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Let's Play Golden Sun!


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And now for the Double Attack.


The Damn thing is lit.


Furby: Damn it!

Shade: That's not good.



BTW I lost to Satarous in a test run, so I do this. Set Both of Fia's djinn for ply, and set Both Mercury Djinn so Fia can summon first turn to boost water power and do good damage. Lost 1 turn of CE though.


About that... Someone stole the stars from Sol Sanctum.


Furby: Nope. We come from the village. We protect Sol Sanctum.

Fia: I see...


Furby/Roxas: Dimma!


And the assholes too. Damn it.

Damn straight!


Yeah right. We could kick your ass.



Bring it!



Cocky bastard. Dimma is protesting a lot. Juan has to her calm down. They leave.

Shade: We have to be careful. We need to match him.


You are gonna get your ass kicked.




Meet Sataruos. He made me lose for once. I remember the first time I played, I had to grind forever to beat him. My strategy: Shade usesForge To boost Attack.


Fia summons Nereid to boost Ply.


Breeze to help Resistance a little.


And lots of CE and healing.


He does fall however. Finally. cool.gif

One more post I swear!

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Also, you forgot that Forge can increase the Party's attack. Would using that mess up your strat against the Killer Ape?

It would. If we had 3 Mars Djinni at the time, I could have stuck Forge on Ivan or Mia and unleash him. But since we only need to and there's a big jump in Att between Brute (1 Mars on Isaac) and Ruffian (2 Mars), it doesn't work. It's a fantastic idea though.

Also, there's this about Saturos.

Proto did bring up an excellent point earlier. He suggested to set 1 Mercury on both Isaac and Garet and abuse Cutting Edge, something I've never tried. We'd then end up with Swordsman!Isaac (1 Mercury, 1 Mars), Swordsman!Garet (1 Mercury, 1 Mars), Diviner!Ivan (2 Venus) and Elder!Mia (2 Jupiter). Mia casts Impact on both Isaac and Garet and Saturos dies quickly from 2 Cutting Edges per turn against his 72 Water Resist (surprisingly, Earth is his 2nd lowest Resist). Ivan's on healing duty.

Saturos just became so much fun to beat up. Swordsman!Isaac and Garet should spam Cutting Edge, Diviner!Ivan heals with Cure Well and Elder!Mia uses Impact twice each on Isaac and Garet and uses Prism afterwards. Saturos went down in 6 rounds with Isaac and Garet basically doing 100 damage each by Turn 4. However, I did have to grind in Mercury Lighthouse quite a bit to get Garet to level 11 in order to learn Cutting Edge. That pretty much rules out having Ragnarok by this battle.

It works like a charm. Ivan should be going before Saturos anyway so you don't have to worry about HP that much.

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And sometimes they are really nice and give you an item/ability that reduces MP cost to 1. Other games it only gives you the one that cuts cost in half (I forget, does Golden Sun have one of those? I hope so, but don't remember).

Nope, nothing in Golden Sun reduces how much PP you need to cast something. You do regain quite a bit every turn though.

Nah, Thunder Mine hits one target. I don't think there's ANY EPA in the game that hits multiple targets.

Shuriken is a 3 target EPA.

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Last Post!


And Alex.


Duh Furby.

Furby Fail: 13


And? What does that matter.



Satarous gets up.

I thought we beat you!


Furby: You're just covering the fact that we kicked your ass. I was fine. Stop being a pussy!

Furby W1N: 1 (Promised ya Furby! smile.gif)


I think we will. Your ARE our enemy.


Teleporting Bastards.


Furby: Yeah! Now hand them over!


Furby: That bitch!

Fia: I will not tolerate that language around me.


Not telling you.

Alex: I'll take that as a yes.


Obvious question Sherlock.

They then leave, and Fia has joined our party. Shade wonders about Imil, but Fia says the Water of Herme's will keep them fine.


Let's grab a bottle too.

And that''s it! A Four Post Update!

Join us next time on Chapter 9: Return to Tret and Kolima.

And some more class reviews.

Luminier/Guardian (Swordsman, Defender, Cavalier, Luminier/Guardian)

These guys are interesting. Furby gets the blast family, while Roxas gets the Thorn family. Neither are particularly strong. What makes this class good is the fact that they get the Ply AND Wish series, and they have the ability to cure status. They also get the Guard Family to go along with the theme. Break is not that great, but Cutting Edge is. CE was crucial in the Satarous fight. They get average boosts though across the board. Besides being tanks with healing, nothing to write home about. They big weakness that they cannot due to much summoning and unleashing less they lose all the healing.

The Lost Age: New Class of Protector and CE becomes Plume Edge.

Link Play/Arena: A good choice, primarily due to the extra healing. Plume Edge does fairly good damage.


