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Ever had a dream about Fire Emblem


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The reason for this topic being, of course, that I just had a dream last night about it. In my dream Sophia attacked the Black Knight, performed a critical hit, and killed him in one shot. She then went up like 10 levels in a row, and then went around performing critical hits on random units around the field.

Strange being that in my head I must have envisioned the Black Knight as a 16 bit sprite. Also strange in that Sophia of all people would be able to kill him in one hit, and then gain more than 100 EXP.

But yes, I love Sophia, so I'm sure that had something to do with it.

Anyone else have any Fire Emblem related dreams? Anyone now think that I'm crazy/been playing too much Fire Emblem?

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I once had a dream I lived in Tellius, while Ike was away, the Black Knight returned and I had to face him (don't ask me why, I don't remember the details). I fought him, but got beaten and kicked, barely alive.

Curiously, the day before I faced the Black Knight in PoR and Ike failed to beat him (which means I got Ena).

Edited by Light Lord
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I dreamt of it in different eras, such as th Renaissance or Modern Day.

Musket Lord and Terrorist Lord ftw!

Interesting that you mention that, I had dreams of a world war 1 style FE. Think of world war 1, but with magic(but not as nearly as slow paced)! There were also cavalry using swords and guns. Plus guys on dragons using rifles and such.

Edited by Axefighter Barst
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I swear I had my first dream about fire emblem last night. There was some kind of strange dark aura, that killed units that passed over it (I guess kind of like an uber mine?) Marcus went through no problem. Isadora went through and died. Stupid Isadora...

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My sister did once. It was on a bridge (I think the battle in Radiant Dawn, but I'm not sure). Shinon was holding Micaiah over the side of the bridge saying 'Tell me you love me!' to her. She said it, but Shinon kept on demanding she said it. Afterwards, he dropped her off of the bridge. Too bad that didn't really happen.

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I had a dream that I was being chased by Great Knights with Silver Axes.

I also had a dream about 1-P in Radiant Dawn, with Edward, Micaiah, and Leonardo. A bunch of Dracoknights and Cavaliers came out of nowhere and wtfpwned them.

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I had one about FE4 (figures, since I play it so much). Well, at least Ayra was in it, and Lakche too, actually, IIRC.

Except there's this new swordmaster guy that didn't exist before, and he ran off the castle (I had him guard it because there's axemen coming to attack it) to attack those axedudes and one guy went around and seized the castle.

Then he went into the (destroyed) castle and I couldn't find him again.

He was quite attractive too. ;^;

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I once had a dream i which I was running through a forest in a rogue-ish way wearing only blue clothes. I heard something and hid behind a tree. I saw like 4 or 5 villagers in green clothes run away from an army in red armor/clothes.

then I woke up, and realized I remembered a dream for the first time in a long while...

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I had this dream of playing Radiant Dawn, except it had a travel-in-the-world-map aspect like Gaiden and Sacred Stones, and there were extra areas (for example, there were three more chapters between 1-1 and 1-2). It lasted until reaching 1-E where in ended.

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Well, a few months ago, I do believe I had a dream with myself, on the streets with some members of the Dawn Brigade (I could very clearly make out Micaiah), or at least people that greatly resembled them, though they were actual people, not their animated selves. Can't really remember what the dream was about exactly but I think the people I was following were indeed hiding out from the law Laura's right, they are bandits though they were indeed a cohesive team of almost mercenary like folk. I remember mentioning it to a friend of mine, otherwise, no other dreams pertaining to the series/games have I had yet.

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So you make the strategies for your 0% Growth playthroughs while sleeping? That's what you call efficient I suppose.

Ha, I wish. Usually it's just my mind replaying moves that get me stuck. Although I do attribute the idea of Janaff using Smite on Leanne in 3-11 to a dream.

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I had a dream that I was using my Tormod from a FE9 playthrough, in a trial map that was also endgame of FE10 (and FoW for some reason), and populated with appropiately h4x enemies. Naturally, he completely failed since he was effectively 2nd tier fighting 3rd tier enemies.

I think I also had a dream about FE8 once, but that was a loooooong time ago and I no longer remember it.

Any dreams that I have about FE usually involve maps, arrow paths, and occasionally a bit of math.


I mean, it wouldn't be FE without grids and arrows and that little window that tells you what's going to happen.

Edited by Anouleth
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I've had TONS of them before. (Like seriously most of my dreams HAVE to have some FE character in it.) blink.gif

