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Wat's with the fagsflags?

Well the only thing that gets abused more than Ls,Ws and Ys in Wales is sheep and I'm half Welsh hence the comment about ewes

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I think he wants you to be his e-date to an e-restaurant so he can slip you a e-roofie and have his e-way with e-you.

Well after Death said this I made an airplane reference which nobody picked up on :sob:

SeverIan said e-you and eeeeeew are homophones, and I thought eeewww looked like ewe so I embraced my Welsh heritage and some sheep :awesome: you might want to check the rammifications of this statement though.

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I never knew an ewe was a female sheep. I thought female deer only.

A female deer is a doe. Probably best if you don't ask me why I know the names of the female variant of an animal or less mentally scarring at any rate;)

Edited by mikethfc
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I heard vegans can move stuff with their minds and like focus energy and blast it and shit.

OK but I'll start by reading your personality, or rather your history:

You've been playing Super Mario Sunshine, I see you've played Super Smash Bros. Melee bfore

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OK but I'll start by reading your personality, or rather your history:

You've been playing Super Mario Sunshine, I see you've played Super Smash Bros. Melee bfore

I played Super Mario Sunshine for a bit a few years ago (I think). And yes, I've played Melee before- but what the hell is that?

And suck it.

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Hmm, I see what you're saying. And I would agree with you that we're omnivores. And it WOULD'VE been part of nature's cycle if we hunted it ourselves and needed it to survive. It's not natural anymore because the farms today aren't anything like the idyllic green pastures and barnyards. These days we treat animals like machines or products in a factory, with no concern or value for their life. They are put into crammed wire cages where they are never allowed to see the sun or run in grass, and stuffed with antibiotics and drugs to make them grow faster. Then they're just shipped off and slaughtered.

People are brainwashed into having no value of life unless it's human, and that's what pisses me off, mostly.

If you really love meat, it would be really great if you could at least support local farms that treat their animals kindly. I think they're called free range?

Yeah, I don't like their treatment of animals either, and I would do it if it was possible here. But...since the meat and stuff is being sold anyway, I just think it's a waste if I don't use it, and if I refuse to buy it, they're going to do it anyway because meat is in high demand here (less vegetarians/vegans).

Though I'm not sure if the farms here are the same as those in other countries. Or at least, the one we get our meat from, since the owner is a good person, and I wouldn't imagine him treating his livestock badly.

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I played Super Mario Sunshine for a bit a few years ago (I think). And yes, I've played Melee before- but what the hell is that?

And suck it.

Psycho Mantis quote :awesome:

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