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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Ixion: Hmph. Who spoke of a cure? And I'm only partially entertained by you. A newer version of you couldn't possibly be this irresponsible.

Once she went back into trying to point out his own seemingly inhuman views, he crossed his arms yet again, even leaning back slightly just as she finished.

Ixion: I sincerely hope you aren't trying to hurt my feelings with those words, Mana.


She gave a weak smile at his interest, her eyes staring down at the surface of the table for a moment, and then coming to meet Altion's.

Stephanie: Redwood is a large town built around a very large fortress. That fortress is the headquarters of Ivanko's mercenaries. I was born and raised there though I am not Zaftran. I suppose I feel confined and ... unappreciated because all of the men in my life are so ... so uncivilized. Ivanko seems to be the only one that ever listens to me, and if I want something from Ixion or my fiancee Ivan, I have to do a fair bit of pleading. Levski is almost not worth talking to anymore.

Shock and Awe

As others began to show up, Kamilla turned her head away. She didn't want to be recognized just yet and hiding her face was the best way to do that, regardless of how awkward it looked. Without Duke Von around, she didn't have anyone to take cover behind. Running into Tessa was fine and the best possible person to find, Isotov was having mental problems it seemed and Kelas was helping him out, but Damian was the group's leader and Esphyr was dangerous.

The Tango

As the music picked up, both Viveka and Daneka's eyes darted over toward the direction of the music, and then back toward their partners! They both spoke to their dancing partners at the exact same time!

Viveka: Let's do this ...

Daneka: Let's do zis ...

As the orchestra began breaking into the main course, the two pairs moved to the center of the dance floor and the other couples seemed to be repelled as a result! A full blown circle formed around the two couples as they began their difficult and very flashy dances!

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The RP character whose RP'er is gonna be sad if Dani leaves :(

Walking over to the punch bowl, Helios started to have thoughts about what Eric said before. So I am a noble huh? A prince too. How the hell am I supposed to take care of a nation when I struggle to take care of myself. Not to mention I fail at protecting others. Gah screw this! I dont wanna be a damn noble. I dont wanna end up like one of those bastards. "Um sir." a noble nearby said. "Your glass has overflown." Helios felt some of the punch trickle down his sleeve. "Oh, sorry about that." He said hastily filling up another glass and heading back to the table. The noble had a skeptical look on his face. "What was he apologizing for? Oh well." He said going back to his business.

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"That sounds aweful. No person should be ignored, much less because of their gender Madame Stephanie. It must be stressful for you, to have to suffer so. You are a woman of great fortitude indeed." he said before moving away and bringing back a small cup of water. "May I offer you both a drink of cool water and a place to sit and a ear to listen?"


"If you use my real name when we are not in private, Ixion, you will wish I hurt only your feelings." said the headmaster threateningly. "I like having my privacy, the ability to hide from the troubles of the worlds. I can only smile for so long before someone either gets thrown across the room, or I leave. I'm a wind spirit, not a light spirit. Though I can be peaceful and gentle like a breeze, I can also be as destructive as a hurricane."

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As Alferis had drawn back a bit, giving Kamilla a little more space he continued to ramble, and managed to broadcast aloud the affiliation with Charlotte, and her true title. Considering the fact that as recipients of the gifts of Directus they were technically not here under involvement with her, directly, and also the fact that without knowing the full extent of the political climate, Tessa inwardly sighed to herself. The drink has certainly loosened his lips, tonight.

The priestess too, had continued to talk, whenever she could get in a word edgewise, and had finished with a question about what the plans for after the ball were. Before Tessa had had a chance to answer, Alferis let loose an unexpected invective. And his temper too, apparently! She was more than a little shocked as he had growled at her, and took a few involuntary steps away from the man, Kamilla's question pushed out of mind for the moment.

Smoothly flowing into the space she had vacated, Luc stepped forward in defense, both of her person and of her honor, much like she'd read about in tales. It was something she had never dreamed would ever happen, and she couldn't even claim to find any joy in it, given the circumstances. The axefighter was normally a rather agreeable sort...

The altercation quickly turned their little knot of people into the center of attention, nearby dignitaries and nobles peering on with interest, and other members of the group migrating over out of concern and curiousity. First to arrive was Pary, with an offer of herbs to dissipate the drunkenness, and Damian and Esphyr's arrival came shortly thereafter. Meanwhile it seemed the shock of Luc's slap had forced Alferis's eyes open, and awakened him to the realization of just what he had said.

