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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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Iso carefully stood up from the chair and started walking over to Kelas as carefully as he could. Every step was slow and nearly silent, a sign of how paranoid he'd become in a couple of days of blindness.

Iso: (I don't want her to feel like this ... but please don't let me trip and fall ...)

He realized he'd gone a bit too far when his foot lightly bumped hers! He took a step back and once he composed himself he knelt down, not quite knowing where she was, but still having a general idea. Darkness was the master of all deceivers.

Iso: You're not letting anyone die. I can tell ... and after this ball is over, everyone else will be able to as well. I don't know what else to say though. If we're not going to look forward then where are we going to look? My past is a complete and utter failure ... couldn't protect anyone, yours seems about the same. At present we've been severely handicapped. Getting better, getting stronger ... that's all I've got to focus on now. (Mmm, I don't think I'm helping much, am I?)


Levski turned back to Luc and gave him an "OK" sign with his right hand. Then he turned to Daneka who immediately ambushed him with another drink! He gulped it down startled and annoyed!

Lev: Urgh, dammit, woman, I do not want to get hammered right now.

Daneka: I can't trick you into doing zings for me if you aren't drunk, now drink!

She quickly forced him to down another glass.

Lev: ... dammit.

Kamilla nervously looked around at everyone and then started taking steps backwards until she bumped into the very nobleman who'd been reading through her tome! She turned around and gasped!

Kamilla: Sanctuary!

Nobleman: Hm? Oh my, is this yours by any chance?

Kamilla: Y-yes ... it is. May I have it back, please?

Nobleman: Why certainly.

He gracefully handed her the book with a smile.

Nobleman: Quite an interesting read, you know, hm hm.

She held the tome close to her chest and close her eyes.

Kamilla: Thank you.

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Count Luc Altair

The constant bickering between all these people had slowly began to irate Luc, but he had kept himself in check each time. But after Levski so easily calmed the latest trouble a new one flared up quickly to take its place. It was abominable that some of these people couldn't just keep themselves in check. Were it any other place Luc would have readily jumped in and began carving his own path in words, but here, in this hall, things had to be handled gently and no one gave enough of a care to do that. Except him, and he would do damn sure to keep himself in line. "You," Luc addressed Reika, "if you care so much about class then you would be at Sir Alferis' side right now."

Luc looked at Morgan. "And you, Dame Morgan," Luc added the title to see how she reacted. "Might realize it is entirely possible to get through without needless killing. If anything, killing is far too brutish and messy a tool to be used."

Reika had spoken again in the mean time, her words short and barbed. Luc didn't care enough for her insults to respond.

Luc noticed Daneka forced drinks into Levski's mouth, clearly wanting him drunk for some sinister purpose. Luc desired the man keep his wits about--he was the only one he had seen successfully mediate the group--but the rate at which he was drinking faded those thoughts away.

Luc turned over to Kamilla. "You should hurry and find Duke Von, or depart, whichever. Staying here will just add misery for all of us." If the girl chose to escape, Luc would have to take some action to prevent her from reaching a church official. He would probably need Paul's help for that, which made Luc desire that she would find the Duke.

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"... It looks like Lev has it under control," Derek noted, as the Zaftran stepped in, and the conflict dissipated. "Anyways... Wine, then? I guess it is better than whatever the punch is laced with, this year."

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"Yeah..." Kelas closed her eyes for a moment. The note of determination came back into her voice. "S'pose you're right... No place to go but forward."

She looked up. "...You got up. You didn't need to... I'm all right..." She reached for Isotov's hand, in order to help him work out where she was.

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Iso: I couldn't help it. Not a damn soul in this group cares more about safety than you, and I hate to see you beating yourself up for what happened. If we all had your stance on matters we wouldn't have lost a single life or weapon.

As she took his hand, he smiled.

Iso: It shouldn't be too long before they wise up and then we can get back to hunting down those demon bastards.


