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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"This is what nobles do for fun?" said Alferis, performing the waltz quite badly, but still had a little bit of an enjoyable time. "Huh. Not that great, but better than a sharp stick in the eye."

"Mmm," said Reika, facing Heinz and Irina.

Huh. Didn't expect that. Thought she would've gone for that wyvern riding man whore she's so attached to. Anyway, I wonder if I can get him drunk and make him spill his guts? He knows his stuff but the atmosphere, there's still a bit of a chance it might work.

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Observing a couple of people exiting the prep room, Helios deduced that it must be time. "Um I think its about time." He addressed Dani. "Lets go i guess." Dont mess up. Dont mess up. Dont mess up.

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"All right, the food looks okay..." Kelas remarked, sidestepping yet another gaggle of gossiping noblewomen on the way to the food table. She got a pair of plates and filled them with the foods that she recognized, then looked over the drinks. "Lovely... apparently nobles really, really like to get drunk." She picked up a glass near a bowl marked as non-alcoholic and took a taste just to make sure: "Bleah, and they're lying about the one that's supposedly got nothing in it, too. Great... c'mon, let's go sit down, and hope the food's not too salty," she ended with a sigh, heading for the guest tables furthest from the head table.


Out in the hall, another pair of nobles had arrived: a strikingly handsome man in his twenties, with white-blond hair and refined features, dressed in a deep blue dress tunic and breeches, and a dignified-looking older woman, wearing an elegant gray gown. "Now, Joren," the woman was saying, "you simply must find an acceptable match this year, or--"

"I know, Mother!" he snapped, rolling his eyes and throwing up his hands theatrically. "I'll find a girl, just stop hounding me about it!" He looked about wildly for some reprieve, and his gaze alighted on a young blue-haired woman walking down the hallway. The quality of her dress indicated at least enough money to satisfy his mother. "Milady!" he called, striding after her. "Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the festivities?"

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Rita and Cess:

Walking down the hall , a man called out to Rita. He seemed a bit pompous and a mama's boy, but Rita decided to answer him. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'd love too, but I already have a date. As a matter of fact, here he is."

Cess saw Rita talking to someone, and hurried over. "Oh, Rita. I was just coming to see y-oh? Who's this?"



Walking out from the balcony, he noticed the various members of the group. They seemed to be having fun. He walked towards other side of the window, were he saw a pink haired cleric woman.

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The Ballroom (A?)

The ballroom was alive with dancing social banter, fake charm, munchers at the food tables, and a few too many people drinking the punch. Irina wasn't sure what to say to Heinz. What to do first? Well certainly not dancing. It was a bit too early to risk that. Then it occurred to her that she didn't really know him that well. Perhaps it was a chance to branch out from Lev and her brother. The goddess had given her an opportunity and she was sure as hell going to take it.

Irina: How about we talk until the ball actually gets well underway. I mean we hardly know each other right? (Err ... that sounded a bit more dufusy than I'd hoped ...)

Meanwhile Daneka accompanied Lev over to the drinking areas. There were nobles laughing and gossiping. Some of them waved to the two as they came closer, and Daneka waved right back, a smile on her face that may or may not have been genuine. Only she knew. Once they reached the drinks, they stopped.

Daneka: ... pick your poison, Monsieur Levski.

Lev: Vodka.

Daneka: You Zaftrans. Alright, normally it would be ake for me, but I want zis to be interesting.

She reached for one of the bottles of vodka. Lev raised his eyebrow at her move.

Lev: I'm warning you. Vodka's not for lightweights.

Daneka: Hm hm, we shall see about zat, Monsieur Levski. We shall see.

Jasmine came into the ballroom with Alphonse on her arm. She felt so happy to have mysteriously bagged such a decent guy. Stephanie led Altion all over the place socializing with folks left and right. He could not escape. After Luc had departed, Duke Von took Kamilla into the ballroom. The two were greeted with praise and on some occasions applause from certain individuals. It was rumored that he would not be arriving at all due to political matters.

Iso stood by Kelas listening to her and desperately trying to tune out all the other noise. It was like a storm of voices, and he couldn't tell who was who. Only Kelas was close enough to identify and that made his grip on her tighten a bit. If he lost her he would be alone in this storm of gossiping voices. A cold sweat ran down his face as well.

Iso: (Maybe this was a bad idea after all.) So none of these drinks are none alcoholic? Isn't there any water?

The Hero Is Here

A gold trimmed wagon led by two white stallions pulled up at the castle gates! A very familiar face emerged from the wagon. It was Lord Harold himself, one of the six heroes! He had two women with him, one on each arm. When the cheerful and already partially buzzed man reached the entrance to the castle, a few guards blocked him for a moment.

Guard: Hey, hold on a sec. There's a weapons ban for this ball. Don't worry, sir, the guards can protect you.

