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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"So you've trapped me here." Charlotte said. "Fine then, I-I'll fight you." she said, taking out her light tome. "I won't let you take me to Jace!" She paused for a moment, taking a closer look at the woman. "General Alex? You're Jace's daughter? So you weren't working for the king and queen after all..."

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She was yelling again. She must have been in heat but was having trouble searching for mates due to the increase in Morgan's activities. "Meh" he thought. Maybe she wanted to mate with Lev? If that was the case, it would probably help if he brought her to him. With that, he pulled his head out of the window and climbed down some so she would have room to climb out and onto him.

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"Yes, because I certainly would not have drug Father out of work if I captured you," Alex said, playing with a lock of hair. "You have got it wrong. I am working against Father, though I doubt he knows, considering how much time he spends in the Court. I was actually planning for your groups' arrival, but it seems that it is unnecessary. What happened, that let that flying lout capture you? And put that light tome away. I mean no harm to you."

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As the wyvern pulled his head out of the window Esphyr took it as a sign. She could almost feel the pheromones pulsating off her as she pulled out and into the sunlight outside. It made her feel sick as she straddled the wyvern's back, mounting him as best she could so that he could take her down to Lev.

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Krinkov ... Fertile Female Delivery Services Employee of the Month

He hoped that she had the sense to hold on. A fall might not kill her, but an injured female is harder to protect while pregnant, and sometimes they do silly things in those instances. He quickly released the walls leaving claw punctures before spreading his wings and flapping hard to keep them airborne! Next, he turned and dove down slightly allowing them to glide down to the open areas of the backyard. The touched down right near Lev and he rose from his chair and left the book on the seat.

Lev: What's up?

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"I don't know how I can trust you." Charlotte said, not putting away her tome. "It was an ambush in Giver's Canyon, Colonel Daneka was there I think and they rolled rocks down on us...some people died I think. Then that wyvern woman hit me and I fell unconscious. I don't know what happened to the others..." she said, frowning. Are they still alive? That whole attack was because of me...

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"That damned potion that Rita drank last night is what's up." exclaimed Esphyr. "It's, like, making me freak out and act like a cheap floozy! I think I even took a bath today because I thought I was dirty and tried to attract guys while doing it. What the heck is that potion and how do I deal with it?"

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Lev: The Rudoberry? (Come to think of it I have been feeling a bit like crossing my legs and sipping on something. Urgh. Damn chick drink.)

He sighed and scratched the back of his neck while staring partially at the ground, and partially at a thought he was picturing of himself running through a field of flowers with Esphyr in tow, both of them happily giggling like little girls.

Lev: Best to just tough it out I guess. It should wear off by the end of the day ... I think.

Krinkov just watched. Why weren't they mating yet he thought. He was wondering why humans fooled around so long before creating children. With how many humans died in battles, he was beginning to be amazed by the fact that there were still so many humans around. Maybe they had periods of peace and repopulation? He could only speculate with random creatures like them.

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"...Daneka? The one that Father bought? Something is up," Alex said, thoughtfully, before returning to her room for about five minutes. Returning, she finished placing her helm and necklace on. "If you wait a few minutes, I can prove my loyalty," she said, in a magically altered husky voice. "Feel free to look around, in the meanwhile. And if I lie, there is a torch over by the end of the hallway, so you can at least burn the building down."

Before Charlotte could say anything else, the older woman was gone, unlocking and re-locking the gate, before marching briskly towards the castle. Not even bothering to acknowledge the guard, the general quickly found the throne room, and ordered one of the soldiers to bring out either the king, the queen, or the prince. Minutes later, as the guard returned, with Prince Tristan, Alex said, before he could speak, "I've found a little Snowflake."

OOC: Snowflake is the codeword for Princess Charlotte.

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Rita and Cess:


"Rita... :facepalm: "


Mystery Soldier Malcom: ((OOC: Got a name! :D))

As the rider settled into the town or Directus, the wyvern's wings blowing the various things around, a fruit stand, laundry, etc, he quickly dismounted and pulled off his helmet. "Alright Gem, this was near her last location. I'm gonna head in and see if I can get any info."

Walking into the station, he headed up to the warden. "I have a warrant for the capture of a wyvern. Lookin' for some info."

"Oi? That smelly pink one? Some freaky group is staying up at the Governor's manse. Brought in a whole load of this weird pink stuff. Ask around there."

Malcom walked out and remounted, before flying to the north of the town. He could hardly make out the people on the ground, but there where two mountain wyverns on the ground, and the one that looked like the most competent was relaxing sunning himself.

"Hya girl! Hyaa!" Malcom swooped down, his lance embedding just feet in front of Lev. He quickly hopped off and retrieved his spear, before holding it threatening against Lev. "Hand over the stuff. That wyvern's mine."

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"Toughing it out? I can do that, but is there anything I can, like, do to make it, like, totally e-*slap*" Esphyr's hand came up to slap herself hard across the cheek. The brutal stinging of reddened and bruised flesh in the same of her own hand snapped her back to her normal self, if only for a second. "Is there. Anything I. Can do. So that. I won't. End up. Embarrassing myself. Infront of. Damian?" she asked, taking a deep breath with every two words so she could manage to keep herself from slipping into a stupid style of speech once again. She took a step forwards, putting her hand on Damian's shoulder. "And did you take a *slap*"

Once again, she slapped herself. "I'm gonna kill that Rita wench!" she hissed, trying to take a step away from Lev.

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"Oh?" Tristan's eyes widened in surprise. "Just her then? I suppose we can all discuss it later. She's at the manse then?" Alex nodded and the two of them traveled back to Jace's manor.

