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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Lev: Not what I'm planning. What you're doing. Remember where those spots are and map them on other people as well. Next I want you to put your hand into the shape of an axe. Kind of like you're going to chop something in half with your hand.

Kiev's eyes widened. He wasn't sure why Morgan was touching herself and doing things with her hands, but he wondered what it had to do with him.

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Lev: Sometimes your muscle isn't going to be around to put down a threat and you'll have to take matters into your own hands ... literally. Okay, Kiev get over here.

The wyvern fearfully approached with his tail as tucked between his legs as he could manage.

Lev: ... you pansy. You're a wyvern. It's not going to hurt you. I'd have you do these to an actual person, Morgan but that would be dangerous ... and probably raise a few eyebrows. For now I just want you to get the technique down.

Once Kiev came over and sat down, Lev put his hands on the wyvern and pushed his head down exposing what he felt would be a decent striking area. The scales were more closely pressed together so she wouldn't cut or scrap her hands on them.

Lev: Alright, since Kiev's hide is too thick for knockouts by human hands, we'll have to gauge by striking force. I'd say forcing Kiev's neck four inches out of place would be enough force to instantly knock out an adult male human. Strike hard, fast, and remember. If you hurt your hand, you're doing it wrong. Don't worry about him attacking you. One more thing. Try to do these as if you want to catch someone off guard. Winding up for a wide chop isn't good idea in bad situation >_>'

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Seeing the mercenary come in and enter a bath, she spoke up. "You know, you could knock next time to make sure no one's in here...>_>"



"Well, whatever. I'm going to go look around town. Maybe they'll have something." Cess wondered to the front entrance.

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"About the ball? Yes I did! I SO want to go! I mean... For Damian's sake. He can't be married to a lowborn girl who hasn't attended a ball before or else the others will rip him apart, right?"

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OOC: I don't like other girls coming in when I'm taking a bath >_>

"All right." Morgan said, quickly chopping her hand down to strike Kiev's neck. There was no movement in his neck and it stung her hand a little. Undeterred, she quickly went to chop again. It didn't hurt her hand this time, but the wyvern's neck didn't budge. Morgan chopped again at the wyvern's neck, harder this time. It seemed to move slightly.

"That looked to be about two inches." she said, stopping the assault for the moment. "I am not sure if I can muster enough force for this technique."

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OOC: Esphyr is Esphyr.


Morgan was hitting him rather hard and he wasn't sure why. Did he do something wrong? It was as if she wanted to sever his head from his shoulders and he began to whine a bit. What did he do to make the Shamaness want to behead him? Krinkov knew that his brother didn't understand what was going on and was rolling around on the roof in hysterics. This was the funniest thing EVER.

Lev: (Two inches is enough force to knock out any pansy in the group.) You only hit'em three times. You can increase your strength in a few days with morning exercises if you have to. Otherwise you could use a wider chop to get more momentum, but I would only recommend doing that if you're standing behind someone and they don't have time to react. It's risky business I'll admit.

Kiev decided to appease Morgan and went walked over to the area by the doors. He picked up a flower out of the pot and brought it back. He raised up his head and offered her the flower.

Lev: o_o

Krinkov continued to roll around on the roof laughing as only a wyvern could.

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"Wait, you two are married? I though Ai...I've never attended a ball either. At least not a formal one. When I was younger we had this thing with all the children on the island, and every year we'd have a large festival where everyone one dance, and there were stalls, and all sorts of fun things. So, I mean, I think I'll like it. I'lll need a dress or something though. I didn't bring anything fancy."

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Morgan took the flower from Kiev and examined it curiously. Odd behaviour for a wyvern.

"I may practice this technique when I have the time" Morgan said. "Though I won't imagine it will be much help on Damian with the armour and all. I should go fetch him...or perhaps speak to Esphyr again about her "weapon issues". It is difficult to tell when demons will show up and we have enough problems without intentional severings going on."

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"No. Not married. Not yet at least. But I think it inevitable. And, that sounds a lot like a ball, except full of noblemen whom bow to you and ask to take your hand and whom are perfect gentlemen to your lady! Oh! Mr. Darcy, would you sweep me off my feet and take me away for a romantic evening!"

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OOC: Remember, Lev only cusses when he's entered a foul mood or he's shocked. Otherwise he's good ol'Lev.


