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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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A Plan?

Iso: Ixion's beaten Shanice four times now, and he seems to think nothing of it. If anything he can take on at least one of them without any trouble. That leaves fewer for us to deal with.

Lev: Kelas would have to survive an all out assault and it's not as if Ixion is going to watch her back. You would be the first target and if they sever you, they would probably finish you off these time. Ixion relies on very powerful attacks against single targets and self defense. He can't cover either of you for very long.

Morgan's suggestion of warping in reinforcements quickly caught his ear though.

Lev: Stephanie's been warping Ixion places lately. We know she has a staff we could use. But trying to warp more than three people at once would probably kill'er. Might need to ask her how's she's been warping so frequently anyway. It's a bit odd that she doesn't spend most of her time fatigued by all of that.

Iso: Huh? (Are they actually coming around? Lev sure, he was an old friend of mine, but Morgan? Some of this doesn't make any sense but I'll play along for now. It's probably primarily just to fix Arrin so he can go back to being a tool but it's better than nothing.)

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"I'm willing to find the tome. But Kailleen is someone I'd prefer not to find. Goddess knows if she'll just try to recruit us into her religion. Make us start worshipping the moon. Although, Charlotte or I could probably use the Warp staff. Tessa?"



Standing, Rita starting to practice. Slashing the air, she preformed her basic training techniques a few times. She looked around. "Hmm....no waterfalls to stand under around here." She was drenched in sweat, but noticed a large tree in the distance. At least a good 30 feet tall. She walked over and started climbing.

(((I'll finish Cess later. >_> I have to go and don't want to rush)))

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"Ummm... Excuse me..." piped up Mana, intruding fully into the conversation at hand. "But, if demons can follow the trails of those people whom have the weapons, then doesn't that mean anyone with a weapon who is alone is at risk? Where is Esphyr?"

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Chase ran through the doors, Zephyrtwine ready, and slid to a stop when he noticed the group walking back towards the castle. "Um. Did I miss something?" he asked awkwardly, dissipating the weapon.

Conrad walked through the doors in a much calmer fashion, and interjected "Well, it would appear so... You did hear that scream, right?"

"Of course I did! But everyone's just arguing so they probably already did something about it." Chase shot back.

"Huh. Must happen a lot for you to pick up on it." the general remarked.

"... Jerk."

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Heading out of the room, Reika headed towards the front gate, intending to get some fresh air. As she got closer, she heard the others arguing. Sighing, she headed right by the gates when she heard Alferis shouting and as soon as she moved forward to investigate, she saw Geraro at the gate, and Alf was apparently sporting a mask.

She immediately turned white, and stepped back shaking a little, a knot in her stomach. That man was crazy enough to do anything to her if he saw her, even murder. Along with him was a man with a fox mask on carrying a tome and had long black hair. Fortunately neither saw her yet.

She headed back to the palace, still white, but careful to keep her expression neutral, though she shook a little bit as she walked.

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Luc Altair

After his discussion with Reika, Luc had taken to searching the interior castle for signs of Kamilla or the half-dozen other people he had business with. After a fair bit of time, he concluded they had all already gone outside, so he diverted from his patrol path to take one to the exit. He was fairly close, so it didn't take him long to make it. As he walked, he passed by Reika who had gotten around him due to his own patrolling. She looked a little shook up, but Luc just reasoned it was still another after-effect of the alcohol. She had been shivering earlier after all. Luc made it to the doors, and surveyed the scene outside.

It was not pleasant.

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"Guys? Guys! Where are you! There's a white faced guy outside here seeking out Reika! Guys?!"

"Heheheh. Take off your mask," said Geraro.

"What?" said Alferis, puzzled at the man.

"C'mon, I want to see you smile for me. Smile. If you wear that mask, I can't see you smile."

"I'm not taking it off you creep. Who the hell are you anyway?"

"My name is Geraro, magician extraordinaire. This man is Njordenka, my assistant," Geraro explained in a seemingly pleasant voice, gesturing towards Njordenka, who was facing away, very perturbed by the man.

"Admirer? What are you some kind of nut? Why do you want Reika?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you unless you get her to come out."

"Not until you state your business."

"Tell you what. I'll let you in if you smile for me. And not a fake smile. I can see those. A real one. Or, I could make you smile. I have my ways," Geraro giggled, rubbing his tome while Alferis stepped back, unsure of what to do.