An apology swiftly followed, and the former bandit tried to explain the situation to the newcomers, slowly becoming more and more despondent until he left. Count Altair too, filled in some of the details, and elaborated as necessary. Damian in particular didn't seem satisfied with the explanations, and had asked her what exactly had happened.

"It's... well. Alferis had been a little pushy, and was starting to..." at this point she noticed that Kamilla was doing her best to become a shrinking violet, and disappear back into the surrounding scenery. Deciding to try to cover for her, for at least the short term, she revised her planned statement, "...was starting to impose on the date of one of Luc's acquaintances. I'd mentioned he should take more care against being over-friendly, and well... apparently the drink had gone to his head. He didn't handle it well, growled at me and called me a... called a bitch. The Count quickly stepped in though, and everything else is more or less as related. He clearly understands what happened, and seems to regret it greatly. While it was a shock and a surprise... there's no lasting damage."

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Heli :D

Placing one of the glasses down, Helios sat across from Dani. Before he was about to take a drink, he caught sight of Aiya in a corner sobbing in Dani's glass. "Hey Dani." He said gesturing towards Aiya. "Wanna tag along?"

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"Don't worry about it Tessa." said Esphyr, the soft spot in her heart for troubadours, for what she would have been, leaking through in her voice as she tried to comfort the girl. "Alf is a good man, but drink goes to his head. Please, let him apologize tomorrow and forgive him."

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"Decide for myself...that is something easier said than done milady. But I thank you for your guidance nonetheless." Tristan said to Alex.

Charlotte smiled at Eric's comment. "You are right Sir Eric, I forgot myself there for a moment. We are here for political reasons, are we not?" As the faster dance started, Charlotte stepped off the dance floor and encountered Alex and Tristan.

"Greetings Duchess." Charlotte said, cutrsying to the taller woman. "May I ask a boon of you?"

Morgan continued to listen in on Tessa and Kamilla's conversation. Going to the church tomorrow? Perhaps I'll leave it to Tessa to convince her to stop this course of action...and then we can intercept if necesary. Chase interrupted her musings with a dance invitation. "Err, all right." she responded, arms hanging stiffly at her sides.

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Hearing Tessa's explanation, she at the very least didn't sound harmed. As her explanation continued, however...

"He called me a... a bitch."

How could anyone even think such a thing about her? Damian was livid. Tessa was... she was a saint.

"What!?" Damian replied, more loudly than he had intended, fists clenched harder.

As he saw the man walking away, he was about to follow after him, something like that couldn't stand, he was going to...-

Damian managed to stop himself.

'I-If I keep going... I'll fall under its control again...'

Damian turned his head abruptly, as to not see the man leave... not follow his path. When he was sure the man had left, he turned back to Tessa, knuckles still white, and face still flushed with anger.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

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the Duchess & the Pauper

"Much obliged, Your Majesty," Alex said, curtsying. "I live to serve." More than you may think. As she said this, the Princess of Jerdon brought her escort over, a man whose name she could not recall, but looked a familiar.

"Err.., you may, Your Highness," she said, slightly distracted. "What shall it be?"

Eric, on the other hand, had simply bowed and smiled, letting Charlotte converse.


"Not right now," Dani said, watching the dancefloor. "Brother's having a bit of a dance-off."

OOC: I'll let you handle it, Phoenix.

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Ixion: Relax, would you? The more I learn, the less annoying you become, and I have no intention of enraging you as Harold does. I did feel that you deserve to know that I'm not as in the dark as I once was.

He let out a long sigh and let a grin creep up on his face, his crossed arms loosening slightly.

Ixion: I must say that, this has been even more entertaining than even discovering new ways to manipulate m ... (A pun ... hmmm.) Let's just say that I've almost enjoyed this near incident of a date. Now if you're finished making your point, perhaps it is best we simply go back inside. We can finish our talk later I suppose. Seems interruption wins this round.


Stephanie: Oh my yes, thank you so much, Sir Altion! I'm quite parched.

She cheerfully accepted the cup and slowly drank the whole thing before allowing the coolness wash over her.

Stephanie: Well ... I suppose the men mean well, but Zaftran mercenaries are so stuck in their ways I suppose. Forgetting politeness, spewing out obscenities left and right, missing church in favor of wyvern riding. The most a healer of the Goddess can receive for her efforts is a simple "Thanks" and such. I think I only really get to enjoy myself on these little expeditions or courtesy visits to other places.

Let's Talk

As the two couples began their dances, Daneka came very close to Levski, their noses less than a quarter inch from making contact.

Daneka: ... ask ... away. Heheheheheheheh ...

