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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 18: Grand Ballin'


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"Why don't you ask anyone else here except her or her resident asskissers? Anyway, it's clear you're going to head towards that league anyway," said Reika, glancing at Lev.

"Everyone's always kissing your ass," said Reika leaning close to Morgan. "Well not me. You're a **** and a *********** bitch *******. Worship the ground you walk on? Who would want to ***** you unless he was brain damaged like ****** guy over here," Reika pointed to Chase, her cheeks somewhat flushed and was a little unsteady on her feet.

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Count Luc Altair

The earlier parts of Reika's statement could wait for latter. "Ah," Luc said cheerfully in gratitude for the girl's words. "So you did have the daggers as I thought. Interesting." For all her bluster about the others parading about and revealing their weapons, she so easily reveled she had the daggers and lost them. Luc had done a better job of working as someone who knew everything than he had intended to, since she seemed to have assumed he knew about the daggers. "Leave him? I don't suppose there could be a way to keep you if need be?" Luc asked. It would be ill fortune to lose the wielder of the daggers, even if she could retrieve them.

"Yes, I will gladly hear that later," Luc responded to Morgan's offer. He mentally berated himself for not thinking to ask of such disasters until now.

Reika spurred into a slew of insults, leaving Luc mildly amused at her childish nature. "My, my," he said with a slight hint of humor in his voice.

EDIT: Luc reacting to Reika's assumption that he knew about the daggers added.

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"If you do not help defeat the Lord of Azure Flame, you will die as well." Morgan said, looking down at Reika. "And if you become obstinate, I will modify your memories and that will be the end of it." Morgan said, ignoring the stream of things she supposed were insults.

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"... No, it won't, but there will be a lot of hangovers tomorrow," Derek said, trying to keep his mind out of the proverbial gutter. "Odds are, we won't be heading any wheres, anyways, until Jace meets with the mercenary. So, I wouldn't worry TOO too much."


"Danielle, Your Highness," Dani said, curtsying. "I apologize for being rude to Helios, Queen Tora."

Edit: Clarification: TOO too much.

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"Modify my? Oh hehehehh. I see what you're going to do there," said Reika laughing a bit before slapping Morgan right across the face. "You can't accept the fact you're crazy, so you're just dragging everyone into your own insanity and if I don't go along with your merry way, then you're going to mind wipe me?" she gave Morgan a second slap. "And before that, you try to bully me into coming with you by blasting me with your magic. Heh. When I think your morals are screwed up, you got problems," she finished, her eyes glinting, aiming a punch for Morgan's gut.

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Count Luc Altair

"Whoa there!" Luc dropped his wine glasses, moved in front of Morgan and grabbed Reika's surprisingly strong and fast punch. "Not a good idea to do that. Last time someone hit her there was enough property damage to take weeks to fix, and I doubt you'd want to sit in a prison on account of assault charges. And even if you get off of any charges you'd still be sitting in jail until such a time, so think, is jail-time worth hitting her?" Luc reasoned she would answer yes anyway as angry as she was. Luc cursed himself for not reacting faster and stopping this off at the source.

EDIT: Added wine glasses hehe. Completely slipped my mind.

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"She's threatening to destroy my memories and she's ruined my life and is going to hound me for the rest of my days to fight this stupid demon, and I've got no choice because my monster clown of a boss is going to kill me if I don't and you want me to calm down?" said Reika, glaring at Luc with fire in her eyes. "Mister when you've had to put up with this daughter of a motherless goat like I've had and her condescension and her league of retards beating you up if you don't do as she says, I'd do more than hit her. I'd tear her guts out and strangle her with them," she said, nearly hyperventilating and squirming out of Luc's grasp, charged Morgan, hitting her in the jaw.

OOC: She's drunk, the stress of her job is getting to her and she's scared of getting her memories wiped. I doubt this is OOC for her.

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Count Luc Altair

"I'm not telling you to calm down, I'm informing you of the risks you'll take," Luc said as Reika struggled out of his hands and punched Morgan in her jaw. "Damnable grip." Whatever the girl said about her clown boss was far too far from Luc's mind as he grabbed her from behind. "Listen to me, do this when there's no chance of you being sent to prison. I'm damn fine with you venting your anger later."

Luc looked at Morgan. "When the guards arrive, you're part of my entourage now." There was no way this situation would end well. But having someone who was on Luc's roll fighting with someone from Charlotte's entourage would be even more disastrous than one entourage's in-fighting. Disastrous, yes, Luc could possibly use this.