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"Im not sure if anyone informed you or not but we are on a quest to save the world and all that other stuff. I know your trying to give Charlotte her own little world of pain but if we dont stop the demon king, there will be no world for you to inflict pain in." He responded abruptly. "Cant you hold this little grudge of your until we finish the demon king? Then Charlotte will become queen and crush you all. Well... their persistent. Luckily I have an escape if they decide to attack me. :D

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Esphyr, meanwhile, was thankfully not in immediate danger of being swamped by demons. Instead, she had managed to make her way up to Lord Jace's manor and was approaching the front of the gate. The front of the closed and guarded gate. Esphyr had been at the mercenary lifestyle long enough to know what this meant. Approaching the guards, she spoke up. "Excuse me, I have an appointment with Jace apparently. Can you please open the gate?"

"You have an appointment with Jace?"

"It seems I do." she said, shrugging. "He wants to hire me or something. I don't ask questions. Can you please open the gate?"

"We need to verify with Jace first." replied the guard, laughing under his breath. He and his companion were playing a minor card game with each other. Likely Blackjack or Halton Hold 'em. Still laughing, he returned his attention to the game, ignoring Esphyr.


"We'll check when we're good and ready miss. No worries." he said, not even turning his head as he played the game.

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Daneka and Aroophonso

Alphonse: Charlotte likely plans on reviving Jerdon at the earliest opportunity. There is no sense in waiting around for you people to finish up whatever it is you think you're doing.

Daneka: In fact, had you sold her out sooner, you may have won favor with Monsieur Jace. He is far more resourceful than your run away princess. Are you certain you're making ze right choice guarding zat girl?

Isotov and Company (this wan't meant to be a reference but I guess it is)

Iso turned to Chase and Conrad who had just arrived and shrugged.

Iso: You two miss a lot of things. Someone will fill you in I'm sure.

Just as Reika came inside, Viveka and Jasmine came down the same hall as Chase and Conrad. They'd left the cases in the hallway until someone strong enough could carry them. As soon as they reached Conrad, Jasmine hunched over holding her hands to her knees. Viveka put her hand on her hip and gave the group at large an annoyed look.

Viveka: Everyone's by the door ... what's going on?

Jasmine: We need help ... with the cases ....

Viveka quickly spotted Iso's eyes and her hand dropped as her stand changed and she took a step back.

Viveka: ... whoa ...

Iso: Hm?

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Still arguing

"Far's we know, she went to see Jace," Kelas told the headmaster. "Don't reckon the demons'd attack with one of the heroes around, corrupt or not. Anyway. Are we or are we not going to actually do anything useful, or is everyone going to keep woolgathering so's we have to leave in order to get anything done?"

Not currently in danger

Arrin had headed for the library after washing and changing, hoping that it would at least be quiet. The room he'd found was more of a reading room, with some shelves of fiction, but not much research material. He sat down anyway, glad to have found some quiet while the anti-hangover concoction did its work.

He wondered if Tessa was up yet: he owed her an apology. Perhaps he should go look... Arrin got up but quickly sat back down as his head took to spinning. "Guess I'll get on that... in a few minutes..." he muttered, curling up on the couch to wait for the dizziness to subside.

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Sven Volifid

"Well, I dont know... All I know is that it is very ungentlemanly to ignore a person in need. Especially if that person happens to be a hunted princess." He replied to Daneka smirking. "Im sure the swordmaster here knows what I am talking about."

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Daneka and Sword Master Guy

Alphonse: Indeed I do. I am also ready to lay down my life for the Colonel. I hope Charlotte's goals are also worth paying the ultimate price.

Daneka tilted her head a bit with her hand on her chin. She wasn't surprised that the wind mage was sticking up for a member of the group, only surprised that he seemed like he might actually be willing to risk his life for others. That wasn't something she saw in a lot of people.

Ground Zero

Iso: Hmmm. Where did they go ...?

Irina: Who?

Iso: Ixion and Stephanie.

Lev walked over to Morgan and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.

Lev: By the way, Krinkov left to find Kamilla a while ago. I'm going to go find him since by now he's either caught her and waiting for the heat to die down, or he's still tracking her and I don't want her to get too far. I'm going on foot after all.

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"All right, good work." Morgan replied to Lev. "As for Ixion and Stephanie, they warped away, so they really could be anywhere."

Meanwhile, Charlotte entered the cathedral and looked for the head of the Lunastic order in Burgosas.

"Greetings Father." she said, bowing. "Do you know where Mother Kaileen may be located? I have important issues to speak to her about."

The Father responded, "Well normally she lives up in the mountains near here, but she stopped in Burgosas a while ago and was heading to Elysimia. However, reports from the church in Directus place her coming back to the capital."

"Thank you very much Father." Charlotte said, bowing and heading back to the palace. So she's not actually very far at all...

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He barely felt a thing as the blade scraped his side. Rather than be weakened, the wound merely triggered his will to live. With near-inhuman strength, Eric batted the fire demon's blade away, and stabbed it through the chest, Ruby turning to dust as the blade pierced her chest. Turning back to Shanice, the myrm batted away a swing, and lunged at him.


