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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Iso: I'm the only one who could save her from this. My father wouldn't lift a finger, Ivanko wouldn't lift a finger, and Ixion nearly made sure it happened, but I won, and she's fine. Arrin may be a crimson weapon wielder but we'll still help him.


Stephanie: Oh he's indeed been met with quite a few thwacks I'll admit. Nonetheless, I feel there is hope. If Ixion can be saved, then surely Ivan can as well.


Servant Man: Oh thank you, headmistress! Thank you so much!

He bowed his head numerous times on his way. Some of the others were finally beginning to come around, but a sparse few were still thinking about their lost gold.

Man: ... screw you, Monty. Kicking me in the back of the head.

Ixion turned back to her and tilted his head ever so slightly.

Ixion: ... I somewhat expected that.

Kamilla ... At It Again

Kamilla: No!! Just let me gooo!! This is criminal behavior!! Duke Von!! Shamus!! Someone, Anyone!! HEEEELP!!!

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"Maybe you're right..." Aiya sighed, swirling the drink in her glass slightly.

"Thanks Helios... I needed someone to snap me out of that." She turned to him, wearing a slight smile.

"You act distant, but you aren't such a bad guy, afterall." she finished, giving him a light peck on the cheek in thanks.


It seemed that Kamilia girl was back... the reformist.

'They are making a ruckus already... goddammit I'm staying out of this one.' Damian decided, watching what the others would do.

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"Your........... welcome,............. Aiya." He muttered with a disturbed look on his face. Going back to the table, he sat down and downed his drink trying to get something out of his head. "Who won?" He asked Dani grabbing another glass of from one of the waiters.

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Iso: Hold on? Wait ... what are you talking about? (Whoawhoawhoa! Slow down!) Y-you don't have to ... go into it if ... you don't want to.

He looked away, even though that didn't really change anything.

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Kelas sighed, but walked back over. "Nah, I suppose I owe you a story now." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, not to bring her back to those days, but to shut them out.

"It was ten years ago. We'd just set up camp a few days ago near a trading town, the area was supposed to be safe. That was a lie. Bandits came after us, in the middle of the night. We weren't exactly a small tribe, but they got us by surprise. Scattered the flocks, started grabbing things, set the tents on fire. My da was in the fight immediately, my ma joined in healing a few minutes later. Arrin was asleep, and I was to mind him.

"They finally got our tent burning, so I grabbed Arrin and my bow-- we learned 'em young, to keep the flocks safe-- and ran outside. They'd grabbed a couple of the little ones, I guess they'll buy and sell everything, and when I came out with Arrin, they grabbed him off me. I... I couldn't hold on.

"Soon as they did that I was shooting at them all, but I was crazy, could hardly aim, and not strong enough to do much damage anyway. I nearly took out the one what had Arrin, but he'd got to his horse by then and slung him over the saddle.

"I ran out of arrows. They'd decided I wasn't worth the trouble the smaller ones were, would've just left me with an axe through me if some of our horses hadn't been loose. A few of the horses surrounded me and kept anyone from coming near.

"The wind was picking up, now there was fire and smoke everywhere. My parents, most of the adults were dead. The bandits went to leave. I tried to chase after, but it didn't help, all I could see was Arrin slung over the back of one's saddle, getting further and further away. Piece of burning tent caught me in the back though, and I went down. It was a mercy, almost. The burns knocked me unconscious right quick, so I... didn't have to watch."

She started pacing again. "Then, I couldn't hold on. Spent nine years thinking Arrin was dead or worse. Instead, it seems that one of the bandits' other raids had bagged them Daranau, and it somehow got bound to him and scared them all off. I couldn't protect him then, but that damned book saved him. But now it's killing him. Just a little delay in the consequences of me not holding on."

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"It was a tie, but they both did perfect!" Dani said, as Helios walked by. "I thought Brother might've been rusty, but, I guess not!" Good to see that he's getting along with everyone, so, no need for me...


"... He told me that he would be at the manse all day, tomorrow," the Duchess said, looking away. "You could just simply walk in..."


