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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"I'm in charge of nothing. I just work for money." said Esphyr. "Besides, I can tell you she doesn't care like that. If she did, she wouldn't have brushed aside my problems with my blade like they were nothing instead of trying to talk, or figuring out that I have my reasons for wanting this thing gone! Instead, she just parades her fat and weak body around and suckles up to Tessa while kissing Chase."


"If you can't move, then how are you talking?"

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Lev: Where is these "fat" thing coming from? I don't get it.

After a brief pause he quickly got back on track.

Lev: As I said, it's not her job to care. It's her job to keep your problems from jeopardizing the mission. If you want to get severed then she probably believes you'll use yourself as bait for the demons to do it. That's not only dangerous, but suicidal. Forget the fact that every weapon we lose weakens us in more ways than one. Morgan obviously isn't the person you want her to be. You have to get passed that or you'll just throw yourself at her crying out for responses that just are going to come. I've experienced things like these many times in my life. ... ugh ... it's ... look. Morgan is Morgan. What more do you want from her?

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"I suppose 'Silence' is not a valid answer? And you know what? I want this sword gone, no matter what the cost. If I hadn't met you just know, I would have been perfectly fine with weakening the team just to get this load off my chest. Now, I... I'm not so sure. I mean, if the demons severed me, I would probably be kicking my heels together as I pranced down the street, but... I'm not sure. And yes she is. Notice how she's better built... ummm.... for men than me? Guess what? I fight all day, while she just chants. Where do you think all that extra flesh comes from?"


"Seeing as it would preserve the balance of the universe, fit what I know about fields, and make you recover faster, yes."

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Lev: Please don't make me start imagining her figure right now. I have a hard enough time dealing with it when she's actually around. As for your weapon and your issues with Morgan ... all I can say is that I think you might be lying a little bit there. Are you really that desperate to sever yourself? Weakening the group isn't just weakening a bunch of strangers. It's putting people you know in more danger than they're already in. Damian ... Aiya ... Goddess knows who else you care about in these group. If you were faced with a demon right now would you really go through with it? I don't think it will go the way you've probably fantasized all these time.

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"With the demon sipping a teacup and wearing a tophat and monocle? I dare say no! But... I... I don't know. I just want it to be severed! I used to be a healer damnit! I would have been like Tessa if that cursed sword hadn't found me! I... I guess you're right though." she said sighing. "And Morgan really has a nice figure, doesn't she? All the men drool over her, and Damian is the only one whom seems to think me attractive."


The Headmaster delivered a swift kick to Helios's jaw, trying to knock him out. "Pass out damnit!"

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"Just do it goddammit!" He yelled at the shaman. Then the headmaster kicked him in the jaw. "Its not gonna work like that!" He exclaimed tears beginning to sprout at the corner of his eyes.

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Lev: Oh I don't know about that. Morgan is nice, but try wearing your hair down once in awhile or slipping into something cute and you may get a few new admirers yourself. Maybe even a certain Zaftran admirer. Ahem! I'd say your best course of action would be to see these through to the end. If we win the crimson weapons may fulfill their purpose. Hell, they may cease to exist. Who knows? After these is over you'll be free to pursue what you lost. It makes more sense to pursue a normal life when you can actually have it without the risk of being crushed by an unearthly threat, no?

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Rita and Cess:

"Nothing Cess! >_>......so, um...let's go get something to eat." Rita grabbed Cess and Irina by the hand, pulling them down the street into a cafe.

A waiter showed them to a table, and Rita opened her menu. "Cess can pay!"

"But you have more money than me. :sweatdrop: "

"We are ladies. The gentleman must pay. Go ahead and order anything Irina."

";_; :facepalm:"

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Irina: Is this alright? (They're not serving breakfast at nighttime I assume so hashbrowns are out ... awww man. Dinner meals hardly ever have unions.) ... hmm ... so what's on the menu exactly?

There was only one menu card at the table for some strange reason so Irina was hoping that Rita would read the menu to her.

OOC: Hope the clue I left was BIG enough >_>'

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Count Altair

"Stop all this violence at once! It is sickening to continuously have my home defiled because you people can't keep your distaste of each go for more than a second!" Luc shook his head. "Bah, it will do no good. It is like arguing with trainees but without any of the benefits." Luc looked over at Jeanne, seeing that one of the groups healers had taken over healing Chase, he called to her. "Jeanne, heal the Wind Mage."

"But he's the one who caused all this!" she protested.

"The cause is a variety of factors and his part in it was reactionary. Heal him."

"Yes, sir." she grumbled and went over to Helios. "Can you stop hitting him for a second so I can help him?"

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OOC: You're letting me decide when I'm in the mood to be silly?


Irina: Let's see ...

Dinner Menu













Medium Rare

Well Done

Still On Fire

Fire Mage'd


Mashed Potatoes

Jerdon Fries

Beefy Burgers

Chicken Breasts, legs, and thighs

Turkey Breasts, legs, and thighs

Pork chops


Buffalo wings


Ice Cream:










Irina: ... ... ... something's wrong with this menu. I guess I'll have a chicken pot pie with extra unions and some Jerdon fries?

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"Sounds good! I'll have one of everything on this half of the menu." She pointed to the desserts.



"Oh god no. :sob: I'll just have coffee and some chocolate cake.....My poor money...:sob:"

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OOC: Woo catch up post.

The shaman addressed the mercenary quickly before heading out the door. Heinz nodded, acknowledging her words. "So she does give out compliments," chuckling for a second as one side of his mouth quirked up. Hmmm... hopefully that should improve her trust in me. At the very least, she considers me somewhat reliable, heading out of the room after a few minutes.

She's probably gone looking for Reika or Esphyr, so I'll stay out of the way for now. Best not to attract too much attention, recollecting what the guard at the gate had said. "Not too tired.... I suppose I'll get some food then," walking towards the kitchen.

Seeing the nomad looking over the blind fire mage Heinz frowned, quickly grabbing some bread and cheese before leaving the room again. Just then the cavalier entered the room again, announcing that they would have to move. A mansion? So he's gained the favor of Councilman Richtor... Not bad, making a mental note to stock up on some extra equipment.

After retrieving his horse from the Vistor's Center stables Heinz followed Derek and the Captain to the manor, choosing to stable Ralf himself. I'll have to spend the money from my last job soon, Heinz thought wryly as he removed the saddlebags from his horse.

Opening the door to the mansion, Heinz was just in time to see both Isotov and Viveka collapse onto the floor. Elder magic? he questioned, looking at Morgan. Don't remember running into any enemy druids though...And I can't say I trust you much, raising his eyes at the Headmaster's strange antics.

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As the healers arrived, something went on in the foyer, but after a few minutes, it settled down. Letting the healers take over, Derek went to investigate, to find most of the foyer destroyed, a few of the group injured, and Damian, unconscious. Sighing, he went to check for injuries, attempting to help the healers.


There was a racket downstairs, but Dani didn't go down to investigate it. After all, what use was she? She'd probably make it worse... Sighing, the mage looked out the window, at the setting sun. It would be a long night...

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