc yelled as loud as he could, not caring he wasn't in charge of them.

OOC: In case I'm not awake early enough later today, just assume Luc will yell everyone can stay in Altair manor if they like. At the manor will be a bunch of servants(called in by Councilman Richtor), but no family of Luc's. Rooms in the manor will be marked as unoccupied. The manor has a stable big enough for all the horses (Thunder has his own special stall away from other horses). There are baths at the manor, and a large enough kitchen. Once at the manor, the "Discount" Papers can be passed around. That seems to be all, but probably not, sadly, very sad.

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With her conversation with Alf finished, Esphyr seemed positively glowing as she returned to Damian's side. "Hello dear." she said. "I got the best news ever just now. It's possible for me to be severed!" she exclaimed, keeping her voice low so as not to alert the others.

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"We have reached an understanding, with the leaders of Directus," Derek began, once everyone had gotten up or was otherwise present. "As a result, we shall be residing elsewhere, in a mansion. Also, we shall receive discounts, at most, if not all the stores in town, in an act of generosity. So, get your things, as we shall be moving to the manse immediately."

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