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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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Luc Altair

Luc was now left alone with the useless servant whom he had no use for. No one told servants anything of value, and if they overheard anything of value they were too scared of retribution to discuss it.

One Man, One Leg, One Mission

The fighting was fierce, but years of hiding in a ditch during the war had taught old Cal the value of watching, and waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Silvester was sadly dead already, but Cal could still save Bucky, and Jake! He just had to wait, pray to the Goddess those two survived long enough, and strike when the iron was hot! Or in this case the big bad demon had his back turned!

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Heading towards Geraro, Njordjenka pushed past Cess and Chase and with a few chants he called down a thunderbolt between Ixion and Geraro.

"Stop it you idiots!" he shouted. "Geraro you fool, you can't just go around killing people. You have any idea how this is going to cost us? You're ruining everything! Now stand down and stop fighting or I'll have to report you to Liane and Ferris about what you did."

Geraro froze and then snarled and with a growl, he set down the barrier and took out his Rewarp staff.

"You win Njordjenka. Hold onto my arm. I'm going to get us out of here. But guys, nothing personal. Just tell Heinz that I'm watching him and give Reika my...regards. I'll find her again soon...heheheh..."

And with that, both magicians were gone.

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Luc Altair

The servant had left, and now Luc was truly alone. Well, discounting the unconscious Alferis by his feet at least. With both of those, people, distracted he could wake the man up in peace. Luc bent down and began shaking the masked Alferis. "Wake up," he said.

One Man, One Leg, One Mission

It was time! Cal bounded out of his hiding spot at the druid and swung his crutch and... missed completely as the druid warped away. But to Cal's eyes he had decapitated the puny demon and saved everybody's lives again. "Another mark on my belt!" Cal shouted to all who would hear. Cal looked around the jungle, happy as could be. Until he saw him! "You old codger you robbed my niece!" Cal charged at Pary.

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Luc Altair

"It's insulting how lowly you think of me," though in this case I really wish I had given her up if the civilian casualties are high, "but no, Reika is still here, somewhere, and I suggest you go and find her while I take note of all the damage those... people have done." Luc helped the man to his feet.

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"What'd he do? Where'd he go?" Alferis said, pulling on Luc's hand and getting up. "The man's a maniac. Who knows what he's up to?"



Staying out of sight, she heard the argument between Esphyr and Charlotte. Seeing Charlotte walk off and Mana lecturing Esphyr, Reika frowned a little, quite annoyed by this turn of events.

Looks like another possible group split. Ah well. That Esphyr's a bitch though. 'Wah! I have an evil sword! Who cares that your nation got destroyed and you're on the run? Pity me!' She said, a voice mockery of Esphyr's in her head. That clown...what's he doing? Where's he going? What's he up to? Will he ever leave me alone?

Edited by Dark Sage
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Luc Altair

Luc felt a sharp twinge of pain spread throughout his body as he pulled the other man up. Standing still for so long had made him forget just how close to joining Alferis he had been. "He went to the city while I was out looking for Reika and you had fallen without my notice. His servant went after him just before I woke you," Luc informed the formerly unconscious man. "It is my desire that the servant stops him but, I wouldn't place that at good odds based on previous interactions. But Morgan told me that Ixion--do you know Ixion?--was going after him so I can only desire that the two deal with each other."

Luc looked between the city and the palace, pondering where he should go. "Do you want to go after Reika or that man?" he asked Alferis. Luc still unsure of his own destination.

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"I don't know...Wait Ixion? Oh no...two druids together? Who knows what they're up to. I guess I'll go search for Reika. Thanks Luc," Alferis said, his head feeling a little less painful and he headed back into the castle where he heard the sounds of arguing.

"Ok. What the hell is going on? And did anyone notice that clown faced druid in front of the gate besides Luc and I?"

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"Damian is leaving to master his weapon." said the headmaster, her voice cold and harsh. For a moment, Esphyr simply said nothing, looking at the headmaster like she had just been stabbed. "What?" she said, a hurt tone in her voice. "He's leaving... and... And he didn't even tell me?! Where is he?! DAMIAN!" she shouted out loudly as she stomped off to look for her wayward lover, shoving aside Reika as she stormed off.

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"Hey!" Chase shouted. "If you're this maniac's friend, beat it, or I'll shoot you too!" Moments later, the new man appeared an warped them both away. "... That's really not what I meant at all... dammit."

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As Geraro warped away, an entire garrison of heavily armed soldiers came into the area and cut off all the roads! It wasn't long before the colonel of the battalion arrived to investigate the scene Ixion was at the center of it along with Chase and the unconscious Helios with Morgan and Cess not far away. The man muscled his way passed the other soldiers and the gathering civilians making his way toward the people trapped in the blockade. He unsheathed his sword threateningly as he spoke!