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"Let. Go. Of. Me. Damn. You," said Reika, trying to kick Luc's shins and struggle out of his grasp. "She's had it coming for a long time. She's not going to erase my memories. She's not! If she does then-!"

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Morgan rubbed her jaw where Reika had pucnhed her and realized that Luc had restrained her again. Morgan swiftly brought her hand down on the restrained girl's neck, using the technique Lev had showed her. Reika crumpled in Luc's arms.

"Well, that solves that problem for the moment." said Morgan calmly.

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Count Luc Altair

Reika struggled and yelled and kicked Luc in the shin--which hurt a lot worse than he had grown used to, almost breaking his grip. But before that could happen Morgan had done something and knocked the girl to sleep. Luc hoisted her up, he'd make sure to be the one to lay her to rest. "An impressive move," Luc noted whatever she had used. "I'm not going to let you erase her memories. She'll have more uses with her memory intact." Luc glanced around and spotted the nearest guard coming over well after he would be useful. "Remember what I said about you being part of my entourage. Clashes between groups, even friendly ones, can be far more messy than you would like."

The guard arrived before Morgan could get an answer off. "What's going on here?" he asked, clearly already having formed his own judgment. Sickening.

"Just a girl with far too much to drink," Luc answered. It was something easy to reason, Luc thought.

"Oh yeah?" the guard said obviously not believing that fully. He turned to Morgan and asked. "That what happened?

EDIT: Typos.

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"I'd rather not do it unless I had to, but if she insists on leaving I see little in the way of alternatives." Morgan replied to Luc.

"Yes, she became quite intoxicated, got somewhat violent. It happens from time to time at this sort of thing." Morgan replied to the guard

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Viveka: Jace wants to seeeee Esphyr ... right? Wonder what that thief girl was thinking.

As they reached the drinking tables Viveka leaned over and grabbed a bottle of wine. She scanned the thing half a dozen times reading every word. She stopped though when even more yelling sounded off from the same general direction as before! By the time she decided to give into her curiosity and look, it was already over. The only thing she saw was Morgan delivering a precise chop to Reika's neck knocking her out in Luc's arms! Viveka threw up her arm, her fist aiming high! The expression on her face was like someone watching a sporting event and enjoying the results!

Viveka: Knock out! Wow that was a nice shot! Did you see that, Derek?!

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Count Luc Altair

"That so?" the guard sounded almost disappointed. "Fine, keep your secrets," he said and left.

"My, that was almost too easy," Luc eyed the guard as he slipped out of earshot. "Well, no reason to question why. Yet, at least." Luc turned back towards Morgan. "There are possibly alternatives I have access to that you don't. Though if that 'monster clown of a boss' as she said is really forcing her into this on threat of death, she may not run as she so often has claimed." Luc looked at the girl. It was always striking to see how peaceful people looked in sleep. Even the most violent, disorderly people had that. "If you'll excuse me, I'll have to see to her sleeping arrangements."

Luc went over to Tessa and apologized about the whole incident before he departed the main ballroom for the halls. Luc encountered no one on his way back to where he had left Fargo, it was curious--almost as curious as that easily swayed guard--but whatever chances had arranged for this peace continued and Luc made it back to Fargo with no trouble. The older man meanwhile, was sitting back to the wall and tossing coins into a cup in an attempt to stave off boredom. It took ten tosses before one of the badly aimed coins fell close enough to Luc that Fargo finally saw him.

"Captain!" the man shot up. "So, uh, who's the girl?"

"No time to reprimand you right now Fargo. Have any others of the group come through?"

"Yeah, there was that guy with that got assigned your armor and--"

Luc cut him off. "Alferis? Good. Maybe he can talk some sense into her later." Luc walked off before Fargo could respond. Further along there Luc found a decent enough room to place Reika into. Small and with no windows. The objects were a problem, but Luc could remove those. No sense in letting her get her hands on anything that could be used as a weapon. Luc laid the girl on the bed, grabbed a few of the more deadly mundane items and left, lying the taken objects against the wall.

"Fargo," Luc called out to the other man.

"Yes?" Fargo said as he rounded the corner.

"Get me some paper and a writing tool, I need to write a message."

