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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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"Right then." Kelas helped Isotov up, getting one of his arms over her shoulders to help him walk, and steered him back out into the hallway. The nearest vacant room was only a few paces away. "Bed's right in front of you," she informed him. "I'll be within shouting distance if you need anything."

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Poor guy? Does Alferis know Arrin is severed? Heinz wondered. He continued eating the apple, deliberating whether to continue eating in peace, or go tell the nomad about her sleeping brother. If he really is sick, there are better places to sleep, Heinz thought. Another way to earn trust I suppose.

Grabbing a plate, Heinz tossed on some bread and cheese, as well as a few pieces of mutton. "Hopefully he's steady enough to walk," Heinz muttered, shaking the thunder mage's shoulder a few times. "Hey, you alright? There are beds here, you know," he said wryly, trying to crack a joke.

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"She gonna keep on kicking me if i dont get up." He replied to the healer while straightening himself out. "Listen, really sorry about your place, I'll pay back Lord Luc as soon as i get back to Tora." :sweatdrop:

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Iso: If I have to shout then we're probably in more trouble. I'm hoping that just once, nothing goes wrong here ...

He carefully laid down across the bed and let out a sigh and then a light cough to clear up his throat.

Iso: ... this bed is ... comfortable. This mansion is huge isn't it?


Irina: You mean Ivan? He's one of my friends. He's got a thing for magic women so Morgan's obviously pretty high on his crush list. It's kind of annoying >_>'


Lev: Both actually. That wyvern could show up tonight, tomorrow morning, or even tomorrow night. It all depends on how well she thinks she's not doing. Until she shows up, it's best not to let any more of the stuff go to waste. (The drink Rita took must have kicked in by now ... ... uh oh. I read that the side effects were a little ... messy.) The first thing she'll do when she shows up is try to drink the stuff, so we'll have to get set up before then ...

He put his hand on his chin to ponder and then got back to her.

Lev: Any ideas on where a good spot to set up would be? It can't be too open or she'll slip away, and it can't be too cramped or she could crush people with thrashing and such.


From the sound of it, it seemed as though Morgan knew what was going on. Jasmine didn't want to grab her and shake the information out of her, but she was beginning to get a bit finicky.

Jasmine: You know what's wrong with her?! Tell me! I want to make sure she's okay!

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Rita and Cess:

"Is he your cousin or something? Cause it seems like everyone in the mercenaries is your family. Lev, Iso, Ivanko..."

Meanwhile, Rita was already on her fourth piece of cake. "Ce~ss, I don't feel so well...:sob:"

":facepalm: I told you not to order that much or eat that fast. I guess we can just take the rest to the others."

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"It's pretty big, yeah. Anyway, I'll be back in a minute, I need to find my brother." Kelas left the room, heading for the kitchen.


"...wha? Oh, I must have fallen asleep," Arrin mumbled, sitting up. "I'm... all right, yes. And you're right, I should find a bed..." He got up and headed sleepily down the hall, nearly bumping into his sister.

"There you are. You ate?" Nod. "Good. Get some rest now." Kelas pointed Arrin into the room next to the one she'd put Isotov in, then headed to check on Isotov. "Anything else you need?" she asked.

Again, Arrin fell asleep within minutes, finding relief from his constant headache in dreams.

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Jeanne Altair

"....fine, do as you want. If you pay us back!" Jeanne said before walking off.

Luc Altair

Luc was busy surveying the damages to his foyer when Jeanne grabbed him from behind. "Off Jeanne."

"Spoilersport," she said.

"What do you want Jeanne?"

"Looks like everyone who wants to be helped is up and about, I'm heading back to my room."

"Alright," Luc said, "Thanks for your help."

"Maybe next time you won't need my help," she laughed and walked away.

Yes, Luc desired to never need her help again. He had his path, and she hers.

And speaking of paths, Luc realized he hadn't ate in nearly a full day. Not wanting to eat rations, and things being too chaotic once he returned to Directus. Luc followed the corridors of his mansion -- which were in far better shape than the foyer of course -- to the kitchen and dining hall. Some others were already there, but he wasn't in the mood to go up to them. He rang the bell nearby and one of the cooks immediatly began barking orders in the kitchen. Luc sat down at his favorite seat, waiting for his favorite meal.

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"Good mutton," Alferis commented. "If this is what being a noble is, I take back everything bad I said about them and be one myself."

"...Just for mutton?" said Reika, raising an eyebrow.

"Three square meals per day, a nice room like this, what more could you ask for?"

"It's not all that cracked up," said Reika without thinking.

"How would you know that?" said Alferis, surprised at her response.

"I spied on someone before. Pretty unhappy. Yeah that's it. :/ "

Thankfully Alferis let the matter drop and continued eating his mutton.

"Mmmm. My compliments to the chef," he said, smiling. Suddenly it fell.


"Oh damn."


"You know how I bribed Esphyr? I spent all my gold. And I wanted to by a facemask to hide my scars."

