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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Morgan sighed. "You and Esphyr and Damian...you all don't get it do you? It doesn't matter whether we ever found each other or not, the demons would be after you either way. They would sever us, kill us, the Lord of Azure Flame would break free, and then everyone would die...including those you wish to protect. It is convenient to blame me for all your problems, I'm sure, but if I hadn't brought us together, we would all be seperate...and dead." she added.

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As Alf entered within the main hallway, Esphyr raised her eyebrow in greeting. Not exactly eager to get up, she remained slouched within her chair. "Hey. You got one of those letters too? Did they consider you a woman, or mix you and Morgan up?" she asked in slight jest.

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"No idea why," he said, laughing a bit. "Problem is, what am I gonna do? I mean, I want to try all the food there and I'm curious on what balls are like, but the burns, the nobles will look at me with disgust. How am I gonna cover up my burns? I don't have any money left to buy a mask," he said, explaining his situation.

"And you've had more experience with hanging around nobles right? Do you know what to do around them?"

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Iso: Morgan, I don't blame you for what you're trying to accomplish here. I blame you for not giving a damn about any of us otherwise. I asked you who you protect because I don't believe there is anyone. Not without some completely relevant purpose. It's like being led around by a statue. Nothing human in it whatsoever.

He finally decided to stand up and backed away a single step.

Iso: I don't trust anything that isn't human. Especially not with my life, and with my sister's life.


Once Levski entered the mansion, his first stop was the kitchen. He quickly grabbed an apple from a bowl of fruit on the table and took a bite before speaking.

Lev: Anyone seen Morgan around? Is she up yet?

OOC: *chew**chew**chew*

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"Be quiet and try to brag and upstage your own accomplishments to make them seem bigger than they actually were. As for your burns... Ummm... Claim you got them from wrestling a dragon."

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"Yeah. I would be kinda neat just to go and see it though. I. wonder if anyone else is going."



Walking into the kitchen, he noticed some of the others waiting. "Am I missing something?"

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"Did you get an invitation?" Helios asked Cess holding up his. "Apparently we have been invited to ball of some sort."

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Irina: What would Kiev do while I'm being crowded at a ball? It'd be better if I could take him with but wyverns aren't considered much different from horses.


After taking another bite of his apple, Lev shrugged.

Lev: I didn't pick a room. I slept on the roof like usual. (A ball? Meh.) Well since no one's seen Morgan I guess I'd better go find her myself.

He'd left the kitchen and began heading up the stairs.

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"You want me to wear a backless dress?" asked Esphyr before taking a more serious tone. "I don't know what to do though. It's almost guaranteed to go to Morgan anyways. I should probably just forget it."

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"Not to bring up any unpleasant memories here," Morgan began "but remember back in Illyphina, when we were leaving TISME? I told you that you were putting Katie in harm's way by bringing her along and well...see what happened. I may be 'inhuman' in your eyes, but I may be able to protect the ones you care about better than you can because of this." she said, arms crossed.

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"I probably wouldn't understand," said Alferis, licking his lips in anticipation for the food. "Who knows what great food is there. C'mon, like I said, if I want to go, go, regardless of what Morgan or anyone else says."

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The tone in Iso's voice quickly switched back to an angry one.

Iso: You aren't protecting anyone but your goals. Do you honestly think I would allow her to keep traveling with us if I found her again? I've got no means of keeping her safe, let alone anyone else.

He turned away from her and let his fists relax. What he said next was barely audible.

Iso: I just wanted to see her one last time before we go back to senselessly trying to fight our enemy ....

Then, he walked the short distance to the bed and sat down on its edge.

Iso: You wouldn't understand.


Irina: Well, I've been soaking awhile and I think I'm as clean as I'm going to get so I'll see you downstairs.

Irina quickly hopped out of the tub and dried herself off before picking up her clothes and heading out into the hall.


Of course, Levski spotted Irina long before she spotted him, and he enjoyed the eyefull. He didn't get to see her only covered by a towel very often.

Lev: ( ^_^ )

EDIT: Forgot to specify that Irina is NOT naked in the hall.

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"No...I suppose I wouldn't." Morgan conceded. "I'm just trying to help you is all, but I suppose I've failed." She began to walk away from Isotov's room , leaving him in soltitude.

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"I don't know. Rita had one last night. You should ask her if you want to know more. She tried to rape Lev and flung it at me. Drenched me from head to toe in it, but I didn't drink any, so I'm, like, perfectly fine." said Esphyr as she got up. "I really should take a bath though. If we're going to the ball, it won't do to come out looking all messy."

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