Fargo grumbled before mouthing off a "Yes, sir!" and leaving. Luc would leave messages for both Alferis and Reika for when they woke up. Though Luc didn't know if Alferis was even asleep, or if either could read, it was good to have a back-up in case Luc fell asleep and they woke or if he didn't wake in the morning before they did. Fargo returned with the requested tools, and Luc quickly scribbled off the two messages. They were unspecific, just roughly describing the events that led them to wake up where they were. Luc handed the note to Alferis to Fargo and had him place that one while Luc put a letter to Reika on the nightstand next to her bed.

"So, Captain, uh, what do we do now?" Fargo asked once he returned from his assignment.

"Wait. And plan," Luc answered.

"Bah," Fargo grunted before he left Luc to go and keep a watch on the weapons again.

With finally won silence Luc slumped up against the door to Reika's room. He resented being forced to this and losing any intelligence gained from the dance floor, but he didn't want to risk the girl getting out or Morgan getting in, so he would sleep here if need be. Luc was infinity grateful to the lessons that taught him to sleep with his eyes open. That was always a useful tactic in warding people off. Though it also raised the chances of an assassin's knife. But with palace security and Paul being somewhere nearby--probably--Luc was confidant that eyes open was the way to go.

OOC: From here on it's mostly just Luc thoughts and nothing but dredging up old information.

A few minutes of peace passed, the only noise the occasional sound from Fargo's direction. It was finally time to review the days events. Charlotte had managed to gain an alliance with Septimus and Directus to help reclaim her homeland. The main problem was Jace, who was likely to do everything he could to stop things. It was still possible for him to pull some outrageous stunt today, but it had grown rather late. Though that could be an even better time to strike, less bodies in the way, easier to move. Such a move would be an all-in though, too much to lose if it failed.

Another problem was Ixion. He clearly viewed the group as disposable, little more than tools for his own ends--whatever those were. His arrogance and display at the ballroom were indicators of great power. But he had no idea of who Luc was--or at least, that was what Luc desired--and that could be used as a tool against him if need be. And if Luc grew desperate, there was always using Irina as well. The man had made it clear his distaste for Isotov and his desire for the Crimson fire tome to be bound to the wyvern rider. If Ixion grew too much a threat, than using Irina as a tool might be the best way to deal with him. Though the man's callous disregard for Isotov and that pegasus girl's--Luc realized he should really read the report on everyone's names again--health suggested to Luc that Ixion would not be above letting harm come to Irina if need be.

Thinking of the Crimson weapons, Luc had learned a great deal more. He had confirmed who held two more weapons, Isotov the fire tome and Reika the daggers, so that only left the thunder tome. Wait, no, there was another, the bow. Why had Luc forgotten? Such a weapon was of grave importance and it had completely fell from his thoughts. He was a damned fool at times. That left two Crimson weapons that Luc knew were in the group's possession. There were only two candidates for the bow, Chase and Kelas the nomad girl. Who held the thunder tome was a mystery though, Luc would have to look the reports over and see if any in the group were a thunder mage. Moving on, the next important part were that the weapons could be taken. All Luc knew of the weapons before never suggested such a thing was possible. But if it was true--and Luc had little reason to doubt at this stage that it wasn't--than it was a clear and world-threatening danger. Luc would need to keep a greater vigilance for the weapons in the future. Possibly even going so far as to include Fargo, the halfwit.

Now the more recent matters. Kamilla and Reika. Luc would be sure to discuss with Morgan the details surrounding Kamilla, but right now he wanted to chase her down and try and turn her. Having the church involved would just, like Luc thought earlier, make everything messier. Luc's desire was that Duke Von would keep the girl occupied until the party had departed, but even then, if she informed the church, support for reclaiming Jerdon could be taken away. It was a clear danger, so Luc would need to locate her and try and change her opinion, get her to hold off. And if he couldn't, he would have to prepare the party's reaction to constant church attacks and control them if possible. If Luc would even still be assigned. If support turned Luc, could easily be torn from them and even be chosen to bring them in. And he would comply with those orders.

Finally Reika. The girl had either drank too much or finally got tired of dealing with Morgan and snapped, possibly both. Hopefully Luc could use that he had kept Morgan from altering her mind to try and turn Reika into an asset. The girl was screaming at whatever authority she reported to, and if Luc could use her against them he could make plans including them. Of course, Luc had no doubt the girl would resist. But he had learned enough from her ramblings that he felt confidant he could at least get her to consider the offer. Her life, money, and possible employ in Councilman Richtor's spy organization; were the three tools he had available to turn her. If all of them didn't work--getting her employ as a spy was a complete longshot anyway--than that just made it all the more imperative that Luc learn what group the girl was working for if they could silence her that much.

