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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 17: I got nothing.


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Sir Luc had led the small group toward the dining hall, but shortly after they'd arrived, some servants had rushed up, whispered something in his ear, and he was forced to excuse himself. Tessa was stepping in, about to fetch something to eat when a voice from behind her called out. Damian was still standing a ways back in the hallway, as was the count's youger sister, who had apparently been stalking them.

"Hmm? Sure, I have time to spare. While we should probably get a move on soon, it looks like everyone else is still taking things a little leisurely," she said, sweeping her arm at the varied company arrayed in the dining hall, as she turned and stepped back into the hallway. "If worst comes to it, I don't mind eating on the run even, but will you be alright?"

OOC: I'm assuming you want somewhere a little more private, just direct her somewhere and she'll follow. Whether or not Jeanne tries to as well is up to Script.

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"Well, Damian makes really good food. Maybe if you gave less of a hard time, he might ask you if you want some next time he makes a meal for us." Aiya replied to Alferis, calming down as he had stopped drooling in her direction.

"As for not embarrassing me or yourself, just try to be polite. Don't swear at anyone, hit anyone, grope anyone else's date, or hog the food."


Seeing Tessa was willing to follow him, Damian lead Tessa to a nearby room. Closing the door gently, Damian sat down on the modest bed in the center of the room and motioned for Tessa to sit next to him.

"I... I think I'll be okay... Tessa... but I just don't know..." Damian replied to her earlier question.

"But... I just wanted to tell you... I really appreciate you... Tessa... despite everything, you've trusted in me... still trust in me... still care about me... you don't know how much that means to me..."

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"Sounds simple enough," said Alferis nodding. "Man, I'd like to try that food. Are balls very common among nobles? And Esphyr told me that if anyone asks about the scars, tell them I wrestled with a dragon. But what should I do if they recoil or are harsh about it? Should I just ignore it?" he said, a little excitedly.

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And she arrives to steal the Rudoberry. Go Pressha Go!!!

While Krinkov held Gemini down with his jaws firmly pressing into her neck, Kiev held onto her tail to keep her from moving, Behind them in the distance, a pink wyvern glided down silently and landed in the backyard, she peeked around the corner watching the two males gang up on the clam obsessed female. That was a bit shocking. She was a different breed and hardly worth paying attention to at all. She felt that she was a much better target for their attention. Unfortunately domesticated wyverns were generally robotic and stupid in some ways so as healthy as they looked, she thought it would just be best to grab the crate and vamoose.

With that, she lunged and grabbed the crate with her forearms and spread out her wings to take off! Kiev and Krinkov noticed but they were torn! If they released Gemini, she might blindside them, but if they didn't Pressha would escape no matter what! The next moments would decide it all ...

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Bellerophon flew Tristan and Charlotte to the palace. After arriving, Tristan took an apple out his bag and fed it to the pegasus, patting him on the head. Bellerophon flew off, obviously pleased with himself, back to the aerie. He inspected the other pegasi. Still far less grand and magnificent than I he thought to himself, before returning to his stall.

One of the palace healers attended to Charlotte, healing her wounds, though the bruises remained on her neck.

"I guess you'll want to be seeing Mother and Father then, that's why you're here, right?" Tristan asked Charlotte. She nodded I...I think can do this myself she thought, twirling her hair around her finger nervously.

"I'll see if they're done with their meeting." Tristan said, entering the throne room.

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Taking the offered seat next to the taller man, Tessa looked over at him, waiting for him to continue. When he did speak, it was slowly, and hesitantly. Damian was still obviously quite shook up over the whole affair from last night.

"Damian... the sentiment is appreciated. Really, it feels, warm and pleasant to be needed, to be appreciated for being useful. But is it so surprising, so unexpected of me to behave the way I am?" Cocking her head to the side, she expressed a small bit of wonderment at the emotion behind the confession.

Truly she didn't exactly know what she meant to him, and it was a bit confusing exactly what he meant to her as well. Her thoughts started wandering back to her previous conversation this morning, earlier with Morgan, before she forced them back to the matter at hand.

"You feel... somehow you're not worthy of being trusted?" she ventured, carefully.

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"It's be best to not say anything that outrageous... I don't know what kind of story you want to make, but couldn't you just give the truth? You were burned fighting off a demon, weren't you? Just don't mention that you lost." Aiya replied as Alferis inquired about how to go about explaining his scars.


As the pink Wyvern took off, Ulfhrahn saw his chance. Krinkov's master had been planning something with that female. Ulfhrahn wasn't sure what, but stealing that substance, whatever it was, was unforgivable. Only a brash wyvern would take from another wyvern, any true plain dweller could get their own trinkets without theft.