"Well, that was some of the best dancing I've taken part in," Derek said, wiping a small amount of sweat from his brow. "Good going, Viveka. Now, dance some more, or retire, to the punch?"

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"Ixion? Who is that?" asked Altion. "And, Dame Stephanie, I'm sure you can save him no matter what. Just be sure to scare off the tramps he may try to bring home. I woulds't want you to end up a mother of two children with a father whom is sleeping around."


"Expected what?"

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Iso: ... I think losing your brother for all that time was consequence enough. What happened with him being severed was the group not being watchful and alert. No one looks after each other (I guess that means Helios is done for next time around.). I wasn't there and I have no idea what it must have been like but I don't think there was anything you could have done, Kelas. The fact that you couldn't put up much of a fight yourself is probably the only reason you were left alone in the end. Err ... I know it's a lousy silver lining but it's something, right?


Stephanie: Ixion is the Dark Druid I came here with. He's Ivanko's most trusted man and a bit on the dark side in more ways than one. But yes I will not let Ivan fall so far as to abandon our future family for filthy one night stands. It's horrendous and disgusting to say the least.


Ixion: I somewhat expected a nice gesture from you.

The angry man quickly called over!

Man: Hey! I'll give you a nice gesture!

He quickly flipped them off with his middle finger and then crossed his arms before going into a pout and mumbling.

Man: F*cking Shaman and his too many wings chick. Screw the both of'em.


Viveka: You know normally I wouldn't have anything alcoholic. That leads to problems, but I think a little wine would be just fine. Something expensive as hell though. I'm taking advantage of the situation while I still can.

She held onto his arm ready to follow him over. Ignoring the screams from Kamilla was tough though. She'd at first assumed someone had passed out spilling read wine or punch on themselves and it had been mistaken for blood or some other thing, but cries for help were starting to unnerve her.

Viveka: Oh please for the love of the Goddess let this be a false alarm. Please, please, pleeeeease.

Levski's Point of View

As Kamilla tried to free herself from Reika, Levski stepped passed Luc and Tessa, Daneka's drunken form wrapped neatly around his left arm. He took one look at the situation and shot Morgan a mixed stare, part annoyed, and part concerned. He then faced the group as a whole and spoke up.

Lev: Okay so these girl is obviously relevant for some reason ... but let me get these straight. You guys are harassing a Septimian girl in the middle of a ball with guards everywhere and with no legitimate reason for doing so? Forget the fact that a Septimian Officer is on my arm, that's just icing on the cake.

He cleared his throat while covering his mouth.

Lev: Let me ask these as politely as I possibly can. ... ... ... WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING?!!!

The woman in the black dress and the vodka was a Septimian officer? Could she help perhaps? Kamilla could tell the woman was drunk, but she was close enough to do something wasn't she?

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Count Luc Altair

The situation continued to grow further into a problem uncontrollable as everyone seemingly ignored Luc's advice to not do anything that would result in an actual chance of getting out free of conflicts. "If this is how all of you have acted than it's no wonder everything is such a wreck for you all." Luc's words would be ignored again, and he resigned himself to the inevitable guard action. Before that could happen though, Levski had walked up, dragging a woman with him. Luc looked at her, his face breaking slightly into surprise. Her. It was her. The reports he had read. That was the woman responsible for everyone's deaths. Yes, Luc had expected her here, but hadnt wanted to risk a direct confrontation. No, what he had a mind for her, was much more subtle, Luc looked back at Levski, pondering what the man's intent for the woman was. Was he simply going for strategic reasons? Or personal ones? The man had seemed level-headed enough at Luc's manor, and his trying to mediate--futilely and rudely--suggested to Luc it was the former. But there was always the chance for the latter. Luc resolved to let the man have his plan. Luc could wait. Oh yes, he could wait.

"Harsh words. But trying to simply placate everyone seems to be failing. Perhaps that is for the best," Luc acknowledged that Levski was bound to have more results than Luc had.

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"I guess thats fine." He replied. Then, his attention shifted towards the entrance where Reika had caught a girl and was holding her against her will. "Tch must we get kicked out from everywhere we go. I think Im gonna sit this one out, unless you want to be a hero and save her....."