Lev: Leave Damian to me. I'll take care of it personally if he starts that sh*t again. Oh! There is one more thing I needed to talk to you about. It's about that wyvern we ran into yesterday ... ... the pink one.

Since she had accepted the flower, Kiev hoped that he had appeased her. If she was still angry at him, she may have developed the sense to begin blasting him with dark magic. That would hurt unlike her delicate hands. He slowly backed away while Krinkov made mocking calls down to his shaken brother. Where was Irina when he needed her he thought.

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"Ah yes, with the wyvern frenzy and that estrogen inducing substance and such. What about it?" Morgan asked, slipping the flower into her robes and watching the wyverns with some interest.

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"You know that means they intend to marry you? And if you accept you're interested in them? So you have to ask them first! That way you don't end up married just because you want to dance!"

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Lev: That wyvern's going to come back. She knows we've got the Rudoberry. Thing is, she's a young fertile female. Perfect for breeding. Those are pretty damn valuable. Since we've got the bait, I'm going to capture her when she shows up. Now our problem is we don't have a wyvern cage. The smithers in these town are charging us way too much, and I know why. (If we sell that girl we'll have small fortune on our hands. It only makes sense to charge us extra since we're going to get paid big time later.) Anyway, without a wyvern cage, wild wyverns are ... well ... ... wild. Females are the worst.

Krinkov finally stopped rolling around and looked down at his rider and Morgan as they talked, and then looked at Kiev who was defensively watching them. Still a bit worried about Morgan's feelings toward him.

Lev: What I need your help for is a bit taboo but I honestly don't care right now. Ixion does it with Ivanko's and everyone else's wyverns all the time. When we knock her out, I'd like you to suppress her aggression for us so she doesn't attack anyone. According to Ixion, it's just a matter of instinct suppression, not memory tampering. I don't know how to explain it though because even I don't understand that sort of thing. I'm hoping you know what he meant by that. If not we're just going to have to keep knocking her out over and over again until ... ah I don't even want to consider that.

He put his palm to his face and shook his head just for mentioning the alternative.

OOC: "Damn" is a word he'll use more as an adjective than harsh cuss word. Don't associate that one with shock or moodiness.

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"Idea? Everyone know that! It's the first rule of balls! Right up there with, If you want to look like you have no class, stuff your face at the hour de vous table! There's so much you need to know! I wonder if they have of copy of Etiquette for Dummies around here...>_>"

Rita stood from her bath before drying herself. She got dressed and wondered out to the halls and to the front door where she met Cess. "We have to go shopping!"

"You're paying this time! Especially after you ordered so much then puked everywhere."

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As Rita left, Esphyr gave a sigh before turning about and floating on her back. "Ah. Bath~" she sighed as she started to close her eyes and drift off.

OOC: I have actually done this. In a swimming pool and in a bathtube after a hard day. Luckily, I woke up before any problems happened.

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"Ah yes, I can do that. Kelas may throw a fit, but..." she shrugged. "It would be better if it were unconscious at the time, I don't want it biting my hand off or anything. And as long as it comes to us and we don't waste time searching for it, it shouldn't be too harmful...unless it comes at a very inopportune time."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Lev: That's why I'm keeping watch with the wyverns. Can't get caught off guard or she'll steal the girly girl drink and get away. She'll probably show up again once her last dose wears off. That could be anytime so once we catch her, I'll come get you. Oh, and thanks for the help by the way. Favors like these I don't expect from people with things to handle as important as yours.

OOC: Lev is grateful.

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Morgan shrugged. "You have helped me, so I see no reason not to help you if it doesn't inconvenience me." She turned to leave and went back to the manor to seek out Count Altair, to talk with about the matter of Damian's imprisonment.

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"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let's go," Kelas replied, trying to remember if she'd found the kitchens earlier. "Right, I think it's this way..."

OOC: Would have more but I have to go. Hopefully back around lunchtime... hopefully.

edit: added final sentence. Still exceedingly lame, but at least they're moving.

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Chase sat on his bed and read the letter aloud to himself. "You've been cordially invited to the Great Ball tonight. Ceremonial armor will be provided for you, and the ball will start at (time)." He paused, rereading it. "Huh, I wonder why we got invited... I bet the armor won't fit me. I'm only sixt- seventeen. Hmmm... I can't leave a bad impression... maybe I should act differently. Yes, today, I'm going to be more... proper, to leave a good impression of Morgan," he resolved.

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