Colonel: Who was responsible for this madness!

Ixion turned to face the nearly enraged officer and took a few steps toward him, his chimeras staying close at his side. The colonel yanked up his sword and aimed it at Ixion almost demanding that he stand his ground!

Colonel: You there! Explain yourself! Who killed all those people and ...

He looked down at the two massive quadrupedal nightmares and gulped.

Colonel: ... and what on this holy earth are those things?

Ixion: Part wolf, part sea wyvern, part viper. Canis based variants. As for who started this massacre, it was another Dark Druid. He has already left though I'm afraid.

Colonel: A convenient story. I bet you did it!

Soldier: No!

A soldier standing with Stephanie called out to the Colonel who swiftly turned around to face the survivor and witness!

Soldier: There was another Dark Druid! His face was painted white and he was killing damn near everyone! That guy you're talking to drew most of his fire, or we'd all be dead! Everyone else can attest to that to, right?

The other soldiers nodded and made gestures of agreement while each relaying their own version of the even to each other. The Colonel huffed and then turned back toward Ixion. He wanted someone to blame but Ixion was clearly innocent, as was everyone else. He wouldn't be executing any dangerous criminals like he wanted.

Colonel: Hmph. Very well.

With that he sheathed his sword and turned around to head back over to his warhorse. Ixion let out a light sigh as the man mounted up and shot a look over at Stephanie. Once he had her attention, he nudged his head in Helios' direction and she gasped!

Stephanie: Another one?! How could I have missed him?!

She rushed over to Helios and knelt down over him with her staff. She gave him a quick examination and could tell he'd been magically assaulted as well as drained of a lot of energy. Her first step was to heal the damage to his form and then try to untangle the mess of mana that was covering him like a dark blanket. It took her a minute to do so, but once she finished, she nudged his shoulder with her hand.

Stephanie: Um, are you alright, Sir ...? Wait. What is this man's name?

Ixion: Helios. You don't recognize him from TISME do you?

Stephanie: A lot of people have green hair, I lose track. Um Helios? Are you alright, now?

Just then Daneka swooped down nearly slamming into Ixion with her pegasus! She stopped just short of him leaving Nyx's horn less than two inches away from Ixion's eye!

Ixion: (Haven't we been here before?)

Daneka: Zere you are. Monsieur Ixion, I'm here to take you to Monsieur Jace's manor when you are ready. Until zat time I'll need you to be where I can keep an eye on you.

Ixion: ... fare enough. Is there anything else?

Daneka: Not really. Zough in hindsight, we really should've taken care of zis yesterday.

Ixion: Agreed.

The colonel turned around and when he saw Daneka he snapped!

Colonel: Daneka?! You were in the area?! Why didn't you take care of this?!

Daneka: I was looking for Monsieur Ixion. My battalion isn't here eizer. I don't have much to fear from magi but all ze same I was too busy to get involved.

Colonel: Finding that man is important ... why exactly?

Daneka: Zat is none of your business, Colonel, and don't even zink about trying to go zrough channels. You will lose.

Colonel: You and Jace ... ... fine we'll settle this later ... Colonel. Yah!

The man road off in a hurry atop his horse and the soldiers began dispersing, many of them passing Alphonse as he casually approached from afar. Ixion hung his head and shook it in total disapprovement. The day had been much to hectic and it was barely noon.

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Luc Altair

"Whatever they do, I doubt it worse than just letting one of them run riot." Luc coldly said. Luc watched Alferis walk off, still unsure of what he should do. Though now that Alferis was going after Reika, Luc had no reason to not go after the druid.

One Man, One Leg, One Mission

That stupid old fool's slow strikes were nothing that Cal wasn't expertly prepared to dodge! So when they had hit him Cal felt nothing! "Ha, you really think a move like that would work on me you old codger!" Cal yelled. "I'll show you how I ripped that demon's head off in valley anvil!" Cal tackled Pary.

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As his name was yelled from down the hallway, Damian saw Esphyr walk into his field of vision.

'She won't like the idea, but she is right there, might as well tell her in person.'

Damian pushed himself up off of the floor, shaking slightly as he did so. The aggressive druid was gone, but the effects of the man's presence had not yet dissipated, leaving Damian's skin pale, and his eyes a weak purple.

"Esphyr... there you are..." He called out to her, clutching his head to attempt to brace the assaults on his mind.

"I have something I need to tell you."

