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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"...? No, nothing's wrong," she lied, a smile hiding the low self-confidence she really had. "I'm fine! Really!"

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Count Altair

A servant came rushing into the room and whispered something into Luc's ear. It looked like yet another fight was going to break out and Luc's attention was need. "Excuse me for a moment," Luc said and departed.

Luc was led to the back entrance where he saw a good amount of the group around, and a new wyvren. They'd better have a good excuse for this one. Even if it doesn't seem like they're fighting, Luc thought.

"Care to explain our newest guest? Or is he our newest enemy?" Luc dryly said. The hyper girl sitting on a man was never a good sign.

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"Yea, what he, like, totally said!" said Esphyr, standing beside Lev and slightly behind him. "He is, like, smarter than you about mercenary things, as am I. Plus, we're not little *slap slap slap*." Esphyr's hand came across her face three times in a row. Once for her reverting to that style of speech, and twice for agreeing with Lev.


"Ready. Set..." said Altion as he mounted his steed and brought it out to the front gate. Then, with a swift kick to the side, he spurred it on and out before shouting out. "GO!"

OOC: Sorry for shortness. Raiding.

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Kelas leaned low over Amari's neck as the mare leapt forward, quickly drawing even with Altion's destrier. She knew that this was nowhere near top speed; Altion was probably holding back a bit as well, but probably not as much. She edged ahead, Amari's withers even with the warhorse's head, as they neared the river.

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She's not, I know what i saw. "Listen Dani, if you have something you wanna say, just say it. Your an irreplaceable member, you know. Im sure the others wouldn't want to see you down either...." He trailed off.

Edited by Kai
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OOC: Helios cheering people up? Holy crap, may have found his niche.


Lev: Luc? *sigh* ... apparently they know that wyvern rider. I don't know who he is but he's f*cking with the wrong mercenary right now.

He quickly eyed the wyverns and noticed that Krinkov was beginning to sniff the air. He only did that when he caught a scent he was looking for.

Lev: ... she's close. (... not the best time either. The Rudoberry's right over there and we're over here ...) Kiev! Get by the Rudoberry and guard it! Now!

Kiev looked at the crate and lowered his head. He had no idea what was so special about it, but Lev was clearly angry and he didn't want to upset anymore humans. Lev would surely use an axe instead of his bare hands. He made his way over to the crate clearly sad and confused by all the aggression and sat down.

Lev: Luc, we're going to have just one more wyvern show up here in a bit I'm sure.

Edited by Phoenix
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Tristan sat next to Charlotte on a sofa in the manse. He began excitedly "So, Alex told me you were out with a bunch of warriors, fighting demons, and bandits, and her apparently. You are so lucky! Remember when we were kids? We would always talk about going on adventures like that, and now you're actually doing it! What's it like?"

Charlotte gave him a small smile "It's not...all I thought it would be. It isn't just slaying monsters and getting glory, it's hard work, and pain, and sadness too. I am still glad I encountered them though, I got to see some of my fellow Jerdonians again, though...perhaps it was less fortuitous for them." she said, wringing her hands.

"Aw, they're...probably all right." Tristan said, clapping her on the shoulder. "More Jerdonians huh? I wanted to help you know, when I heard about the invasion but Mother and Father were all like "Blah blah castes, blah blah trade manifests. They're so boring. I don't think I'll ever leave Burgosas" he said glumly.

"Well, as prince it is your duty to perform such tasks." Charlotte said. "You are the sole heir to the throne, once King Stefan and Queen Isolde pass on, who will take the throne, if not you?" she said, looking at him questioningly.

"I suppose I haven't really thought of that." Tristan conceded. "But I always wanted to be a warrior. Fight for my country, you know? Not just sit back and make tax laws or whatever. If only I had an older brother or sister..." He saw Charlotte nodding off. "Tired, hm?" Tristan asked. "You should probably see a healer too. I'll take you to the palace, Mother and Father will want to know you've arrived. Alex will probably want to be left in peace anyway."

Tristan led Charlotte by the hand out the door, put his fingers to his lips and whistled. A large pegasus in battle armor appeared, holding his head high. This stranger seemed familiar, but he would impress her with his poise, Bellerophon thought to himself. Tristan helped Charlotte climb atop the pegasus and they flew off towards the palace.