Harold: ... excuse me? Are you talking to me? A weapons ban? You must be joking. Don't you know who I am?!

Guard: I'm ... sure I'm about to find out ...

Harold: I'M LORD HAROLD, that's who I am! You won't even think about trying to disarm me, would you?

Guard: Uh ... I-uh ... ... orders are orders ....

Within a split second, Vox was at the man's throat! He didn't have time to react, and neither did anyone else for that matter! Harold had a smile on his face.

Harold: ... take it.

Guard: (... help.) ... ... ... y-y-y-y-y-ou can go in! W-w-w-w-we'll make and exception for you, Lord Harold.

Harold: Of course you will. Hahah!

He sheathed his sword and then put his arms back over the two women!

Harold: See that? That's called proper negotiating. Let's go and get this party started, shall we?

The two women giggled as he walked with them into the castle. The guards all stared at each other.

Guard: ... I'm grateful for being saved from the demon king and all but ... what the f*ck?

A Zaftran Tale, Kiev Goes West

The pink wyvern was still yelping out for some strange reason and Kiev had had it. He bit off his hitch and slowly inched his way toward the exit sneaking passed a hostler. Krinkov woke up on the spot and ripped himself loose before tackling Kiev! The pink wyvern stopped yelling to watch them duke it out. She felt flattered. Was her mating call successful after all? We're these two actually wild wyverns after all? If so they must have been fighting to rescue her from the aeries. In that case, she cared not who won, only who was good enough to knock out anyone who would dare try to capture her again.

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"I weep for that man." whispered back the Headmaster before facepalming. Then, she turned to Ixion, her wings fanned fully and dotted with many tiny gemstones of magic origin. She seemed to be like a angel, glowing and sparkling with inner light. "Shall we dance I-Oh no. Harold." she said, her mood noticeably dropping the moment she heard the man. "Hide me Ixion."

Meanwhile, Altion had shown his own resilliance. Taking Stephanie's hand firmly in his own, he gave her a soft tug back to himself, readying for a waltz. "I am sorry madame if I hath intruded upon your privacy." he said, whispering gently into her ear. "But thou art of divine beauty tonight. I wish for them to see your loveliness in motion. Please, let us wish together."


"It looks great. Fine. I don't know." said Esphyr, worried and frustrated. "I don't know. I don't even know how to dance! Ummm... I'm your ballmaid, whatever that is, to scrape you off the floor if you fall!"

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Chase started as everyone began to head towards the ball room. "Ah! It's starting!" he exclaimed, walking over to Morgan. "So, er, shall we?" he asked meekly.

OOC: Yay, a reasonable length post on my iTouch! 8]

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Count Luc Altair

Luc was walking through the halls searching for Tessa when he encountered Fargo.

"Oh! There you are Captain!" the other man said happily for some odd reason. "I haven't found anyone else in forever."

"Fargo," Luc frowned even at the sight of the man. But, he could have his uses, as he always did. "Fargo, I want you to be the one to watch all the weapons. Since no one cares about you it'll be fine."

"Hey, I ha-"

Luc cut him off. "If the weapons start vanishing make a ruckus and come in to help us."

"Uh, right captain..."

Luc dismissed the other man and went back to his searching.

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"Oh... So it is," Dani remarked, seeing the people enter the formal room. "Well, lead on, Heli."

The Duke

After most of the nobles had entered the formal room, there was a sole man, approaching Viveka. He was wearing a rather linen blue coat, with clear shoulders similar to those of military attire. On the left side of his chest, there was an insignia, perhaps a family emblem, that lined up with the top two of the ten buttons that ran down the shirt. Along with black silk pants, the man was wearing rather silver-laced gloves, custom-made for him. This get-up, along with clean, loose green hair and amber eyes, made for a rather handsome appearance.

"Are you ready to go, miss?" he asked, stopping just in front of the pegasus rider.

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"Hmmm? Is that who I think it is?" said Reika, looking at Lord Harold entering.

"Who? *hic*"

"That's Lord Harold I think."

"Yesh, I heard he was coming," said Alferis continuing the dance. The laughing of the women grated on him.

"You're not going to ditch me for *hic* that creep are you?" he hissed in Reika's ear, his face burning crimson.

"Of course not. The man's a complete creep," she growled, rolling her eyes at the swooning noble ladies. "Frankly if he makes any of those whores pregnant, I'm not going to feel sorry for them."

"Good," he relaxed, the smiling returning on his face.

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"Apparently not. One of the other punches might not have anything in it, but I don't want to take any chances," Kelas replied. Feeling Isotov's grip on her hand tighten, she realized that the room sounded like utter chaos-- that couldn't be good for the nerves. "Come on, let's at least get away from all the noise," she said, leading the way to one of the tables furthest from the action.