Water Seer (Water Seer, Scribe, Cleric, Paragon)

Fia's Unique Class. Her base class is of the healing variety. She's got Ply, Wish and the restore status family. She misses revive do to being Earth Elemental however. Accompanying those spells, she gets the Tundra family (Lame), and the Ice Family (Better). Other than that, nothing to note. Oh. forgot Break. She gets Great PP, at the cost of bad everything else. Fragile class on a already fragile person is not good. She should stick to other classes when she can. Better than Guard I guess.

The Lost Age: Nothing else but usual class upgrade. Angel. Lame

Link Play/Arena: Use something else.

4.5/10 Not that good....

Wind Seer (Wind Seer, Magician, Mage, Magister)

Shade's stater class. Fia can get it too, but I'll discuss that on a later special class review. Wind Seer is actually a good class, despite paper thin defense, and lack of dual elemental Psynergy. What makes it good is it's immense AGI, access to the Impact family, Plasma family, and gets the ward family and break. The rest of the Psynergy is average at best, but that's all you really need. They also have PP. It has 10% more than Fia's base class. It is by far the second best base class overall.

The Lost Age: The same as Fia's. Just a new class name, Sorcerer.

Link Play/Arena: It has Impact and Plasma, but not much else. Not terrible though.

6.0/10 Average mostly. Plasma and Impact put it there with the AGI boost.

That's all. Debate away!

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Swordsman: It's a shame, to be honest. You get access to some of the best Psynergy in the game (Cutting Edge, Ply series, Wish series, Blast and Guard series for Garet, Thorn series and Revive for Isaac, Restore, Break and Cure Poison) and the 90% class bonus in PP is a slap in the face since it's applied to the two guys with the lowest base PP in the party. It's just sad. The rest of the bonuses range from mediocre to average but that PP bonus is what kills the class. And it's a shame too since if we had a 110% bonus, I'd be calling this class one of the best in the game. I agree with your 6.5/10 rating on this one.

Wind Seer: Here's the deal. You're looking at the worst defense in the entire game with this class (tied with Hermit for both Ivan and Mia) and yet, it's actually kind of decent. Ivan only needs 2 Jupiter for Magister, which gives him the Impact series and the level of Wind Psynergy he gets is quite good (Whirlwind, Ray and Plasma series are the three best Wind Psynergy families). He's also hitting that Wind weakness that most of the enemies in Venus Lighthouse and Babi Lighthouse have. If he had any healing moves, I'd be tempted to say that it's an above average class. I personally think that a 5/10 rating is more fair.

Water Seer: Oh dear... I don't even want to tackle this one. The only thing Mia can do well in this class is heal. That's it. She's stuck with Tundra (40 Dam) between Imil and the end of Lamarkan Desert (Ice Horn is level 17). That means that we're talking about 2 water based dungeons (Mogall Forest since most of the enemies actually have a water resistance and Altin Mine) and then a fire based where she's doing barely more than moves like Plasma, Gaia, Spire, Blast (Nova series) and Volcano. Think about that for a second. Let it sink in. My god, Water Seer!Mia could be the second worst class in the entire series (only Mariner!Piers is worse and when you consider how bad Water Seer!Mia is, that's saying something) and is by far the worst in this game. I'd give her a 2.5/10 solely because of Wish before Lamarkan Desert.

That's my take. We should do a tier list for Golden Sun classes. WTF Broken Tier would have Page/Apprentice, Hermit and White Mage probably.

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Most of the classes that take large numbers of two different Djinni tend to be very good. Master is probably the best class in the game for Isaac/Felix, though I put Felix in Chaos Lord.

Not really. Ranger's decent at best (3 Wind and 3-4 Fire which are the two most coveted Djinn in the game IMO) since it's got meh bonuses and the Psynergy's kinda lame (Volcano series is good but Slash and Douse are both pretty mediocre, not to mention that there's no Ply and Wish).

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Wind Seer: Here's the deal. You're looking at the worst defense in the entire game with this class (tied with Hermit for both Ivan and Mia) and yet, it's actually kind of decent. Ivan only needs 2 Jupiter for Magister, which gives him the Impact series and the level of Wind Psynergy he gets is quite good (Whirlwind, Ray and Plasma series are the three best Wind Psynergy families). He's also hitting that Wind weakness that most of the enemies in Venus Lighthouse and Babi Lighthouse have. If he had any healing moves, I'd be tempted to say that it's an above average class. I personally think that a 5/10 rating is more fair.

