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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Iso: Heh. Sorry. Well I think I'm good now. That scream sobered me to the core. I can survive this snob fest if you can. I'll help you keep an eye on ... (Dammit.) I'll stay close by while you watch Arrin.

Once he stood up, he brushed his collar off with his free hand and cleared his throat.

Iso: Ready when you are.

EDIT: Added more lines.

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"A tempting offer Lord Harold to be sure; but didn't you learn your lesson in the past when Kaileen and I chased you for hours on end for peeking into the woman's bath?" she said before giving a slight bow and moving slightly behind Ixion. "Besides, you have more than enough girls to deal with tonight, and I have a nice and charming man whom has already asked me out. So, tough luck you leech."

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"Y-yeah, to the ball room," he confirmed. Looking around nervously, he gasped as he recognized someone. "Morgan! That's Kamilla, next to Alferis!" he exclaimed, before averting his gaze.

Not far behind him, Clara slowly crept up to Chase, embracing him. "Never thought I'd see you at a ball! What are you doing here?" she asked, grinning.

Startled, Chase jumped a little, before realizing who it was. "Clara! Hi!" he exclaimed. "We got invited by Count Altair. Not sure why, but here I am. You're here for that thing you do every year, right?"

"Yeah. Well, just letting you know I'm here. See you around, Chase! Oh, and happy birthday!" she told him, and pranced over to the punch before taking some from the fifth bowl. "This tastes funny... hehe..."

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As the ball started, Damian had met up with Aiya near the entrance.

This business with Gae-Borg was too... unwholesome for the evening, and Damian wasn't sure he wanted to tell Aiya about his potential plan... she would likely react badly to it.

With such things out of mind, it was simple enough to relax, and dance. Damian and Aiya had found themselves well enough into the ballroom, the lights shimmering off of Aiya's dress, acting like a pseudo-disco ball. Nearby, several noblewomen were scolding their dates for skimping out on their dresses... at which Aiya couldn't help but blush, and Damian couldn't help but chuckle.

"Having fun?" Damian asked, twirling Aiya around and pulling her close against his chest.

"Yes... Damian, I'm having a great time!" She replied, ecstatic, smiling at him.

"C'mon, we'll get something to drink, and then come back."

"Sure." Aiya replied, following Damian's lead towards a nearby punch bowl. Each drinking a glass, Damian looked around.

"Well well, what do we have here?" Damian asked, amused, and as Aiya turned to where he was looking, saw Lord Harold.

"I guess it isn't surprising he is here." Aiya said with a bit of a grimace. Lord Harold was a known pervert, and she wasn't particularly keen about his company.

"Well, let's go see him." Damian said simply, and began walking in his direction.

"Wha?! W-Why?" Aiya replied with a bit of a stutter.

"Because you're a thousand times better looking than his floozies, and I feel like bragging... as they say, when in Rome, act as the Romans do... y'know, I wonder what Rome, and by extension, Romans, even are... it seems odd, now that I think about it, where did the saying come from... maybe they chose something non-existent so no one would be offended..." Damian said, beginning to ramble.

"Who knows. Anything is possible, for all we know, we are breaking some sort of fourth wall right now, like they do in plays or something." Aiya replied with a giggle.

"That's silly Aiya. There is no way we could break a fourth wall... no one is watching what we're doing with some sort of omniscient

view, aside from the lady."

"I suppose you're right." Aiya replied, deciding it couldn't hurt to at least say hello to the hero... Damian was acquainted with the man through his father, so it couldn't be that bad... could it?

"Ah, Lord Harold... what a splendid surprise." Damian said, addressing the man, and bowing.

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OOC: There was a slight tangle with Tessa's positioning, as an Arrin post said they'd returned to the hall before she went off (to probably look for Luc), and then Luc finds her in the kitchens again. So, with the power of misdirection, I wrap that up. I never intended it to be this much of a running gag in the first place, rather a more serious flaw, but things have a life of their own it seems...

After having finished their business in the kitchens, Tessa and Arrin headed back to the dining room where the group had been holding their makeshift dance lessons, only to find that most of the other people had dispersed, and the large grandfather clock on the far wall told that the time of the ball was imminent.

"Sorry Arrin, I really should be off now. I'll see you later then!" She started to try to bow an apology, and quickly learned the reason that the curtsy had been invented was because dresses simply were not conducive to such maneuvers. Breaking into an awkward and embarrassed grin, she turned and left the hall, confident that given the sheer number of people going to the ball, that finding it would be easily accomplished.