"Oh, bl-- I'm sorry, I was unaware," Joren replied, mentally cursing. "I am Duke Joren of Conte," he introduced himself with a bow. "And you are, sir?"


After Tessa had gone, Arrin slipped quietly into the main room. It was very grand, certainly, and he couldn't help but be impressed. He thought he spotted a few high-ranking mages as well, but understood that an unknown fourth- or fifth-circle likely wouldn't be able to get close enough to talk to them.

He wasn't hungry, but he was a bit thirsty, so he headed for the drinks table and took a glass of punch. He knew that some of the drinks would be fairly strong, but this one looked relatively harmless...

His head started to spin a bit, and he nearly dropped the glass before even tasting the contents, and he realized that he should sit down. He headed for one of the tables towards the back, seeing Kelas and Isotov also heading over, and sat down, taking a sip of the drink when he was seated. It was a bit oversweet, but all right.

Well, maybe if he kept properly hydrated, he'd be less lightheaded when Tessa wanted to dance. He continued to take small sips of the punch, watching the proceedings.

Edited by Kiryn
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"I'm going to get a drink." Rita wondered out of the hall, and around to the punch table. Taking a cup, she got a cup of warm cider. She set it down, before taking the first vial and pouring it in. She held it carefully, and walked towards Iso and Kelas.

"Iso, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I got you a cup of cider. Don't want you drunk now do we? Careful, it's hot." She manuvered his hands around the cup, before heading back to get a second.




"Fine, thank you. So, Conte? I don't believe I've heard of it. Where is it?"

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"Heh, course Dani." He said taking her hand and leading her to the ball room. Then he saw an unexpected guest. "Dani, is it me or does that look kind of like Lord Harold." He asked as the entered the ball room.


"No your not. Your gonna get a date and that is final!" She exclaimed. "Milady..." She heard a familiar voice. She turned around and saw Sayer, all dressed up in a white tuxedo. "Um how do I look?" The queen gazed in awe. "Oh my god Sayer you look beautiful. Take me to the ball!" She ordered. Sayer frowned. "But your majesty I-" "Shutup Sayer. C'mon girl, we need to find you a date." She said focusing her attention back to Esphyr. She grabbed her arm and dashed down the hall looking for someone Esphyr can go with. Sayer could only facepalm as he lagged behind.

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"Eep!" Esphyr could only squeak in shock as she was dragged off by the queen. Despite the comfort of the dress, the sudden chance in her balance also meant that she couldn't properly brace her legs against the sudden tug, causing her to be yanked along by the weaker woman with ease. "But... Who would date me? All the men I know went with someone else already!" she exclaimed as she was pulled along.

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"Up to the northeast," Joren replied, a little crossly. "Er, does she always run off like that? Ah never mind," he broke off as his mother called that she'd found the perfect match for him, "I've got to run, nice meeting you, Sir didn't-catch-your-name." He quickly headed into another room, finding a pair of women and another man, presumably the date of one of them. "Ah. It wouldn't happen that either of you would need an escort for the evening, would it?" he asked, looking over his shoulder to make sure that his mother wasn't there.

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"Then the men you know arent good people. How could someone leave you like this.... YIKES!" She said abruptly stopping in front of Joren. Jenny did not hesitate at all. She let go of Esphyr, grabbed the mans hand and started shaking it. "Queen Tora, nice to meet you. Hey would you do me a favor and take this girl out?"

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Finally hearing Derek's voice again, Viveka turned to see a much more dignified figure than she'd expected! Her face gave the impression of full surprise!

Viveka: Alright. What did you do with Derek?

She quickly cracked a smile to show that she was joking and then offered him her hand.

Viveka: You look like someone important enough to take an arrow for. I'm going to enjoy parading you around I think teehee!


Once they'd sat down at the table, Iso started to feel a bit better. At least he was seated and wouldn't bump into anyone. Still. He wanted Kelas close by. Someone else sat down at the table but he wasn't sure who it was. He was a bit too nervous to ask too.

Iso: So how many people are here? It's getting noisy.

Ixion meets Harold

As the headmaster hid behind Ixion, Harold strolled up with his two lady friends! Harold's lecherous eyes were like those of a hawk!

Harold: Hah! Nice try, "headmaster"! I know you're back there! I'd spot that figure from eight hundred yards away.

Ixion: (Liar. Her wings aren't fully concealed by my cloak.)

Harold: Oh, and who's this? Is he your date for the evening?

Ixion: Apparently I am.

Harold: Meh. She could do better. In fact, why don't you come over here and let me see you? Come on, model for me.

Ixion: (... is this the same man she aided during the war? Amusing. No wonder she's a clam.)

