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Inserted a new rule - rule 34 21.

20. Role PMs are different from what you will normally expect. Some are written from first person, some third person, and none explicitly state what your role is. However, the hints provided should make it fairly clear what you can do but you may have to find out one or two details for yourself (e.g. Your role might say you can investigate someone each night – so you know you’re a cop, but you don’t know if you’re going to get an assassin/town result or a role PM or even something else back from it). No role does anything unexpected from the flavour, this is not a mind screw style game.

21. Following on from the above, ALL actions can be used on anyone. Even me, people not in the game, or dead players. This may (actually, it’s very likely to but not certain to) have no effect.

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Adding one more 'rule' in:

22. Certain events in the game will cause special events. These are predetermined and will have small effects on the game. Mostly, they’re for plot reasons. The triggers for these are things such as specific nightkills (target and killer) or lynches (voter/lynched etc.)

Also, as the story is relatively serious, it probably seems a good time to point out that there are some fairly unsubtle references to, er, bad stuff. Stuff like drugs, murder, rape (in backstories only), and perhaps other things that might cause offence/upset some people. There won't be anything explicit or anything I don't think would be safe at about a 12A level, but if you think you will/do have a problem with this please tell me ahead of time so I can either rewrite certain parts or at least, spoiler tag them. If nobody contacts me I'll assume everyone is comfortable.

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Adding one more 'rule' in:

22. Certain events in the game will cause special events. These are predetermined and will have small effects on the game. Mostly, they’re for plot reasons. The triggers for these are things such as specific nightkills (target and killer) or lynches (voter/lynched etc.)

Also, as the story is relatively serious, it probably seems a good time to point out that there are some fairly unsubtle references to, er, bad stuff. Stuff like drugs, murder, rape (in backstories only), and perhaps other things that might cause offence/upset some people. There won't be anything explicit or anything I don't think would be safe at about a 12A level, but if you think you will/do have a problem with this please tell me ahead of time so I can either rewrite certain parts or at least, spoiler tag them. If nobody contacts me I'll assume everyone is comfortable.


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Throwing in my own two cents.

Everyone here probably knows how much I like to beat the "I hate no PM games" drum but there's something that irks me a bit more than that.

I dislike story driven mafia games... a lot. I'm OK with Bizz since I like her writing style but what it does is give an unfair hidden advantage to the town. Looking over Choral Mafia 1, I can see at least 2 instances where people could have (and almost did I think) get lynched over flavour alone.

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He's British, BK, that's how they spell it over there. Just like a lot of -ize words turn into -ise, and of course the -or to -our.

Also, relevant to the new rule, I must just go ahead and say I personally have no issue with written text even on the NC-17 level. Obviously that's a no-go here because of banhammer, but it should serve as an indication to my entire lack of squeamishness surrounding gore, torture, porn, rape, etc.

In fact, when done right, the visceral raw emotions they can channel up can be quite powerful.

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Throwing in my own two cents.

Everyone here probably knows how much I like to beat the "I hate no PM games" drum but there's something that irks me a bit more than that.

I dislike story driven mafia games... a lot. I'm OK with Bizz since I like her writing style but what it does is give an unfair hidden advantage to the town. Looking over Choral Mafia 1, I can see at least 2 instances where people could have (and almost did I think) get lynched over flavour alone.

That's fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but... uh, were you going anywhere with that at all or just telling us? If you were making the 'I won't play because of flavour' card then I should probably also add the following (relevant for everyone playing as well, actually):

Only four characters will be named in the flavour, ever, and they all know who they are. The town two can perhaps use it as a means to clear themselves if nobody else claims the character or might stay quiet about it to not make themselves a target, while the mafia two know they'll need fake names (I'll be providing a shortlist of unused names anyway).

And, yes, Offence BK. I shall cause it unto you.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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As you said it should start run through November Mikethfc should be able to join, assuming you don't mind that I'll probably need to sub out if it overruns to about mid-December

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