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Ken Zomg's Sprites or Something

Ken Zomg

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Here's a little detail you missed on the Marksmen. Of the Sniper sprites I've seen that come with a bow it is always a recurve bow (and the Tellius silver bow as well) and I thought it was a nice touch. Recurve bows can be best described by imagining the bow being unstrung and if the bow forms a W-like shape it is a recurve bow. This is important because recurve bows are better than normal bows (since they store energy in such a way that it's not loading the user as much) and are the main kind of bow in common use today. Just a little detail you might want to change.

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Well, how about that! Changed the marksmen's bows. :)

That's better but still not quite right. Perhaps I didn't explain it properly, this might give a better picture. The tips of the limbs should point upwards or forwards: the curve of the limb changes direction (hence recurve). Still, great work.

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Archsages. :|

Argh so many mages & sages

Lilina's palette is wtf

Next up, Saints.

On sprites like Sonia's, Nino's, Limstella's, and Lutes, a lighter color is bordering their dress, which shouldn't be happening.

I envy your way to work with Battle sprites though (Since I can't make them for shit), all you need to do is make them a bit cleaner.

Good stuff, good stuff.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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On Reavers shouldnt you do Geese, Gonzales, Garret, Ross, and Dart too? Zerkers didnt exist in FE10 IIRC and they dont have a 3rd tier.

Though they are AWESOME

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Hawkeye and Dozla.

EDIT2: And Ewan!Archsage.

Edited by Spykor
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Ima go ahead and suggest that you tidy up all of the ones you have so far, on one of their palettes then after a few edits and more cnc when your about done then start using the multiple palletes they all lack readability and i cant understand what's happening in alot of them, try simplifying them and then re-shading to fix the detail at this stage, but seriously, you should work on these instead of pumping out 10more half assed ones. Battle sprites only take up a small space, so it has to be very clear what's happening

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On Reavers shouldnt you do Geese, Gonzales, Garret, Ross, and Dart too? Zerkers didnt exist in FE10 IIRC and they dont have a 3rd tier.

Though they are AWESOME

EDIT: Oh yeah, and Hawkeye and Dozla.

EDIT2: And Ewan!Archsage.

Hope I fixed the female archsages.

Imo female sages don't look very good to begin with

I was making their own 3rd tier class, promoting from Berserkers, called Goregrinders.

Ewan will be a Dark Druid along with the other shamans.

If you've seen my mugs, you'll understand why I make these XD

Also, I edited the Whispers a little.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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Paladin with bow. I hate that shield so much. :/

That sheilds fun to work with IMO.... on any sprite not a pally. But thats pretty cool. Is it the ranger bow or the nomad bow?

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It's the ranger bow.


Male... peg knights? Still looks as girly as crap, assuming crap looks very girly

...Odds are I probably won't do the rest of the animation. Parts of the sprites are cut off anyway.

Edited by Ken Zomg
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