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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"Lord of Hellfire? Me serve him? Perish the thought," Geraro said, giving a rakish bow. "You're exactly like those stuffy old priests who trained me. Each servant of the goddess has their own ways of serving her. Like me! Now then, any of you know a man named Heinz? I'm looking for him. We have a lot to talk about.

You're a dark magic user like me right? Why don't we just shake hands and go drinking together. Right after I crush these insignificant fleas. It's like I always said, if you gotta go, go with a smile."

With that, Geraro fired blasts of dark energy at the guards behind and on the side of him, not bothering to turn around, only giving a sideway glance to make sure he hit his targets. Many soldiers fell, bloody holes through their chests, or their heads blown off.

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An Ultimatum

As the soldiers fell, the remaining survivors took cover behind whatever they could! Ixion sighed and took a glance back at them. The look on his face told them everything. "I Told you ...". He didn't utter the words and simply shook his head. Meanwhile Stephanie instinctively rushed over to the few soldiers that had survived the blast and began frantically healing them as best she could! Ixion then turned his attention back to Geraro.

Ixion: Heinz? (One of Morgan's men.) You won't find him here, that is for certain, and destroying everything in your path is only slowing down your search. You haven't even considered a subtle approach to things, have you? You're causing a huge ruckus and I'm here to put an end to it, one way or another.

Stephanie: You monster! Who is smiling?! You've killed a dozen men and injured others! This is in no way shape or form servitude to the Goddess!

Ixion: Stephanie focus on your work.

OOC: Where the hell is Mana? She should've been the first one here with all this dark matter flying around :/

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"Because it's fun!" Geraro said hapilly, forming dark ring blades and firing them at Ixion. "It's fun to stay in practice. It helps me relax. Think better. Heinz is my mission, but not my main mission. My first mission is the will of the goddess. As long as I am happy, everyone else should be happy. When I was young, I had to hide it and I felt it eat away at my soul. But once I learned dark magic, I learned that death is the true way of reaching the goddess. Ever heard of the phrase "I'll send you to the goddess?" That's what I'm doing! I only need to stay alive long enough for everyone to meet her and to smile." At the last word, he released his full aura of darkness, cackling maniacally.

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Ixion stood his ground as the numerous attacks came. One by one they slammed into a barely visible barrier Ixion had forged and shattered sprinkling energy bits everywhere! When the man's suppressed energy revealed itself Stephanie cringed and curled up feeling awful being so close. The soldier she had saved stood up and offered her a hand before helping her back up to her feet. He then backed off a bit while Stephanie slowly did the same.

Ixion: (There won't be any convincing done here. He needs to be moved out of the city somehow.) Your goals are even more grand than mine. Do you honestly believe your Goddess wants you to send her the world? Last I checked, the church believes the human beings here here for a reason, premature death not being that reason.

Stephanie: You should be ashamed of what you've done!! Killing people and using a twisted since of duty as a guise to justify it!! Despicable and loathsome!! Get on your knees and repent, heathen!!

Ixion: Stephanie ... focus on the survivors. (Urgh, one step forward and two steps back at the rate we seem to be going.)

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Cess and Rita:

"Um Morgan.....should we do something to help Ixion?" Cess took out his tome, keeping an eye on the situation.

Rita, meanwhile, stood behind Cess, holding up his arm. "I think that guy's crazy. Someone should do something." Rita walked over towards Stephanie. "Are you okay? I think the druids are working something out between themselves. I just have to sit on the sidelines....>_>"



After his tea, Pary stood and walked back towards the entrance. He stopped near the rest of the group, catching the end of their conversation. "We're splitting up again? Where are we going? I suppose I should go wherever Charlotte and Tessa don't. But I lie with Morgan I guess."

Hearing loud noises from outside, he turned towards Viveka. "I think somthing is happening outside."

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"You... killed two demons?" Conrad asked in disbelief, before the swordsman left. "And I'd hoped he was one of the normal people in this group..."

Chase shrugged, saying "No idea," before walking towards the streets cluelessly. He fnoticing the druid firing off magic in random directions talking to Ixion. Approaching Morgan, he asked "... What's wrong with that guy? Should I shoot him?"

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Rein is an idiot that doesnt read posts

"Whats going on her!" Helios exclaimed arriving behind Ixion and Stephanie and catching a glimpse of Gerero on the way. There are women and children amongst those dead... dammit! "Heh, you dress quite ugly for a madman." He muttered taking heed of the corpses around him. "Perish." Two blades of Hellsety developed above both the druids shoulders and cut down while another one shredded the tendrils.

