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Assassin in the Palace #1


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Oh, but I am the assassin Miss Levity. Why don't you go ahead and vote me off now? Come on, you know rushing your votes against me stops me from harming Acacia Sgt after all. Vote vote vote! After all I have silent in my name. Wasn't Jaffar silent? Aren't I silent?

cool it's working

edited because my message was cut off (seriously I think something's wrong with the quote thing), but if you want that as evidence of suspicion go ahead

Edited by Silent Mercenary
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This is so dead.

Hehe not even my plan to reveal the assassin gets them on here. Maybe if I change my avatar and description they'll start voting for me and dhit. Come on everyone vote for the bloody dastard with the bloody daggers.

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Yeah, thanks. Even after declaring myself as the assassin, nobody did anything but Mr. Ultimate Guard. I now smirk and await Weapons to post the results and the phase journal I did. I also hope you caught that on tape and are ready to send it to Africa.

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You know what, this game was almost as bad as AitP #2.

I don't know, the other one was fun to see.

Because voting yourself is the best idea ever.

You know I would have voted myself too once I had majority against me.

You all get the lame flavor.

Silent Mercenary, assassin, threw some daggers at Hemlock, king, who got cancer and died.

Levity, guard, was lynched after this for some reason.

And you seriously mean I got rid of the king and my vote took 4 of the 7 guards. Wow. Ah, poor Hemlock though, I wanted it to be quick, not too painful.

Remember kids: Twirling your daggers always works!

Also remember: When someone claims to be assassin and changes their avatar/description/signature to be one, maybe you'd want to pay attention.

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How Silent Mercenary played you all like those miscellaneous items in that one scene of Tarzan.

Time to end this:

While sitting in the middle of the throne room with assassin written on my name tag and guards ignoring it, I twirl around my dagger and throw it at Hemlock, not expecting it to hit.


The Infiltration Napkins

(Because good and simple plans can be written on napkins.)

I was thinking this game would be boring if it was just random voting, so I came up with this idea for an almost interesting aftergame: keeping an assassin's idea log (or diary/journal/blog/notes if you want to call it that). That way, you get an idea of what the bloody dumb guy was thinking each day, I mean Phase.

Phase 1

I'm the bad guy woohoo! Nah, I'm too much of a nice guy for these mafia games and I'm too much of a newb for people to take me seriously. Well, the new-to-be-pickled Spike kicked the bucket, not me, thanks to General Spoon's generally great idea. Good diversion he just did there. Being the first to lynch to appear as King. Sure everyone followed him in fear of being called upon as assassin, but why in blazes did they? I think I saw Proto with 2 votes, but I'm either stupid to forget the name of the other voter or I was too sleepy. Acacia Sgt voted Proto and stuck with him to stand out, he just has to be a guard, even the avatar leads to that lol. My name didn't come up, but I know it will soon - this game's too short to enjoy (suggestions: 2 assassins and more guards).

Suspicious King of the Day: General Spoon, 'cause he has Steve's notebook and nobody questions his clue-finding skills

Phase 2

The General's at it again, wanting to raise suspicion on him. He doesn't have a clue to what this might just lead him, but he's determined to win this. I wonder where he's getting the random names from and why he hasn't come up with mine yet. Acacia Sgt voted for me, which makes me wonder if he can see future blood drops and why he edited his post. Proto joins the guinea pig corpses and I remain alive thanks to cutlery.

Suspicious King of the Day: Hemlock, a random hunch for various reasons

Phase 3

Weird long phase. Much stuff happened. First, Hemlock who voted against Acacia Sgt who voted against me last phase, now switched the scales and voted for me. He gets Snike's vote this phase, which on an interesting turn of events: gets him 3 of the last 4 votes (the other being his re-vote for Spoon). And those 3 votes are by none other than the king, the guardianest of the king-dressing guards and the good assassin. Snike questions my patience and lives. Levity and I restate the obvious (wouldn't it be fun and obvious if she was queen? I should make a poem and be the first vote against her next phase). Also, the homework card is not a lie and technically same goes for not logging in the previous day. Ah, I should have voted earlier, Spoon is awesome. Without Spoon there's nobody to lynchwagon after. I have to hand it to him and Weapons: this game's not as boring as it first seemed to me, especially since I'm the one who has to think.

Suspicious King of the Day: Hemlock again

Phase 4

Another strange phase and the first where I'm first-voter. This is the go after Queen Levity (my poem got ruined when I planned to revote after her, but Anouleth beat me to it) and Anouleth phase, and wow a tie. This can only mean one thing: no psychout or anything, aaahh. Tssk, Hemlock this is not a superpower mafia game where kings can vote twice. Poor Anouleth, thanks to you I might win over the General's medal for most guardkills. Well, I'm still alive for one more phase which will probably be the last.

Suspicious King of the Day: Hemlock - 3rd phase in a row; because I stand by my 1st day claim that Acacia Sgt is a guard, even if he isn't

Phase 5

Now it's time to kick into high gear. *points to Acacia Sgt* Give me my Guardkill Medal NOW!!! You're the ultimate prize, you count double (and would scratch my phase 3 error)! lol Well Levity found me out, it wasn't that hard, she's a smart girl after all. Go erratic random post! The ultimate guard votes for me and I await more votes. I wait and the deadline passes with a tie, making me change my vote to Levity to take her down too (if it applies). I now end this game as randomly as I was selected, hoping someone videotaped the finale for the children of Africa to see and laugh at.

Suspicious King of the Day: WeaponsofMassDeconstruction because he ruled this game all along

Closing Notes: I'm a good guy therefore I'm not good for playing mafia and lose. It was fun and made me think a lot. Maybe I could have lasted a little longer or thrown my dagger on phase 2, but I think 5's a good number of phases, as I was 5th to sign in. Less would have been less fun, more would intervene with my homework. Thank you all for playing and puzzling me, hoping to see you again when if all goes well, I mod my own game on January. Later.

Silent Mercenary (assassin was taken XP)

Oh btw, I called Anouleth her because I accidentally flipped Levity first.

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Well, apart from confirming Hemlock was king day 2, I named Acacia Sgt the ultimate guard, the guardianest of the guards. And I was right. He was the most competent of the remaining alive guards (or overall) and played this game well. And lol WoMC, maybe not like that.

Now for my congratulation speech cut to the part after thanking God/my family/my friends/the rain/the weekend:

I would like to thank the Academy of Guards for this honor, with special recognition to General Spoon for helping me out in the start when I was still a rookie, Snike for questioning me and not doing anything to protect the king even though he was online for a long time after I revealed myself, Levity for being an observant queen, Acacia Sgt for giving hope to competent kings like Hemlock than don't commit seppuku, to the other guards for helping me achieve a Medal and WeaponsofMassConstruction for building this game from scratch and keeping me entertained watching screwups. When I joined this game, I thought the assassin would be at a bid disadvantage, but I guess the probability of screwups increases in numbers. Thank you all and good night.

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I thought hemlock was the assasin as i read the thread. Until Silent claimed. Anyways go assasins :newyears::awesome:

Its an interesting game, although, i think AitP 2 could have been 100000x much better :unsure:

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