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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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One Very Perplexed Dark Druid

The bra was caught by one of the servants who was quickly knocked out with a right jab by another servant! That servant was tackled for the bra! The winner rose up to run but was kicked in the back of the head and subsequently tackled! Another person arose with the bra in hand and jumped over the fallen people before rushing back into the castle shouting at the top of his lungs! He was close lined by a hidden man who quickly ran off with the bra in hand!

Ixion: So surrender then?

Servant Man: Oooooh my stomach ...

His friend quickly picked him up and they chased after the retreating crowds. Ixion let out a light chuckle.

Ixion: That was actually rather amusing of you. Someone simply begs you enough and they get what they want because .... why exactly? I'm curious.

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"Because look at them, fighting over it like a bunch of starving dogs. If I fly away, Harold's just going to call upon another group the first chance he gets. It's only a temporary solution to a problem that won't die out for quite a few more years. I swear, I'm going to go in there right now and call him out." she said before taking a quick burst into the air to fly over the group before stomping off inside to confront Harold.

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After taking a seat, they remained quiet for a while before Harold mentioned his reward. "How did such a man defeat the demon king?" He muttered. "No wonder you wanted to remain as far as you could away from him. Shit, he's drunk too...."

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Before The Storm

As the servants rushed after the current bra carrier, that carrier was beaten down by someone else, and the prize stolen yet again. By the time they'd reached the ballroom Harold was already sitting at a table on the far side of the ballroom still drinking! Meanwhile Ixion had followed after the crowd at his own pace. When he reached the ballroom again, he only saw Harold, the headmaster had taken off and was nowhere to be seen. Two men were both running toward Harold with each holding half of the bra!

Ixion: She gives up too easily.

He held out his hand and the bra was wrapped in dark energy before being pulled from their hands and flew back to him! He pocketed the bra, turned around, and left. Harold stood up nearly furious!

Harold: Who does he think he is?! What are you waiting for?! Go after him!

Man: Did you see what he did out there?! He attacked us with magic and knocked Keenan out with his bare hands!

Harold: Hmph! I'll get the goods myself then, and the rest of you can just forget about the gold then! You should be grateful I even let you off that easily!

He stormed out of the ballroom with his hand firmly placed around Vox's hilt!

Harold: I'll find you, Druid boy ...

Once Ixion was outside he stood tall in the middle of the path to the gate waiting for Harold to appear. Once he did, Ixion crossed his arms and gave the man a cold stare. The enraged hero drew his sword and held it pointed straight at Ixion!

Harold: Hand them over!

Ixion: In a moment. I'm waiting for someone ... she should be back here very soon, I think.

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"How about now?" asked the infuriated headmaster, stepping behind Harold. "Harold, I'm sick and tired of your constant lechery! For more than twenty years you've hounded me, and tonight you DEFIANTLY crossed the line! You revealed my identity to the public and made me the target of one of your damned underwear hunts!" she lurched forwards and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar, lifting him off the ground. She pulled back her free hand and swung at his face, smashing away at him. Her amber eyes seemed red with rage, almost identical to that brought on normally by her berserk rages. She didn't know when she stopped or how long it took, just that her knuckles felt like they were about to shatter from wailing on Harold.

"Don't think you will get off so easy Harold. Kaileen and I did worse to you oh-so-many years ago. I'm going to take you to the highest, coldest, mountain I can find and leave you there. I've had it with your games."

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"*Hic* Some ball some ball," said Alferis, waiting for Esphyr to return, and watching other members of the group dance, like Charlotte and Eric and Tessa and Luc.

"I *hic* wonder who that girl is with that hideous man," he wondered aloud, a little loudly. Unfortunately a few other nobles nearby heard and pounced.

"Hideous noble? How dare you. I look perfectly fine. And you leave my girlfriend alone."

"He's not talking about me is he?"

"What an oaf, saying something like that aloud."

"What in the-? I wasn't talking about you *hic* dick, I was talking about the redhead with the long hair. Now if you'll *hic* excuse me, I'll be on my way," said Alferis, preparing to leave.

"How dare you call me a dick! I don't see how a freak like you is around to parade himself in such nice armor, let alone attend this ball," the nobleman Alf insulted began, but a harsh glare from Alf silenced him immediately and he headed towards Tessa, Luc, Von and Kamilla. Guess they're done dancing.



There wasn't much else to do here. She wasn't particularly hungry or thirsty and chatting with the nobles was a waste of time. She headed towards Heinz, walking a brisk pace in her dress.

