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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Ixion looked off to the side for a moment. Damian wasn't sire what, but before he was given a chance to ask, Ixion mentioned elder magic, and left.

'Someone is using dark magic? Here? Oh goddammit Morgan...'

Following the druid to the source of the issue, something was clear.

'There is something here... I think it is a demon...'

Gae-Borg was picking up the signal like a well tuned radio, and Damian could tell Ixion was heading in the right direction already. Seeing a brown haired girl hurry past, Damian stopped for a second.

'She looks familiar... where have I seen that girl before? Doesn't matter now.'

Putting the girl to the back of his mind for the time being, the situation outside was... unique by almost any standard... almost any. Unfortunately, Morgan firing lobs of dark magic at a mysterious woman while Krinkov slammed another wyvern into the ground, at the same time as Stephanie bitching at Ixion while Kiev who was wearing a top hat for some reason flew an obviously hung over Irina wearing a ball dress around was not the oddest thing he had encountered since joining this group.

"Do I even want to know what is going on here?" Damian asked, rather impatiently, noting that the disturbance in energy was coming from the blonde woman.

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Luc Altair

"I never said you would work against them did I? That would be foolish, to put you in a situation like that. No, I just want to know what you report to them, and possibly things you see within our own group that might be of interest. If you really think I'm so foolish as to not know how to plan adequately around what information you give me, feel free to tell this organization that I tried to buy you," Luc outlined his thoughts on the matter. Yes, if she told them he had tried to buy her, it was entirely possible they would order her to play along. As Luc was thinking, Rika's teeth began to chatter. Had Luc not been focusing on her, he knew he would have missed that sign. "Really, am I going to have to teach alcohol tolerance to all of you?"

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"I'm not gonna let anything happen to either of us, we just have to be careful and stay hidden." Kelas led the way up to the gates, staying back from the edge. "Right, they're still talking..." she muttered. "Damn I wish I'd paid more attention to what the books had on their covers before we lost them, I'd be able to tell which one it was, but that's definitely one of the tomes. I'm not gonna run out there because one of them will probably blast me, either Morgan out of jumpiness or the one with the book, she looks like a mage but no telling what she really is... oh lovely, here's Damian, we might as well just walk out there now."

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Friendlies At The Gates

Lev didn't bother waiting around and rushed passed everyone! Krinkov spotted Kamilla and took to the sky heading straight for them! When Shamus saw the wyvern coming, he shoved Kamilla out of the way and tried to strong arm the wyvern only to be body slammed and sent sailing a good thirty feet! Krinkov then looked over at Kamilla who was rushing to reach a store and get inside! Before she could however, Krinkov had latched onto her and flew off into the air! Her screams carried quite a distance as he took her up to the same tower Mana had used to speak with Ixion. Lev looked back at the sound of the screams and shrugged.

Lev: Eh, do what you've got to do. I need to make sure Morgan doesn't get in over her ... head?

What Lev noticed was that the woman Morgan was speaking to was just that, only a woman at first glance. Likely a sage, but nothing else to be certain of at the moment! Ixion left Stephanie and Damian by the gate and followed after Lev! There was no time for him to waste, and the crowds had cleared out enough for both women to be easily spotted from the gates! Several guards moved in to investigate what was happening, and the last addition to the impending fiasco was Irina! She flew down with Kiev and landed on a rooftop that placed her off to the side in between Miranda and Morgan!

Irina: What's going on down there? Who's that woman?

Suddenly she gasped! From her angle, she could see the tome perfectly! So much time with Iso had made it obvious which one it was!

Irina: She's got Proxima!!

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Ixion moved onward towards the fiasco, and the tome in the woman's hands drew in his gaze.

'One of the Crimson tomes? Which one is it-?'

Irina unwittingly answered his question before he even finished asking it to himself.

'This could turn out so many different ways... I'm not even going to bother guessing... still...'

Remembering passing Kelas and Isotov on the way, Damian turned and saw Isotov still close by.

"Hey Iso. Proxima is there... held by a blonde woman... do you know anyone like that?"

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Conrad sighed at the newest turn of events, but with relief: The King and Queen had called the ball to an end. He headed towards the guest quarters, and gladly was overtook by the sleep that quickly came.


Clara saw Chase once more at the ball, and ran over to him, giggling. "This punch is fantastic! You gotta try it!" Before he could muster a reply, she dragged him over towards it. "Here, here, have some!" she said, slightly hysterical.

"Okay, okay, I'll try it... Yeah, it is pretty good.... ugh! My head..." he replied, collapsing to the floor a few seconds after trying it. "Urgh! This.. ugh..." he moaned, throwing a bit of a fit before collapsing, unconscious.

"... That doesn't look good," Clara said, coming to her senses for a moment. "... Stop joking, Chase!" she began, before the ball was announced to be done. "Oh, I suppose he'll get up later," she muttered, before bounding out the door, leaving for the inn.


