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My Grandmother is on her way to the emergency room


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Because prayers are totally going to make it all better.

What the heck? Why do you feel the need to resort to childish mockery over nothing more than someone expressing sympathy? Just because you do not agree with their religious beliefs is no reason to act like such a jerk.

Uhai, I cannot claim to know how you feel, but I hope that all goes well.

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Man, I know that feeling.

Well, what most people have said already: stay calm and pray for her.

I know it's a hard time for you and your family. You may thing you feel useless, but staying where you are and being calmed is just the best you can do right now. We're all here for you, I'll also pray for her.

Be strong and hang in there.

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It's better than being sarcastic.

It's actually just as effective.

I did not realize that people praying for your cause is as irritating as stupid remarks about religion in a thread that has nothing to do with your problems with religion.

If you have a problem with prayer, find somewhere else to vent.

lolwut It's not even what he said. He said they were approximately evenly helpful.

lol, Stop being such a little bitch. Grain of salt and such.

Word, etc

Nice way to dismiss an argument.

Don't bash something and then basically say "Y U MAD THO?"

Why not?

Nice dickride brah

You ain't seen nothing yet.

What the heck? Why do you feel the need to resort to childish mockery over nothing more than someone expressing sympathy? Just because you do not agree with their religious beliefs is no reason to act like such a jerk.


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Um wow guys...... yeah... bad timing and shit.

Turns out it was a fever.


I was overreacting so much and now I feel stupid. Shes fine now at least. Thank God.

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Um wow guys...... yeah... bad timing and shit.

Turns out it was a fever.


I was overreacting so much and now I feel stupid. Shes fine now at least. Thank God.



Do I feel better or worse knowing that I spent all this time angsting over someone else...

Oh well, I'd likely have done the same. Emergency ward is emergency ward.

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Um wow guys...... yeah... bad timing and shit.

Turns out it was a fever.


I was overreacting so much and now I feel stupid. Shes fine now at least. Thank God.

Whaaat? That's fucking crazy, lol. Though now that you say that I can remember quite a few times that my former grandmother went to the ER over nothing, but my family just normally blew it off because she was addicted to prescription meds. Funny lady, blind, deaf, and stoned all of the time.

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It's better than being sarcastic.

Tell that to Patch Adams. He saved more lives than your God ever will.



Whaaat? That's fucking crazy, lol. Though now that you say that I can remember quite a few times that my former grandmother went to the ER over nothing, but my family just normally blew it off because she was addicted to prescription meds. Funny lady, blind, deaf, and stoned all of the time.

If I were blind and deaf, I'd probably want to be stoned all the time too.

Would suck ass.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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Tell that to Patch Adams. He saved more lives than your God ever will.

The religious angst thread is that-a-way. . as in, not here.

(meaning, if you want to bitch about it, do so elsewhere)

Um wow guys...... yeah... bad timing and shit.

Turns out it was a fever.


I was overreacting so much and now I feel stupid. Shes fine now at least. Thank God.

Glad to hear she's okay!

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I just love how everyone overreacts to Death's post and makes this topic retarded. So mature. I'm sure Uhai would have appreciated if she had actually died.

FE is a series generally enjoyed by children, happens a lot.

And you are the only one bitching about anything, Eclipse.

Edited by Death
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FE is a series generally enjoyed by children, happens a lot.

Right, children. Thank you for reminding me of that.

And you are the only one bitching about anything, Eclipse.

I'd explain the difference, but I think it would be a wasted effort, seeing as I'm dealing with children.

(take this with the same grain of salt as that prayer post of yours earlier)

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I just love how everyone overreacts to Death's post and makes this topic retarded. So mature. I'm sure Uhai would have appreciated if she had actually died.

What the hell? I learned to ignore srupid comments, every thread has them. If she died Id be anything but happy.

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What the hell? I learned to ignore srupid comments, every thread has them. If she died Id be anything but happy.

Malexis was being sarcastic as the flame war was shadowing your plight.

I would say congrats but I'm glad your nan has a fever seems weird so I'm happy for you that it's not something worse.

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Well the cancers still there but it is being treated, and the chimo isnt having a huge effect of her, so shes fighting.

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Well the cancers still there but it is being treated, and the chimo isnt having a huge effect of her, so shes fighting.

Crap man, once again I'm really sorry for you. I would say you can PM me if you need support but I haven't really experienced anything like this first-hand and I'm at a loss for words most of the time in normal conversation. Best of luck anyway.

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And you are the only one bitching about anything, Eclipse.

Actually I agree with him, I just shouldn't to say anything about whats wrong with being an insensitive sarcastic bastard. Guess thats just me that things thats bad though :/

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