Wonder how drunk he is. If he is, he might spill something later and then I'll be free from that clown. Maybe a conversation is a good indicator.

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"For the best?" Tristan asked Alex. "Perhaps you're right, but what kind of ruler am I going to be if I don't know anything outside this city?"

Charlotte blushed as Eric complimented her. "Thank you Sir Eric, I-I think you are quite handsome as well. But you do not need to be so humbled by me, around you I'm...just Charlotte really." she finished awkwardly. (OOC: You can probably tango now without too much fuss)

At the mention of Kamilla, Morgan briefly turned her head towards her and listened to her converse. No mention of any Septimian Reformist activity, she either hasn't gotten her memory back or she's a spy of some sort. she thought to herself.

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Count Luc Altair

"Yes, very well my good Duke. I shall help investigate the truth of this matter." As Luc was answering Duke Von, Harold made his surprising announcement. What the hell was that about? Luc thought. He didn't care for the gold reward--or about the whole thing actually--but headmaster? The only headmaster Luc could think of was of TSIME, but wasn't that headmaster a woman? Was he actually a crossdresser? But, Harold did say she, and wings. Wait, didn't that woman with Ixion have wings? Was that the headmaster? As Luc scanned the crowd to look for the apparent woman, he saw nothing. Harold some time after, seemed to be seated off to the side, basking in the carnage he had caused. As whomever won the pile contest charged off towards Harold, Ixion had reappeared, taking whatever it was that Harold valued so much and stormed off. With Harold hot on his heels. This was a giant mess, and Luc reasoned if Ixion or Damian hadn't left Harold in the first place it might have been averted.

EDIT: Removed things Luc shouldn't have seen.

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The Fallen Hero

Of course under the flurry of the Headmaster's punches Harold had already passed out. Ixion sighed and quietly slipped her the missing item before crossing his arms.

Ixion: Question. Do you actually believe that this situation couldn't have been handled more efficiently? The man is obviously drunk, and this is Septimus after all. Their currency is almost worthless, people aren't that difficult to buy here.


She peeked over to see that Charlotte was a little bit distracted at the moment.

Viveka: ... (Ooo this might be our chance. Now for some bored snob to tell the orchestra to speed up ...)

Levski and Daneka

The two continued their waltz as before trying to ignore what had just happened concerning Harold and Ixion.

Lev: Why did Ixion just go and piss off Harold?

Daneka: Who knows, just focus on me for now.

Lev: You're sure we have to wait until a tango comes on for you to answer my questions?

Daneka: Oh what's ze matter, Monsieur Levski? You didn't just come to interrogate me, did you? Zat would break my heart.

Lev: Come on, the waltz is boring.

Daneka: No kidding >_>

The Blue Pill or The Red Pill

Kiev had gone from being fed grapes to being chased around by wild stallions! Normally he would fly away but couldn't! His wings weren't listening to him! Worse yet, these wild horses were evil! They trampled over perfectly good rabits and smashed up human made objects just to catch him! He'd been running for weeks and they'd chased him around the world non stop! Suddenly something appeared before him! It was a giant bull wyvern! It's entire hide was black, and it had strange shiny things covering its eyes! When he was forced to stop, he quickly looked back to see that all the evil horses had been killed by Irina and Lev, both wyvern riders still stabbing at the corpses with lances just to be sure!

Kiev looked up at the massive wyvern and awed at him! The wyvern began speaking to him in what could only have been some form of wyvern language. After learning that the world he was in was not the real world, Kiev gawked! That couldn't be true! Those horses were real and dangerous, in addition Lev was there. Lev was always real ... maybe? The wyvern eventually opened up both of his massive paws! In one paw, a red chicken, in the other, a blue chicken. The wyvern then told Kiev that if he ate the red chicken, he would wake up to the truth, but if he took the blue chicken, he would show him a rabbit hole that infinitely produced rabits.

Kiev ate the blue chicken ...

EDIT: Fixed a typo and added a couple of segments.

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Cess and Rita:

"It's a lot quieter up here." Rita plopped down on a lounge chair, and noticed the large spiral cases of books lining the room. She picked one up that had fallen from the various piles around the room. "Necromancing for dummies. Weird." Rita threw it at the wall.

"Be more careful to books." Cess opened the window and stepped on to the balcony letting in a cold breeze. The starry sky above the town made it look quite peaceful.