On the fly the two couples broke out into a wild untamed Tango, each move more precision demanding than the last! the nobles were surprised by the two pairs, and had no idea that one was trying to best the other! Every single time their tango entered a pause, Lev and Daneka would come close so their words wouldn't travel far.

Lev: Alright, why did you try to kill me and my boys at Giver's canyon after my last job here?

Daneka: The group I hired you to wipe out weren't who you zought zey were. Instead of taking out a group of dangerous rival mercenaries, you wiped out one of Halton's hidden attack cells.

Lev: What?!

They quickly ended their pause and went into their next move, the look of surprise on Levski's face lasted only second before being washed clean by the thrill of the dance! Their next pause he shot back immediately!

Lev: Attack cells?

Daneka: Monsieur Levski, you do know that Septimus isn't truly allied with any of ze ozer countries, right? The same with Halton. Each country has numerous ways of dealing wiz zreats to zemselves, and each country is plotting to dominate ze ozers in some way, shape, or form.

He held her up as they moved on into another flurry of fast and precise moves! Meanwhile, Viveka couldn't help but notice them speaking, though they were just out of earshot!

Viveka: (What the hell are they talking about ... and how are they dancing and talking at the same time? and ... how the hell is Daneka keeping up with me? She's been drinking vodka for Goddess' sake!)

As the next pause came, Daneka was leaning as far back as she could, her back almost completely horizontal, relying solely on Lev for support!

Lev: So it was a set up from the beginning? Hire mercs to wipe out a sleeper cell from Halton and then kill those mercs?

Daneka: Listen. When we found out who zey were, we had to get rid of zem immediately, but we knew zat zey would get a report out, we knew zat zeir commanders would learn ze truth. To prevent zat, we hired you. You could take care of zem and keep ze heat off of us. IMs have always been good at keeping zeir mouths shut as well and so we'd found a solution ...

He quickly picked her back up in time for the next part of the dance and quickly spinned her around seven times before entering yet another pause!

Lev: Then ...?

Daneka: Zen we got ze kill order in ze middle of your mission. I didn't know who gave ze order at ze time but ze outranked me regardless. You were already finishing zem off in Giver's canyon so ...

Lev: Yeah, yeah ... rocks fell ... luckily none of us died. But why did they want to wipe us out too?

Daneka: To make it look like a massacre? I don't know.

Lev: Sooo ...

Daneka: You and Capitan Viveka are so amusing. The King tells his knight to knock over a few pawns, and ze pawns get angry with ze knight. Heheh.

EDIT: Added the first part of the dance-off.

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Damn that looks interesting. Maybe I can stay an- no you idiot. You'll just make yourself look dumb. Okay hero, get it together. It cant be that bad. "Did Damian finally choose Esphyr over you?" He muttered pulling a seat over by Aiya and sitting down. "Im sorry, I just dont see anything else that can upset you anymore. Its really a shame to see someone as pretty as you crying like this..."

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As Helios sat down next to her and spoke, Aiya was snapped out of her daze. It seems she had been drinking a good deal of the punch, and was feeling a bit odd. Hoping to compose herself, she turned to speak to him.

"Oh... H-Helios..." she mumbled lightly.

"I... I just don't know... I don't know what to think... all I wanted was to have a bit of fun... a nice evening... but... look at me, sitting in a corner all alone downing punch that's probably drowned with alcohol..." Aiya said, frowning and crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"I guess I must look pretty beat up if you're coming to see me... I don't think we've ever even talked before..."

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Esphyr had come up, and offered some additional moral support, which she appreciated. "I do understand Esphyr. This isn't the first time I've seen good drink go bad. Brother Willis would occasionally hit the wine too hard. The Abbot would always discipline him after, and he would regret what he did... but it never stopped him from repeating it. While I know him when he's sober... I may just have to avoid him when he's not. For both our sakes."

Damian had a strong reaction to the explanation as well, and it had almost seemed as if he would explode, or chase the man down, but the soldier reined himself in in time, asking simply once again for confirmation that she was alright. "I'm fine, Damian. I know, you're worrying after me like a big brother now, but... please I'm entirely unhurt, merely was bit shaken, and it has already passed. There's... no need for anything further tonight. On the morrow... have a talk with him if you must, but for now..." she shook her head. "I don't think anything further is required."

Sighing a bit, she wished it would all just disappear. Things had been going so well, Kamilla had been found, and now this. She probably could use another drink to get her mind off of things. "Luc? Could you, get me a glass of wine, or punch or something?"

Smiling back at Damian and Esphyr, she added, "And you two can get back to your dance, there shouldn't be any more excitement. Oh... wait... the music is different isn't it? I don't recognize this dance... Huh... I'm sorry you got interrupted, truly, but I do appreciate your concern. Thank you!"