Irina's head was beginning to spin! She couldn't tell what was going on! All she knew is that she was feeling weird! She stood up from the table and wobbled around in a complete drunken stupor! Everyone around her was either staring at her awkwardly or ignoring her! Heinz was nowhere to be found! She desperately searched for a familiar face! She couldn't be left alone like this!


Viveka: "This year"? What the hell? They spike the punch? So I'm basically drinking alcohol to avoid drinking unusually high amounts of other alcohol?

She hung her head while resting her head on Derek's shoulder. A deep sigh came and was followed by a mutter.

Viveka: It's as bad as the regular parties.

That situation that just got resolved through magic Levski

Kamilla nodded at the Duke and then gave Tessa the best smile she could manage to let her know she was ... "alright". Unfortunately it hardly qualified as a smile at all. She then turned around and hurried off in search of Duke Von. Meanwhile Levski walked with Daneka to the exit as well, still occasionally being forced whole glasses of vodka. When they made it out of the hall, they saw Kamilla rushing down the halls deeper into the castle. Daneka smiled at the retreating girl.

Daneka: So cute ... *sigh* ... I miss my daughter.

Lev: Say what now?

Daneka: ... and my son.

Lev: ... I ... feel a story coming on here ...

Daneka: No ... not really. Stories are for people who are actually on ze same side.

She carefully sat down on a bench and leaned back against the wall.

Daneka: ... dammit. Now I'm depressed. Levski, cheer me up, please?

Lev: Ur-enough with the alcohol. I wasn't done asking you about what I needed to know yet.

He quickly took the glass and nearly empty bottle away from her and sat them down on the other side of the bench before sitting down next to her. She softly leaned up next to him resting her head on his shoulder. A dead tired look on her face.

Daneka: ... I know. Sorry about zat. At least you got to have one care free night partying with ze enemy, no?

Lev: I wouldn't exactly call it "carefree". ... I wouldn't call you an enemy either. You're Charlotte's problem, not mine.

Daneka: You are allies and you remain so precise. Zat right zere is why I respect you. If only I could get you on my side. You're allied wiz zem zough.

Lev: I'm just a mercenary.

Daneka: IMs don't switch to higher paying contracts once a job is accepted zough. So I'm out of luck until which ever one of zem hired you dies.

Lev: Morgan and Viveka.

Daneka: ... Hkrkkkkk ... guess I have to kill her after all if I want a Levski of my own, heheheheheheheheh!

Lev: >_>

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"Yeah." Kelas stood up. "Right now though, rest is probably a good idea. Here, I'll keep watch..."

She led Isotov over to the room's bed and let go once he'd bumped into it. "I'll be keeping watch out in the hall. You need anything, just ask."

So saying, she headed out into the hallway, sitting on the floor with her back to the wall. She wouldn't be able to fight off any threats without her bow, but hopefully she'd spot them in time to get people up and run.

OOC: Anyone who's out wandering the halls can bump into Kelas, provided they haven't just exited the ballroom or whatever.

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The headmaster sighed and shook her head in mild disgust and amusement. "People, some of them will never learn. At least I don't have to do anything. Give him some time and he will die and I won't even remember him."


"Lady Stephanie, this conversation has been most delightful." said Altion standing up and moving closer to her. "But I ask you if you would desire to join me on the dance floor again or escort you home?"

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"Hmmm? Where'd he go anyway?" said Reika, scanning the room for Alferis, but saw no trace of him.

"Huh. Well anyway, if that girl didn't prove your incompetence, then I dunno what will. I mean really, you're so stupid you burned an inn to the ground and you drag her alone for the ride when you're escaping. Then you refuse to let her go and threaten her not to turn you crumbs in. See, that's what criminals do."

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"You're one to talk about being a nice person. I doubt you have morals at all" Chase snapped. "Heh, I don't see you being good at much. All you do is condescend everyone, yet all you'd really be good at is, what, stealing and spying? You're not strong, particularly smart, or anything." he added.

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"Compared to you, I'm a certified genius. Now go back to licking the mud off her boots. Neither of you are much better than me anyhow," Reika said dismissively.