Morgan, Luc realized, was another thing he had to think about. The woman was ruthless, and though that had its place, it was also dangerous in the ways she practiced it. Luc would have to blunt the damage she was likely to cause, possibly even turn that damage into assets for himself. Yes, it was a good idea, but Luc would also have to be wary of playing too deeply into ploys. Too much going on at once and you were bound to slip-up, and at that level it would be disastrous. Possibly even bad enough for Morgan to alter his mind. Luc gave a short, bitter laugh at his own negativity. But it payed to be cautious.

With that, Luc had finished recounting all the pressing business he had in his mind. Now, he could turn towards more pleasant things.

Nothing came to mind.

EDIT: Spelling is good.

EDIT2: No more hope.

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"Any mule wearing blinds only sees the road in front of him and little more Ixion.:


"So you are engaged over a game forced upon you? I don't know if I should be shocked that someone would rather propose than lose, or marveled that despite this, you seem to love him."

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OOC: This post brought to you by... ~is stabbed~

The festivities

For most of the nobility, the ball had gone about as well as it ever had. Those who liked their drink were reveling, those who did not merely sighed and ignored them, and those who loved to harp on the drunkards were finding plenty of targets. The social tension was beginning to evaporate, and people were beginning to abandon mincing around protocol and actually enjoy themselves.

People grew happy and mellow: minor slights were ignored, political opponents joked with each other, hateful old ladies stopped harping on their relatives about marriage choices and percieved scandals. Young people danced, not minding when they got a bit clumsy. Less and less attention was paid to the setting, and nobody noticed anything odd, like an occasional puff of smoke from one of the apparently ordinary candles that lit the tables.

A few people complained of headaches and hobbled off to sleep them off, their friends taunting them good-naturedly as they left. Normally the sight of a few people passed out in their seats would be either worrying or scandalizing; now, nobody noticed. Nobody paid any mind to which bowl of punch they dipped into, and people were getting very drunk.

As the evening wore on, people only got happier and more mellow. A few sat down from dizziness, but were too relaxed to complain.

The ball continued.

The library

"Gah, never mind..." Ignored by Rita and Cess, Joren backed out of the library. He'd have to find the ballroom himself.

Eventually he found his way back. Edging in through one of the less-emphasized side doors, he hoped to collect some food and one of the prettier young ladies and head over to the group of young men he'd loosely define as his friends before his mother could find him. As he dipped into one of the punch bowls, though, someone caught hold of his arm. "There you are!" his mother said. "Did you find someone?"

"No," Joren grimaced, bracing himself for the inevitable tirade and being dragged back to his mother's table to be matched up with someone.

He was thus surprised to see his mother simply wave her hand and chuckle. "Ah well, I suppose next time," she said airily. "You go have your fun then, I've got to go back before Winnamine starts on that dreadful story of hers..." She wandered off.

Joren stared at his glass for a moment, then put it aside. He hadn't even taken a sip, but given his mother's behavior, perhaps he had, and had just forgotten. He walked off to find somewhere quiet to sit and find out what was going on.

OOC: As you may have guessed, via this post or astute observations of prior ones by whistler, there's something in those candles. It's been long enough that they should now be having noticeable effect. The symptoms are happiness, lightheadedness/dizziness, and becoming generally mellow. This should be a GRADUAL change because the something's not releasing very quickly. No suddenly having your character be all strung out on it.

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Chase couldn't take it anymore. "Shut up!" he shouted at Reika. "You call Morgan a criminal, when you steal, kill, and do it for the hell of it with no good reason! It's people like you that make me hate most of the world!" he raged, barely resisting the urge to summon the Crimson Bow and kill her, before she was knocked put. "... Meh," he muttered, dissipating the Zephyrtwine.

OOC: This happened before Reika got KO'd.

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He had, in fact, caught the sight of Morgan knocking Reika out, and would've clapped, had Viveka's head not been on his shoulder. "... That was a pretty solid chop. Remind me not to get on her bad side, when I'm within arm's reach."

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"So Charlotte, what are you doing after the ball?" Tristan asked her. "Staying in Burgosas?"

"I don't think so." Charlotte responded. "I plan to remain with this group for the time being, helping to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame is a worthy goal. No use reclaiming Jerdon just to have it ransacked by demons."

"Wonder what Mother and Father will say about that" Tristan said. "It will take a while for the army to get ready I wager, but if you were to go missing in the meantime that could make the whole conflict rather pointless. Perhaps they'll send a guard with you." Not me though, I'll be forced to stay here...like always.

