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I got engaged yesterday


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When I was 17 years old, I started dating a girl for the first time. She was a great girl, 16 years old. It was my senior year of high school. I eventually turned 18, and she eventually turned 17. We broke up about 2 months ago. I was happy, I told her I was in love.

But seriously, what did it mean? The word love is stupid. I was never smacked in the face by *love* so to speak. I broke up with her, and now I'm single. I hooked up with another girl like a month after breaking up. I thought it would make me happy.

It didn't. I made the biggest mistake of my life.

Congrats IET, I hope what you and her have is genuine.

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It's really not that early to get engaged imo since you have at least 2 years more before the actual marriage. And if you think it's okay, then everything is good. I really hope the two of you have a nice long wonderful life together!

btw if I manage to get into one of those universities, can I be invited to the wedding?

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Does she know she's engaged yet?

He should send her a box of chocolate and some roses if she didn't know.

EDIT: And not leave until she accepts it. That should do it.

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I'm not surprised some people think we are. Thanks for the concern.

Ok, I'm going to be straight with you right now. I think you'll appreciate it since I'm giving you my opinion straight rather than shaking my head privately and saying stuff like "that's wonderful!" and other shit like that.

Concern doesn't exactly describe my feelings about it. Fuck man, you're younger than I am and I'm not even legal drinking age. And you're engaged? I honestly hope you've thought this out because I for one don't think you have.

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IM F****** JEALOUS! >:(


Fight the power. Also, planning on getting married after your schooling? That would be better for the both of you I think.

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Does she know she's engaged yet?


Concern doesn't exactly describe my feelings about it. Fuck man, you're younger than I am and I'm not even legal drinking age. And you're engaged? I honestly hope you've thought this out because I for one don't think you have.

As for time, it could be anywhere from 2-5 years from now when we actually get married. That's actually a fair bit of time to change our minds :P.

I personally think it was a good idea for I eat tables to get engaged early. It would be easier to focus on the relationship during those 2-5 years if they already made their decision from before. If the two of them are so sure about it, then let them go on. If they're both deceiving themselves about the compatibility, they'll definitely find out in two years.

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Thanks again for the comments, and yes, I have thought this out completely. The bit I'm sure some of you won't like, but is the fact of the matter, is God's hand was on it, numerous times when I considered it someone would mention marriage or engagement, and then the opportunity presented itself in a clear way on Saturday. So I did.

I might invite you, depends on how many friends I can invite and if we meet at Uni :P

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I'm with the Admiral on this one: guarded congratulations. The both of you are still kids. But it's good to hear that the fated day has been set to infinity days in the future, which is how long that 2+ years is for a youngster's relationship.

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I'm 18 actually, so I'm technically old enough to do just about anything except run for Prime Minister (IIRC, you need to be 21 to do that). But regardless, I understand what you're saying.

And I'm sure I'm not the first member here. I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm fairly sure some others are married/engaged etc.

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I'm 18 actually, so I'm technically old enough to do just about anything except run for Prime Minister (IIRC, you need to be 21 to do that). But regardless, I understand what you're saying.

And I'm sure I'm not the first member here. I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm fairly sure some others are married/engaged etc.

Exactly; you are a legal adult, and she more or less is. Also, if I remember correctly, the UK is one of the many countries were younger people get engaged/married. I has the history, that is for sure.

Honestly, it isn't a big deal about the age though. Seriously. I'm sure Tables doesn't intend get married until either near the end of college or shortly after it. And that is still a good 4-5 years away.

Now you have to get your fiance/fiancees (I forget which) addicted to FE and get her to join the forum. biggrin.gif

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I'm 18 actually, so I'm technically old enough to do just about anything except run for Prime Minister (IIRC, you need to be 21 to do that). But regardless, I understand what you're saying.

Wow. Things are different in the UK when it comes to running for office.

You have to be 25 to run for Congress, 30 to be a Senator, and 35 to be President in the US...

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Well, it's not legally restricted, but it still doesn't really happen :P. A quick search reveals:

"Who is the youngest MP?

The youngest MP is Pamela Nash, Labour MP for Airdrie and Shotts, aged 25."

And we're not sure how long it'll be until we get married, but the earliest would be almost 2 years away. Could be after we both finish university, which would be 5 years or so.

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The youngest MP is Pamela Nash, Labour MP for Airdrie and Shotts, aged 25."

Eh, in Australia we have some snot-nosed privately-educated upper-class prick who's about 21 and looks about fifteen in Queensland somewhere.

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