Launching himself into the air, as the brother wyverns wrestled the sea wyvern on the ground, the pink wyvern seemed to not notice him, and Ulfhrahn swung his tail intent on knocking the female unconscious!


"What do you think... Tessa? Twice now I've gone into a lunatic rampage and tried to kill anyone who stood in my way... you could have died... Morgan was a direct target yesterday... what if I hurt or killed you?" Damian asked, looking at the ground ashamed.

"All because I can't control this spear... this inanimate object is beating me... it's stronger than I am, Tessa... and as long as that remains true... any second you spend with me could be your last..." Several tears rolled down Damian's face as he spoke. Wiping them off, he continued.

"But despite that... you even followed me here... what if I were to lose control right now, Tessa...?"

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Rudoberry! Correction ... KNOCKOUT.

Kiev decided to take the chance and release the wyvern's tail and hoped Krinkov would be alright, but as he prepared to grab the tail of the pink thief, a shadow appeared over both of them! Krinkov didn't have many options left so he left the situation to the others while using his tail to block any attacks by Gemini! As Ulfhrahn came down his tail struck the pink wyvern on the head so hard that she released the crate which Kiev caught immediately! The pink wyvern blacked out immediately and flipped through the air spinning half a dozen times before crash landing on a once beautiful garden!

Kiev carefully put down the crate, and Levski turned just in time to see the fiasco reach its conclusion.

Lev: ... heh. Nice shot. Alright, now I just need to wait for Esphyr to get Morgan.

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"Already done." said Morgan, striding out of the manor to the now ruined garden. She put her hands to the unconscious wyvern's head and focused her magical energies upon her.

"That should keep her somewhat sedated when she wakes up." Morgan said. "Though be forewarned, this state will not last forever, she'll eventually return to her old level of ferocity."

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Folding her hands in her lap, Tessa sought to find the right words. How could she properly express the way she felt, what would make him understand? Closing her eyes, she reached back to the past for an analogy that seemed like it might work.

"The first time I ever rode Trevor... I screwed up and spooked him. He threw me, I landed badly, and the monks were all distraught. I needed healing and bedrest, and then a series of scoldings. It's a wonder I ever managed to get permission to ride him a second time. To this day, there remains the chance that something similar might yet happen, probably the chances have only gotten more aggravated now that he not only has to deal with a foolish young girl, but with demons actively seeking his death and destruction. Every time I get in the saddle, I risk death. But I still trust him with my life. Spooking isn't his fault. It's just something that happens. Perhaps you'll laugh at me for comparing you to a horse, but you have to admit to some certain similarities. You're strong, reliable, and a great help to everyone... but there is the off chance that something unexpected could spring, and you could suddenly become a danger to yourself and others. It's not through any fault of your own."

Opening her eyes again, her recollection finished, she returned to the direct questions. "I don't know the details of what happened last night. When I spoke with Sis this morning, she never mentioned anything about it. I don't know whether that means she's also put it behind her, but if it does, then you're your own harshest critic here, Damian. And... and if you lost control right now, I still have my staff, and failing that I can trust in The Lady to deliver me. If that fails... well, then there was simply nothing more I could do, and I would have to simply accept things as they come."

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Not Ruby

"Oh how the mighty has fallen." A voice could be heard. Behind Shanice, Ruby could be seen playing with her sword. "I never thought someone of your stature could be captured. But then again, weak demon is weak. Judging by that pathetic look on your face you must have been beaten by that thunder mage that came storming down this path. May i ask who it was?" she asked, her curiosity piquing.

Not Helios

"So, are you going to attend?" He asked Dani.

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Dining Area

Hearing a series of loud sounds followed by a crash outside, Iso turned to the source! Irina stood up knowing all too well the sounds of wyverns slamming into the ground!

Irina: Ohhh noooo!

She quickly abandoned the table and rushed to the backyard!


Lev: Ahh, much appreciated, Morgan. We have a few options on what to do with these girl but I'll decide on that later. For now we need to clean up.


Shanice cringed at the sound of Ruby sneaking up on him. He turned his head toward her slightly at the question of who she was. A slight grin appeared on his face.

Shanice: Heh ... she's my daughter ...

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"It's just... I don't want to see you hurt... but you put yourself in a situation where I could hurt you... so easily..." Damian trailed off.

"I'm glad you are still willing to stand beside me... to comfort me... but I promised to do all I could to protect you Tessa... I couldn't live with myself if you fell to my own lance... I think my mind would break... no one would be safe..." Damian began again, gently cupping Tessa's cheek as he spoke.