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Hero that actually did a thing

"Dodging is a pain." Helios said taking the beam. His breathing got heavier but for the most part he was alright. I wont last another one of those....... not to mention I have 5 more shots at my disposal...... He thought to himself wincing at the pain that the druid dealt. I still have that.... but should I use it? "You bastard! There were women and children amongst the dead! Time for you to join them!" He roared sending a blade of Wind at Gerero and another one at the tendrils. Shit, Ixion do something already! I dont have much time before Hellsety drains me.

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With another few words, Geraro formed a small violet barrier around himself and casually fired off another beam of dark magic at Helios.

He possesses the Crimson Weapon? Hah! Now's my chance to kill him and gather one for the masters!

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"Whoa whoa!" exclaimed Altion, raising his hands to try and get the attention of both ladies. "Esphyr said that? Charlotte, Esphyr hardly represents the group as a whole. Would you crucify her for her opinion that you aren't worth having someone with as much power as a hero after her? You are taking this rather personally. If you are to be a good queen, one thing you need to do is suck it up. Learning to apologize, even when you didn't do anything you thought was wrong, is also a good trait. I admit I don't pay either you or Esphyr much attention, but even I heard about your little ball spat. If you blow her off then tread on her tail, would you honestly be shocked to find out that she doesn't care? Swallow your pride and apologize if you want her to speak civily to you, or ignore her. Better yet, ask Damian to tell her to shut up, and she will likely agree. You're acting like a first year TISME schoolgirl, and not future queen."


"Esphyr! That was mean and cold of you!" chided the Headmaster, rapping the mercenary over the forehead with her fingers. "There is a difference between doing something easy, and doing it right! I find it sad that you don't... unnn..." The headmaster suddenly brought her hand to her forehead, rubbing it as if she was pained. "You don't... No... Esphyr. If- If our group fails because of a split that you caused, it's your fault entirely. Not Charlottes or... or anyone elses. But as of right now, it's yours. You might... *Hurk* you might very well cause her, and anyone attached to her to leave, resulting in failure. You can fix this though. You can... make it better. Apologize." said the Headmaster, the blood draining from her face as if she had been stricken with illness.

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How does he know Hellsety is a crimson?

"Shield aint it? My turn." Helios said casually dodging the beam. He started to focus all is energy into his hand. At first a thin line of mana cut through the shield and planted itself on Gerero's forehead. "Gotcha!" Helios said ready to fire away. Then all of the sudden, it dissapered. "Wha-" He was cut of by an overwhelming amount of pain. "GAH!" He yelled in pain falling to his knees. "This.......no." He croaked before falling unconscious.

OOC: Its the beam, he shouldnt have used it. Now it backfired on him and boom, dead mage.

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"Mmmmfff...Not bad. Took a bit of a toll on you it seems. Hehehehhehheheheh..." Without any delay he focused all the dark energy into his hands and formed a wider and stronger beam, aiming to break Ixion's shield.

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"... I can't take this anymore," Chase bursted out, seeing the true nature of the chaos. Summoning the Zephyrtwine, he aimed an arrow directly at the man's neck while he was focusing the beam, and fired.

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Noticing the arrow coming towards hm, Geraro immediately let the beam go and reformed the violet barrier around him, the arrow bouncing off.

"Heheheheheheh! Come one! Come all! Let's put a smile on that face! Oh yeah, if you've seen Reika, give her my regards! Tell her if she keeps hiding from me, I'll still love her. I promise to mount her head on my wall and I'll talk to her stuffed body everyday!"

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"She should do what is right, regardless of the danger involved. Fear is no excuse for not standing up to the evils of this world. I am not sure what your knowledge of political matters is, but I think I know more of what a queen should be than you." Charlotte replied to Altion. "Apologizing makes the person's actions justified, and as a queen I refuse to justify any wrongdoings."

"Though perhaps I have gotten a mistaken impression here...you all don't seem to know about this whole Jace deal, so perhaps there isn't group consensus afterall." Charlotte pondered. "Perhaps we won't leave just yet, although Eric seems to want to leave..."

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Return of The Chimeras

Reinforcements quickly arrived and they were exactly who Ixion predicted they would be. He huffed to himself having failed to prevent exactly what was to follow. At this rate the group would be accused right along with the Dark Druid, but if they were lucky, very lucky, they would be named heroes for stopping the madman. At least a few of the soldiers needed to survive for that to work however. Ixion stood his ground aiming to gauge Geraro's strength and versatility!