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"Of all possible solutions, this is the only one which seemed to lead to me being able to punch out the man who's been doing this to me from the day I met him right now." she said as she took her clothes back, holding it under her arm. "Excuse me. I need to go somewhere without prying eyes."

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"Yeah, I dunno... This one's not bad enough to make me worry too much extra, but still... at least nothing's happened so far," Kelas said with a shrug, despite the gesture's uselessness. "Not much we can really do for the moment, but better bored than attacked, I guess." She got up and walked around the room, looking for anything that might be interesting, but there wasn't much more than the chairs and washroom, a bed, and an empty wardrobe. She sat back down, yawning. "Can't even get used to sitting still for a few hours... Things like this kinda make me realize how much life's gone mad, not that it was ever really sane to start out with. Wonder what it'll be like when this is all done with..."

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As the headmaster walked off to ... re-assimilate her garment, Ixion looked down at Harold noticing that the hero had just regained consciousness. The man looked over at the headmaster and then up at Ixion.

Harold: Feisty, isn't she?

Ixion: ... you would know, wouldn't you?

Suddenly several women ran up to Harold from the castle entrance nearly in tears at the sight of him!

Woman: Oh no! Lord Harold! Are you okay?! Who did this to you?!

One of them turned to Ixion and without thinking ran up and slapped him in the face!

Woman: You coward! Jealously attacking a hero while he's drunk and defenseless!

Ixion: (Why am I not surprised that I'm the first accused and not the angry wind spirit over there? Heh. Slaves. All of you.)

Woman: Well? Don't you have anything to say for yourself?

Ixion: Indeed. Get lost, or wake up on top of a clock tower. Your choice.

Woman: *gasp*

Harold quickly coughed and put out his arms expecting the women to raise him up, and sure enough they did. He laughed and shot back.

Harold: Ah ignore him, ladies. He's just Mana's little study buddy. Now who wants to help me get back to the Skyside Inn and put me to bed? ... and stay the night of course ...

The girls squealed and helped him over to the wagon that was still waiting.

Harold: Eh, it is a shame Percy missed out on this. Then again I don't need the hassle.

The women quickly helped him into the wagon, and they were off. It seemed Harold had left one woman richer for his injuries. Ixion sighed and waited for the headmaster to return.

Their Boredom Continues

Iso: What it'll be like when we're done with this ... faux pas quest?

Iso put his fist against his cheek and slipped into his thoughts. He couldn't quite put his face on the person that was standing in front of him, but he knew who the woman was by title. He looked over his fantasy self and saw the garbs of an archsage. A smile crept up onto his face as a result and he let out a slight chuckle.

Iso: ... as long as I'm alive ... there is a chance for "after this is done with". You have your brother now. Are you going to just go back to traveling and take him with you?

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"I don't even know... Arrin's probably going to want to go back to his studies, and he's old enough that that's his decision to make. No idea what I'll do with myself then." It was a little unsettling, Kelas realized, the thought of not knowing where she'd go. She'd wandered around aimlessly before, of course, but that had been for the few miserable years between her unceremonious exit from the tribes and finding out that Arrin was out there... it wasn't really the sort of thing she wanted to go back to. "Guess I never really thought about it... not sure I like the idea of wandering aimlessly again, but I'll probably end up doing it anyway until I work out what to do with myself. Any idea what you're gonna do?"

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He took a lean back and put his arms behind his head. Instead of the same images he'd imagined before, this time he could tell that he was seeing old memories, and for once they weren't that bad.

Iso: Before any of this started at all, before the group, before Shanice, and before Proxima, I wanted to become an archsage. Seemed like a fantastic idea at the time. There was another thing but ... urr it's stupid. I'm primarily focused on achieving the title and rank of an archsage. When I left that was my goal but I got hounded at every turn. (And to think that the person I was seeking for training wasn't even a human after all ... urgh. I thought I'd gotten over that.)

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"Guess I'm the only one who doesn't really know..." Kelas sighed. "Ehh, I'll work something out... eventually."

What was there for her to do, really? she wondered. Back then, she'd survived by doing odd jobs, guarding caravans, mercenary work, whatever put food on her plate... but that wasn't any way to live, she'd learned. Really, she should find someplace to live besides her saddle, but how would she pay for it? She was getting ahead of herself, she thought, what would it be next, a family? The utter impossibility of that last provoked a laugh, quickly suppressed. "Ahh, I don't know..."