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Chase sccowled at Kamilla as he made a struggle. "Always have to ruin things for us, don't you? Hmph." he grunted, then turned to Levski. "Kamilla has pretty much made every possible attempt to get us killed that she can. Plus, she's kind of a bitch," he told him, lowering his voice slightly to avoid her hearing it, then remembering that he didn't care much for her opinion.


Conrad approached Clara through the clouds, and raising his voice, he asked her, "Clara! I'd like to see you for a moment."

Clara turned around at the sound of her name and paled. General Jackson? Oh, great. Sorry, Chase... "Um, just a second," she said in a squeaky voice before rushing over to him, blurting out, "Please don't hurt Chase."

The general laughed, telling her, "No, I know that he's here. He's managed to... redeem himself, and he's working for me now."

This brightened Clara's mood considerably. "Oh! Well, don't I look silly... I'm here for a sort of performance, but I don't know where everyone else is."

"That's all I wanted to know. You can resume whatever you were doing." The Dusk Knight strode off towards the liquor table, whereas Clara resumed her dancing with even more intensity, feeling free.

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Levski ... THE Levski

Lev: Let me guess, she thinks you're all criminals and-


Levski hung his head and sighed. He may have been buzzed, but he still had a better solution than the rest of them. Suddenly Daneka put her glass up to his mouth, startling him!

Daneka: Drink.

Lev: Huh?

Daneka: You'll need it.

Lev: For what?

Daneka: ... ... ....

She didn't have an answer and quickly forced the glass to his mouth and poured the vodka down his throat! He coughed once and then gave her a perplexed look.

Lev: ... you're already drunk aren't you?

Daneka: ... ... no.

He shrugged and turned to Kamilla. He walked straight up to her and ran his hand through her hair, the move frightened her into silence for a moment, then a very sharp pain caught her attention as Levski stealthily yanked out a strand of her hair! She winced when it happened and when he backed away, she could see him putting his hand into his pocket.

Kamilla: What was that for?! ... isn't ... isn't anyone going to help me?

Lev: Reika. Let'er go. Now. I won't say it again.

Kamilla: Huh?

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Family reunion, Tora style :newyears:

A good distance away from the table, Jenny could be seen looking at Helios. Sayer, a little confused interjected. "My queen, you wouldnt happen to have a crush would you?" The queen frowned walking over to Helios. Helios seem to have noticed her presence and turned towards her direction.

"May I help you?" Helios asked, annoyance can be seen on his face

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"Why would i tell you that?"


"Its Helios, what do you want? Who are you for that matter?"

"Your prince Tora, Im its queen...."

"..... Your ......" A wave of nausea hit Helios causing him to stagger back.

"Lord brother?"

".............. No..... it cant be..... I refuse to...."

Sayer arrived shortly breaking the silence. "My queen? Is that the young lord?"

OOC: Music for the situation

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"I did fight back, but not hard enough. If I hadn't fought, I would have been dragged with too. If I'd managed to hold on, we both might not have been taken, and he wouldn't have got the weapon in the first place." Kelas stopped pacing again. "And now I've gone and had my chance to make up for it, and failed that too."

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Isotov: You haven't failed yet. He's still alive. We don't know for how long, but at least we've still got some time. If I thought I was done as soon as I lost Proxima I ... heh, well I guess it's obvious but I'm not counting anything as a failure until we're dead, and at that point we won't be around to care. It's a good enough philosophy to get me through the current situation.

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"Hmmm. I can sympathize with her," said Reika, letting her go.

"The fact is, you are criminals. All of you. Deal with it," she growled at Chase. "I wouldn't play the innocent card dog. We're even harboring people here who were criminals before they ran into you guys. Now lady, what exactly did they do to you?"

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The Snitch

Surprised by her release, Kamilla quickly began spilling her story as fast as she could! If someone would only take her side, then maybe she wouldn't have to run away after all! Unbeknownst to her, a noble had picked up her tome and began thumbing through it out of curiosity.

