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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Watching Esphyr and Morgan argue a few paces away, he saw the Halton colonel slap the shaman across the face, and Heinz narrowed his eyes in scorn. Arrogant fool, he sneered silently. You have no authority in Septimus, and protecting your consort here will probably kill her, glancing back at the sick and injured fire mage.

He relaxed slightly as the healers scrambled over, as the Septimian captain from before seemingly deflated the situation. His house? Seeing the man had changed his armor Heinz squinted for a second. A count? Recently appointed I guess.

As the Halton soldier continued yelling Heinz could see that the man had gone utterly mad, summoning his weapon and trying to attack Morgan. The mercenary swiftly pulled a knife from his belt, scowling at the number of people in his way, already fighting with the idiot colonel. And Esphyr already ran off, he thought irritably.

Ducking to avoid getting hit by the shrapnel, Heinz watched the Elyisiman General summon the Crimson Axe. So this is Earthshaker... His expression changed from curiosity to annoyance however, when the count ordered the guards to find General Mendozza. Hearing the wind mage tell everyone to stand back, Heinz moved out of the way quickly, watching the blast slam into the man, knocking him out.

Figuring the shaman could take care of the archer, Heinz looked around aimlessly. "Not much I can do here," deciding it would be best to leave the room. Walking around the rest of the mansion Heinz found little of interest, and nothing he could take without one of the servants noticing. Doubt that captain'll let us stay after this, he thought glumly. Ducking into the kitchen, Heinz smirked slightly at the sight of the thunder mage sleeping, head resting on the table. Morgan didn't seem too surprised when I said Arrin was sick... maybe he is really severed.

Having already eaten the bread and cheese he had picked up from the Vistor's Center earlier, Heinz took an apple from the basket on the counter and began eating it.

OOC: Heinz left the foyer pretty soon after they dragged Damian out, he doesn't know Luc is letting them stay for now. Count and captain refer to the same person.

Edit: Recapping finished!

Edited by the_whistler
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Rita and Cess:

"Yeah, but he prefers it to mercenary work since he doesn't have to follow someone else's rules. His wyvern helps him get around a lot too. He's had her since they were both young. The egg was all alone, and it drifted on the beach when we were playing. He picked it up and cared for it and then they've been partners ever since."

"He's around Lev's age actually. My sister's closer to Tessa's age. She even uses a staff."

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"Well the headmaster didn't want to remove the mana thread that serves as the connection, and I'm inclined to agree." Morgan said. "Messing around in the brain with magic is very tricky business, Isotov could lose his memories or become an invalid, or any number of unpleasant things...remember what happened to Kamilla? I theoretically could attempt something, but it would be rather risky." Morgan said, placing her hand on her chin.

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Iso: To be honest, I would prefer to simply have Ixion remove this. He would know how. I just have no idea how to convince him to do it. He obviously has no intention of doing it despite the danger. (I'm not sure what would happen if one of the links was severed because someone on the other end died. What would happen then?)

He sighed and lowered his arms as he leaned forward a bit.

Iso: I guess having you try is the best option if all else fails?


Irina: Do you guys ... get along? (My family kind of sucks, what with the division and all. Not to mention my mother died. She kind of kept everything peaceful.)


Lev: You think everything's alright in there? I heard some noise but I figured that Morgan would put the kibosh on it, and I also wanted to make sure that you were alright.

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"Damned if I know. But I trust Damian and I trust Aiya. They're alright, and I know it. I will return eventually. Should I leave you to your leeching, or do you desire me to be your company for a bit? Tis the least I can offer after you helping to calm me down."

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Lev: No, it's alright. I've done my good deed for the day. I'll be happy to spend some more time with you later though. That or feel free to help Irina and me catch that pink wyvern, Pressha.

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"Indeed, he probably knows full well of your condition and yet continues to keep the link anyway. I'm not sure which is more dangerous, me attempting to remove it or the risk of Ixion taking your life force again. Next time we meet I should remember to tell him to extract life force from more expendable targets." Morgan said, narrowing her eyes.

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"Kitchen kitchen, hmmm. Excuse me miss, do you know where the kitchen is?" asked Alferis to a servant girl in the hall.

"Right down the hall over there."

"Thanks," he said, running off and entering the door. He got two plates and started adding bread, apples, mutton, and some cheese to go along with it. He saw Arrin sleeping on the table and Heinz eating an apple.

"Is he ok?" Alf asked Heinz, hoping he knew what was going on.

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Iso: Then, maybe a messenger is probably a good idea? Do you think Conrad would let us send Jasmine?