Her confidence was thoroughly misplaced though. While she did latch onto a stream of people flowing in one direction, and inferring that they were clearly headed to the ball, she had followed them. However, it appears that they must simply have been quite well dressed servants, and their bustling activity had lead them all straight back to the kitchen. Tessa simply stood there shocked while the caterers continued about their business, before leaving with trays of food, this time actually in the direction of the ball. Having already been led astray, and now unconvinced she did not follow them, however.

She hadn't long to wait however, because apparently she'd left her date waiting too long, and he had ventured off in search of her. While she was pleased to be found by Luc, the shame was currently overwhelming, and she flushed a deep crimson, staying silent as she was led to the ballroom, reproving herself for her misbehaviour, and trying to get recomposed. As they were pulling up to the entrance, Count Altair mentioned a wish to introduce her to one of his old acquaintances, and eager to mollify him, she had replied quite softly in the affirmative. Perhaps too softly, as the fact that they did not set off to find the man slowly dawned on her, but Tessa was in no particular hurry, the ball was still quite young, and they had just arrived. Not to mention that the time for such idle thinking was quickly swept aside by the arrival of Charlotte, and her enchanted dress.

Indeed, watching the arrivals seemed to be Luc's primary order of business, as even after the princess had made her impressive entrance, the cavalier and the troubadour had remained near the doorway to the grand hall, the former occasionally turning inward to run his gaze over the crowd that had already gathered. As the inflow had lessened to a trickle however, Tessa wondered if the business of waiting and watching would soon be over, and then the real part of the ball would begin. She wasn't sure whether or not this sizing up of those in attendance was strange or not, so decided to just chalk it up to politics, and not consider it too much further.

Count Altair then excused himself for the moment, heading over to the assorted tables of refreshments. Left waiting around, Tessa tried to help out, and look around and observe for things of interest or out of the ordinary, so that perhaps it would be of use. And she did need to practice her information gathering skills anyway...

OOC: Delaying the end of the post due to unsureties of the OOC variety and need for clarifications.

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Mage who is getting a strong urge to throw Dani at Harold =D

"Sure I guess..." He replied trailing off. "Um... we start?"


"See Sayer! I told you I would find someone for that poor little girl." She chimed. Sayer frowned. "She was still a peasa-" "Shutup, Sayer. Oh look, people are entering the ball room. Lets go Sayer!"

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Seeing Damian talk to Lord Harold, rage boiled within Alferis. That man was going to abandon his ladies to train with some man who would probably kill him? He wasn't going to have any of that. He marched over to Damian, Reika following him to see if he would start a mess.

"Hey ya! *hic* Everyone's always kissing up to ya and trying to feel ya up *hic*. Well not me you bastard. I know *hic* the real reason ya *hic* need multiple women. Because you *hic* are incapable of satisfying one," he growled at Damian in a loud voice, a little unsteady on his feet.

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"Heh... where'd you get that idea, Alf? First off, your reasoning is horrible. If I couldn't satisfy a single woman, taking more would only accent the problem, don't you think?" Damian responded to Alferis, with a calm tone.

'The man is drunk as all hell, he doesn't mean any harm, I guess.'

"Why, if I were to take multiple women into bed, the logical conclusion is that I have no problem handling a single woman, to the extent that I can take a second without hampering my performance. Quite far from your assumption." Damian continued, while Aiya became extraordinarily red in the face.

"Now then, Alf. You're piss drunk. You should go sit down before you hurt yourself."

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"No. *hic* Don't you condescend me *hic*, you whore. Me reasoning *hic* is fine. Maybe you feel *hic* you're so great, but you're just a creepy loser. *hic* Fer instance, she feels bad in bed, so you try to take *hic* another woman to see how she is *hic*. You never think about how they feel *hic* yer women, that's why you're leaving fer Ixion *hic*, Mr. The World Revolves Around Me Damian. You don't *hic* have any consideration for anyone. *hic* Fer instance, I don't see ye thinking about Esphyr eh what?" he sneered, his eyes bloodshot.

Reika stood with her arms crossed, watching the whole thing unfold.

Damian's leaving his women for this Ixion fellow? Who's he? And I wonder if I can catch him at the ball...Whoever he is, if Alf is right, then this man is even more of a pig then I thought.

