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Create a personal hell for the person above you!


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...haven't you played a metroid game? ANY metroid game?

most of them mention zebes.

I've been in the same room as a guy playing Fusion, and a different guy playing Prime and The Second Prime.

I'd counter with Camp Timberline, but that would be against the rules.

Is everyone just throwing obscure references at me?

The seat of Oxley. Same thing with Brisbane, but with Pauline Hanson's stench all over the fucking place.

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Everyone now has the gayds. (or gaids, however you want it spelled)

Huh? I like this one better.

Is everyone just throwing obscure references at me?

If you can use real geographical locations, then so can I. Mine features bugs that inspired Metroid.

The seat of Oxley. Same thing with Brisbane, but with Pauline Hanson's stench all over the fucking place.

Sinclair Library, middle of summer, no breeze, and a window seat on the ground floor. Try not to hurl.

Edited by eclipse
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Standing in the automatic-door exit to Bonner Court of Woden Plaza in between all the fifteen-year old smokers and the MacDonalds. The Uncanny Valley of smell.

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Yeehaw! Let's see if you can figure out where in the world I am!

(I already gave you two huge clues)

Forced to sleep on the beaches of Camp Erdman at night. I recommend not looking in a mirror for a week afterwards.

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Personality, dearie. Wolf's the better-looking of the two, but he's not the one in my Favorite tier!

It's funny, about 60-70% of the people I know IRL don't have that going for them.

All Canadian steriotypes become true for everyone except him.

Edited by crashman_alpha
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Yeehaw! Let's see if you can figure out where in the world I am!

(I already gave you two huge clues)

For some reason I'm thinking of Oklahoma.

New Zealand, the land of the woollen elves.

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Can at least steal Gotoh?

I said 0% growths, but I didn't restrict it to anyone.

Gotoh's only use is Fortispam. Have fun.

It's funny, about 60-70% of the people I know IRL don't have that going for them.

I wish this wasn't so true. . .

For some reason I'm thinking of Oklahoma.

Since when did Oklahoma have beaches?

*Voice gets stolen permanately and you cant move*

That means I made it to Tellius?!

Just for Furet. . .(sorry you above me)

*Hamilton Library, ground floor, on the night of October 30, 2004. Hope you're a good swimmer!*

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I'm putting this on my offline quote archive. It is that awesome.

*Forces you to be trapped behind a glass wall that can never be broken/ opened/ removed/ maneuvered around in any way/ etc where all you can see is Tinny's dead body on the other side, and on this side you have the Valkyrie staff but can't revive her because she was drained of Aenir*

Edited by Lightning
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That's just f-ed up...

Is locked in a room where theres an awesome Fire Emblem game that has all his favorite characters from everything (other games, anime, books, etc.) that would last him forever.

With no controller.

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Since when did Oklahoma have beaches?

Just for Furet. . .(sorry you above me)

*Hamilton Library, ground floor, on the night of October 30, 2004. Hope you're a good swimmer!*

...Since whenever? I dunno, I can't really think of any place as -not- having beaches. They're kinda drilled into my skull as the ultimate boring-ass place to spend a crowded weekend.

Can't swim. Hate water.

ULTIMATE AUSTRALIAN HELL; On a bus flanked by morbidly obese people who are starting to get violently ill. You are attempting to cross from one decent-sized city to another; unfortunately, this being Australia, the quickest of these is Melbourne to Sydney. This takes approximately nine hours. And at the end, all you get is fucking Sydney. Let's add to that; let's say that Leichhardt, the only interesting part in the entire city (yay, massive Italian immigrant influx), is blocked off because of plague.

Edited by Furetchen
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Holy crap, did that actually happen to you?


Being stuck in a school where all the students either physically abuses you, call you "fag" and "retard", or both, and the teachers do shit about it, and YOU get in trouble if you react.

Also if you finish your work (that's 5 grades behind the actual grade you're in) too early, they rip it up and make you do it again.

And the homework is a waste of time and has absolutely nothing to do with the school work.

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I am :awesome:

If you insist! ;)

Being married Sothe.

I thought this was the personal hell topic, not the personal meh topic!

Sothe's a damn sight better looking than several other guys I can think of, and he'd know when to shut the hell up.

Shove any of the locations I mentioned earlier into Google, and it should return something. . .

*welcome to your workplace, which is filled with idiots, boredom, and angry customers*

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*Is forced to watch as every other woman around her gets paired up, married, and lives happily ever after while she has to live a miserable life as a cat lady*

I thought this was the personal hell topic, not the actual story of my life!

*all those redheads you like are actually guys*

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