Lev: Well there really isn't much to do really. We couldn't find anyone qualified to build a wyvern cage that wouldn't break our budgets, so we have to do these another way. I'm still going to lure the wyvern into a trap with the Rudoberry, but we need a way to keep her from escaping. Since Irina's distracting Rita for me, I need a new assistant in the meantime. ... oh ... and we might also need Morgan's help with these >.>

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Rita and Cess:

"Yeah I guess. Bro hasn't been home in a while, he usually just flies around. And we're been on the mainland for about six months now."

"Yeah. My grandpa lives at home with my dad and sister. They get along fine. Since my mom died they sorta take care of the farm together. We run a farm with Rita's mom."

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Hearing someone come into the kitchen, Heinz continued eating until they started speaking, looking up at the fighter. "I think so," Heinz replied. "He was sleeping when I got here, probably fell asleep or something after he ate," shrugging his shoulders.

Edit: Took out a word.

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"Apparently not." she responded to Kelas. "I think they may have locked him up...hopefully they'll release him."

"I imagine he would, considering Viveka's life is endangered because of this. I'll ask her immediately." Morgan walked up and looked around for her. Probably near where Viveka was... Morgan thought, headign to where she recalled the healers took the pegasus knight.

"Jasmine, I would like a word with you." Morgan said.

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"I'll get up. Your a really helpful person, you know that." He replied in a sarcasm heavy tone. He got up slowly. He felt like his knees would give out any seconds. Oh god please dont kick me now :sob:

Edited by Solf J. Kimblee
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Count Altair

"Indeed" Luc agreed with Alferis. Damian was a danger, whether in control or out. He didn't seem all there in the head either.

"So, how exactly is half your foyer ruined Altair?" General Mendoza asked.

"The Crimson Weapons sir."

The General let out a grunt of disapproval. This sure didn't make things easier. "I take it you hid them for good reason? Bah, doesn't matter. If anything that will just make Councilman Richtor more willing to throw away effort used better elsewhere."

"Sir?" Luc said with some question. He had never seen the General act that way. Maybe it had something to do with the war? No, it wasn't Luc's position to inquire into such things. The General was allowed to act however he wanted.

"Alright, the lot of you get back to your posts! Let's not intrude here any longer," the General ordered his men out. The men and their leader filed out of the ruined entrance, Mendozza making another comment about small doors as he left.

Jeanne Altair

"Eh? Hey, don't be a tough guy." Jeanne said.

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Irina: Sounds scattered. Well ... at least you all get along.

After a short while the food arrived carried by a single waitress on two large circular serving trays.

Waitress: Here ya go! ^_^

Irina: Pie! Pie-pie-pie-pie-pie ♫

As Irina started digging in and discovering the hidden union slices within, her face lit up!

Irina: Ohhhh yeeeees. It's like heaven.


Lev: Alright, that tricky wyvern is going to show up sooner or later looking for her next fix. When she does, we need to make sure she comes to a particular spot. I'd say one very well placed shot to the head could knock out a wyvern her size. After that, we'd need Morgan to suppress her survival instincts for a while, and then we can lead her around by a leash until we find a proper cage or a fortress to drop her off at. Since I'm probably going to have to knock her out myself, I'll need someone to handle the Rudoberry. If we lose that stuff, we lose the wyvern too.


Unsure what to do, Jasmine let Derek handle Viveka, and she waited where she was hoping to figure out what had happened on her own. That was win Morgan arrived.

Jasmine: Uh ... sure. What is it?

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"Do you know where the base for Ivanko's mercenaries is? I have an important messgae to send there.' Morgan took out some parchment and begin to write hastily while talking.

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Iso: Sure ... let's go ... but be careful. I feel like I could pass out any second now ...


Jasmine: Well no, but Lev does. Probably Irina too. I could ask them if you want.

EDIT: Added Iso

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"Huh. Poor guy. Wonder if his sister should know," he mused walking out of the kitchen back to Reika's room.

"Got some food," he said shutting the door behind him. When he got near the bed, she grabbed the plate, wolfing down the food.

"Whoa. Didn't think you were that hungry," said Alferis, eating his food much more slowly and savoring it. My god do I wanna be a noble if you get to eat this everyday.

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Rita and Cess:

"Yum~" Rita quickly began gobbling down her first of 8 slices of cake.

"Slow down or you're going to get sick."

"But I can't! It's too good!"

":facepalm:" Cess took another sip of his coffee. "Say, Irina. There's something I've been wondering. When we were in the graveyard, who was that man that was with your uncle? Lev and him seemed to be arguing over Morgan or something."

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