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Groner's Normal playthrough!

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Just to tell you the leaving song, I said I would maybe use Neph. I love her.

Well, I 'll just warn you now then:

Starting from late Part 3, Gatrie will have trouble doubling. Same with Haar, unless they are over-leveled or promoted.

Jill & Neph are actually better endgame candidates because of their better Spd caps. 34 AS is garanteed to double most enemies.

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Well, I 'll just warn you now then:

Starting from late Part 3, Gatrie will have trouble doubling. Same with Haar, unless they are over-leveled or promoted.

Jill & Neph are actually better endgame candidates because of their better Spd caps. 34 AS is garanteed to double most enemies.

Neph has 34 speed :blink:

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Painfully finished 1-4, got everything except the coin, I had to restart several times cause Nolan had to gain a point of speed in his lvl up so he couldn't get x2 by Pain or Agony.

Dracoshield to Edward. Forged an Iron sword with +5 might for Edward and bought the beast killer. BEXPed Edward to 90 and Nolan to 90. Stats:

Unit    lvl hp str mag skl spd luck def res
Micky    4   16 3   10   9   8   11   3   7
Sothe    3   36 19  4   22  21  15   14  10
Eddie    13  27 13  0   17  18  13   8   2
Leo      6   19 9   0   14  11   7   5   5
Nolan    12  30 15  0   14  11  10   11  3
Laura    2   17 3   9   4   6    8   2   10
Ilyana   13  23 7   12  12  14   6   3   10
Aran     base
Meg      base
Volug    base

Does it look good yet?

Edited by Groner
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Painfully finished 1-4, got everything except the coin, I had to restart several times cause Nolan had to gain a point of speed in his lvl up so he couldn't get x2 by Pain or Agony.

Dracoshield to Edward. Forged an Iron sword with +5 might for Edward and bought the beast killer. BEXPed Edward to 90 and Nolan to 90. Stats:

...Little more detail would be appreciated. I mean, considering this is the greatest amount of detail so far...it's essentially Groner's Statistic Ventures. Give us something to want to come back to.

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...Little more detail would be appreciated. I mean, considering this is the greatest amount of detail so far...it's essentially Groner's Statistic Ventures. Give us something to want to come back to.

Like what,turns? You could also give more details...

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Jill or Micaiah would be good. Your Micaiah is really underleveled btw. Since its Normal mode, she should be camping around level 6 or 7 by that chapter. Since she's got Sacrifice, its not a bad idea to slap that Robe on her.

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Actually, it is a bad idea.

Going by her current level, she might just call it quits and get the benchhammer. It's not like she will be doing anything other than healing later on. =P

Go for Jill. She really pays off.

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Don't overuse Sothe and Edward. You will regret it in Part 3. 8[

To give you a picture, compared to my last playtrough, Edward is underleveled (no kidding, he was almost promoted by this chapter) Nolan is overleveled and Micaiah was a level higher.

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You can probably get Micaiah quite a few levels off Thanibombing shit in 1-6-2 and 1-7. Normally mine sits at level 10 by now... on NM. >_>

Also, Leo is kinda fail, as is Meg. Leo can be somewhat useful in 3-6 though, provided he's a Sniper and isn't ORKO'd by cats/tigers while being able to get into Wrath range from a cat/tiger attack. Raise him a bit (about level 12 should be fine), promote him and then ditch him after 3-6.

Meg... is horrible. That's the only thing I can say.

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Also, Leo is kinda fail, as is Meg. Leo can be somewhat useful in 3-6 though, provided he's a Sniper and isn't ORKO'd by cats/tigers while being able to get into Wrath range from a cat/tiger attack. Raise him a bit (about level 12 should be fine), promote him and then ditch him after 3-6.

Doesn't need Wrath or anything. Even at base level he leaves untransformed enemies on low enough HP that anyone can kill them.

But yeah, getting him to promote and use Wrath could be cool... but really, in NM you probably have enough people trained to use it.

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So is this your first playthrough or is this your first NORMAL play through?

Should have precised, it's actually my 3rd playthrough in game, but my 1st on serenes.

Sorry for not updating for those 4-5 days. My TV crashed, so I couldn't play but it should be fixed soon, so stay tune!

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Yeah! My tv is back! :newyears:

Chap 1-5


Bexped Nolan to 90 and Micaiah to 90.

Gave Edward cancel and removed wrath.

Discipline to Micaiah.

NolanXEdward C

IlyanaXLaura C

Forged an iron axe for Nolan, named it Axe of iron w| +5might +15 hit


Did I told you how much I hate that chapter? Well I HATE IT!

I begun by using my routine stategy, which consist of sending Sothe east and the rest north so he can steal the master seal. By blocking the middle path w| 3 units, the stuff on the middle platform could not attack me. I used a choke point to block the boss and the things around him. Stats:

Unit   lvl  hp   str  mag  skl  spd  luck def  res
Micky   5   17   3   11    10    9    12   3   7
Sothe   4   36   20   4    23   21    16   14  10
Volug   base
Eddie   15  28   15   0    19   18    14   8   2
Leo     Same as last
Nolan   13  31   15   0    15   11    10   11  3
Laura   Same as last
Ilyana  14  24   7   13    12   14     7   3   10
Aran    8   25   10   0    13   11     6   12  2
Meg     Still crap base  
Tauroneo  base
Jill    base but seraph robe boost
Z       Base

1-6 preparations

Iron axe forge for Jill, called it Red devil because of color.

Bought Mend.

EdwardXNolan rose to B

BEXPed Jill to 70, Laura to 89.


I'll edit when I finish 1-6 entirely.

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Yes Laura loves mends <3 good move there ^_^

Use Micaiah more often she needs to survive 1-9 after all or at least be able to take a hit just in case. Poor Meg starts decaying after 1-6 but you can still shove bot with her ^_^ I found shoving Sothe in 1-6-1 useful anyway.

Its normal mode but definitly use Jill and Nolan a little more they help the most in part 3 after all.

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Oh my god what the fuck happened to Micaiah.

Let her get as many cav kills as possible in 1-6-2.

Agreed...But Laura died because the annoying pegasus knights are annoying. I didn't bother reseting as People got great levels. Mvp to Jill for going to the PK's spawning spot and killing most of them.

I'm in 1-6-2.

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