A messenger ran down to the guard post, carrying a note in the master of the houses' handwriting. Passing it to the guards, he bowed and left. The two servants that were left gawked at the note, and immediately opened the gates. "Welcome, miss," they said, saluting.

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As the woman stared deep into the crystal ball, Cess was laughing to himself. Can everyone really think she's real?

Finally, she spoke. "You were destined to come to this shop!" Of course. With all the crowds around the shop anyone would come look. "A man of your wealth is looking for something important!" Because of my diamonds. As well as a generic response. "And you are missing someone! Someone dear to you!" And I'm holding Rita's bag. Of course I'd be traveling with someone.

Cess pushed his chair out, almost knocking it over. "That's it. You owe these people a refund. It's people like you who give fortune tellers a bad name! You just stare at tiny details! And make huge generalizations about people! A true fortune teller wouldn't stoop to such low tricks."

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Waning Assault

With yet another swing blocked, Shanice was forced back again! He took a quick look at the injury on his chest and then snarled before rushing back into the exchanges! Ruby was quickly dispatched and Shanice looked on in shock as she fell to dust before his eyes! He tried to launch a quick attack only to have it blocked! Eric wasted no time in lunging at him! The demon's next move was to leap back avoiding the attack!

Shanice: You're going to pay for that!!

Shanice quickly sheathed the sword before his disguise faded!

Shanice: I'm going to crush you like an insect, you got that?!

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Eric merely smirked as the demon threatened him.

"Only if you can touch me," he retorted, disappearing, and reappearing to deal an uppercut to the ice demon. Shanice was sent sailing through the air, landing further into the alleyway.

Meanwhile, at the Castle...

By the morning, Derek had shed his ball dress suit and pants, and reverted back to his old outfit, unkempt hair and all, keeping the former in a rucksack for later use. That done, he made his way to the stables, when an explosion occurred! Distracted, the cavalier headed for the source of it, mildly irritated.

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So there is honor amongst their ranks huh? Interesting... "Well, now that we arent at each others throat can you do me a favor." He addressed Alphonse. "This letter, I cant read it right now.... not in my state... would you mind?"

OOC: Snike, put it in your next post.

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(Insert Appropriate Title Here)

After a hard landing on his back, Shanice flipped onto his feet and yanked out both of his daggers!

Shanice: (One ... lousy ... hit ... and now this?! Damn you, Ixion! I'm in no condition for a straight fight thanks to you!)

He quickly lunged for Eric aiming for a killing strike!

Shanice: Hold still, you goddamn cowaaaard!!

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A scolding chide was on the tip of Esphyr's tongue, ready to lash out at the guards for their laziness and willingness to let someone wait. Yet, Esphyr let it die without being voiced. She wasn't a idiot. She was still just a merc. Talking back to employers, justified or not, was a recipe for failure for any mercenary. "I apologize for not explaining myself better." she said, swallowing her pride. "I have a meeting to attend." Then, without waiting to see if they accepted her apology or not, she took off at a brisk pace indoors, likely following either the messenger or whatever clues she could decern as to which room housed Jace.

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Instead of dodging the blow, Eric thrust his blade directly ahead of him, running at Shanice. There was a sound of flesh being rent, and on his sword, the ice demon was impaled. Removing the weapon, the swordsman examined it for a second. There seemed to be blood- wait, no, he was seeing things. The blade was pristine, showing few scratches besides the ones from parrying. Satisfied with it, he sheathed the weapon and bandaged the scratch on his side, heading towards the castle.

Shoot Follow The Messenger

The messenger noticed the guest following him, and decided to lead her to Jace's study. Climbing a staircase, he turned left and opened a door for Esphyr to enter. Inside, Jace the Brute was sitting in a rather luxurious chair, reading a novel of some sort. Closing it, the giant of a man rose, and offered a hand to his guest. "Ah, Esphyr, correct? Pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said cordially.


The contents of the letter:

By the time you read this, I will be already gone. Do not try to find me, a worthless excuse of a mage. I shoot lightning at the slightest rage, and I cannot even control myself from hitting my own brother! The group is better off without me. I will not be missed.



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"......................" There was only silence. It was Dani's letter but why the would she- "What the hell was she thinking!" He exclaimed outraged grabbing the letter out of Alphonse hand and tried to examine it closer but failed. "...... I must have said something last night to her while I was drunk..." He muttered. "What is this.... I mean she looked so happy at the ball...."

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"Likewise I'm sure." she said, responding in curt and proper tones for a person of her station meeting one of his. "As you probably know, I'm here not because you hired me, but because someone else did. Naelia sent me to you. I'm hoping you will be able to shed some light on this situation."

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