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Choral Mafia III- ENDGAME UPDATED (finally)


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By the way, Choral Mafia III is starting anywhere from tomorrow to the 30th. I've been working non-stop on it and I'm really, really trying to get it finished soon, so it should start anytime now. There are a lot of things I had to set up, wow <.>
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Take all the time you need. Sooner is better but perfection in the game is better than starting early.

I'm just sorry for delaying it so much <.<; I've been such a sick, disorganized mess lately and I want to change it now.

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Bizz, I don't like calling you dumb (because you aren't) but...

THERE ARE NO VANILLAS IN THIS GAME, NOR IS THERE A JESTER OR A CULT LEADER. Remember this if you need to fakeclaim! Hahahaha.

Really? C'mon, now there's no point in even TRYING to claim these roles. It probably would have been better to not mention it at all.

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WoMC managed to win a game with a fake cult. But that was using PMs, so, yeah. Better safe than sorry.

All the more power to him for pulling that off. I see no reason to disqualify the idea.

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