Chase awoke from a bed in the castle with a start, hearing a loud scream. "Ugh! I must've been dragged off to here... collapsed at the party or something. What the hell's that sound? Better check it out," he muttered to himself, and raced as quickly as he could towards the distant sound.

Conrad too was startled by the sound, having been getting ready, but put on his armor hastily after hearing it. "Just another day with the ragtag bunch of misfits... I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the group starting a fight already. And to think, I was going to call a strategy meeting..."

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The Crimson Tome Identified

Iso: It's Proxima? Why would the demons bring it back? (Blonde woman ... I don't ...) Damian, I don't know any blonde women in our group that didn't already die.

Pary's question nearly made Stephanie roll her eyes.

Stephanie: Right. Levski. He's ... untamed. May I ask who you are, Siiir ...

Miranda took a quick glance up at Irina on the roof. The girl was dressed oddly enough, but the wyvern had a strange hat on.

Miranda: Must be Irina ...

Irina: Hey! Who are you anyway?! What are you doing with Proxima?!

Miranda: Hey, why don't you come down from there? You won't have to shout so much.

Irina: I ... uh.

She then turned back to Morgan just as Levski reached her.

Lev: Alright, what's going on-Gah!

Ixion shoved Lev into Morgan and out of his way as he took a stand in front of the both of them. Miranda had a horrified look on her face for just a split second, but then it faded to an innocent smile. Ixion's blank stare became nothing but agitation.

Ixion: I knew you would come.

Miranda: Well, as shocking as it is to see you alive, I am glad that you're not too upset about what happened. That must mean I'm forgiven, right?

Krinkov meanwhile had taken Kamilla up to the tower and dropped her there. He blocked the door so she couldn't get inside. She nervously sat up again the stone guards and shivered in panic. Krinkov couldn't deliver her to the others until the issue with that strange female was resolved.

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The endless hallway

"Shit!" He cursed slamming into the wall. "Why am I so dizzy?" Everything he looked at was a blurry. Using the wall for support, Helios kept staggering forward until he noticed a letter sticking on a door. At first he ignored it and started to walk forward but after a while, couldnt keep himself under control. He went back towards the door and started to examine the letter but like everything, it was in a blur. Helios knocked on the door a couple of times before opening it. No one was inside. Closing the door, Helios ripped the letter off the it and tried to read it. "No good, I cant read like this."

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"Explanation." Morgan said to Ixion, more of a statement than a request. "I've pieced some of the pieces together, but I would like to hear the full story. Particularly the Shanice portion."

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"Well, let's see here... she's wearing a red coat, over a smaller black dress. Thigh high boots, long gloves... she's got a tattoo on her left thigh... looks like three diamonds..." Damian said, elaborating on the woman's appearance.

"Her presence is... strange. It is similar to that shapeshifter, Shanice, but something is off... I don't think it's that thing..."

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Remarkable Resemblance

Iso: W-what?! (It can't be Miranda! She's dead! I was there and the broken seal was proof enough that she was gone! How could she be ... ... of course ... Shanice.) It's Shanice, it has to be. The woman you're describing is already dead, Damian. I ... I would know.

Unfolding Madness

Shamus stumbled to his feet and called out!

Shamus: Kamillaaaa!! Lass, where are ya?!! Blasted wyvern!!

Meanwhile Irina watched the unfolding madness from the nearby rooftop, her headache still tormenting her. Ixion looked back at Morgan and shot her a condescending look. Miranda tilted her head looking over at them with a deceptive smile on her face. She still had Proxima firmly grasped.

Ixion: Isotov was severed by Shanice in your last encounter. I captured him as I'd been planning for a good while now. That woman over there is an reincarnation created from half of Shanice's core. Mistaking her for him isn't surprising, but she is mine to deal with. You'll receive your crimson tome back once I finish dealing with her.

Miranda: We're making a deal now, are we? You know the only reason I'm here is to give Iso back his tome. I don't see why you had to get involved at all, Ixion. (Though since you're here I really should kill you really quick. I hate sloppy assassinations.)

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"So, is Shanice dead or not? That would be important information. And why bother bringing her back anyway? Even the Goddess herself cannot bring back a being from the dead...all intact." she said, looking Miranda over as if she were a science experiment.

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"I don't know what's going on myself dame Kelas. Just... Be careful. You are too valuable to lose. Who else will scold me?" asked Altion, keeping a defensive eye on Damian and Iso.


A flutter of wings outside the main castle entrance signified the return of Mana to the ball-house-castle thingy. Fresh new traveling clothes, free of the TISME emblem, covered her body as well as a small satchel filled with minor things. Three changes of clothes, various feather-care products originally intended for use on falcons and pegasus that she had requisitioned, as well as a few other personal items. She was ready for her journey.