"Where'd that SOB go anyway?" she said, giving the room another quick scan.

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As Iso lied down in the bed, his thoughts immediately began to fly all over the place. His talk with Kelas had forced him back days, weeks, months, and years into the past. The furthest back he could remember before everything went to hell. Well over ten years ago, he finally found a memory he could delve into that had nothing to do with the current world around him ....

Before Proxima (Phoenix doesn't give a damn, he's is inserting Final Fantasy related things into the rp)

Inside the fortress at Redwood, a lone red haired boy no older than ten was on his hands and knees looking through a fire tome that belonged to a fire sage. He looked up at a target a few feet away, and then picked up the heavy tome before chanting.

Iso: Mmm. Nex-Heli-Fistare-Firaga!

A small flame appeared in his hand! His studies had paid off! Now he needed only destroy the target with it! He quickly aimed and thrust the flame in the dummy's direction but missed! The flame flew by it at the speed of an arrow and quickly torched one of the sheds setting it ablaze! Iso stood there with his hand on his head, nearly in a panic!

Iso: Oh no! What did I just do?! Mother!! Heeeelp!!

He ran around in terror as the shed was engulfed! Suddenly a very tall woman in expensive robes approached and Iso slid to a stop! He looked over to see his mother and flanking her were a then thirteen year old Ixion, and a twelve year old Levski. She walked over to Iso and smiled while gesturing for him to give her the tome. He nervously gave it to her, not sure what would happen to him once the fiasco was dealt with. She held out her hand and a new set of flames appeared hovering over the shed! They fell down upon it and completely consumed the others in the process! With only her spell remaining, she dispersed it leaving the shed severely burned, but still standing, its contents in tact. She turned back toward her son and knelt down. Her smile never faded for a moment. She wanted her son to know that he could never do anything to displease her while only trying to become a mage.

Natasha: ... live and learn.

Iso held his head down. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't look her in the eyes. When she handed him back her tome, she turned to leave passing Ixion and Levski on the way. The two walked up to him. Ixion crossed his arms and shook his head while Levski nervously scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to say to cheer him up.

Lev: Well ... at least she's not mad at you. Then again, your mother is perfect. I don't think she ever gets mad at anything. Ixion, have you ever seen her mad?

Ixion: No. Iso what exactly were you trying to prove here? Someone could have gotten hurt.

Iso: I was just practicing. If I don't practice, how am I going to get better?

Ixion: Here's an idea, why not practice your aim? Your casting seems fine enough for now. Try tossing a soft ball at the target instead of a live spell next time.

Iso: I guess.

Ixion: I can understand your rush. We're just humans ... we don't last very long compared to demons and other magical beings. We don't have the luxury of time.

Lev: If those magical beings are so great, then where are they? All I see are humans so I guess that means we win.

Ixion: It's not a contest, you idiot.

Lev: All I'm saying is that there sure aren't a lot of these human outliving people around. Hey, what do you think Natasha will make us for dinner?

Ixion: Hopefully something you won't find related to her sexually this time.

Back in the present, Iso smiled. Those were strange and scary times for him, but they were good ones. He didn't mind staying in the past for awhile before looking back to the future.


Ixion smirked. She could just outlive people she didn't much take a liking to ...? Well that was where things became interesting between them.

Ixion: ... and that most assuredly is a luxury for you with the sole exception being that you'll likely outlive everyone else, not just people like him. The rest of the world around you is slightly more pressed for time. Twenty-six years have passed since I was born and I have barely achieved anything more than what some would call "near legendary" power. I won't kick myself for it though.

Man: (I wish you'd kick yourself you stupid bastard. Go die in a hole somewhere and take your weird looking headmaster chick with you. Outlive me? Screw you! You're not even human so who gives a rat's ass?!)

The man was angry as sin but wouldn't voice his opinions out loud anymore.


Stephanie: I would most certainly like to return to the dance floor. I haven't been able to truly enjoy myself in such a long time and I shall make the most of it, Sir Altion.