It wasn't long before Geraro began focusing on him again and a set of tendrils began wrapping around his legs only to be severed by Helios! The next attack came barreling toward him with nearly enough force to completely shatter his barrier! He quickly flung up another barrier in front of the first that was shattered weakening the blast enough to disperse against the second and again waited to see just what the Dark Druid was capable of.

In moments the man had launched another set of tendrils at him from the ground! Ixion watched as his feet were wrapped up in the tendrils, a blank stare on his face! Ixion continued to wait while Chase attacked Geraro! Suddenly two chimeras rushed out from the alleyways and leaped over the soldiers guarding the perimeter! These were the surviving two that Iso and Kelas battled! They're jaws had been healed somehow and their bodies had changed! They were nearly twice their original size now with flared out razor sharp scales and the incisors of sabertoothed tigers! They rushed up to Ixion and gnawed away at the tendrils before standing at his side growling at the opposing magician!

Ixion: Don't become the architect of your own destruction. Stand down while you still have the chance.

Turning to Rita Stephanie nervously replied to the swordswoman.

Stephanie: All we can do at this point is stay back and give Ixion room ... *gasp* the chimeras? What happened to them?

Meanwhile back at the castle, Viveka and Jasmine listened for the sounds Pary himself had heard. Viveka sighed.

Viveka: ... twenty-four hours. Just twenty-four hours in civilization without blowing something up. Is that too much to ask for? *sigh* Pary, do we really need to get involved in this?

Jasmine: Another fight? Oh no, I hope Lev is okay ...

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"Well, I should probably go, if only for my healing. You two stay here."

Pary walked outside, noticing the large fight. He sighed. "Does it take all of us to deal with one person?"



"Well, we should probably stay out of the way. No telling what could go on. I stay wiht you just in case someone comes over here."



Taking his tome, he began to flip through his spells. "Should we try to calm him down?"

Noticing Chase and Helios attacking, Cess focused the dark energy into ropes, crawling around the man's body. They tightened around his limbs, cutting off circulation. Giving the spell more power, some of the whips were threatening to tear off the man's left arm, and break his neck.

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"Then ignore her." said Altion. "Not everyone wants to do the right thing, or maybe they do but don't see helping you as being that."


"No." said Esphyr. "I'm not apologizing for that. That stupid girl is obsessed with saving her nation. What did it ever do to help us? Who even said it was a good nation? If you want me to apologize, talk to Damian. Where is he anyways?"

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This guy's a nut, Chase thought to himself, then took a second shot at the man's shoulder.

Conrad pondered the situation Eric had presented. Two of the demons down meant that the strategy meeting was less warranted, but still necessary. I'll bring it up with Morgan soon, he resolved.

EDIT: grrr typos

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OOC: XD Chase taking a shit at his shoulder.

Focusing his aura within the barrier, Geraro formed it into small spiky blades, cutting off the tendrils from his body. The arrow bounced off the magic barrier and Geraro smiled.

"You know, there is an alternative if you wish. I can stop this if you just hand over Heinz. I have a lot to talk to him about. Continue to hide him and you'll have more people's blood on your hands."

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As the commotion escalated on the outside, Damian clutched his forehead trying to restrain the pulses of Gae-Borg.

'Nngh... what is with all of the magical energy in the last little while...?'

He allowed himself to rest on a nearby wall, gently sliding down the decorative stone.

Down the hall, around a corner, he could hear a couple of the others speaking, but didn't bother to register what they were saying. The proximity of the swarm of dark magic occurring just outside was taking a toll on Damian's psyche, and his eyes had faded to a dull violet.

"C'mon... you can do this Damian... you can beat this..." He told himself weakly, his breathing laboured as he continued to clutch his head.


"Alright... I can't just sit here anymore... I have to get up." Aiya braced herself. Throwing the covers aside, she slowly opened her eyes, the sunlight searing a bit less than before.

"O...Okay. I'll be okay... it doesn't hurt as bad this time... it doesn't hurt to exist anymore." she reminded herself, and changed out of her bedclothes into her combat dress, armour still with her weapons in the holding room.

"And... here we go." She finalized, opening the door and entering the hallway. Nearby, there seemed to be a rather large discussion going on, with some arguing.

'As per usual, I suppose...'

"What are we fighting about this time?" Aiya asked, turning to Charlotte.

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