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Duke Von had seemed pleased with her curtsy, and her manners, so Tessa was feeling quite good about how things were proceeding, even if the meeting had only just begun. However, right after the noble had returned the greeting, he introduced his own date. It really had been just as Luc had said, and was not simply a case of unrelated persons sharing a name either. Standing before her once again was Kamilla, long lost to the party.

The other woman had come out from behind the duke, stammered out a recognition of her own, and moved a little closer. Tessa couldn't restrain herself. She knew it probably wasn't the best of manners, but throwing decorum to the wind she closed the rest of the gap and tightly embraced the missing priestess.

"Kamilla! It's been so long since you went missing at the swamp..." she exclaimed. First instincts having been followed through with, Tessa suddenly found herself wondering something incredibly vital: Was this the child-like Kamilla before her now, or was it the Kamilla from before? Unsure how to inquire without airing everything in public, she just separated from the hug and asked simply, "You've... been well?"

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A few moments later, the headmaster returned to Ixion. Gone was the brassiere from her hand and a sickened look seemed to cover her face. "How in the hell did a man like that ever become anything more than a alleyway murder?" she asked, looking off-put. "And I can't believe what I just did."

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"Hey there *hic* lady. Oh ye name is Kamilla?" said Alferis hearing Tessa call her that. "A pleasure to *hic* meet ye. I'm called Alferis. And I see ye guys've me *hic* already. How so?" he asked curiously.

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Chase held his hands out awkwardly to Morgan, and tried to dance, and had difficulty do to his lack of practice. "... Sorry if this is awkward for you," he muttered in apology.


Conrad watched with amusement as Harold was dragged out of the ballroom by the headmaster and Ixion. "Serves him right, trying to make himself dominant in a foreign country."


"General Jackson? My brother used to be a soldier under him till he got in trouble. Do you guys know he's here? I wonder how he got invited... oops, I think I just ratted him out. Uh... gotta go?" Clara stammered, and started to walk away.

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"... I see what you mean, to an extent," Alex said, looking down. "But, it would also mean you would rule the way your parents wanted you to, continuing the cycle of tradition... I cannot advise you what to do, Prince, but perhaps you should choose for yourself what to do."


"Much obliged. And, perhaps in private, milady," Eric said, still smiling. "In public, that would be a bit awkward, no?"


"... I hope the headmaster beats the tar out of him," Dani said, the druid guy led Harold out of the ball room. "It would serve him right. That's what you get for trying to have a giant harem."

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"Ugh, he's not gonna live long like this....." Helios muttered getting up out of his seat. "Can I get you a drink?" He offered. "Im gonna get one for myself as well so........."

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Iso: Uhh, I wouldn't worry about it too much, Kelas. This isn't close to being over yet, because we aren't ready. If it is close to being over then we aren't going to survive anyway. (Whoa ... did I just say that the way I think I did? Whoops. I didn't mean to sound so negative.)

Iso quickly shot up in his chair and leaned forward.

Iso: What I mean is ... we're not ready yet. We will be.


While she waited for Heinz to get back, she noticed her face getting warm, among other things. She looked around wondering if anyone else was experiencing the heat. Not a single sign of discomfort in sight save for Duke Von who was alone in that regard. She was looking for numbers and didn't find them.

Irina: (What's wrong with me? Am I getting a fever? That's crazy, I never get sick, ever! What's going on? Heinz, I think I need help here ...)

In Honor of Harold

A servant man having heard about what happened outside came rushing into the ballroom with tears in his eyes! He shouted out as loudly as he could to get attention!

Servant: *sniff* ... this is ... just terrible! Harold is ... Harold was defeated in battle! Harold has fallen in battle everyone! I can't- ... it's just ... Ereeeeeg!

A woman came up to the man and he sobbed in her arms for a good ten seconds before raising up a glass. He may have actually been drunk himself from the looks of things. He quickly raised up his glass hoping the room would toast with him!

Servant: In honor of Harold! He lived as few men dared to dream, and fought honorably!

Nobleman: (Goodness, he's not actually "dead" is he? Mm.) Here here! May the man find peace in the bosom of a truly perfect and angelic woman. To Harold.

Servant: TO HAROLD!!! :sob:

Across the room, Daneka chuckled a bit and pulled Levski in a bit closer before whispering to him. A bit of a mischievous grin showing up towards the end.

Daneka: You want to talk, now's ze time, Monsieur Levski.

Lev peeked over at the orchestra and then back at the Colonel who was still grinning at him.

Lev: (Eh, the woman just wants some fun, and I really need to know what's going on here so ...)

Meanwhile Viv was caught up in the Harold business again. The toasting had really peeved her too.