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Ixion: You noticed that, did you? Tell me, is focus on the goal and not ineffectual variables like social standards, ignorant opinions, and wild speculation truly so costly? I would be no stronger than Isotov by now had I allowed my thoughts to be effected and swayed by the world around me. No I think I prefer my approach on this matter.

As soon as they entered the ballroom, Ixion could tell something was off.

Ixion: ... ... ... not taking any chances with my mind tonight.

Not wanting to do anything too noticeable, but still wanting to keep himself free from the rest of whatever had afflicted the ballroom, he closed his eyes and focused his mana to a single area. The focusing point was over his mouth and nose. The energy took the form of a mask and expanded slightly pushing away the foul air and blocking any more from effecting him. At the very least he was secure from down right dropping his guard. With his kind of power it was a dire risk to let himself fall victim to out of character choices. An incident could easily take place.


Stephanie: Oh it isn't as bad as it may sound at first blush, Sir Altion. Levski made that dare knowing full well that Ivan already had a crush on me. I suppose things have been strained between us since I became a priestess though. Work and services can be so stressful and perhaps Ivan merely misses the old me. I was going to resign once we married but he must not have believed me when I told him this. Urgh, cursed Haltonian customs.


Viveka: I didn't know she could do that. Usually military officers know at least one way of knocking someone out but ... she's just a shaman. Where did she learn it from? Chase? No Conrad wouldn't let Chase learn anything directly from us that could be used irresponsibly ... not at his rank. Tessa doesn't seem like she would hurt a fly even if it was genuinely out to get her. Heinz maybe? (Ugh, the thought of Levski having officer skills is the scariest thing since bull wyverns.)

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"Something is wrong." said the headmaster as well, a chill crawling throughout her body as she entered with Ixion.


"So you are in a vice, stressed between your lover and your job, and you were hoping that tonight would be a chance to relax." said Altion as he stood up and approached Stephanie. He took her hands firmly as he looked her straight on. "Be there anything more I can do to help you achieve that goal?"

OOC: You caught me after a much-needed nap and with my mom pushing me out the door. Sorry.

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Ixion: Hmm. Well this is certainly awkward. Perhaps returning here wasn't a good proposition after all.

He looked back over his shoulder eying the exit, and then looked at the ballroom as a whole. It wouldn't have been a tough call for him.


Stephanie: Oh I don't know, Sir Altion. I'm already enjoying myself so much. Have I reached some sort of ... limit?

OOC: Slight writer's block or something. Not that it matters since things are about to get weird anyway.

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"WHAT?" She exclaimed. "Make him your slave for all I care. Oh and please, its Jenny. You remind me too much of Lady Danielle of Jerdon"

"Are you a retard?" Helios asked the queen

"That hurt, Helios." She replied faking a sob

"Erm I mean you are the smartest person in the world. How could I say that? That must mean that I am a retard." Why arent I drunk yet :sob:

"Even while your drunk, your still you ^_^ "

"Dani, ignore whatever she says." Helios slurred standing up. "Im gonna leave before I find a way to embarrass you."

"No wait, stay for a while. I'll knock you out if you do something stupid." The queen retorted

"You just want to knock me out." Helios replied staggering back, another wave of nausea hitting him. He soon developed a splitting headache. "Ow." He said gripping his head and falling back into his seat.

"Told you, you werent a drinker."

EDIT: I must be drunk. You =/= Your.

Added in Jerdon instead of whatever was there.


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"No no." said Altion, laughing lightly at the notion. "Tell you want, why don't you and I retreat to a more private room and I will tell you a bit more about myself. However, be wary your husband will not approve... And before you say it, I promise I will not do anything to compromise your honor Lady Stephanie."


"Ixion... I feel like there will be a fight here soon. Should we stay, it will not be our place to be." said the headmaster. "You and I should return to someplace out of the way, where we belong."

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Ixion sighed, partly in relief and partly disappointed at those participating in the candle and alcohol induced madness.

Ixion: Having to rely on magic just to remain coherent is just ridiculous. It's for the best. Let's go somewhere else. Perhaps you can enlighten me more with your ... "point of view".


Stephanie: That is a rather ... controversial request, Sir Altion. However, I believe you are a sincere young gentleman and will gladly accept ... so long as I quickly inform Ixion of where I'll be should he need me for something. He requires my aid on a whim you see ....

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