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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 19: To catch a Priestess


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"Just trying to come to grips with this mad, mad, mad, mad world." said Esphyr, looking up. "So far, I've woken up next to Alf, been summoned by one of the hero's, had Damian leave on me, had an emotional outpouring to Alf, fought with Morgan, and haven't even had lunch yet. It's enough to make a person bipolar!"

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Cess had been following Morgan around, having nothing to do. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Presumably if they can watch us, the other group should leave a few hours early to distract the demons. And has anyone seen Stephenie or Ixion lately for that matter?"



"I.....don't know." RIta kept trying to hit Derek, him blocking them all. "I'm just unfocused I guess. Angry." She kept being blocked by Derek's blade, between each word."Why. Doesn't. It. Work!"

Rita's eyes started turning green, her blade sparkling like emerald dust. She felt like everything had slowed down, Derek moving almost in slow motion. She slashed three times at him, before her vision went blurry, shoulder-checking him, and falling to the ground.

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"Because I can't get anywhere near the one thing that's actually a threat to your group without going berserk. Anyways, what I want is really simple. I just want you to hold on to something minor. It doesn't have much of an effect or anything like that, just something that I need you guys to hold on to. Can you do that?"

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"I would have, but I needed to be sure you were Reika first. Also, would it be possible to hire you out for something later at an undefined date and time?" she said, producing a small carved statue of mahogany wood. It was a simple little thing, carved into the shape of a doggy, seemingly by primitive means. On the surface, there seemed to be almost nothing at all unique about it besides the poor craftsmanship that had gone into forming it's make.

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"Mmmm... I can't actually say now. There are reasons why, but mainly because it could backfire horribly if you got caught before you could do your job. As in, I would likely be bound and thrown into a dark dungeon. Don't worry, it's nothing illegal and I have every bit of confidence that you will be able to do the job. I just can't tell you now. But rest assured, it is as easy as stealing candy from a blind, unemotional, baby."

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"Hmm....how much is that statue worth? Because nobody does something for barely anything."



Seeing Morgan being bombarded by people and his questions mostly being answered, Alferis backed away and headed towards the hallway, seeing Aiya in the hall.

"Oh hi. You doing ok? You enjoyed the ball last night?"

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"Two copper and the affection of the seven year old who made it. I haven't paid you yet, seeing as I don't know if I'm hiring you for one job or two yet. Holding on to that will pay 20 gold, and this job will pay 200. 50 up front, and 150 upon completion."

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"Ok then. You got yourself a deal. Now get lost before I change my mind you lazy good for nothing," Reika said, taking the statuette.

"Now then Esphyr, is there anything you can do besides crawl into the corner and moan and feel sorry for yourself?"

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"It doesn't bother me any, although you're looking better than you should considering how much you drank. I wish I was that lucky..." Aiya replied, mention of the ball, and the alcohol contained wherein, drawing attention to the pounding headache resonating in her head due to the hangover.

Clutching her head with a slight groan, Aiya mumbled under her breath, though loud enough that Alferis could hear her, "Stupid hangover..."

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"Eh....it really hurt a lot earlier, to the point where I nearly collapsed. Although, my stomach could certainly feel a lot better," said Alferis, placing his hand on his stomach, his eye twitching.

"Anyway, is there anything on your mind you wanna talk about?"

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Esphyr stood up and approached the girl, looking her square in the eye with a glare akin to a lioness that had been prodded with a stick. "Because it seems that one of the effects of your severing was making you do and say stupid things. Stop now, while you are only behind, or I swear, Morgan will need to find another wielder for the daggers should she ever get them back."

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The Warp Battery

Stephanie hadn't ventured far from where Morgan spoke with Ixion, but as soon as she became bored, she ventured down the halls toward the entrance. She passed those in the hall on her way and quickly stopped when she recognized them. Her first look was at Levski.

Stephanie: Levski? You are still wearing that suit?

Lev: *sigh* long story short, I didn't exactly have time to cha-

Stephanie: And that reminds me! Did you give into lust and temptation and actually sleep with that woman?

Lev: Uh yeah actually. She took the bed ... and I took the floor ... involuntarily.

Stephanie: Ugh! Damnable puns! You know what I meant, Levski! Well did you?

Lev: Does my answer really change anything?

Stephanie: Ugh! Fiend.

As she stormed off passed him she couldn't help but notice that strange bag. She turned around and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but then just as quickly shut it back up and walked away.


Ixion followed Daneka and Alphonse as they led him to Jace's manor. When they reached the gate, she hopped down from her pegasus and strolled up to the gate taking in the view.

Daneka: Em. I always like it here. Zat ballista is an ugly little zing to put around here zough.

Alphonse: I have no eye for decor. To me everything is as it is because that is how it is meant to be.

Daneka: You're color blind or senseless is what you are, dear.

A couple of guards came up to the gate and Daneka gave them a half smile and a weak wave. They looked at her, Alphonse, and then Ixion.

Guard: Who's the six foot three pile of black?

Daneka: Maybe just a practitioner ... maybe an ally. We'll let ze meeting decide zat.

Guard: Ah. Alright then. Let'em in.

OOC: I'll deal with the next IsoxMiri installment when things slow down.

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"Why do you care? You hate me like everyone else and you probably want me dead! You don't even care about your mission anyway. You just crawl in a corner and cry and bitch about people about how nobody cares about what you do instead of something actually important. Just shut up, get a spine, and get a clue, bitch."

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"Well, atleast I'm not the only one who's regretting hitting the sauce..." Aiya said, shaking her head slightly, willing to try any stupid remedy that may give precious seconds of relief.

"Oh there's something on my mind alright... but I doubt you wanna hear about it."

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"Uh huh. You wanna hear something funny? Esphyr woke up next to me with my shirt backwards and I threw up on her by mistake. That's not really funny to me but to you, maybe ha ha ha," said Alferis, not even bothering trying to hide the fakeness of the laughter.

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Charlotte finished packing up her things and headed back into the main hall, where she found Eric with a group of people, Morgan among them. He probably knows already then. she thought to herself. She went to find Derek and Dani, locating Derek standing over an unconscious Rita.

"Eric and I are leaving apart from the rest of the group, part of some plan." Charlotte said to Derek, ignoring Rita. "I thought you should know...have you seen Dani about?" she asked him.

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A thin vein started to pulsate upon Esphyr's forehead as her teeth gritted together in frustration at the little whelps remarks. Esphyr could feel her own tongue sliding between her teeth, getting bitten in an attempt to stop the backlash that the mercenary wanted to badly to dole out to the irritating whelp. "Reika. You are a stupid little trollup." she said at last, restraining the urge to smack the girl across the room. "Shut up, and go away. Now."

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