"That self-conscious about them?"

"Yeah. Serves as protection too."

"You own damn fault for telling her."

"Yeah I'm sorry."

"You should be."

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Iso: Yeah, there is one thing. Can you ask Morgan about locator spells when you get the chance? I would have asked earlier but she went to fetch Jasmine apparently.

He quickly sighed and decided to elaborate.

Iso: ... yeah ... I'm still trying to find Katie. This is ... the only thing I can think to do.


Irina: No, actually Iso and my uncle are my only living relatives. My mother and father were killed in a bandit attack. Ivan and Lev were just so close to us and they're from Zaftra like us so it's kind of like we're a family. It's just so dysfunctional I don't even want to think about it sometimes.

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Rita and Cess:

"Ce~ss, I really don't feel good. ;_;"

"It's your fault. :facepalm:" He turned to Irina. "I'm sorry to hear that...>_>"

"Cess, I really don't feel good." Rita turned and vomited on the floor, before standing and walking out the door. Her eyes were blank, and she smelled different.

"What the-Hold on a sec." Cess plopped some diamonds on the table, before running out after her.

((Pssst, Phoenix. Bring the extra cake with Irina!))

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After being healed by generic Healer 721, Helios wasnt feeling too tired. Instead he was in the mood to fight. Then he decided. "Headmaster!" He exclaimed, the look in his eyes made his intentions clear.

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Iso: Thanks ...

Deep down, Iso knew that Kelas was probably right even though she never finished her sentence. She didn't have to. He was thinking the same thing. Nonetheless he had to try. It was eating away at him and he wanted to be sure. If not for his blindness, he knew he would have already left the party temporarily to try to find her. He promised to keep her safe, and failing in such a way had him incredibly frustrated. He wanted to at least see her one more time if she was still alive.


Irina: Are they ... just going to leave the food?

She looked around and the whole cafe seemed to be staring in her general direction.

Irina: <.< >.>

She stood up and grabbed all of the food before scurrying out of the cafe. She hadn't finished her pie and fries before the incident, but she certainly planned to.


Jasmine: Elder magic? you mean that stuff that shamans use?! What kind of sick bastard would do that? Viv never hurt anyone ... that didn't totally deserve it ten times over >_>

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"I don't believe it was a personal attack, they just needed some extra energy and they happened to tap into her mana network." Morgan said to Jasmine. "Anyway, you should probably go looking for directions."

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Jasmine: I ... I guess so ... (That's just sick! Cruel! Vile! I so wanna punch out the guy who did this!)

She sighed as she took the message.

Jasmine: I guess I'd better find Lev or Irina.

After that, she turned around and headed out of the mansion.

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Rita and Cess:

Rita had one thing on her mind. Well, two. :hat: Running back to the mansion, she notice Kelas. "Where's Iso? :wub:" Kelas directed her upstairs, and she burst into his room. Pinning him down on the bed, "Hi Iso."

Cess meanwhile, ran out of breath trying to catch her. He saw Irina coming. "Do you know what's going on? She seemed different."

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Irina: ... different? Well ... did she drink any of the stuff that merchant was selling? Lev said no one should drink the Rudoberry, though that was mostly so we wouldn't run out while we hunt for this wyvern. (I ... don't have a good grip on all of this. I'm going to be so upset if I lose my pie over this!)

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Searching through the mansion, she saw Kelas outside a room. He must be in there! She hurried in, pinned him on the bed, and started disrobing him. "Hi there~ <3"



"That pink stuff? I think she just took a drink, why? What does it do?"

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"WHAT THE HELL--" Kelas knew there was a reason she'd been standing guard. She grabbed Rita by the collar and dragged her bodily from the room.

Once in the hallway, she closed the door behind her and dropped Rita on the floor. "What in the gods' names is wrong with you?! Isotov is blind, he is sick, he is sleeping off losing about half his blood, and he is getting over the death of his girlfriend. He does not want to be jumped on and mauled about. I will not let you abuse my friend like that. Am I clear?!"

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OOC: >_>'


Iso: o_o' ... ... ... what just happened?


Irina: Well, according to Lev it makes women more desirable and cures certain forms of cancer. There are bound to be some kind of side effects to something like that though. Why would she drink something like that?

EDIT: Saved by the Kelas.

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":wub: That's okay. I have you!" Rita tackled Kelas to the floor, and started disrobing her.



"Honestly I don't know. Some stupid crush on Kelas and your brother.......oh no. If I know Rita....:facepalm:" Cess hurried towards the manor

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OOC: Time for Psych's plan to totally backfire. Thanks for the idea, Luna.


Iso got up from the bed wondering who'd tackled him. No one in the group was so lustful ... save for maybe ...

Iso: ... was that ... Shanice?! Oh no!

Iso quickly took out his fire tome and left into the hall after some bumps and trips hoping to make sure that Kelas was okay! The loud thud that sounded off made him even more concerned!

Iso: Kelas! Are you alright?!

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