She softly put out her hand waiting for him to take it and lead her back to the dance floor along with some of the other returning couples.

Levski and the Colonel

After a good ten minutes, Levski was a bit beyond tipsy and Daneka was as out of her mind as she could get before her body took matters into its own hands and began vomiting. She smiled and repeatedly nudged him with her elbow as a servant walked by.

Lev: What?

Daneka: Z-zat ... boy ... ... ... looks an awful lot like ... zis guy I killed awhile back. He has ze same ... ... um ... arteries.

Lev: ... again, what?

Daneka: I didn't stutter, dammit! Look at-him! 'strue! Just look at his neck!

Lev: ... yeah he's gone by the way ... and you're drunk.

Daneka: No I'm not.

Lev: Yes you are, just look at yourself.

Daneka: I can't look at myself, I'm stuck in ze first person, you insensitive appetizer!

Lev: I'll prove you're drunk. Count to ten.

She gave him an unamused stare and then started counting.

Daneka: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Nyx, sake, domination, young studs, and ze good life.

Lev: ... I said count to ten, not name off your favorite things.

Daneka: Don't tell me what to do. I will kick you square in ze face, handsome. Zen again, you would probably catch my leg and we would end up somewhere awkward. ... okay I'm drunk. I'm too horny not to be drunk at zis point. Levski, help! I can't be taken advantage of in zis state!

Lev: ... aren't you asking the wrong guy here?

Daneka: No, Levski! Do not say such zings, I trust you! I trust you wiz my ... my WHOLE body right now.

Lev: ... ... ... hwwhat?

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With a smile, Altion took her hand with his own. With a gentle stride, he took her out to the dance floor, guiding her softly with his hand. With a gentle flick of his wrist, he sent her into a twirl, drawning her closer until, in mid spin as she was as close to his body as possible, he suddenly grabbed her other hand and pulled her close to his own body. For a moment, he looked down at her as he pulled her close, then with a sudden and lithe motion of his hand, turned her about so that the two now faced each other, their hands righted through skill. "Shall we dance properly now?" he asked, a thin romanticism in his voice.


"Twenty six years slower than me Ixion." she said, smiling happily and giving a slight giggle before her attention turned to the final servant whom had tried to steal her undergarb. "You don't have to with-hold it from my ears you know. I've heard it all before countless times. I'm an inhuman wench, worth less than a dog and only having enough power by sheer luck. I deserve to be stowed away, unable to feel the breeze on my cheek, hidden in some dank hole. I've been there, done that, have the branding."

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The man flinched in surprise! He truly didn't know what to say now and nervously turned away from the both of them. Part of him felt bad, and other other a mix of anger and confusion.

Man: (Sheeesh. What was that about? I didn't even say anything ...)

Ixion tapped the headmaster on the shoulder to get her attention back on him.

Ixion: Is this why you wear that cloak? Half spirits ... love them or hate them?

The Dance Floor

Stephanie: Why certainly, Sir Altion. Please, lead the way.

The smile on her face was one of genuine happiness for a change. Very close by Irina was stumbling around bumping into dancing couples in search of Heinz ... or someone, even she wasn't quite sure who she was looking for anymore.

Irina: (I can't embarrass everyone at this party. I have to find Heiev and ... sit down or ... wait ...)

Just then she bumped into Altion and Stephanie and wobbled a bit. Stephanie turned to her head to face the intoxicated rider and gasped!

Stephanie: Irina?!

Irina: Vladimir?

Without waiting for a reply, Irina decided that Vladimir wasn't who she was looking for and wandered off. Stephanie turned back to Altion with a perplexed look on her face.

Stephanie: She must be drunk. I wonder how many of that party are here. Mm, no matter. As I said, please lead the way.

Also close by the dance floor, Jasmine was holding her hand on her head. She had a headache the likes of which she'd never experienced before. Alphonse held her on her feet, but she felt terrible and he knew it.

Alphonse: Perhaps you should lie down?

Jasmine: No, I can't. Don't you get it? This is so much like a one night stand. Tomorrow I may never see you again.