One I remember was that I woke up (in the dream) and Boyd and Ike were looking at me asking if I was okay. I said I was fine and saw Mist run away (Guessing that she healed me and someone else needed to be healed.) Boyd asked if I could still fight and I said yeah. Ike held his hand out and helped me get back on my feet. I saw that there was a sword on the floor next to where I was and was going to pick it up but Boyd told me that it was going to brake soon so I might as well leave it there. I said fine and he reached for some satchel he had on his side and took out a red book. He handed it to me and just nodded. I nodded back and the three of us left to go into the fight. (Apparently they had carried me over to some forest or something and had Mist heal me there.) As we left I saw (ahead of me) Soren and Shinon behind Oscar , Edward, and Sothe. I saw Rolf on his knees behind Shinon. (With blood coming out of some wound I couldn't see.) Mist came back from the woods heading towards Rolf and behind her came Tormod and Aran. They started attacking a small group of enemies that were trying to get to Rolf. Me,Boyd,and Ike ran to the first group to reinforce them. We were pretty much surrounded but we had magic on our side and that pretty much let us win. Only a few of the enemies survived and Ike ordered Tormod,Edward and Aran to chase them and kill them. After a while we were all gathered around Ike to make sure that we were all there but I knew someone was missing but I couldn't figure out who. After a while I heard someone moan. Nobody else heard it so I didn't pay attention at first but then I heard it again. It was coming from the forest. I heard it again and this time Mist heard it as well. We looked at each other and went to Ike to make sure he knew where we were going. We left the group and headed for the forest. After a while of searching we didn't hear the person again and we were about to leave when it sounded again. We froze and I heard it not to far from us. I told her to get her sword ready and she put her staff away and pulled out her sword. (IDK how but she did.) I still had my Arcfire tome with a few more uses left and so I had that ready. (After I saw myself use the spell I knew what it was.) We heard it again and we saw who it was coming from. Boyd was on the floor clutching some major cut he had on his right arm. His axe was at his side. (covered in his and other peoples blood. blink.gif ) We ran up to him ,Mist getting her staff ready. He started to talk but I told him to shut up and was trying to look for my vulnerary. I couldn't find it but he was looking at his satchel that was a few feet away from him and so I guessed that he had his still. I get it and find an elixir inside. (blink.gif) I run back ,leaving the satchel behind, and Mist is almost done sealing the wound. I give him some of the elixir and he looks like he wants to yell but manages not to. We wait to see if he felt better only to have him pass out on us. I facepalm and told Mist to go get Ike or someone strong enough to lift him. She nods and runs as fast as she could. I wait and after awhile Boyd comes around. He starts to get up but soon clutches his arm and ribs and falls back down. I get closer to him and tell him to not strain himself,that someone was coming. He smiled and just sighed. He started telling me what happened. (Apparently after we won he went back into the forest to chase someone that took something valuable to him (IDK what it was.) It was a trap and while he did manage to fight and scare them off one got a lucky shot in his arm and he fell to the floor. Then (just a few were left) they started to kick him and stuff of that nature (made me wonder why they didn't just kill him. He managed to get whatever they took from him back and then he just stayed on the floor.) I just looked at him and told him that he should have asked me to come along. He said that I wasn't going to help much since I only had one tome left and it was low on uses anyways. I sighed and saw that he had a point there and just told him to at least ask someone to go with him next time something like this happens. He said fine and we were silent again. After a few more minutes he passed out again and I just facepalmed again. I whispered,"Just hold on. They'll be here soon." With that said I heard something coming towards us and got in front of Boyd with my tome at the ready. Ike and Oscar came out,followed by Mist, and just stared at me. They laughed and so did I. Oscar asked how was Boyd and told him that he was okay but he might need to be checked for any more major injuries. He nods and Ike already has Boyd over his shoulders and we walk off.

Weird no?

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In my dream I remember finding a creepy looking Ashera in a dark place full of weird looking purplish Auras.

She would mumble random things out of her mouth and everytime she shouted or someone looked her in the eyes or attack her she would turn them into stone. I remember Lehran was the first to turn into stone followed by Soren and Reyson. Then one by one (everyone was there or it seemed like everyone was there) started being turned into stone until the last ones standing which were Elincia, Astrid, Tormod, Rafiel, Tibarn, Ilyana, Mist, Ena, Edward, Jill, Meg, Tauroneo, Boyd, and me.

idk how but Ilyana distracted Ashera while covering her ears and having her eyes shut, somebody came from behind and shoved Ashera. Ashera fell down and below where she was standing was a weird looking mirror I remember grabbing it and pointed toward Ashera she then turned into a mortal and we all ganged up on her and killed her but her corpse faded away into some shiny dust particles. We then had the option to revive two people from stone.

I cant remember who picked who but I do remember Soren, Kieran and Mia stayed as stone and I kept them as decorations for my house.

Then I woke up

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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@ Chuy Wow, you must spend a lot of time playing FE9/10. And you must have very vivid dreams. It is very rare for me to remember more than two or three scenes from dreaming of the previous night.

Yes I do. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif I usually remember them vividly anyways.

Jaffar beat my up for hitting on Nino >.>

I thought it was common sense to not hit on an assassins girl.

In my dream I remember finding a creepy looking Ashera in a dark place full of weird looking purplish Auras.

She would mumble random things out of her mouth and everytime she shouted or someone looked her in the eyes or attack her she would turn them into stone. I remember Lehran was the first to turn into stone followed by Soren and Reyson. Then one by one (everyone was there or it seemed like everyone was there) started being turned into stone until the last ones standing which were Elincia, Astrid, Tormod, Rafiel, Tibarn, Ilyana, Mist, Ena, Edward, Jill, Meg, Tauroneo, Boyd, and me.

idk how but Ilyana distracted Ashera while covering her ears and having her eyes shut, somebody came from behind and shoved Ashera. Ashera fell down and below where she was standing was a weird looking mirror I remember grabbing it and pointed toward Ashera she then turned into a mortal and we all ganged up on her and killed her but her corpse faded away into some shiny dust particles. We then had the option to revive two people from stone.

I cant remember who picked who but I do remember Soren, Kieran and Mia stayed as stone and I kept them as decorations for my house.

Then I woke up

Interesting. The ending is messed up but funny. XD

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