"I... I never told anyone this... but it seems I'm a magnet for death... even when this lance is docile... before I met up with you, or Morgan, or Esphyr... I led a troupe of one hundred men... those men trusted in my judgment, in my skill, for their lives... I entered the town of Darien... and within a single night, every last man was dead... a hundred souls who trusted in me... confided in me... just like all of you... gone in an instant!" Damian spoke, his tone growing hoarse, and striking the bedside table, tears streaming down his face.

"I couldn't save any of them... it's my fault they're all dead, Tessa... I don't want that to happen to anyone else... not ever again..." Damian was starting to sob, he was breaking down.

The defenses, fortifications he had built up to hide the guilt, the sorrow... they were all breaking down in a single moment, as shame and regret filled his mind and body, the hardened soldier began to sit on the bed solemnly and weep, with the troubadour still at his side.

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Ruby grimaced at his response. Her response, the hilt of her sword smashing into the back of his head. "Stop messing around, If she is a threat to our mission, we shall eliminate it." She threw her sword up in the air one more time before dispersing it. "Now how are your pawns gonna find you now." Her tone switching from anticipation to annoyance

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"... If we get the princess back, then yes," Dani said, putting down the invitation. "Just, I don't need the custom dress. Speaking of the princess, shouldn't we be going?"


Flying through the sky, the pigeon was getting hungry. Maybe Master had some seeds. What was he thinking? Master always had seeds, just for him. All he had to do was get to hi- WHOA!

All of a sudden, a giant pink-scaled dragon zoomed by him, nearly clipping Loc. Regaining his balance, he chirped angrily at the drake, who was already several hundred feet away. Of all the nerve! He hated those lizards with wings! The flying-riding things were better, but still, the sky should belong to birds! Still in an unpleasant mood, the pigeon began to descend, heading in the vague direction of where Master was the night before, but saw that pink dragon in front of the place. Taking his seed supply, too? Ugh. Frustrated, Loc began to fly off in a different direction. Maybe Mistress had some seeds.

OOC: Pigeon logic. :/ I suck at it, but still...

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Far away

Tanair stopped. The land around her, up until a few moments ago, had been an utter waste. Every sense registered Helenos' presence.

"Helenos, come out. I know you're here, and I am fair vexated with you," Tanair called, standing calmly amid the destruction.

Far away in another direction

The traveler had awoken early, making up one of the nasty herbal teas that helped the body regenerate and carefully giving it to her patient once it had cooled. The woman was still unconscious, but reflexively swalllowed the tea.

She'd found that the woman bore the circles of an academy mage. Well, she was headed to Elyisima anyway... it wouldn't hurt her to walk, if she had to bring the woman with.

She pulled the woman up over her saddle and continued her journey.


"I seriously hope that's just the wyverns and not an attack," Kelas grumbled.

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At first, Tessa was going to continue to refute the claims, to try to point out−Would he really prefer it if she were terrified of him? But as chips of the big man's emotional armor continued to flake off, until he was baring everything, weeping, she just couldn't bring herself to. There was no use for words at this point.

Not entirely sure what she was doing, but guided by instinct, she pulled the crying man close to her, letting him sob into her chest, embracing him, praying silently for The Lady to grant him some measure of peace from his burdens, and hoping that the storm would pass leaving him as strong as he had been before its arrival.

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"...You didn't realize? She got kidnapped," Dani said, shaking her head. "... I'm going to go get my stuff."

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"So that is what you were so down about." He muttered. Suddenly, he started looking around fiercely. "Eric usually hangs out with you guys. Where is he?"

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"Eric? No, I haven't seen him at all," Dani said, getting up. "Maybe he just went out to get a better sword, or something?"

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As Tessa pulled Damian close to her, allowing him to rest his head against her, supporting him, Damian couldn't bring back any semblance of composure.

With the wounds on his psyche exposed, and in desperate need of care, he couldn't bring himself to stop crying into her soft hold.

Finally opened, those wounds would bleed tears until they began to heal.


The tears stopped. The pain had not completely subsided, it may never truly fade away... but for the time being, Damian had no more tears to shed.

Realizing himself, he had been crying into Tessa for... goddess knows how long. Her tunic was wet from the accumulation of tears, soaking into it.

Damian lifted his head, his eyes bloodshot and red from his breakdown, and looked at Tessa apologetically.

"I'm sorry Tessa... I must have held you up for a while..." Damian said, looking at her.

"Thank you."

With those simple words, so commonly said, and so commonly without meaning, Damian could do naught else to show his gratitude, as he gently hugged the troubadour, pulling her close to him in gratitude.

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