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Pay tribute to me!


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Sure, why not. Take away the sun and everyone dies and there's no one to worship you. I'd welcome that move.

On the other hand, if I do this, I will have everyne's stuff and there will be no more need for tribute.

I will ransack your house and eat all your sandwhiches.


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Considering how in this post...


his previous name is in that quote box and clicking the arrow on that quote leads you to a post by "Amaterasu", it's a very easy name change to take not of in your case.

I don't click on my posts in order to make sure that everyone still has the same name. When I first saw Amaterasu, my first thought was 'who the fuck' rather than 'oh I must trawl through a debate in order to figure out the identity of this mystery individual'.

Anyway, I assume you're playing Okami, GJ? I never finished it (I got to the last dungeon and it was all like 'FIGHT SOME OLD BOSSES AGAIN WE WERE LAAAZY' so I got bored.)

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On the other hand, if I do this, I will have everyne's stuff and there will be no more need for tribute.

I will ransack your house and eat all your sandwhiches.


*Laces some sandwiches with poison*

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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On the other hand, if I do this, I will have everyne's stuff and there will be no more need for tribute.

I will ransack your house and eat all your sandwhiches.


I don't have anything valuable in particular so your efforts are futile.

I don't make sandwiches. So there's nothing you can "take" from me.

Edited by UberLughFTW
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Ooh, scary.


I don't click on my posts in order to make sure that everyone still has the same name. When I first saw Amaterasu, my first thought was 'who the fuck' rather than 'oh I must trawl through a debate in order to figure out the identity of this mystery individual'.


Anyway, I assume you're playing Okami, GJ? I never finished it (I got to the last dungeon and it was all like 'FIGHT SOME OLD BOSSES AGAIN WE WERE LAAAZY' so I got bored.)

What? Refights of all the bosses in a Capcom game? WTF!? I mean that's so unusual! Whodathunk they would ever do that? EVER!? I mean seriously, I would have to have had a labotomy to think they would ever do that! What a shocker! IT BLOWS MY MIND! MY MIND, IT IS FULL OF STARS AT THIS REVELATION! RAAAAA-

Seriously though, I've already beaten it. Loved every second of it...Despite it being unbearably long. It was fun all the way through, but it was so long that I was getting furious at it's refusal to end.

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What? Refights of all the bosses in a Capcom game? WTF!? I mean that's so unusual! Whodathunk they would ever do that? EVER!? I mean seriously, I would have to have had a labotomy to think they would ever do that! What a shocker! IT BLOWS MY MIND! MY MIND, IT IS FULL OF STARS AT THIS REVELATION! RAAAAA-

I don't look for trends in game companies. I'm not even sure what Capcom has made.

Seriously though, I've already beaten it. Loved every second of it...Despite it being unbearably long. It was fun all the way through, but it was so long that I was getting furious at it's refusal to end.

Normally, I find it hard to think of a game as too long, but Yamato's Ark was really the last straw for me. It felt like padding on an already massive game. Yamui was awesome enough that I could play through it, because I love snowy levels in computer games (I must be the only person on these boards that prefers Ilia to Sacae).

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I don't look for trends in game companies. I'm not even sure what Capcom has made.

Megaman, Devil May Cry, that's already 2 of their series that has that trend.

Normally, I find it hard to think of a game as too long, but Yamato's Ark was really the last straw for me. It felt like padding on an already massive game. Yamui was awesome enough that I could play through it, because I love snowy levels in computer games (I must be the only person on these boards that prefers Ilia to Sacae).

It also doesn't help that you could name several points in the game where you could have pointed out a point of the story where it could have very damn well ended. It was being a tease with it's ending.

Also, Yamato's Ark was basically hte end. You refought the boss then fought the big boss, end story. You WERE at the end of the story. As for the final boss, he is a BITCH.

*Steals the tribute gifts*

Ha! Sucks to be you, no one has offered gifts yet! *bitchslaps you*

have you been well? <3


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Megaman, Devil May Cry, that's already 2 of their series that has that trend.

Fair enough. But Devil May Cry had way better bosses than Okami. I can forgive them bringing Nightmare and Phantom back twice each.

It also doesn't help that you could name several points in the game where you could have pointed out a point of the story where it could have very damn well ended. It was being a tease with it's ending.

Yeah you had to fight Orochi waaaaay too many times. It got a little old since he's a really long boss to begin with.

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Best okami guide ever:


Run around the spiral ramp and continue out the cave while ignoring the

burning piles of leaves because you would have to think "why someone would

bring lawn rakings all the way up into here just to burn them"

When you reach the broken bridge, use the brush to draw it back in. At the

sapling, circle it to bring about the growing animation. Note to the game

designers: it was cool the first 3 times, maybe we could shorten up the rest

of them.

In the next scene, read what Issun says and you can replace every occurrence

of the word "mist" with the word "Ganjah"

Explore the interior of the "pot". You need to get the contents out. Do

this with the wind brush technique. By getting the "mist" out, Ammy released

the god Kasugami. The god is a lamb with a huge sheep's bladder filled with

some type of intoxicant. Kasugami stumbles around, takes a few hits of the

sauce, and then takes a few hits from some lutes. One of them hits him right

in the (lamb) chops. The new "mist" miracle allows Ammy to slow things down

- just like the real-life "mist". Test it out on the spider. Just outside

the room is another one of those POGs, but it is much easier now that you can

give him a hit of the "mist."

Dude! That was totally the Emperors "mist" stash. If you looked hard enough

you could probably also find some old Playboys that he hid from his mom.

Bad gfags formatting is bad.

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