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The Grand Experiment

Ixion: My reasons for creating her are irrelevant. As far as Shanice is concerned, consider him alive and well.

Miranda: You've gotta be kidding me!! You saved him too?!! How did either of you survive that?

Ixion: You forced me to use Isotov and Viveka as spell targets. They were the only ones close enough at the time. I have since found a new way to recover from life threatening injuries.

Miranda: ... great. (What's he up to this time?)

Lev: (Kamilla's taken care of. Now what to do about her ... and why is Irina on that roof?)

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"So, in addition to toying with things you do not understand for entirely arbitrary reasons, you decided to keep a very dangerous demon alive." Morgan said, looking even less amused than before. "Imprisoning demons, rather than killing them, in order to create abominations?" she said, motioning at Miranda. "Are you insane or just stupid?" she asked Ixion.

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Insanity Or Stupidity

Miranda: (Abomination?! ... okay ... just gonna look the other way this once.)

Ixion: As usual, ignorance blinds you. You only know what I've told you and nothing more. I will do what I see fit to accomplish both my own and Ivanko's goals. You would do well not to interfere. I cooperate with you crimson weapon wielders as a courtesy, not out of necessity.

Miranda: (Still, an army of monsters would definitely come in handy, wouldn't it?)

Over by the gates ...

Iso: That woman is Shanice! Why is anyone especially Morgan talking with him?!

On the roof top ...

Irina: (Iso and Viv? Ixion did that to them? Because of her? What the ... what is this?)

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"There is no greater goal than defeating the Lord of Azure Flame." Morgan said simply. "Anyway, if Miranda wants to hand over Proxima it would be better she did so sooner rather than later. I personally wouldn't trust a creature created using a demon, but you two can work out your issues later. The real thing of interest here is the tome."

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The Sentimental Type

Miranda stood there for a good ten seconds and eventually put her hand on her hip, her stance changing to an obviously bored one.

Ixion: Well? Are you here to hand over the tome or not?

Miranda: Look, I didn't come all this way to hand off Proxima to you so you can try to capture or kill me on my way out. I need to speak with Iso in person regardless so I'm also going to give him the tome in person as well. That is ... unless you want to fight about it. I don't but I'm a bit done being nice here. You're both wasting my time now.

Ixion: So, you want Iso?

Miranda: Bring him here, or take me to him, either way is fine, just hurry up.


In an alley way about six blocks from the castle, Shanice was checking himself over once last time to make sure he'd perfectly disguised himself.

Shanice: Gotta remember not to say anything. I don't know what this woman sounded like.

He looked at the others and sighed.

Shanice: Alright. I'm heading out. Try to stay close enough to back me up if something goes down.

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"It seems that the woman was reincarnated using a part of Shanice' body, Isotov. That explains the similarities... and Ixion is confirming her story. Either way, she has Proxima, and is really close..." Damian said to Isotov, as he seemed angry.

"My father's research says that a wielder of a crimson weapon may be able to rebind it from short distances if it is severed... do you think you could try something like that?" Damian asked.

"I'll cover you if you wanna try it. I don't think I can take one of those things out on my own, but I can stall it long enough, considering everyone we've got nearby." Damian finished, taking a defensive stance, Gae-Borg's crimson aura building at his fingertips, ready to spring to solidity in less than a second.

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"My name is Pary. I co-came from a congregation in Jerdon. I noticed you seemed to be a woman of the cloth, so I thought I should see if this....hullabaloo is too much for you. You know what they say, help those in need."



Rita went over to an old tree, standing in the middle of the field. She gave a few strokes, before she began to work on different flips, and kicks, as well as side strikes with the blade's flat. She tried to focus enough for her Shooting Star sword, but the hits just couldn't connect. "The third strike's upward move is taking too long. The blade's weight....I'll never get it right!" Rita flopped down on the ground. She laid back, looking up at the clouds drift by.



Noticing a fortune shop, he took a step inside. A large crowd had gathered, and a...plump woman seemed to be gathering around her crystal ball, making large extravagant movements. "I see it! Your husband's ghost! Next to you! And you boy! The girl in your mind! I see her!" What a load of bologna. Fortune telling is nothing like this. Anyone can see she's lying. A fake if I ever saw one.

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An Attempt At Exchange

Ixion: Better for you to stay right where you are. (If she gets crowded in the middle of them she'll have too many shields to use. I can't risk that.) Levski, get Isotov.

Lev: Errand man. Eh.

He quickly leaned closer and whispered something to Morgan before he left.

Lev: Kamilla's with Krinkov. She's not going anywhere for the moment. Just so you know.

Meanwhile Isotov was considering Damian's suggestion but was also confused about the situation.