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A Swift Departure

When confronting the insane druid, who was doing something to the motionless forms of those who's lights went out, there was another dark presence which arrived on the scene, along with a few peculiar forms. These forms, had pure red energy, instead of light at their center, and just on sight of them, the sword he was wielding burst into white flame, lighting up in his otherwise invisible hand. Strangely, the flames didn't seem to burn his hands, but that wasn't on the amnesiac's mind. He was startled, and, as a result, decided to get away from the Red-Energies, before his weapon did anything else. Avoiding the various regular aura people, he ran as far as he could away from the area, and ended up in a place with no buildings, just flat land. By then, the sword had stopped blazing, and the man put it away. Those creatures with red auras would be another thing to ask Kaileen about, he supposed, continuing away from the city, along with the sword....

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Return To The Palace

The two now larger chimeras snarled at Morgan as she approached only to immediately stop as Ixion made a simple gesture with his hand. Neither of them actually saw his hand though as it was hidden beneath his cloak. They merely stopped on cue.

Ixion: Things to discuss? Hmm. It's been a busy day, and it continues still. Very well. Stephanie, come.

His gaze moved over to Daneka who was sitting on Nyx's lap sideways and resting her head on her chin, apparently bored. Alphonse was at her side a second later.

Ixion: I'm returning to the castle for a talk. After that, you can take me to the manor.

Daneka: Of course.

With that, he turned back to Morgan waiting to follow along. Meanwhile Stephanie sighed in relief. She didn't usually go through so much work without overlooking some minor detail, but it seemed she hadn't.

Stephanie: You are quite welcome, Sir Helios. But please be careful in the future. You were fighting a practitioner far stronger than yourself. Crimson tome or no that is extremely dangerous, perhaps more so with the toll I hear they take on the wielder. Well then. I should be off. Please tell the soldiers here to take it easy and get some rest.

She then trotted over to follow along with Ixion while Daneka and Alphonse watched them leave.

Daneka: ... strange. I could have sworn things would turn out differently. Hell, we're just walking around in front of ze people we're usually trying to whack. Zat's somezing, no?

Alphonse: I am certain they feel a sense of unease as well, Madame Colonel.

Daneka: Unease? Hah! Not at all, Alphonse, dear. I feel exuberant.

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"Mana." started Esphyr, her tone and usage of the headmasters personal name signifying her contempt towards both the idea and its messenger. "Already told me everything Damian. You're leaving! Leaving! How could you? I... I trusted you to be able to free me from this thing, and you're running off on some boondoggle to try and control it? I don't want it controlled Damian! I want it gone! I want to be normal again, not control it!" she screamed, slamming her fist hard into Damian's chest. Malice and fury, mixed with sorrow and the feeling of abandonment, fueled her strike; making it weak and confused, but hostile still.

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As Esphyr's fist hit him, his weakened state became apparent. The hit did not have much force to it, but still sent the soldier reeling, his back hitting the wall behind him, as he fell to the ground again.

"Esphyr... this is to control Gae-Borg... not your sword." Damian replied, with a slight quiver in his voice, standing again, albiet wobbly.

"You've had your sword for ten years, Esphyr. We can find a way to sever you without the sickness, without the pain... there has to be a way. But me... I've had this lance for more than twice that long, Esphyr... the Gae-Borg has been a part of me since I was five years old... almost twenty-three years now, Esphyr... it's too late for me to get rid of my curse... I need to suppress it, but you still have the chance to lose yours... you still have time..." Damian said, looking her in the eye, the pale purple of his eyes apparent.

"Gae-Borg has been in my mind too long... it is too much a part of me... if I were to be severed from this... thing now. I doubt I would last more than a day or two... if even that."

His strength of will wavered. Damian fell to his knees again, bracing himself against the ground with one arm, clutching his head with the other.

'Damn... there was too much... far too close...'

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With an almost automatic motion, Esphyr dropped down beside Damian, her hand that had struck him less than a moment before now bracing and aiding him as she tried her best to steady Damian. Though the look of fury at his choice to leave was still plain and evident on her face, honest concern for his wellbeing shimmered in her eyes. "You can't control them. The headmaster... She... She said so. Please. Damian. Don't leave me alone. You're the first person I've been anything more than a name too since I was cursed. Please, I don't want you going with that madman."

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And here we go......

"Will do erm..... Stephanie." He recalled vaguely. "Well, at least I got her out of my m- DAMMIT!" With really nothing to do, Helios headed back inside the manor looking to see if Esphyr meet with Jace and found her and Damian together. Not wanting to interfere, he strolled along taking another path back outside. Well, I guess thats a yes. Wonder why she looked so sad... Its not like Damian is leaving or anything.....

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Morgan hustled bck to the castle quickly and started on Ixion once they were inside.

"So, it has come to my unserstanding that you are able to teleport around rather easily. I would like to use that power en masse to help defeat the Lord of Azure Falme. How can I convince you to help us?" Morgan asked Ixion.

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