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"Ixion? Damian... who's Ixion?" Aiya asked, rather confused.

"Ixion is the man who drained Isotov and Viveka. You know full well how much knowledge and power it takes a druid to be able to do that... he can help me with Gae-Borg... give me what I need to control it... if I become his student." Damian replied.

"I was going to tell you after the ball... this is no place for such unsavory subjects... but that man has the knowledge necessary to allow me to finally beat that lance... to keep you, and everyone else safe... once I have that... I'll return." Damian finished, looking to gauge Aiya's reaction.

She was... surprised, to say the least.

'D-Damian is leaving? When... when did this happen?'

"T-that's fine! I know how important this is. I'll go with you, and we can-"

"No. Aiya, it is too dangerous. I don't know what might have to be done to control this thing... but I won't involve you. I'll be okay, but if I go berserk in the process and hurt you... I would never forgive myself." Damian finished, holding her tightly.

"As for you, Alferis... that is something... I would have done in the past... a past I still don't forgive myself for... a past I would rather have dissapear... but not now. Not ever again." Damian said, turning to Alferis.

"Now go sit down, before you hurt yourself, or someone else."

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All right, enough sitting around, Arrin decided, finishing his glass of punch. Time to... wait, what was he going to do? Oh, he should find Tessa... she was probably bored with that knight, that was no good, couldn't let anyone be bored at this thing. He got up to go look...

...and promptly tripped over his feet. Head spinning, he shook his fist in the general direction of the floor. "Treacheryyyy..."


"All right... this shouldn't take too long, at least." Kelas started off down the hall, retracing the path they'd taken.

At the end of the hall, a maid called out. "You two hear that screamin' a few minutes ago?"

"Yes, that was right strange," Kelas replied, "sounded like it came from that way?" She pointed off down the wrong hallway, and continued to lead the way back to the main hall. "Well, crap," she muttered once out of earshot of the maid. "Figures someone woulda heard that."


"Er, did she say peas-- er, I've got to go, sorry about that," Joren mumbled, giving Esphyr one last glance before backing out the door.

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"Oh why that stinking, rotten... Unggggg!" exclaimed Esphyr as the man walked away from her. "Your majesty, bequeath unto me a shoe. I have someone I want to murder and your shoes are heels."

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"I said don't-"

"Alf, I hate to say this, but just get away. A fight here would be...a very bad idea," said Reika, steering him away.

"Aw no *hic* you're not going against me. You can't *hic* treat me as a doormat like *hic* that lady is," said Alferis, pointing at Aiya. "He can't *hic* get away with this. He never thinks of *hic* anyone but himself. He *hic* doesn't think about Esphyr. You hear me you bastard? You *hic* can't treat her like this. You haven't *hic* given her two figs since you *hic* got here. I had to drag her back and you *hic* just sat on your fat ass feeling sorry fer yerself. Me intuition *hic* says you're no better than that leech over there," he ranted pointing at Harold as Reika tried to push him away.

"Idiot. Now you did it. That's Lord Harold. I don't think you're going to live much longer unless you let me get you away from here," she gritted her teeth, her pushing also serving as a shield to prevent either Alferis or Harold or Damian from attacking. If they wanted to get each other, they'd have to get through her first.

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The Ballroom

Ixion: (Liar, I haven't wasted time on niceties or charm in years. If I cannot be straight forward with someone and skip pleasantries, I've really got nothing to say at all.)

Harold: This guy?! H-what?!

He gave Ixion a quick nearly split second look over and the bursted out laughing!

Harold: Oh I get it! Got inside her head, didn't you, Druid? Hahahah! With that trick you might be able to amass as many women as me, hahah!

Ixion: (Now why would I do that?) ....

Harold: Not talking? Watch out there, angel wings! This man's probably as into you as the rest of us.

Ixion: (She has exactly ten limbs. Who on earth would ...)

Harold: Anyway, I'll let the Druid mess up, then I'll sweep in to save you, and you can be my new wing woman at long last! Hahah!

Ixion stepped back guiding the headmaster with him as Damian approached and greeted the highly buzzed hero.

Harold: Ah, Damian Kleine! Is Bethold back from the dead yet?

He didn't have time to answer as Harold's attention quickly shot to Aiya ... well not Aiya herself, just her figure and face. He leaned over to her softly with an obviously mischievous smile on his face.

Harold: Well what have we here? A most beautiful lady indeed.