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Count Altair

"Know him? I wonder if we should be afraid of him then," Luc said. Anyone who could abide the girl's energy for any period of time was either remarkably patient and skilled or more damaged in the head than her.

"I'll assume it's that pink one from earlier then," Luc said slightly amused. "At least I can watch and prevent the servants from panicking again."

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Rita, Malcom, Cess:

"Oi, Gem! Stop him!" Gemini walked over to Kiev and whined at him. *Wyvernwyvern wyvernwyvern* Malcom looked back to Lev. "Sorry, you might be Rita's friend, but you still don't have a permit. I don't want to have to take you in. That bounty's mine."

Rita and Cess chimed in. "This is my brother Malcom. He's a bounty hunter."

"Please go, save me from Rita. ;_; Hi Malcom."

"Show me your papers Wyvern Boy. An egg raised wyvern is better than some wild tamed one."

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Levski and the Wyverns

Lev: Heh, shows what you know. You want papers, go find a bureaucrat. I don't have time for these sh*t.

Lev then turned to Esphyr.

Lev: Esphyr, I need you to go get Morgan really quick. We're going to need her help after we capture the wyvern.

He then turned back to Malcom.

Lev: One last warning. Back. Off.

Meanwhile Kiev was fearfully shouting back at Gemini trying to keep her away from the Rudoberry. Krinkov didn't want to leave his brother hanging in an actual combat situation so he walked over and stood over the crate with a smug wyvern look on his face. He looked over at Gemini intent on not only keeping her away from the crate, but being dominate over her as a wyvern.

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"...I'm fine, Helios. There's no need to worry about me," Dani repeated, still smiling. "There's nothing to say. I appreciate the concern, though."

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She was not in the mood for a mate. And if master caught the magic pink wyvern, he would get golden scales. Which would get her many clams. Delicious clams. This thick headed male and his baby brother were in her master's way. Swatting her tail at the side of Krinkov's face, she readied her tail to strike. She didn't need a stupid male. She had master.

((OOC: FIrst wyvern logic post, yeah! :awesome: ))



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Mageity Mage

"No... Oh, it's an invitation to the ball," Dani noted, reading it quickly, and sneaking a look at another one lying around. "... One of us gets a dress, and two of the guys get armor? It sounds like it will be great! I don't need the dress, though..."

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Double Team

Seeing the spear like tail speeding toward his brother, Kiev had to act fast! He quickly bit down on her tail mid flight stopping her cold! Krinkov became furious by her attempt at a cheap shot and quickly lunged forward slamming into her! With her tail restrained by Kiev, she had nowhere to go, and no room to dodge! Kiev continued to hold her tail after she was knocked down while Krinkov bit down on her neck! He wasn't biting hard enough to kill her just yet, but he wanted her to know that he had her life in his seldom merciful jaws!

OOC: I hope you learned your lesson, Psych.


Made this one myself.

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"Then i suppose you should let the others know." He sighed reading the other paper soon after she finished. "What is this some kind of sweepstakes or something. Eh, i dont need any armor. I'll rent a tuxedo(Did they have those back then?) or something..."

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As the sun rose, the swordsman was still at practice, attempting to perfect his swing. All the while, his thoughts basically centered around how he screwed up. Have to get stronger, he thought, relentlessly cutting at air. Damn it, if I wasn't so damn weak, then Charlotte wouldn't have been captured. Eric stopped, seeing the sun rise. He walked over to the manse, overheard people talking about shopping, and turned around, heading out of Directus, and towards the capital. They can handle themselves, he thought, ignoring his fatigue. Besides, it was my fault, so I should be the one to fix it.

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"I understand." said Esphyr, rushing off to search for Morgan. It wasn't like Morgan was difficult to find as, already, several of the servants were complaining about the 'ice ****' residing in the castle. It took Esphyr only a moment or two to figure out where she had to go. Reaching that spot at last, Esphyr approached, rudely interrupting Morgan's conversation. "Lev says he needs to see you outside, like, now or he totally might... Morgan. I need you to slap me as hard as only you can then head outside to meet Lev." said Esphyr, looking pleadingly at Morgan before her gaze started to slid down to Morgan's shoes. "And, you need to totally get better shoes than those dingy things!"