Iso: I don't know ... (What did Ixion do? Reincarnation though Shanice? What's going on here?) ... I need ... I need to find out who this woman is and what she's doing here. It can't be the person I think it is, it just can't ....

Levski arrived a moment later and waved to the both of them.

Lev: That woman with the tome wants to see you, Iso. Somethin we should know about?

Iso was sweating nervously. He wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not. Everything others told him was pointing to someone who in his mind couldn't possibly exist. He was too disturbed to remember to keep his eyes closed and he was breathing heavily, on the verge of a panic attack.

Iso: ... nothing ... that should be remotely possible ....

Lev: Damian, can you bring him over? This could get messy if that woman gets too crowded in with the rest of us.

Not more than twenty feet away, Stephanie was still conversing with Pary.

Stephanie: Indeed. Should something happen any extra assistance would be greatly appreciated, Sir Pary.

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"Yeah, sure." Damian replied to Lev, moving towards Isotov, and gently gripping his wrist.

"Follow me, alright?" Damian said, before speaking more softly.

"I'll still cover you, you've got nothing to worry about."

Allowing Isotov to register his words, and hopefully begin to trust the situation.

"If I heard correctly, her name is Miranda... does that help any?"

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All this time, Esphyr had not been without a thing to do herself. While she lacked both Damian and instruction, her goal of finding Jace had grown ever more desperate. The only problem was, she didn't have a clue what the man even looked like. "Excuse me miss, but do you know where Jace is?" "Excuse me, but is Jace around here?" "Where is Jace?" Streams of these questioned flowed forth as she stupidly stumbled about the manor, no clue whom it was that she was looking for at all.

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Stop All The World Now

In a flash Iso had been brought back to his last moments in the cathedral! They had been sealed and defeated. Adrian and the others were already dead, and Miranda had three stab wounds, all of which were serious. Even the group's healer had been slain in the surprise attack. For once, the assassins had come with the perfect plan, and they had one. All that was left was to sever and kill Isotov and his teacher. The two of them staggered through the halls trying to escape, Iso supporting her weakened frame as best he could!

Iso: We're almost out! Come on, just hang on!

Miranda: Oh that was ... such a stupid idea ....

She quickly collapsed in his arms and they both got dragged to the ground! Iso helped her sit up but the assailants had already caught up to them! All six of them were in dark robes dressed like assassins!

Miranda: Iso, I can't get rid of the seal in your head like this ... I don't know what's going to happen to you when I-

Iso: Shut up!! You're not going to quit on me now!! You said we wouldn't give up no matter what! We can still fight them if we just get outside!

Miranda: ... I'm sorry, Tovy. I can't ... ... I'm only human ... I've lost too much blood already ....

Iso couldn't help but notice the trail behind them going back the way they came, and the cloaked demons approached them with their blades ready. The one in the lead was carrying the very dagger that had been used to wound Miranda. Iso hung his head and ground his teeth. This was the end. Either he and Miranda would die right there, or the assassins would be defeated by a sheer miracle. He didn't know that fate would end the confrontation in a stalemate. He looked up to them all and shouted out in rage!


Shanice: It's time for the Crimson weapons to be gathered. I'm glad you finally stopped running.

Iso: You!!

He felt a tight grip from Miranda and his attention centered back on her!

Miranda: No matter what happens ... just do me one favor, Tovy ...

Iso: Huh?

Miranda: Live ... live for as long as you can ... ... ... and kill these bastards while you're at it ...

She smiled at him weakly and he smiled back with tears in his eyes. Just as his first tear fell, she slipped away, her eyes closing and her firm grip releasing entirely. Iso broke down on the spot.

Shanice: ... whoa ... we got'er ... ... Good Lord! We actually got'er!

???: This calls for a bit of a celebratory slaughter, don't you think?

Shanice: Indeed.

Iso: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr-

Iso softly laid down his fallen teachers body and stood up. He was completely enraged! Just as the assassins were about to move in on him, they flinched at the sound of shattering glass! The sound came from inside Isotov's own head! A light blue aura surrounded his head and his eyes whited out completely as Proxima emerged!


Shanice: The tome's gonna explode!! Run for your lives!!

Outside the cathedral all was calm for but one more moment. Then, every window, every opening was blown apart and set ablaze by an unstoppable crimson firestorm! Everything inside but the bodies and possessions of Iso's loved ones was incinerated leaving the building an unstable shell!

Iso snapped back to reality realizing that he'd been brought the distance and was now within fifty feet of the woman. Not only that but he could see something in the distance! It was Proxima. He could see nothing else but Proxima floating in the abyss. His hand weakly reached out for the tome but it was still too far away.

Miranda: (You can see it, can't you? Well, you don't have to wait anymore. I'm just sorry in advance for what I'm about to do after I give this back ...)

Ixion: Bring him over. I want this part over with as soon as possible.

EDIT: I found a typo that I couldn't live with.

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