Ixion: (I should probably ask the headmaster exactly why these other two women don't mind his behavior. This isn't Halton, so these might be prostitutes. They don't seem to fit the description though. This is a mystery I would like to get to the bottom of as soon as possible.)

Ixion quickly flinched as Alferis showed up and began another drunken rant.

Ixion: (... this needs to be dealt with, soon, with crippling force if necessary.)

Once the argument between Damian and Alferis brought up Ixion, he merely stood there listening. He didn't care either way if he was specifically pointed out during the argument, but if the Alferis got in his face, it would be ended instantly. Ixion was in no mood to deal with Harold's banter, and Alferis' intoxicated insanity.

The Halls

Iso continued to follow alongside Kelas as they headed back. The maid she'd tricked was completely unaware that they were the ones at the center of the screaming.

Iso: Thanks for covering. I didn't forget about that, but I had to take the chance. I don't know any other way to call on Proxima.

Wyvern Wars

The two brothers continued to fight each other. Kiev wanted to go protect Irina. Krinkov wanted Kiev to stay put and not make a scene. The pink wyvern wanted one of them to knock out the other and cut her loose so she could escape back into the wild. Morgan's spell had worn off a few hours ago and she was as dangerous as any other wild wyvern. The hostlers had no idea ...

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"Er, look, miss," Joren began, "it's nothing personal, just-- if I don't show up within a few minutes with some rich noble girl on my arm, my mother will probably poison my soup, or else sign a marriage agreement with the Balitang family, and their daughter's a savage-- come now, there's no need for violence--"


"Yeah... I think she bought that, at least. Anyway if we're nowhere near there, they can't ask us about it... oh great, almost there," Kelas sighed. "This shouldn't take long, at least..."


Arrin grabbed hold of the chair he'd just vacated and used it to pull himself up, getting shakily to his feet. Right... needed to be careful... maybe he should sit down...

He missed the chair on the first attempt, but managed to properly sit down the second time, resting his head on the table because maybe then it would stop spinning. Within a few seconds, he was asleep.

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As Reika finally began to drag Alferis away, Damian let out a relieved sigh. The man was certainly aggravating when he was drunk.

'That's right... I haven't seen hide nor hair of Esphyr since we got here... where did she go off to?'

As Harold began... admiring Aiya, she couldn't help but think ill of it.

'This is exactly why I wasn't looking forward to seeing him...'

"Ah... thank you kindly, Lord Harold. Don't you remember me? My name is Aiya... we met on one of your visits to Lord Kleine before he passed away." Aiya replied, with a faked smile on her face, however, the man was drunk enough already that he couldn't tell the difference.

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Rita was begining to get bored with just standing around. She spotted Esphyr alone talking to that man from earlier. Maybe she should save her. "Oh Esphyr! There you are. You must be the man from before. I don't believe I told you my name."



What an ass. That bandit was making a fool of himself, embarrassing the whole party. But, that was what bandits did. Hmph. He walked over towards Conrad. "Enjoying the party?"

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"Lord Harold. Your eye is poor, for she is the bride to be of Lord Kleine." interjected the headmaster. "And Sir Harold, I would appreciate it if you would stop implying me to be the common slattern that you seem to attract so easily. I have slept with but one man my entire life, it has not, nor ever will be, you. Now, would you please politely go off and sit on a angry rhino's horn and leave Dame Aiya alone?"


"Fine. Sure. You go in there without any woman then. I can kill you, but if this woman can do worse over a prolonged time, I will be happy." she said before sighing and walking behind the queen. "Why can't Damian be here instead?"

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"Heh. That was amusing," said Reika, gripping Alf's arm firmly. "But don't pull anything with me ok? I'm not in the mood." Seeing that whore of a soldier getting told off was immensely satisfying, if even if the man who did it is a bit of a bufoon.

"I'sh don't know *hic* what to do. Another dance maybe? Me limbs *hic* ache to do something," he said, glaring in Damian's direction.

".....Whatever," she sighed, hating dancing but in the man's mood, he was willing to do anything if not humored.

"Whash wrong? Me *hic* dancing bad?" said Alferis, hearing the girl sigh.

"I hate balls, you know that."

"Right right. Maybe I *hic* might grab more food. Later," he said, trying to dance to the tango.

"Wonder when Jace and *hic* Charlotte will get 'ere."

