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That bacon strip looks disgusting.

It's also disgusting because when you think about it, that bacon was a living creature once. :(

Most people rarely have the opportunity to interact with these outgoing, sensitive animals because 97 percent of pigs are raised on factory farms. They spend their entire lives in overcrowded pens on a tiny slab of filthy concrete. These pigs are denied everything that is natural to them.

They are taken away from their mothers when they are less than 1 month old; their tails are cut off, some of their teeth are cut off, and the males have their testicles ripped out of their scrotums (castration) without any pain relief.


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As were plants but we step on them and kill them and eat them anyway.

lol vegetarians

While it is possible that plants have sensitivities that we do not yet understand, plants do not have a central nervous system and it is generally agreed upon in the scientific community that plants are incapable of suffering.

Usually, this issue is not really raised as a concern, but more of an excuse or justification since few people truly believe that plants feel pain. However, if one really is concerned about plants suffering, adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet actually reduces the number of plants killed, since animals must be fed huge quantities of grasses and grains to be converted into small quantities of meat, milk, and eggs.

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Meh. For me, another animal's suffering and death isn't worth temporary pleasures like food.

I don't know, they're animals that I'm not seeing when they're killed, and I like to think we're a part of nature's cycle and just doing our job. Besides, we're designed to be omnivores. And all of that aside, I just...can't get enough meat. Everyone tells me I'm too carnivorous. : (

Also, plants do feel. Maybe not pain, but they go under a lot of stress when you do something terrible to them (cutting, burning, etc.). I kind of feel more empathy for plants because I admire them a lot. They're so quiet, so serene, so content. They're just doing their own thing, living their lives in a corner of the world. If they're taken care of, they grow strong and healthy but if not, they quietly wilt away and die. It's so inspiring; they accept whatever comes their way, and they never object to anything.

Edited by Nightmare
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