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Golden Sun Dark Dawn on November 29th


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Perhaps they consolidated Psynergy animations further this time around? I mean, the Growth series now looks like the Thorn series, so it's possible that they used Beam's animation for Heat Wave...

Also, you never had to do that to see how many you had on standby. There was a meter/counter to the left of the HP/PP information that listed it, once you had Djinn on Standby. (In fact, that information is still there.)


And, is it me, or does it look like Karis is using a Light Blade in that first video?

I doubt they're doing any consolidating.

And yes, Karis does get to use Light Blades.

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Perhaps they consolidated Psynergy animations further this time around? I mean, the Growth series now looks like the Thorn series, so it's possible that they used Beam's animation for Heat Wave...

But the first time they showed some Growth Psynergy, it looked like the normal Growth series from the previous games. Only after that did they show something that seemed like the Thorn series. Maybe the second one really WAS Thorn (even though they were showing Growth just a little while back).

Also, you never had to do that to see how many you had on standby. There was a meter/counter to the left of the HP/PP information that listed it, once you had Djinn on Standby. (In fact, that information is still there.)


Oh snap, even after five playthroughs, I never ever noticed this until now. lolme

And, is it me, or does it look like Karis is using a Light Blade in that first video?

Ivan clone? Or Ivan and Mia's daughter?

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And, is it me, or does it look like Karis is using a Light Blade in that first video?

Well, the general set up involved 3 out of 4 able to use Light Blades. They did it in the first two games. One of the two others had to be able to use Light Blades. Guess it is her?

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Hey guys, there are new siloughets (spelling?) in the characters page, with what appears to be a werewolf character (it does have a lycanthrope look, and as a werewolf would be Jupiter by default I guess). It also looks like it's a girl too.


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Tough word and I have to admit to missing the first h. But Google is a wonderful resource. Even if you type "siloughets", it still nicely says "Did you mean: silhouettes". I love Google. It's amazing.

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Indeed, looks lycanthropic. Perhaps time has been kind to the werewolves. Though, it's also possible it's been cruel to them. Suppose we'll find out when the games come out.

Also, I looked into the other "new character" part, and I'm supposing it's the villain and supporting characters section. I see two silhouettes, one of a man with a sword (scabbard hanging off the back) and a sagely type.

...Isaac and Kraden. How many years has it been between Lost Age and this? I recall it being 30 years. Kraden was old then, but from the silhouettes he hasn't changed by much. Of course, seems logical that he would hang out in a place like Lemuria.

That other guy though? Has to be Isaac.

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I hope you guys all realize that I leave for Israel on October 24th and I don't get back to Canada until August 1st 2011.

So as bad as the torture is for you guys, imagine how I'm feeling.

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I hope you guys all realize that I leave for Israel on October 24th and I don't get back to Canada until August 1st 2011.

So as bad as the torture is for you guys, imagine how I'm feeling.

If I could set you up. I would. Trust me. That blows.

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Matthew Tyrell Karis Rief

It was too dark to see the other characters though. You sure Rief was Crown and not one of the other two characters with unknown names?

Well, the fourth figure is a blue-head, and unless I'm off with the perpective, it's barely as tall as Karis, so it couldn't be Harmony, the only other blue-head party member that we know of.

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New videos.

One of the main points here that surprised me is that apperantly

Kraden is still alive and looks the same as always. So he went to Lemuria for a time then? Then again, the silhouette of the scholar-type guy was like almost a given.

Another thing, it confirms the identity of the silhouette of the 7th party member. A melee-oriented lycanthrope (though I'm still not entirely sure of this one, but considering the fighting style, that may be the case) girl, named 'Sutera', which would be 'Stella'.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 things that I took from that second video.

1) The Atalanta and Eclipse Summons look badass.

2) I think we're getting a physical female Jupiter adept. Skip to nearly the end of the video and you'll see what I mean.

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2 things that I took from that second video.

1) The Atalanta and Eclipse Summons look badass.

2) I think we're getting a physical female Jupiter adept. Skip to nearly the end of the video and you'll see what I mean.