"Don't know, don't care. Let's jut get this over with and leave that whore get together with two men," Reika said in great distaste about Aiya.

"Yoush haveta call her *hic* that?"

"Why not? You called the soldier that. And that SOB'll probably get drunk and screw someone else, most likely Jace's daughter when she arrives."

"True that," he agreed.

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"I haven't done anything yet, because I had to get the ceremonial armor on. But it looks pretty enjoyable from here. Do you know who any of these people are? I recognize a few other Eliyismans- that man is the inheritor of Upslon's mansion- but I don't recognize most." Conrad replied to the ex-priest.


Clara had downed a few more glasses of punch, and was constantly giggling. She looked around, then walked towards Jasmine, saying, "Do I know you? I think that symbol is Eliyisman. I'm Clara! This punch is really good," she exclaimed.

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Heinz nodded. "I've never ran into so many wyvern riders in one place till I met your group, actually. I was surprised," he admitted. Made it easier to find you though. "I guess you raised Kiev yourself then? That gray wyvern that Ivanko was riding, and Lev's wyvern seem to act differently." Though they are bigger than Kiev...

Noting that Irina seemed to be turning a little red, Heinz pushed the plate of food towards her. "You should probably eat something before you drink anymore," he advised. "Learned that the hard way myself," grinning for a second, emptying his cup. Not bad..... they've still got great liquor here. No wonder she likes it so much. Heinz felt himself relax automatically, the hard edges of the world blurring a bit.

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In The Ballroom

Harold: (Huh?! Ah Aiya!) Why of course I remember you! Nice job, Damian! Just like your father I see! Always bagging the winners!

He then shot over to the headmaster while Ixion reluctantly played the protective date.

Harold: See, dollface? You're already proving to be a good wingwoman! Hahah!

Ixion: (That is a horrible pun. He should be shot for that.)

Harold: ... where's my flask?

One of the women on his arm opened the flask and put it up to his mouth so he could take a drink without releasing either of them.

Harold: Ahhh, much obliged. Eh, not really. HAHAHAH!!

Ixion slightly nudged the headmaster trying to get her to start walking backwards so they could slip away while Harold's attention was still on the others. Meanwhile over at the table Irina and Heinz were sharing, their conversation continued.

Irina: Victor is a total jerk. I hate him. Krinkov is just being a big brother, but Kiev's different because I kind of ... over pampered him. Kiev was actually captured by Ivan and Lev along with some others while we were expanding our wyvern riding divisions. We found out after we caught Victor that Kiev was actually his son. He actually likes humans and I think he might actually think they're equals or something. I don't know. Some of the mercs still poke fun at me and him for how he turned out.

She looked at the food as Heinz offered it to her and her stomach rebelled against her immediately. A noticeable groan sounded from inside here dress and she sat there feeling awkward.

Irina: ... I uh ... well ... just don't watch me eat okay?

Jasmine walked over to the punch bowls with Alphonse. Originally she'd intended to have some wine since she liked emulating Viveka from time to time but ... punch just seemed like a more responsible option, especially with the way Alferis was acting. Alphonse didn't drink anything. He needed to stay alert and if it wasn't water, it was probably spiked. She poured herself a cup just as Clara accosted her.

Jasmine: Um, maybe. I'm Jasmine. I'm here with Captain Viveka and General Conrad Jackson. Oh and this is Alphonse! If I haven't seen you before, it's nice to meet you.

Close Enough To The Ballroom

Iso: I heard some strange things going on before we left. Is the place going to be in chaos when we get back?

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Sayer's Master

Hearing the nobleman reject Esphyr because she was a peasant, Sayer chuckled. He stopped when the queen drop kicked him into a wall. While Sayer was recovering, the queen sighed. "Sorry girl whose name i havent caught yet.... Damian? You mean Bethold's kid?" she said walking into the ball room, Sayer lagging behind.

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"Such vehemence," Joren muttered distastefully as Esphyr left. "Oh, hello again," he told Rita. "No, I don't think I did get your name. Date left you?" he asked hopefully.


"Looks like it's about the same as before," Kelas replied, turning into the main hall. "Now, then-- oh gods no--" she broke off, seeing Arrin slumped over at the table where they'd left him. Without thinking, she let go and broke into a run. "<Arrin, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, oh gods let him just be resting-->"

Arrin, meanwhile, was snoring slightly, getting no more than dismissive looks from passing servants.

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