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"Cant remember." He sighed shifting his attention over to Damian. "Your probably gonna decapitate me and kick my head around after I say this." He took a deep breath. "Damian is an idiot but I know he cant be that dumb. He's always going to end up at the same place if he continues like this. Im pretty sure Esphyr was in your shape before he picked her again. Now look at you. What kind of twisted game is this? Did he possibly think that he could have both of you? Aiya I've seen Damian flirt with Esphyr a lot and yet you still havent objected. I would tell you to move on but there is still hope for you. What you do is totally up to you. Shit you must be drunk, I must have totally wasted my time here. Wanna decapitate me now?"

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"I... I just don't know... Damian... having feelings for Esphyr... is not what hurts me... what he feels isn't something I can control... I guess... what hurts is that... that I'm here alone... and there's nothing I can do... tonight he made his choice... and he didn't choose me..." Aiya managed to get out, choking slightly on her words.

"I just want to know he still loves me... I... he's the only reason that I'm here Helios... not here as in travelling, either... I would have died a long time ago if not for him... but now... what if I'm not good enough anymore?" Aiya asked Helios, desperate. He couldn't answer the question... she knew that. But asking it was important at the moment.

"And you're right... Esphyr must feel the same way... what do I do? I just... half of me feels like a bitch, the other half feels like a piece of trash that's been thrown away... what am I supposed to think?"


"Y-yeah..." Damian replied, calming himself down.

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Chase moved to he music oddly, and apologized, "This must be really strange for you... sorry. But we have to leave a good impression for Charlotte, right? It might bring us some allies."


Clara had walked to the dance floor, then began to twirl, dancing by herself, and she smiled at the impressed look most of the onlookers had. Not only is tis fun for me, but I can amuse others, too. I love these kind of parties, she reflected.


Conrad's attention was caught by the black-haired girl who talked to Jasmine, then skipped over and started dancing by herself. If that's who I think it is, I'm honestly stunned. What's she doing here? Hmm. The General approached Jasmine, asking, "Did you happen to catch that girl's name?" before noticing Alphonse. He glared at the swordsmaster before returning his attention to the matter at hand.

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Count Luc Altair

Damian had once again threatened to go into a rage, but Tessa's words had managed to soothe him. It was amusing, that the young girl seemed to have more power in the group than anyone else seem to realized. "Very well, it would be best to put aside this unpleasantness," Luc had wanted to stay. Overhear more of Tessa and Kamilla's conversation, but it would be too suspicious--and rude--to stay when something was asked of him. "If you'll all excuse me."

Luc edged around the dance floor and made his way back to the refreshments table. Once he arrived, he only just remembered what Duke Von had said. Was the punch spiked? Luc's own glass was fine, but maybe it was something in the other bowls? Luc looked at the six separate bowls, not recognizing which was the one he drank from earlier. He frowned, it would be irresponsible to just blindly guess which one was non-alcoholic, if any of them were spiked. But Tessa did say she could have some wine instead. Yes, that would be all for the better. In fact, he probably should have asked if their was a specific brand she wanted. Would she even have a specific brand? Luc shook his head at his own questions. No, just grab a bottle he was familiar with and take it over.

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"Would you be able to arrange a meeting with your father?" Charlotte asked Alex. "Naelia wants one of the mercenaries in our group to speak with him for some reason. I have no idea what business he wold have with her, but she is stealing items from us until she meets with him, so it is somewhat urgent."

Morgan nodded "I suppose so. At the very least we won't be incarcerated or on the run like we were in Elysimia. Hopefully we will have no reason to return there.

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How do I put this into words that wont get me killed? This is hard. "I cant answer that, Aiya." He said simply. "Wether you are good for him or not is something you have to decide. Aiya, you put Damian needs before yours, that is why you are in this state. Maybe you can start to take your needs into consideration before his because clearly, he's ignoring yours."

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"...I am, too." Reassured that Isotov wasn't going to give up, Kelas looked up from contemplating the floor.

She noticed two things in quick succession: One, with both of them sitting forward, they were unusually close together, and two, her pulse had just sped up ridiculously. These were both startling developments, and the latter could potentially be interpreted to mean that there was some sort of danger about. She jumped to her feet, pausing to listen. "Is something..."

For a few seconds she heard nothing, but then, as she started to think she'd been mistaken, a scratching was heard at the door. Already on edge, she jumped in startlement, but kept from saying anything. She crossed to the door, cautiously opening it a crack.