Alphonse: We are fighting on opposite sides, Miss Jasmine. There is very high possibility that we will see each other again ... though unlikely on friendly terms. I have already encountered your group once before if you recall. I defeated that man who can't see to control himself, and that nervous looking wind mage over there. Several of my associates died as well.

Jasmine: I'm sorry to hear that but ... still.

Alphonse: Still what?

Jasmine: Still, enemy or not, you're so ... awesome. Lev's a mercenary so he's gone as soon as Morgan runs out of cash.

Alphonse: I am gone as soon as I'm defeated in battle against you people, or once I defeat you. Either way, I am not much of a better choice it seems.

Jasmine: But ... urgh. Screw it. I'm not lying down. I want to enjoy myself.

Alphonse sighed and wrapped his arms around the aching girl.

Alphonse: If that is what you wish, then I will do my best to accommodate you.

She kept her head down but still used his chest for support. Her eyes slowly closed and a smile crept up on her face.

Jasmine: Thank you. (I love you.)

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As Kelas kept watch, she was quickly lost in thought. There were no readily apparent threats; a few nobles were starting to trickle into the hall, helping drunken friends to guest rooms, but that was about it. Sitting on the floor, Kelas went largely unnoticed, and was able to observe the proceedings undisturbed.

She thought about the conversation she'd just had. Arrin's condition was still her fault; nothing could change that. And she had to keep trying to fix it; that had never been in question.

But... whatever she did, she had to stand up and walk, to put what had happened behind her, fix it, and keep going.

Old habits die hard, though, and she soon found herself worrying again. How much longer did Arrin have? How much time did she have to fix this? What if... She cut herself off. She wasn't going to go into a chain of "what ifs". She could at least reassure herself: quietly she got up to check on Arrin.

He was sleeping soundly; his breathing was steady, and he was mumbling quietly about something in a dream. "...don't want to tap-dance," he muttered as Kelas straightened the blankets where he'd thrown them off.

Hearing that last, Kelas couldn't help but chuckle. "Good luck with that," she told him quietly as she left the room, sitting down again in the hall to keep watch.

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The headmaster gave a long sigh before turning to Ixion. "We're abominations Ixion. There's no need to hide it or anything of the sort. Originally, only light spirits were supposed to be able to breed with mortals. Angels, you've heard of them, are what happens when a light spirit breeds with a dragon. Hero's is what happens when it is with a man. The reason why is simple. They were only supposed to come about when the Lord of Azure Flame smote the mortal races too hard, to serve as a rally and a bastion for the downtrodden. The Goddess didn't think to remove this ability though when she created the other spirit types. Never the less, I love what I am and wouldn't trade it in, despite the pain it brings me every day."


"I already have." said Altion, taking Stephanie's hands once again. With practiced motion, he repeated those steps which he had already done, but this time sent Stephanie farther out than before, to the limits of his reach, before slinging her back in and catching her as she fell down. Then, before she had a chance to react, he swiftly lifted her up and held her right arm out to the side, leading her on.

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Ixion ... Race: Human

Ixion: The price you pay for being what you are ... I don't know many people who would share a different opinion. Seemingly immortal, the ability to fly, forge nearly anything out of mana. Exactly what could someone go through that would devalue any of that?


Each move more enthralling than the last, Stephanie was almost literally swept away in the dance!

Stephanie: Oh my, Sir Altion, you certainly know what you're doing! I'm having so much fun I can hardly stand it! I just want to call out to the heavens with glee!


Irina: Why the heck is Vladimir here? He's supposed to be in Zaftra, and why did he dye his hair pink? That's a stupid color for a man. Heinz? ... Kiev? Anyone?

She kept wandering around aimlessly until she smacked into the wall! She'd been staggering about with her eyes half closed and as such didn't see the wall. She quickly put her hand out against it and began walking along it. She thought that with her hand on the wall she was free to close her eyes and try to figure out why Vladimir had shown up. It wasn't ten seconds later that she walked right into Aiya!

Irina: Augh! Who's there?!