Kamilla: Well first, I managed to get a waitress job at an inn in the town I was heading through, and then they showed up and nearly burned the place down! Then Irina conned the guards out of 2,000 gold and led them right to us! Her wyvern attacked them and Kelas led them on a wild goose chase! Then they kidnapped me and forced me to travel with them instead of turning themselves in! Eventually we ran into Percy and instead of surrendering, they attacked him too! Then they dragged me all the way to Istample and threatened me constantly! Then there was Chase's stupid Cobalt caves! And the battle at Selizara fortress, and then we got captured, and instead of staying put, I got dragged along during their escape! As soon as we reached Ilyphina, Morgan used a memory wiping spell on me and botched it! Everything from there on out is ... ... not really something I want to get into ...

Lev: ... ... ....

Daneka: Mm hm hm hm hm hm ... and zey call me a criminally insane bitch, teehee.

Lev: ... oi.

Levski came over to Morgan while Daneka blissfully wobbled along. Once he reached her he whispered into her ear.

Lev: I already have these handled. There's no consequence in letting her go for now. We don't want to cause an incident, and I can guarantee you she won't make it out of the city before we catch her.

Daneka: Levski, zat's not fair! I want to know what you're tell her!

Lev: Too bad.

Daneka: Why are you so mean to me?

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"Ah. So you got dragged into them by their own incompetence I see," said Reika, rolling her eyes. "Don't worry about them. They're idiots, I doubt they'll last much further. Hell, I'm even shocked they survived this far. They'll probably kill each other, they have no sense of loyalty for each other, with the exception of Morgan's League of Asskissers," she said, looking in Chase, Tessa, and Lev's directions.

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"I didn't know Jace let people in without an appointment." Charlotte said, shrugging. "I suppose when you're a hero, personal safety is not a big problem. I'll tell Esphyr...eventually." she said, not really esger to talk with the mercenary.

"If you want to leave us Reika, by all means go ahead." Morgan said, glaring at her. "Anyway, perhaps it would be best if we just ignored Kamilla for the time being, you're free to do as you wish." she told the girl. Lev better know what he's doing...

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Count Luc Altair

Levski moved and grabbed Kamilla by her hair, ordering Reika to let go of the other girl herself. For whatever reason, she complied while complaining about the group harboring criminals and asking Kamilla what her story was. Luc listened with rapt attention as Kamilla related the series of events she had supposedly endured with the group. Though Luc had seen first-hand just how destructive they could be, believing her fully wasn't a smart decision. Some--no, most-- of the information seemed reliable though, and her fear of not wanting to speak about what happened after she left was clear enough. After the girl was finished speaking, Reika made a few accurate comments about the state of the group, and shortly after that whispered something to Morgan. Whatever it was, it had more an effect on everything than Luc's own efforts.

"So is everything finally settled?" Luc asked knowing he'd probably be ignored again.

EDIT: Typo + words.

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"I know... but I don't know how long he's got left, how long I've got to find the tome." Kelas paused, finally shooing the cat out of her chair and collapsing into it, dropping her face into her hands. "For all this ridiculous trip, I never thought that we'd all die... and I was never really afraid of dying... just...

"...Just of being the one who let my brother or one of my friends die," she finished quietly, staring at the floor through the gaps between her fingers.

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"Heh. Can't exactly leave. I'm in the middle of a job here, much as I'd like to leave along with that girl. Anyway, memory wiping spell? Geez Morgan, I know you're a bitch, but I didn't think you were that cold," she said with a smirk. She then looked directly at Chase.

"C'mon, is the pup gonna bark for the bitch? I can see you trying to rub up to her right now. Heh heh, dancing with her for you, I don't think I want to know whether or not you're rubbing against her. Geez, my date at least had enough class not to do that and he was drunk," she rolled her eyes.

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"Kinder to kill her I suppose? Or would you prefer to kill the people she would send after us? I fail to see how temporary memory loss is less justified than more unnecessary deaths, but then again I have a moral viewpoint that actually makes sense." Morgan addressed Reika, ignoring the Chase comments.

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