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Count Luc Altair

Luc spent a few more minutes searching for Tessa before he found her in the kitchen. "Ah, there you are. It seems the festivities have started, if I may?" Luc took her arm and led both of them to the main ballroom. "Ah, and here we are. Oh yes, I met an old... acquaintance, of mine earlier. He is typical of most nobles, but, and I apologize for this, I have said I would have you meet him if you agreed. I leave it in your hands if you wish though."

OOC: Hope this is alright Bal.

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Taking a small bowl, Rita got a serving of the shaved ice. She pour some more of the Rudoberry on top, before pouring the pink punch on top, and pinching herself. She walked over to Kelas with tears in her eyes.

"*sniff" I-I'm really sorry. You and Iso can share this dessert." Rita set the dessert down, before running back to the snack table.

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"Too many," Kelas muttered. "I'm all for getting out of here after I've eaten, looks like Rita's about again and I really don't want to deal with-- oh hello Arrin," she added as Arrin sat down. "Er, what's that you're drinking?" she asked, worried.

"Just punch. It hasn't got anything funny in it, I'd taste it," Arrin reassured her cheerfully. His head was still spinning, but that was okay, this was all going to be fairly okay, he thought... He wondered where Tessa had got to.

"You're sure about that."

"Oh, yes! Asked and everything!" He hadn't, but that wasn't the point, Kelas just worried too much.

"Right... be careful though. Erm, thank you?" she added as Rita put some dessert on the table, then ran off. "Right, not going to touch that... Arrin, are you going to want to stay long?"

"I think so. I'm going to dance with Tessa, I've got to wait for that at least."

Well, at least he could have fun... "All right. I guess I'll be here then." She noticed that Isotov wasn't touching his food. "You still feeling sick?"

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"He left on an errand. Said he'll be back tomorrow," he said, jokingly. Accepting the hand, Derek led his date into the ball room, and began to dance with her, easily flowing into the steps.


"So it is," Dani said, noticing the hero. "Let's... stay away from him, please Heli?" The mage shifted awkwardly as she said that, clearly not comfortable with Harold's presence.

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"Go to the ball you mean?" she asked Chase. "I suppose." Morgan entered the ballroom standing by Chase, choosing to hover awkwardly, unsure of what to do.


Tristan rode Bellerophon to Jace's manor and knocked on the door, hoping Alex would arrive.

Outside the ball

Charlotte finally arrived on the steps leading up to the ball, her hair adorned with various glittering metallic objects. Her dress was long and flowing with a high collar, made of shiny satin with beaded organza inlays. It was a bright rosy pink as Charlotte ascended the steps, looking for Eric. Several seconds later, it suddenly turned a deep cerulean color. Where is he? So many people here... she thought to herself.

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"Sounds good to me," Heinz chuckled, deciding to walk over to the food tables before sitting down to talk. A little shy, it seems. Picking up a piece of apple strudel and a couple pieces of light cake, the mercenary was debating whether to go for the soups or some fresh fish when he sensed someone behind him. Turning around partway, Heinz's eyes widened slightly. The Baron of Reis? Keeping the rest of his face still, Heinz bowed his head towards the man. "It's good to see you again, Baron," he said politely.

Who is this man? The baron thought confusedly. He looks familiar, but I would remember him if he was actually important. Of course, I must certainly be of higher rank then. Remembering his manners, the baron smiled stiffly. "Same for you, sir. Pardon me, but your name?"

"Heinz," the mercenary replied, his smile widening as he watched the baron's reaction. Heinz? Heinz.... "The bodyguard I hired a few years ago?" he sputtered before regaining his calm. "Ah, so whose employ are you under this time?" he questioned. Those clothes are a bit fine for a bodyguard though...

"Currently I am part of Princess Charlotte's entourage, Baron. A good day to you too, sir," nodding his head once more before walking off, stopping at the punch table a few paces over, sneaking a glance at the Baron's stunned face. Having forgotten to take either soup or fish, Heinz quickly spooned some punch. A little drink shouldn't harm me, taking a quick sip. Or make me say something foolish to Irina, noting various members of the group around the ballroom. Those wings stand out quite a bit here. "And Lord Harold is here as well, eh?" he remarked.

OOC: Irina could have followed Heinz to the food tables, gone to the table first, whatever.

Edit: Reworded stuff.

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Count Luc Altair

Luc kept his attention on the other ballgoers as he awaited Tessa's answer. Unfortunately, he hadn't spotted anyone he recognized. Neither the Duke, or the other group members. Luc swiveled left and saw Charlotte enter. She wore an impressive dress, and Luc was certain the man who made his clothes would be jealous of whomever tailored hers. Turning his head from following her, Luc spied someone across that almost made his mouth go wide. Harold. Harold the hero. Harold the hero with a weapon talking with that Ixion fellow. That, was remarkably bad. If things got out of hand, it was possible that Ixion might try something with Harold to deal with Isotov.

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