She quickly held out her hand as if there was a weapon in it, but when she looked, there was nothing!

Irina: What the heck?! Who stole my pegasus horn?!

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"There are many things, horrible things, cruel things that exist. Already, I feel the vice of age seeping away at how I perceive time. What feels like a week to me is a year to you. The time you and I have spent feels like half an hour at most. Eventually, this world will die as well. I do not know if I will go to be with the Goddess then. If I do not, I will be stuck in a endless and infinite void as well. I don't even know my own great grandchildrens names! Anyone here could be one and I wouldn't know, and that is just a ant crawling across my foot to the problems being a half-spirit results in."


As he lead the pair forwards, Altion gave a sudden stop, looking right into Stephanie's eyes for a moment before he turned about, leading her in a wide arc about the ballroom dancefloor before, at last, swinging her about to become cradled in his arms once again. "Don't cry out. Your husband will be mad." he whispered into her ear before pulling her up and lifting her off the ground, swinging her around twice before gently placing her back down upon the ground, lowering her carefully so that just the very tips of her toes touched first before lowering the rest of her down.

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Shocked one

Even after Sayer broke the silence, Helios or the queen didnt speak. Helios seemed to have lost track of how much time passed. Snapping back to reality, He spoke.

"You approach me at a party, tell me I am your brother and expect me to believe you?" He stuttered.

"....... That is because you are..."

Helios slammed his glass down onto the table. "Dammit I dont know anymore! What the hell am I supposed to do?"

The queen, putting her hand on his shoulder, spoke in a calm, reassuring voice in an attempt to calm him down. "Helios, whats the matter with you. It isnt like you to forget everything like this...."


Sayer quickly interjected, but like all of them, this was pointless too. "My queen, the young prince cut his hair." His response was slap to his face. "Sayer, not now."

"I dont know, sis. I dont know anything. What is going on with me? Who the hell am I?"


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Aiya had stood up, after talking with Helios. The man wasn't so bad, and the talk had made her feel better, if only slightly. She wasn't sulking, at the very least. Damian could have his fun, Aiya could find her own if she had to.

Looking around, an interesting sight. Irina had been walking... stumbling was a more accurate word, and had promptly stopped, as she smacked into a nearby wall.

Aiya began to giggle a bit at the development. She shouldn't be laughing at her own friend's obviously drunken misfortune... but a laugh was just what Aiya needed, and she wouldn't pass that up.

Shortly afterward, however, Irina had walked into Aiya herself, and had attempted to arm herself with a... pegasus horn?

'She is more drunk than I thought... this could be fun~'

"Don't you remember me Irina? It's Aiya!" Aiya said, shaking the girl a bit, to try to add urgency to the question.

"And you don't remember what happened? That's too bad... you looked like you were having a lot of fun... oh well, it's not important..."

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Ixion: Hmmm. I'm not sure whether to try and sympathize with you or criticize you for having such views.

He put his hand up on his chin and looked her in the eyes.

Ixion: Is your form of existence truly so awful in those areas?


Stephanie giggled a bit to Altion's request.

Stephanie: (Oh yes, Ivan neglects me but he would most certainly see that as an excuse to complain.) Very well, I will control myself, Sir Altion, teehee.

As she was lowered she closed her eyes and somehow wound up on a cloud in her imagination. It was over quickly though and she came back smiling up at Altion. For once she didn't have to worry about Ivan's marital insanity, Levski's promiscuous behavior, or Ixion's shenanigans. It was just her and a very talented and respectful gentleman.


Irina looked at Aiya determined to wade through her blurred vision and identify the woman! Her long red locks became a deep burgundy to Irina and she quickly rushed in and hugged the woman!

Irina: MOM!!!

She broke off the hug a moment later and began going into hysterics!

Irina: I don't know what's going on but I feel like ... like I'm drunk! No one said it was going to be like this! I only had two cups of punch! TWO! Someone's spiking the drinks! What if it's not just the drinks?! What if ... what if ... What if they're spiking the AIR?! 0_0

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As Irina yelled out MOM!, and nearly tackled Aiya in an attempt at a hug, Aiya wasn't sure what to think.