I hope they make a lot more good melee combat classes for Jupiter Adepts if they are going to do that. Piers is a terrible healer since he can't use any of the good +Mercury Power items. And there's no real way to make him good at combat. Particularly later on. Early on with everyone having low base attack, the % class adjustments can be mostly covered for by Longswords or something. He can at least have decent attack power. But lategame he can pick up an Excalibur and still suck.

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I hope they make a lot more good melee combat classes for Jupiter Adepts if they are going to do that. Piers is a terrible healer since he can't use any of the good +Mercury Power items. And there's no real way to make him good at combat. Particularly later on. Early on with everyone having low base attack, the % class adjustments can be mostly covered for by Longswords or something. He can at least have decent attack power. But lategame he can pick up an Excalibur and still suck.

That's why you give him a class item like the Tomegathericon or the Trainer's Whip. He's not really missing out on better classes even though Mariner!Piers is pretty freaking cool (no pun intended).

EDIT: Looks like I was right.


Meet Stella, a Jupiter Adept who happens to be a werewolf (from Garoh, obviously). She's definitely physical. A couple other pictures of returning characters are here too.


Isaac looks badass.

Edited by Sue Sylvester
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That's why you give him a class item like the Tomegathericon or the Trainer's Whip. He's not really missing out on better classes even though Mariner!Piers is pretty freaking cool (no pun intended).

I recall only the Trainer being a good class. Necromancer just feels iffy, and that Card class was awful. Then again, perhaps my past experience is not a good say in that matter.

EDIT: Looks like I was right.


Meet Stella, a Jupiter Adept who happens to be a werewolf (from Garoh, obviously). She's definitely physical. A couple other pictures of returning characters are here too.



Isaac looks badass.

Man, that chin of his GREW. Even rocking an ammish beard.

Also, called it.

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Woo! Called it on Isaac! Woo! Also, Stella would be interesting. Will she be using regular equipment, and will she have a different form.

Karis uses light blades too. Awesome.

Eclipse. Awesome.

Oh god not Kraden again. He better not talk as much.

And if I saw correctly, over 100 classes? How many did TLA have? I'm hoping they added more classes.


I want Jenna now!

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Since nobody mentioned it earlier, after the updates for Isaac, Kraden, and Stella, there are now silhouettes for, presumably, Harmony and the final playable Adept on the site. Looks like there might possibly be a magic-using Venus Adept after all...

Also, if you check out the page with the Psynergy videos on the official site, they have Stella using the "Spin" Psynergy in battle. The main page also has a button that brings up information about the previous 8 Adepts, with a neat little picture (wish I could read it though...). It's probably just the whole, "30 years have passed, and Matthew/Karis/Tyrell are the kids of the protagonists" stuff, but you never know.

(And, apparently, I was wrong earlier about the whole Growth -> Thorn thing, as the Growth battle video showcases either Wild or Mad Growth.)

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Since nobody mentioned it earlier, after the updates for Isaac, Kraden, and Stella, there are now silhouettes for, presumably, Harmony and the final playable Adept on the site. Looks like there might possibly be a magic-using Venus Adept after all...

Also, if you check out the page with the Psynergy videos on the official site, they have Stella using the "Spin" Psynergy in battle. The main page also has a button that brings up information about the previous 8 Adepts, with a neat little picture (wish I could read it though...). It's probably just the whole, "30 years have passed, and Matthew/Karis/Tyrell are the kids of the protagonists" stuff, but you never know.

(And, apparently, I was wrong earlier about the whole Growth -> Thorn thing, as the Growth battle video showcases either Wild or Mad Growth.)

I just saw those silhouettes too. I was just going to mention them. We've got another girl, and maybe a guy or girl. Hard to tell. Probably a guy though,

Here's a lineup:

Matthew: Venus Melee

Tyrell: Mars Melee

Faris: Jupiter Magic

Crown(Reif): Mercury Magic

Eoloe: Mars Melee

Stella: Jupiter Melee

Harmony: Water Melee?