Water Seer: Oh dear... I don't even want to tackle this one. The only thing Mia can do well in this class is heal. That's it. She's stuck with Tundra (40 Dam) between Imil and the end of Lamarkan Desert (Ice Horn is level 17). That means that we're talking about 2 water based dungeons (Mogall Forest since most of the enemies actually have a water resistance and Altin Mine) and then a fire based where she's doing barely more than moves like Plasma, Gaia, Spire, Blast (Nova series) and Volcano. Think about that for a second. Let it sink in. My god, Water Seer!Mia could be the second worst class in the entire series (only Mariner!Piers is worse and when you consider how bad Water Seer!Mia is, that's saying something) and is by far the worst in this game. I'd give her a 2.5/10 solely because of Wish before Lamarkan Desert.

That's my take. We should do a tier list for Golden Sun classes. WTF Broken Tier would have Page/Apprentice, Hermit and White Mage probably.

They only reason Wind Seer get's a 6 is due to it's AGI. It's massive enough to help dish out serious damage with Plasma before things move. I potentially agree with you about Mia though. Bleh. They game doesn't pull any punches for Water Adepts do they?

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Nope, nothing in Golden Sun reduces how much PP you need to cast something. You do regain quite a bit every turn though.

Celestriades would be considered too overpowered for Golden Sun

Oh, wait, it's already too overpowered in FF

Shuriken is a 3 target EPA.

Oh, right, I forgot about that. Sorry.

Better than Guard I guess.

Guard can actually dish out good damage though. And in TLA, Liquifier is actually pretty good imo. I'd say Water Seer is worse. Water Seer is one of the only classes that have both single-target and multi-target healing (aside from the Dragoon line and the last few classes in the Tamer line, I can't think of any others). Which isn't really very special, since Ply becomes kinda useless once you have Wish access.

Shade's stater class. Fia can get it too, but I'll discuss that on a later special class review.

Wait, what? FIA CAN BECOME A WIND SEER??? Are you sure about this? Wind Seer is supposed to be purely Wind, you know...

Wind Seer is actually a good class, despite paper thin defense, and lack of dual elemental Psynergy. What makes it good is it's immense AGI, access to the Impact family, Plasma family, and gets the ward family and break.

Uh, I'm pretty sure Wind Seer doesn't get Break. It's Mercury-elemental after all. Wind Seer gets Bind.

The rest of the Psynergy is average at best, but that's all you really need. They also have PP. It has 10% more than Fia's base class. It is by far the second best base class overall.

With the first best being Flame User, amirite?

Not really. Ranger's decent at best (3 Wind and 3-4 Fire which are the two most coveted Djinn in the game IMO) since it's got meh bonuses and the Psynergy's kinda lame (Volcano series is good but Slash and Douse are both pretty mediocre, not to mention that there's no Ply and Wish).

I actually dislike Dragoon for some reason and I don't find Medium to be very impressive either. Ninja, Samurai, and White Mage are the only tri-elemental classes that I really like.

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I get it now, thanks. These stats come entirely from the characters alone, right? Which means these values are decided first and AFTER THAT, the class, Djinn, and equipment bonuses are factored in. I knew that equipment and Djinn did not affect the core stats but I incorrectly used to think that stat growths were class-dependent. Thanks for clearing it up!

What's great about you being wrong about the bolded is that you can sit a person in one class for most of the game, switch them to another one right before the Twin Dragon and suffer no consequence.

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What's great about you being wrong about the bolded is that you can sit a person in one class for most of the game, switch them to another one right before the Twin Dragon and suffer no consequence.

You mean I don't need to carefully monitor my classes throughout the entire game just to prepare myself for the big lategame/optional bosses? Oh snap, my latest run just got a whole lot more bearable!

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[quote name='Proto' date='16 September 2010 - 04:21 AM' timestamp='1284625296' post='

Wait, what? FIA CAN BECOME A WIND SEER??? Are you sure about this? Wind Seer is supposed to be purely Wind, you know...

Uh, I'm pretty sure Wind Seer doesn't get Break. It's Mercury-elemental after all. Wind Seer gets Bind.

With the first best being Flame User, amirite?

Yeah, Mia does not get the Wind Seer Class. It was getting late and I was tired. Blame my lack of research on that. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Also, thanks about the Break. Man, I'm being forgetful.

My thoughts about the base classes are Lord>Magister>Champion>Paragon for a few reasons.

Lord is first due to Revive, solid healing, and Ragnarok and Gaia.

Magister Places second due to Impact Plasma and it's awesome AGI.

Champion is third because, Paragon is that bad. SRS guys.

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You mean I don't need to carefully monitor my classes throughout the entire game just to prepare myself for the big lategame/optional bosses? Oh snap, my latest run just got a whole lot more bearable!

That sarcasm? Kinda hard to tell over the internet.

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Celestriades would be considered too overpowered for Golden Sun

Oh, wait, it's already too overpowered in FF

Economizers/Celestriades are broken wherever they appear, yes.