Viveka: Grrr, alright, enough about him. I hear enough about him in Ilyphina. Me and the others once made the mistake of going to one of those huge parties and almost ran into him. If he got killed outside then the world's a bit safer for women, and he's probably got enough kids to not have to worry about his bloodline. There's seriously no downside to him going down in battle.

She cleared her throat and looked down a bit, embarrassed by her own rant. Part of her was trying not to laugh at herself, the other was trying not to cave in under the guilt. Knowing she didn't care if someone like him actually died at a party made her feel awful once she realized what she sounded like.

Viveka: ... that was terrible.

Meanwhile Jasmine was left standing there as Clara hurried off! She stood there not sure what to do. Alphonse stood beside her with a blank stare on his face.

Jasmine: ... I didn't even get to answer her question.

Alphonse: Hm. Is there anything else you need?

Jasmine: Wha ...?

She was a bit shocked for a second. Alphonse had been catering to her every whim so far, more like a personal bodyguard than an actual date. She was starting to notice.

Jasmine: Isn't there anything you want to do?

Alphonse: Nothing in particular. I'm fine here with you, Miss Jasmine.

Jasmine: (Wow. It's all about me this time isn't it?)

She quickly hugged him and buried her head in his chest!

Jasmine: Where were you manufactured?! I can't believe there are more than a handful of guys like you!

Alphonse: Pardon?

Duke Nukem Von-Sama and Kami-Chan ♥

Kamilla felt so relieved when Tessa hugged her. She even hugged her back, part of her excited, part of her still worried. She'd already run into Isotov and Kelas earlier, and Tessa being there merely by coincidence was unlikely. She didn't have time to deduce what had happened nor ask since Von was surely about to say something. When Tessa broke off the hug, Kamilla agreed a bit deep down. It was good to see her friend again but she was on a very short leash at the moment.

Duke Von of course as predicted became curious and spoke before Kamilla had the chance.

Von: Oh what is this? You two seem to actually know each other. Care to ex*hic* ... oh my!

Von covered his mouth embarrassed by his sudden spasm and looked around trying to find an escape route.

Von: Pardon my rudeness but if you'll all excuse me, I need to go freshen up a bit.

Not waiting for a reply, the Duke hurried off, leaving Kamilla with Luc and Tessa. She let out a deep sigh of relief and then smiled.

Kamilla: I'm so happy you're alright, Tessa. It wouldn't have been just for you to end up in jail with the rest of them.


Ixion: (And the true advantage is now mine ...) Well this has certainly been quite the experience. I learned a few interesting things tonight. I learned that there is an even more unstable and horribly irresponsible person out there than you. I learned that you've got more approaches to issues than limbs. And I even learned that you are almost as silly as that mercenary girl you like to coddle. I thought the problems you had with dark magic would need some addressing but ... maybe that is only the tip of the iceberg?

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As Tessa had parted from Kamilla, the good duke cleared his throat, and began a line of inquiry. His 'Care to explain?' was however cut off by a hiccough and he excused himself, likely headed to a washroom or something.

It seemed the reformist really was fine, though she hadn't answered the implied query about what had happened at the swamp. Still since it was quite possibly likely not the time nor the place for such discussion, she simply smiled and responded to the questions posed to her.

"I've been fine, really. There was... one incident which could have gone sour," she mentioned, recalling back to the arrows, "But all things considered I've made off far better than anyone else could claim."

Tessa decided to practice a little discretion of her own, and pretend not to have heard the mention of jail, and thus left things at that for the moment. Trying to steer the discussion to a new topic―the misadventures that had almost led to incarceration could always be answered better in a more private setting, away from prying ears―she decided to ask about 'why here, why now'.

"So, Kamilla... how did you come to be acquainted with His Grace? Luc here... I mean Count Altair, didn't seem to be familiar with you, and he mentioned having history with Duke Von."

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Count Luc Altair

So, Tessa and Kamilla really did know each other? Luc desired it to be a friendly knowing, and their words seemed to imply that. But did that freindliness extend to all members of the group? To Isotov maybe, at least. That was when Alferis interrupted. "My good man, perhaps it would be wisest for you to sit down until that nasty case of the hiccups passes." Then almost as if by design, Duke Von excuse himself for his own hiccups. Luc silently thanked whomever had tampered with the punch--he looked at Alferis--somewhat at least. Jail? Interesting. Luc was very interested in hearing that story, but Tessa tried to deflect the question, so Luc would not inquire any further.


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