As soon as Altion tore off, the knight had spent his time focusing on the road ahead. There wasn't much of note for the first leg of the journey. While the main road would lead to the river just fine, it held several turns within it, guarded by semi-high walls. Wearing armor, no matter how light, he knew it was unlikely his steed could leap the shallow walls as it was a muscular beast, trained for fighting and not speed. Though he was sure Kelas's steed could jump it, simply clearing the walls wouldn't be the end of the troubles alone. Several rocks lined the shortcuts between, making the pathways a tad difficult to travel. While he was sure it wouldn't be cake, he was also sure Kelas could handle it given the chance. Instead, he was forced to take the longer route.

Worse yet, Kelas had the faster horse from the start, and he knew it. As soon as he cheating start, he had taken a glance back, only to see her about five yards away already despite his advantage. Worse, she was gaining. He knew he wasn't going to win the first leg, but still, he wasn't counting on it when he made his wager.

"Hey! Kelas! I've heard of your tribe in books! Is it true your tribal name is 'She-whom-loses-to-molasses'?" he called back, punctuating the taunt with a light-hearted laugh.

OOC: It won't be just a race, but still one mostly.

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"I just want you to think you're doing well," Kelas shot back as Amari cleared the wall easily. "Mind the rocks," she added entirely uselessly as Amari quickly navigated them. She turned to gallop alongside the river, staying mindful of any holes or rocks that might be ahead.

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Esphyr sighed in relief as Morgan's hand slapped her face. Her cheeks were now a patchwork of tender red skin, emblomized from every angle with imprints of palms. Yet, it felt blissful, for every second of stinging that struck her face like a hive of bees was a moment in which the potion was preventing her from being a stupid valley girl, with Morgan's being the hardest so far, and thusly giving her the most clarity. Still, now with that deal taken care of, and with Lev no longer needing her, maybe she should go see what Damian was up to? Possibly so she could cuddle up to her?


Altion gave a frown, seeing that she had, during his observation of the track, already made it down to the river. Still, despite Kelas's superior speed and better route, Altion wasn't deterred. "You're lucky your horse is so fast, much faster than you!"

The truth of his words became evident a second later as three large boulders loomed before Kelas, each large and rotund, but with a narrow passage between them. Though they couldn't actually harm Kelas, they were far to big to go around without her losing her advantage on Altion and just a inch too high for her horse to leap atop. Meanwhile, Altion, despite his longer route, was blessed with a mostly free and clear road... that had a old couple with a load of farm goods approaching from the distance!

Edit: Sorry. Net fell. Edited.

OOC: Esphyr as a california bimbo girl. Evil.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Count Altair

"Since I'd like to see this not turn into a mess,I'm just going to come out and say only Lev here has permission to hunt on my property. So hurry up and fly away so I can go back to eating." Luc said in some frustration.

"Now, is there anything you need?"

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"Tricky..." Kelas rounded the boulders, leaning into the turn, nearly hanging off Amari's side for a moment. "Dahai!" Amari surged forward, holding back a fraction less now, as they passed the rocks and came to something of a straightaway by the river. "Don't suppose I'll need to go any faster?" she called over her shoulder.

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Altion was no longer there as she turned about to give her taunt. Nor was the old couple and their goods it seemed! Instead, the two older people stood, plastered against the wall a good ways back. Yet, up and down the road, there seemed to be no sign of him... and for good reason. Suddenly, from back at the boulders, Altion's yell came out loud and clear as he pushed his way past on their far side. Upon seeing the man rushing towards them, the couple had dropped their cart as they rushed off to the side, causing it to drop to the ground and leaving a perfect passage up the side of the road walls, allowing Altion to leave the road and instead gallop alongside the side passages of the boulders. Though still slower than the woman, as he reared the far corner, he was noticeably closer than he would have been by following the road!

"Oh no! Not much faster! If you go faster, than I might lose sight of your nice back! Slow down so I can see it better!" he called out in a mocking, yet light hearted tone as he tried to approach Kelas's speed.

Up ahead was the end of the first leg of the journey, marked with the sight of the cave where they had spent the night. Apparently closer than it had seemed due to rushing ahead on horses at max speed instead of a slow and haggard group as prior.

OOC: I know, location. Still...

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