Meanwhile, Charlotte walked around the manor. Burning this down wouldn't really accomplish anything, I suppose I will just have to trust in the Goddess here. She found a picture of a woman on the wall who looked oddly familiar. This must be Alex's mother...I suppose Jace must have been married at one point. She heard the door unlock and saw Alex and Tristan enter.

"Charlotte!" Tristan yelled out. "Good to see you. And look at that bump on your head and bruises on your neck! You must have done something quite exciting to get those!"

"Exciting is uh one word for it I suppose." said Charlotte, smiling at a familiar face. "Oh and General, or is it Lady?, Alex, I must apologize for my earlier suspicions. You have my sincerest gratitude and I am in your debt." she said, bowing her head.

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"You want a..." Kelas worked her mind around Altion's odd speech. "You just suggest a horse race?" Of course... but I've got people to look after... well, Irina's here, right? She can help... "Irina, want to take over for me for a few minutes? Doesn't seem to be much else I can add to this discussion, and I've got a challenge here."

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"Thank you Lady Kelas." said Altion, smiling. "The course is simple. Starting from the gate, we head south along the river, then through the forest for a mile before returning, unless you would suggest a alternate course?"

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Dining Area

Irina: Yeah, of course!

She was a bit surprised, Iso was her brother after all, and though she was severely neglected by him in favor of other people, she still loved him. With that, she scooted her chair closer to Iso and pulled her plate to her.

Irina: Don't lose, Kelas. You're the queen of horses right?

Iso: (Uhhhh.)

Viveka: Horses are overrated.


Lev: Esphyr, calm down. It's not as bad as it seems. Yes you're acting weird right now, but don't let it unnerve you. You've got to stay calm, and relax. See me? I got splashed with that sh*t too, but I'm calm ... and rel-*WHOOOSH*

Suddenly a challenger approached!

Lev: ... you've got to be kidding me ... ... what do you want again?

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"That course sounds all right. Don't worry, back in a bit," Kelas said, getting up. She checked to make sure Arrin was all right-- he was, sitting in his room, reading-- and headed outside, calling Amari.

She didn't need to go as far as the stables; Amari had stayed outside in one of the paddocks, and had simply jumped the fence when called. Mounting up with no tack besides a halter, Kelas looked over to Altion. "River, forest, back. Any terrain restrictions?"

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Malcom, Cess, Rita, (And Pary, who will do nothing for now):

"Oi! You heard me! Hand over your bait, or I bring you in for illegal wyvern hunting without a permit, illegal substance consumption, and trying to capture another man's bounty!" Malcom held the lance, poised to strike Lev. His wyvern began hissing at him, moving around to his side. "You'll fetch a nice bundle for a new lance."

Meanwhile, Cess and Rita were watching. "Hehehe. This is funny."

"Shouldn't we stop him? :facepalm:"

"Noooo. D: Come on! I wanna see the looks on their faces."

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"I live to serve, Your Highness. However, I believe that your suspicion was founded. Being the daughter of one of the king's enemies would cause it for anyone," Alex said, bowing. "I shall leave you two alone. If you need anything, knock on my study." Finished with that, the general quickly went into her room, closing the door, and, after removing her helm, sighed. Only a bit more, Mother, and Brother..., she thought, looking at a portrait of her mother. Then, we'll all be together, and no more harm will come from the family.


Deciding that she was hungry, Dani got out of her room, and headed down to the kitchen. Today, the conversation didn't seem to interest her. So, the mage kept silent, keeping her eyes glued to the floor as she ate.

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"That ***** showered us in that stuff against our will! I mean, look!" she said, shoving her chest out. True to her comments, her breasts seemed to have swelled up slightly, pushing the armor up and causing her shirt to stretch as well. "They aren't this big! She threw that stuff, like, totally at us last night!"


"The only one I can think of is no blatant corner cutting." said Altion. "Or is there something I don't know about?"

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Servants of the Back

A couple of servants on duty watched the latest wave of trouble that flew in for the group. "Sigh, I'll go get the Count."

"Probably should inform General Mendoza too."


Servants rushed off.

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The distraction of Esphyr's enlarged chest had Levski at a bit of a disadvantage with the challenger, but he did manage to multitask.

Lev: Rita obviously owes you a big favor I think, but right now I need your help with these guy. Help me catch these wyvern, and I'll make sure you don't embarrass yourself in front of Damian. Deal?

Sometime after her reply he turned back to the wyvern rider while cracking his knuckles. There was unwavering confidence and agitation in his voice when he spoke to the man.

Lev: Listen up, dumbass. I am an Ivanko Mercenary. We have hunting and breeding permits in Halton, Elyisima, and Septimus. As for laws against stealing a bounty. There are no such laws pertaining to individual wild animals. It's called first come, first served, and if you don't want to get served up like a Life Day Turkey, I suggest you back the hell up.

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Rita, Malcom, Cess:

"Look you-Urph" The man had been tackled to the ground, and Rita was now sitting on him. She removed his helmet, and long blue strands of hair flowed out. The wyvern had gone over to Cess, and was nuzzling him, and he was petting her back. "Brother!"

"Hi Malcom."

"Urph. Rita, couple questions."


"What are you doing here, who are these people, and why are you still on top of me."

"Looking for a wyvern, friends of ours, and cause you're soft."

Rita got off of Malcom, and went and got his spear to hand back to him. Cess walked the wyvern back to him. "Here's Gem."

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After finishing up his breakfast, Helios got up and saw something that troubled him a great deal. "Dani? Is that you?" He asked bluntly. Strange, i almost didnt recognize her without her tome zapping someone.....

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"Yeah, it's me. Why do you ask?" Dani said, putting on a smile. "Do I look different, or something?"

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