However, Gold Hairpins are not quite as broken. Well, in ff5 they kinda are. It's way too easy to Syldra every single battle in world 3 (from the moment you get it) and thanks to Air Knife or Magus/Wizard Rod it basically OHKOs most random battles if you've never run before (thus your level is high enough) even if you've never grinded. So maybe it's broken there, too. Syldra repeatedly, use a tent/cabin before the boss, then do whatever (usually not Syldra) to the boss.

However they aren't crazy powerful most of the time. And Crono Trigger had gold stud which cut MP cost to a quarter. That would probably be too much for this game.

But would it really be too much to have 1/2 cost? or how about ToS with Technical and its 9/10 cost. 10 MP cost becomes 9 MP. It's a minor improvement that can have an effect over the course of a dungeon but probably only a few extra spells get to be cast.

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Economizers/Celestriades are broken wherever they appear, yes.

However, Gold Hairpins are not quite as broken. Well, in ff5 they kinda are. It's way too easy to Syldra every single battle in world 3 (from the moment you get it) and thanks to Air Knife or Magus/Wizard Rod it basically OHKOs most random battles if you've never run before (thus your level is high enough) even if you've never grinded. So maybe it's broken there, too. Syldra repeatedly, use a tent/cabin before the boss, then do whatever (usually not Syldra) to the boss.

However they aren't crazy powerful most of the time. And Crono Trigger had gold stud which cut MP cost to a quarter. That would probably be too much for this game.

But would it really be too much to have 1/2 cost? or how about ToS with Technical and its 9/10 cost. 10 MP cost becomes 9 MP. It's a minor improvement that can have an effect over the course of a dungeon but probably only a few extra spells get to be cast.

True. Though in FF6, MP usually isn't a problem thanks to Osmose (that is, unless you get all your MP Osmose'd away from you, which can be a pain, since MP healing items can be expensive). Also, Osmose was in FF9 IIRC.

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But would it really be too much to have 1/2 cost? or how about ToS with Technical and its 9/10 cost. 10 MP cost becomes 9 MP. It's a minor improvement that can have an effect over the course of a dungeon but probably only a few extra spells get to be cast.

Well the only place you would really would need stuff like that would be midgame, because earlygame is well early, and endgame is when you have enough PSY Crystals an enough PP in general to not worry. Mia also always regains 4 PP per turn, so yeah. Also, if I remember right, you do get a djinn that restores PP as well. PP amount is not an issue, it's how you use it. The only time I've run dry is with Garet, who also has the lowest PP base, and that was the tail end of the Satarous fight.

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Well the only place you would really would need stuff like that would be midgame, because earlygame is well early, and endgame is when you have enough PSY Crystals an enough PP in general to not worry. Mia also always regains 4 PP per turn, so yeah. Also, if I remember right, you do get a djinn that restores PP as well. PP amount is not an issue, it's how you use it. The only time I've run dry is with Garet, who also has the lowest PP base, and that was the tail end of the Satarous fight.

Only in Mercury Lighthouse. Ember (Mars) restores 7% of your Max PP on a specific person.

PP is an issue depending on the dungeon. Tret Tree can easily take a lot out of you and Mogall Forest is no picnic. That being said, Lamarkan Desert is laughable since they hand you a Psynergy Crystal in the middle of it.

Pretty sure Suhalla Desert and Gate are tough on the PP though. And Venus Lighthouse is an obvious one too.

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Only in Mercury Lighthouse. Ember (Mars) restores 7% of your Max PP on a specific person.

PP is an issue depending on the dungeon. Tret Tree can easily take a lot out of you and Mogall Forest is no picnic. That being said, Lamarkan Desert is laughable since they hand you a Psynergy Crystal in the middle of it.

Pretty sure Suhalla Desert and Gate are tough on the PP though. And Venus Lighthouse is an obvious one too.

The Venus Lighthouse has a PP stone in it, right around the middle. Tret Tree I'll give you (Only before Mercury Lighthouse though), but the Suhalla Desert and Gate are not bad at all. I've never had problems with PP there. Maybe that's just me...

I cannot comment on the Mogall Forest at the moment, but I'll be passing it soon anyways.

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Well the only place you would really would need stuff like that would be midgame, because earlygame is well early, and endgame is when you have enough PSY Crystals an enough PP in general to not worry. Mia also always regains 4 PP per turn, so yeah. Also, if I remember right, you do get a djinn that restores PP as well. PP amount is not an issue, it's how you use it. The only time I've run dry is with Garet, who also has the lowest PP base, and that was the tail end of the Satarous fight.

True, but I would've mentioned the fact that Mia's regaining PP is only in Mercury Lighthouse, except Life Admiral beat me to it.

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