'Irina's... really drunk.'

"That makes sense... I think my punch was spiked too... the air? Are you sure? I mean, if they are even spiking the air, who knows what else they might have spiked..."

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Irina: Oh no! You're right!

She looked around frantically! The smell of perfume caught her nose and she swung back around to face Aiya with a look of terror in her eyes!

Irina: Everything ... everything in this ballroom is making us act all goofy! We have to get the heck outta here! We have to go now!!

She quickly grabbed Aiya's hand and tugged her along with as she haphazardly muscled her way through the nobles!

Irina: 'xcuse me, pardon me, coming through! Heinz? Kiev where are you?!

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"Helios..... are you telling me you cant remember anything.....?" She asked softly.


"Its all my fault, Helios..... If I didnt let you leave all those years back then you would be alright..."

Helios, catching the sight of a tear slip her eye, spoke up. "What! Of course not! I mean, if you didnt let me go then how would I be here? Hell I even enjoyed traveling group. Not to mention this night was a blast." Well until you showed up...

The queen laughed at his sudden explanation. "Your still the same, with or without your memories."


"You cant stand the sight of a women crying. That makes me happy."

"Ahahahahahahahaha who can?"


"What Milady I would never...."

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Bad Dreams for The Win!

"Boss! Bunch of Septimian troops are attacking us at three sides at once."

"Ah. I knew they'd come for us after we burned their supplies. Ok here's what we do," said a big burly man, wearing a turban and a sleeveless vest. Surrounding him were Hotello, various ruffians and a couple of slim thieves.

And there he was, Alferis, kneeling beside the boss.

"Ok. We're going to divide into three groups. One will advance forward to block the main advance, the second will guard the flank while a third guards the right side. Alferis, Hotello, come with me to the left side and bring a few men with you as well."

"Yes sir," the two said saluting.

"Alferis you recovered sufficiently enough from the injury from your last battle?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. We really have only a couple of spare men left. We still need to keep a few in the fort as well."

"I thought of that. Don't worry, we're quite strong. It's some of the good men that are coming with us. Now get a move on," said the boss, grabbing a scimitar and charging out of the hideout around to the side of it, Alferis, Hotello, and a couple of shabbily dressed and armed men following after him.

There were a good amount of soldiers, most armed with spears with a few archers and a couple of magicians and priests behind.

"Huh. That's not so bad. Alferis, you snipe the priest with that tomahawk of yours and then just let them come to you. Hotello, you charge with me."

Hotello just stood there his axe poised ready to fight any incoming Septimians.

"Hotello! Hop to-urrrrrghhhhhh!" the leader yelled as Hotello buried the axe into his skull.

"HOTELLO! What the hell do you think you're doing?" shouted Alferis, barely controlling his rage.

"Simple. He's a failure. We're always low on income and his leadership qualities will make us lose this place. Now charge! You'll die anyway if you attack me now," he sneered. Alferis gave a heavy sigh and stood defensively as the soldiers attacked them. There were 20 of them, and while Hotello was good, their chances of survival looked slim.

"Boss..." choked Alferis, a few tears falling onto the ground.

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This is really getting old

"So, Helios, now that we got that cleared, where have you been? I was worried you were dead."

"Well...." Helios said putting his hand on his chin. "As far as I can recall, we've been through a lot. I guess I can even write a book on it."

"That sounds interesting. So what is this I hear about you saving the world?"

"You know its not just me.... >.>"

"I know. Your not strong enough ;) "

"You dont have to be that blunt....>.>"

"D'awwwwww, did I hurt your feelings?"


"C'mon Helios, Im just kidding."

".......Why did you have to exist?"

"That hurt, Helios...." She said faking a tear

"..! I totally didnt mean that. Really.... um... it will better if Sayer didnt exist....>.>"


"Tehee, it works everytime."

".....I set myself up for that one didnt I?"

"Yep ^_^"

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