???: Venus Magic

That seems to be are party. We finally got a female Venus adept, unless I'm completely mistaken and Harmony is Venus. And she appears to be of the caster type. And hopefully is Harmony is Melee, he won't suck as bad as Piers did. That was a disgrace.

Now all that's left is all the additional support characters. Garet I'm sure is making a return, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jenna and Felix would as well. Everyone else is up in the air though. I'm hoping they at least show up some point or another.

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I just saw those silhouettes too. I was just going to mention them. We've got another girl, and maybe a guy or girl. Hard to tell. Probably a guy though,

Here's a lineup:

Matthew: Venus Melee

Tyrell: Mars Melee

Faris: Jupiter Magic

Crown(Reif): Mercury Magic

Eoloe: Mars Melee

Stella: Jupiter Melee

Harmony: Water Melee?

???: Venus Magic

That seems to be are party. We finally got a female Venus adept, unless I'm completely mistaken and Harmony is Venus. And she appears to be of the caster type. And hopefully is Harmony is Melee, he won't suck as bad as Piers did. That was a disgrace.

Now all that's left is all the additional support characters. Garet I'm sure is making a return, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jenna and Felix would as well. Everyone else is up in the air though. I'm hoping they at least show up some point or another.

We've seen Harmony using Diamond Berg, IIRC, or another Mercury psynergy.

The design of the girl with the pigtails, leaves on her staff and whatnot, is definitely pointing her toward Venus.

Also, I think Karis and Eoleo are going to be proper middle ground characters like Jenna. Eoleo has been shown using the Fume series, previously only Jenna had access to it, and Karis can use Light Blades which, depending on her class choices, should make her fairly Jenna-ish.

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New videos.

One of the main points here that surprised me is that apperantly

Kraden is still alive and looks the same as always. So he went to Lemuria for a time then? Then again, the silhouette of the scholar-type guy was like almost a given.

Another thing, it confirms the identity of the silhouette of the 7th party member. A melee-oriented lycanthrope (though I'm still not entirely sure of this one, but considering the fighting style, that may be the case) girl, named 'Sutera', which would be 'Stella'.


Alex thought he became immortal when he absorbed the Golden Sun. Kraden also absorbed a tiny fraction of that energy in Mars Lighthouse (well, if the others did, he should too). Perhaps it prolonged his life a bit.

I hope they make a lot more good melee combat classes for Jupiter Adepts if they are going to do that. Piers is a terrible healer since he can't use any of the good +Mercury Power items. And there's no real way to make him good at combat. Particularly later on. Early on with everyone having low base attack, the % class adjustments can be mostly covered for by Longswords or something. He can at least have decent attack power. But lategame he can pick up an Excalibur and still suck.

I found him to be a pretty decent Tamer/Trainer/Beastkeeper/Beast Lord. He can equip broadswords which work well with a high-Atk class that's stuffed with EPAs.

If there was any doubt whether the guy in trenchcoat in those early screens was Isaac or not, I guess this definetly nails it now. :lol:

Yeah, he's :awesome: .

Indeed, he is. I used to hate him before but this one looks too cool.

And if I saw correctly, over 100 classes? How many did TLA have? I'm hoping they added more classes.

25 different class series. But I'm guessing they're talking about the number of classes themselves...

(6x5) + (2x6) + (8x5) + (4x3) + (2x2) + (3x4) = 116 if I calculated correctly. Which is already above 100.

And with 9 Djinn per character, there probably won't be much new classes, if any. Still though, it's not fair that they made the Samurai and White Mage series without putting Mercury-based and Mars-based classes of that type as well. If they create those ones, then we'd have 120 total, which is a nice number.

Now all that's left is all the additional support characters. Garet I'm sure is making a return, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jenna and Felix would as well. Everyone else is up in the air though. I'm hoping they at least show up some point or another.

Felix and Jenna HAVE to return. I'm guessing Jenna is Matthew's mommy. I think all eight of those would return actually. Piers is still gonna look like an 18-year-old, lol. As for the other characters, I really hope that Alex returns.

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