It was enough space: the orange cat, tired of exploring Arrin's packs, the stables, and most of the palace, had arrived, and he was bored. His own human was currently asleep beyond the point of waking up with a pounce, so he'd have to settle for the other one that looked like his human. As Kelas looked dubiously at the cat, he sat down at her feet, giving a single meow to indicate that he would allow her to pick him up.

"Ah, just the blasted cat... go on, shoo," Kelas told it. Instead, it made a dash for her chair, curling up and immediately going to sleep.

"Well, I guess it's staying for the moment, then," Kelas muttered, seeing that the cat would not be dislodged. "Can't believe it hasn't run away yet."


Wandering the halls, Joren found himself lost again. "Miserable rat-warren," he muttered, sticking his head into the next large room he could find in the hopes that it would contain servants.

It was the library, and there were apparently some guests hiding out-- oh. "Oh, it's you two," he remarked to Cess and Rita. "You wouldn't happen to know the way back to the ballroom, or, failing that, out of the palace, would you?"

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Iso was in the dark about what was happening at first. There were sounds, but nothing he could be sure of, he wanted to ask Kelas what was happening, but he could feel the movements being made and decided to stay quiet and listen for a moment. All at once it seemed, everything became clear! A simple meow gave the answer and Iso sighed in relief before laughing at Kelas' comment about the cat.

Iso: So we've got a guest? Wait, the same cat? How does he manage to follow us everywhere we go? Furthermore, why? We aren't exactly the best animal caretakers and we get into a lot of trouble.

Jasmine and T-800 Unit: 9738

Alphonse gave the General a blank stare in return. Jasmine gave a quick habitual salute much like Viveka's and then spoke up.

Jasmine: Her name, Sir? Oh no, it was on the tip of my tongue. What was it?

Alphonse: Clara if I recall correctly.

Jasmine: Oh right! Thanks, Alphonse!

She quickly came up to Conrad and whispered into his ear!

Jasmine: This guy is SO cooooool!

After leaning away she blushed and took a quick glance at Alphonse before looking back at Conrad. Alphonse had hear exactly what she said, but didn't react to it in the slightest.

Jasmine: Do you need anything else, Sir? I'm ready, willing and able!

The Dance of Information Continues

The next pause came swiftly, and so did the next answer!

Daneka: Ze one who ordered us to kill you was some old general. He's dead now though I zink.

Lev: ... urgh. Here I am holding a grudge against the wrong person.

Daneka: Oh, don't feel bad Levski. Everyone makes mistakes ... or at least follows ze orders of zeir superiors and making zeir mistakes for zem. And in your case, you're only human. Humans hold grudges. I'm just happy you didn't forget me, heheh.

After awhile Lev was starting to get very distracted. The vodka had already taken hold on him and he was buzzed but with his hands un-gloved every move and twist had him holding her in a number of different ways.

Lev: (Damn do I ever miss these.)

Viveka was still having a hard time wrapping her head around the situation, though she didn't let that stumble her or Derek. They were in perfect unison as well.

Viveka: (Grrrr! Howisshekeepingupwithus?!)

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The conversation appeared to have turned to the behaviour of drunken Alferis, without resolution of the church issue. Morgan approached the chatting pair, not heeding common coutresy and cutting in.

"Kamilla, I would highly recommend not reporting us to any authorities. It will end poorly for you and whoever else is involved, I assure you."

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Kamilla's Gambit

It was the Evil Black Lady herself! Kamilla couldn't believe her eyes as she turned around to see her same as before, and threatening her yet again! She wouldn't stand for it this time though! There were people around who could help her she thought! She quickly leaped back holding sanctuary close to her chest and pointed her finger at Morgan! Shivers ran up her entire body as she spoke!

Kamilla: S-s-stay away from me, you! You criminal! I'll ... I'll tell everyone what you did and you'll be hauled off by the guards to a prison cell if you try to hurt me again! This isn't some back alley, you know! Stay back!!

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Morgan sighed. "I thought you would get your memory back eventually, but I did not imagine you would simply repeat your previous mistakes. Apparently, you still feel the need to meddle in other's affairs, but we will eliminate any threats to ourselves if necessary. As for the supposed crime, I don't think you have any way of proving it."

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Gambit Gambit Gambit

She took a step back and kept her shaky hand pointed at Morgan as best she could!

Kamilla: J-just stay away from me! I ... I might not be able to prove what happened the first time, b-b-but you can't do it again! Not with all these people watching! Those weapons you're carrying are abominations and should be destroyed, but you've been corrupted by them and won't give them up for the greater good! What's worse is that you keep dragging innocent people like Tessa into your crime sprees with you! That is completely sick, and evil!

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